
It's just a dream... right?

A boy who gets transported to another world everytime he sleeps please don't judge my work I'm a beginner

DUMBEST · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Village of Eldoria




"Ahh, Hiiro, good evening."

"Hiiro, welcome back."

"Hello, Hiiro."

"Hiiro, you went hunting again?"

When we got into the village, many people were cheering and greeting Hiiro. He's kinda popular.

--- Is he some kind of hero here or something? Ah right, he's Hiiro the hero, hahaha. My joke's bad, isn't it?

People here are friendly. They all look happy, helping each other.

While walking next to Hiiro, I feel some kind of honor. Hiiro was a good-looking man, and many girls were greeting him when we returned... But unusually... Some are also waving at me.

We reached a wooden house with a good exterior.

"We're here," Hiiro said.

--- Wow, the architecture here is good.

All the houses here are good, but this was the best.

Hiiro opened the door and let me in.

"Pardon my intrusion."

Once we got inside, he sat on the floor. "Please have a seat," he said, pointing to the other side of the table in front of him.

I also sat on the floor facing him.

"Hina, we have a guest," he said with a loud voice.

A girl entered the room we were in.

The girl was cute, short, and she has a big—let's just not talk about it.

"Ahhh, Hiiro, you're back." The girl jumped to Hiiro and hugged him and gave him some kisses on his cheeks.

--- Please don't flirt in front of a single man like me!!!

"Hmm, who is he?" Hina asked Hiiro while looking at me.

"He said his name was ... Haruki. I saw him about to be food for wolves, so I saved him and brought him here," Hiiro answered.

"Haruki, huh? Nice to meet you," she said, continuing to cling to Hiiro like a koala.

"N-nice to meet you too. H-Hiiro saved me, my name's Takahashi Haruki," I bowed.

Hina looked at me and said, "Did you see Hiiro's moves? He's so cool, right? He's so cool, right!" She looked excited and fired up while saying that.

--- Y-yeah (?) I didn't really see his moves though. What I know is he killed all those wolves with his daggers. Come to think of it, at that time, I couldn't hear anything, like I'm deaf.

"Uh-uhm, H-Hiiro... San(?) Can I ask why there's no sound in the forest earlier?"

"Let's eat first, You're hungry, right? I'll tell you later," Hiiro said.

"Eh~h? Why not tell him? You're power's cool," Hina complained.

"I'll tell him after we eat."

"Sigh, okay, okay, I'll prepare the food. You'll like it, I promise ♪ ♪" Hina said while winking her eye at Hiiro.

--- Am I watching a romance anime here?

Hina left the room, leaving only me and Hiiro.


After eating, Hiiro and Hina lent me a room.

Lying in bed,

I'm thinking of what Hiiro told me.

He said he silenced every sound in the vicinity and threw her special dagger that doesn't disturb the air or any particles.

It was made for its stealth.

Now I'm sure he's really an assassin.

---What should I call him? He killed those wolves soundlessly. Maybe silent killer? No, that's too common. How about soundless, yeah soundless... Reaper? Yeah, let's go with that. Soundless reaper. I'll write a novel about it when I wake up from this dream.