

I remembered my past life when I nearly died. I was a neet-in-shut otaku girl that is obsessed with reading boys' love. I prayed every day that in my next life, I would become a boy. There is a piece of good and bad news. The good news is that it became real, I became a boy. But the bad news is, I was reincarnated into the novel that I read in my previous life. It was R-18 boys love novel, and I'm an anonymous side character.

Xaaaneeey · แอคชั่น
22 Chs


"Brother Raspher"

He stopped checking the documents and looked at me.

"I want to talk something important to you"

"What is it"

I calmed myself and after a few more seconds I looked at him.

"When are you planning to give me the posistion of the company? It's not like i'm prying but if you don't make a move right now, the rumors will start going wild"

He sighed.

"I know, i'm just worried about you. What if they've found out that you're also into men name the fact that you have a lover. It would cause a huge commotion all over Japan and almost in the whole Asia"

"Reeves and I are trying our best to restrain ourselves when we're in a public. And besides we both know that father's last wish is to me to become a heir for the family's business"

He nodded

"Okay, i'll give you the posistion at the end of the month."

My eyes brighten as I bowed my head

"Thank you brother"

It was a bright sunday morning, six o'clock when I decided to take a walk from the town. Since Reeves still on his business trip, he might come back later. I have freedom to do whatever I want without worrying about him.

I visit my favorite cafe and read books. I also visit an animal shop, the pets are so cute. After that, I decided to go home.

As I was to passed the parking lot, I saw Reeves' car at the parking lot. He must home right now. I immediately run home and when I was at the from gate, I saw him talking with someone.

He's talking to a woman. The woman dressed in a casual clothes, but has a miserable expression. Who's that woman? I hid myself well at the back of the gate as I observed the two of them.

"Take this fucking bitch out of my sight!"

I was shocked at Reeves shout. Then his men dragged the woman away. I never saw Reeves' expression that way, unless he's really angry.

I call Reeves at the phone. I saw his worried expression when I called him at the phone

"Hello Reeves"

"Kyen, where are you the butler said you're not home?"

"Oh, I just take a walk outside but i'm almost home"

"Wait there, i'll pick you up. Email me where are you right now"

"Don't worry about me, i'm almost home. In fact I just passed throught the parking lot"

"Oh, then hurry up. Let's eat together"

I saw his worried expression turned into a happy one. He's smiling sweetly like nothing bad happened.

While eating together, I was quietly glancing at him over and over. I can't get to stop being curious about his relationship with that woman. If it's a woman, and he's angry about her. Considering at Reeves' trash personality before... He once said he would always have a hole to screw on everyday... But is it possible that he has a child on that woman?

I shook my head.

That's just to cliché! But everything is possible right? What if really... And Reeves has never mentioned something happened to him lately.

"I'll really melt if you stare at me that long"

Reeves smirked at me then I brushed off my hair.

"It's not what you think"

"Hmm..? Am I really that handsome for you to deny?"

"Stop with your nonsense!"

"Why are you suddenly annoyed?!"

I stand up at my seat.

"I'm done eating"


I don't know why i'm annoyed.

It's already been half a year since Reeves and I became couple. It's already March and my birthday is near. I hope Reeves could be more open to me. I wish he would tell me what's his relationship with that woman. It's been a month since that incident and he didn't even bring anything regarding that. I felt dissapointed, but of course I don't want to pry. I want him to decided to open up to me. I don't want to put on a leash on him, I want him to decided freely.

"Where's my morning kiss?"

I gave him a peck of kiss and then opened that car's door.

"Then i'll be going"

He nodded as he wink at me. I shrugged off as I went inside.

"Good morning boss!"

The employees at our company was more active than before. I bet they're like soldiers that's ready for the battlefield. You don't see their lousy or tired expression since they're working very hard. At the end, I became the former CEO of our company. My brother are together with Wellian.

Of course like in a novel, theur love story just went ended and live happily ever after... Or not?

It's already lunch time when Jeol went inside my office and bring a lunch meal with him.

"Master, it's time to eat!"

Jeol, came back to work last week. He's more cheerful than before, and he changed. Now, he has a calm personality.

"Thanks, did you already eat?"

He nodded then excused himself. He knows my favorite korean restaurant so he always run an errand on buying it. He don't want me to leave the company and eat at a cheap restaurant, or else rumors will start stirring up again.

I don't really care about that but... Nevermind.

I get my phone and dial Reeves' phone number.

"Did you miss me?"

I chuckled.

"Did you eat?"

"Hmmm, yeah a little. I miss your cook. Cook me for dinner tonight"

"Haha, i'll think about that."

"How about you? Have you eaten Kyen?"

"I'm currently eating right now"

"I see. I'll see you at home, my love. I love you"

I smiled.

"I love you too"

He hung up.

I continue eating with contentment.

After work, Reeves came to pick me up. It was troublesome for him to do all of those things so I told him that it's not necessary but he refused. He said he wanted to.

It was already evening, Reeves' is currently watching me cook for him. I decided to cook a filipino dish called "sinigang na isda". It was just a simple dish but in my past life, it was my favorited dish up until now.

"How was it?"

"It taste different, but it's really delicious"

Reeves takes another sip at the soup of the dish as he was happiliy eating. I want to talk about something, that's he's hiding me for these past month but i'm afraid that it will felt him uncomfortable and i'm overstepping my boundaries.

After we eat together, the two of us take a shower and sleep together.

The next day, it was Sunday. Reeves and I decided to go shopping and also hang out with him at our favorite place. That is in a cafe with a many books free to read.

"Let me carry that for you"

I shook my head.

"It's really okay. And this is nothing compared to what's your carrying right now. You look like an errand boy right now haha"

He chuckled.

"Then let's go to the parking lot and dropped these off then let's visit the cafe"

I nodded. We walk towards the parking lot when I saw a familiar appearance. It was the woman that's kept contacting Reeves for the past month. What is she doing here? But something's wrong, she looks... Miserable no, more like sick? Her eyebags are big and he has more have a skinny appearance than before.

I looked at Reeves and noticed his expression immediately turned dark.

"Kyen, wait me here. It seems I have some business to take care of"

Before I could even response, he immediately walk towards to the woman and grabbed tightly at her right arm. The woman flinch as she was hurt. I immediately run towards them and shouted at Reeves.

"Reeves! L-et go! The woman is hurting! Look!"

Reeves looked back as his dark expression lighten a little bit as he let go of the woman's arm. The woman looked at me with a teary eyes, as I felt pity at her.

"What's going on Reeves?"

This must be a perfect opportunity for me to find out the truth behind this mess.

"This is... Nothing"

The woman gasped as he immediately kneel down infront of Reeves and cried.

"I beg of you, you can do anything you want from me but please take the child!"

Take the child?

I glanced at Reeves as his expression completely turned dark.

"Like i've said before, I have no child. I have warned you before many times and you're really getting into my nerves."

So it's true... My intuition was true.

When Reeves was about to leave, the woman coughed bloods as she split many bloods at the floor and immediately fainted.

"Reeves! The woman—we need to take her to the hospital!!"

Reeves was doubting to help the woman but in the end agreed as I was begging him. At the hospital, I glanced at the skinny woman who's laying at the bed with a dextrose intact at her.

Poor woman, she's claiming that Reeves has a child from her. This must be the reason why she's insisting on Reeves to take his child from her. Both from my past and present lives, I have never experienced a mother's love. The child must have been experienced it rough...

I totally held no grudge at this woman and to her child. If it was really Reeves' child, then i'll accept it with open arms. Besides, it was never mentioned at the original novel that Reeves has a child, that's just means that at the beginning there's no such as a love story between him and Wellian...

This woman is in critical condition.

"Reeves, why did you hide that fact from me?"

"I'm sorry. But I swear that I have no child!"

"That's not the case. Even if you've had a child from other women, even if it's ten or twenty children I don't really care. I will open them with open arms. The fact that you hide this serious matter for me just felt me very sad."


I looked at him.

"I'm very dissapointed in you Reeves"

He clenched his hands.

"I'm really sorry"

"Did you already take a biological test from that child?"

"N-not yet"

"Then you must know what the right thing to do"

He nodded. I excused myself as I was feeling thirsty. As I was about to go back after drinking a soda, I find a skinny little child. He was sitting outside at the room where the woman hospitalized while crying loudly.

As I was walking towards him, I find somewhat familiar when I saw his dark blue hair. I remember that it was the same at Reeves' hair color.


I called him as he looked at me with the those navy blue eyes and when our eyes met I already knew. Without even biological test, this is Reeves' son.

I kneeled infront of him then smiled.

"Don't cry, what's your name?"

"Hik* hik* my name is—Lumiere"

"Lumiere... Then you can call me onii-san from now on"


I patted his head.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat with me?"

He hesitated at first.

"Don't worry, i'm your mother's acquaintance so you don't need to be suspicious okay?"

He smiled and nodded. I texted Reeves that i'll be out for a while together his son to eat somewhere.

"This is delicious! I never tasted anything like this!"

I giggled as I enjoy watching him eat many foods.

"Slow down, no one will take away your foods"

He then stopped eating and looked at me.

"Onii-san why are you not eating? Don't you not like the food?"

I chuckled as I find him too cute.

"No, this is all for yourself so don't worry about me and eat everything"

He nodded as he started eating.

After we eat, I drove home together with him.

"Onii-san, where are you taking me? Are you going to kidnap me?"

I chuckled.

"Then if I were to kidnap, you. Wouldn't you be sleeping right now? Instead you're sitting comfortably at the driver's seat at my Lamborghini."

"Onii-san are you rich!?"

"Hmm, no i'm not"

"My mother said that rich people are selfish"

"Haha— your mother was halfly right. But do you think i'm selfish? Considering how I treated you?"

He shook his head.

"No, onii-san is kind and has a very good voice!"

I laughed. Now i'm starting to like him even more. As we arrived at the mansion. I carry him as we go inside the mansion.

"Prepare a hot warer and placed it at the bath thub but make sure that the warer temperature is balanced"

"Yes, master"

The butler excused himself. I also ordered the butler to get normal clothes for a six year old child. Good thing there are many extra clothes at the mansion.

"Onii-san, what are you trying to do to me?"

"I'm going to take you a bath. I have to clean all of the dirth from your body so you won't get sick"

"But i'm afraid of water."

"Don't worry, the water is not cold"

As he was already naked. The bath is ready, I started washing him as I was patiently rubbing the dirt off his body. He never complains and obeyed to me. After bathing him, I dried his hair as I put the clothes at him.

The door of the guest room immediately opened as I saw Reeves'. His expression were shocked.

"Kyen... What is the meaning of this?!"

The child hide behind me.

"Why are you shouting? You're going to scared your son"

I scolded him.

He frowned and looked at Lumiere from my behind. He immediately came to me as he grabbed the child. I slapped his hands as I hugged Lumiere with a worry expression.

"Are you okay Lumiere? Don't be afraid okay? Onii-san will here to help you"


Reeves sighed.

"Kyen, what are you doing? You're not even sure if that's my child—"

I looked at him while raising my left eyebrow.

"How can Lumiere be not your child?! Just look at his appearance!? His navy blue eyes and hair colors, isn't it the same as yours?!? Have you gone blind? Don't try to fool me you bastard!"

I throw the towel at him as he scratched his head.

"Let's talk about this... Why are you suddenly angry at me Kyen?"

I glared at him and ignored him.

"Lumiere, you must be surprised. This is your father, you know him right?"


This sudden turn of events was not what i'm expecting. There's nothing that can't be hidden at Kyenzi. The God must be favored Kyenzi that they gifted him everything. But that's not that point now. What i'm worrying right now is this child.

What Kyenzi said is true. I am wrong all along.

"Lumiere, you must be surprised. This is your father you know him right?"

The child looked at me then threw a daggers at me then smirked. This son of a bitch! When Kyenzi looked at the child again, the child smiled at him innocently. Look here Kyenzi, that's not my child! That's a devil's chid! Just look at that two-faced bitch!

I clenched my fist.

"I still have to run a biological test about him—"

"Tsk, do whatever you want!"

Kyenzi just gave me a cold shoulder!

"Oh right, it's really late. I'll order the butler to make a light dish for Lumiere."

Kyenzi walked to me and whispers.

"This is your chance to get close at your son"

He tapped my shoulder as I saw him leave the room. As Kyenzi was no longer at the room, I sat at the sofa and looked at the child.

"Hey brat, stop with all the acting. I can see everything through you"

"I hate you!"

I looked at him as he was looking at me with disgust.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! You're the reason why mother got sick! It was all your fault!"

"Geez, no need to shout. You're annoying voice is echoing inside this room"

Then he looked at me with an angry expression.

"Nevermind, just don't get between me and Kyenzi got it?"

I walked to him and look at him. He then chucked.

"I never thought my biological father is a gay. But oh well, now I understand. Even I came to like onii-san right now"


It really annoys me that he's a smartass despite at his age.

"Don't become a burden to Kyenzi you understand? If you still want both of your legs intact at your body, don't be a burden. Know your place"

As I was about to leave I looked back.

"I still have to test you, if you're really my child or not"

Then I leave the room.

That brat, he's hatred towards me makes me worry. If he's really my child, then it would be troublesome to handle him in the future. I have a strand of his hair at my hands right now.

Ring ring—

"Do me a favor"

"What is it boss?"

"I have the child's hair right now. Do some biological test right now"

"Yes boss"


While eating, Lumiere was quietly eating same as Reeves. I clapped my hands and then started to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Okay everyone! Let's eat now!"

I glanced at Lumiere next to me.

"Here Lumiere try to taste this! This is delicious!"

I put the vegetables and fish at his plate.

"Thank you onii-san!"

"Oh since, we're living together starting from now on you can call me Kyen-nii san okay?"

He nodded as he started eating. After a few more moments, I glanced at Reeves as he was playing his plate.

"Why are you not eating?"

"I lost my appetite"

"Don't waste food"

"I know, but I still want your cooking"

Reeves is pouting as I chuckled.

"Kyen-nii san you're cooking?"

Lumiere's eyes were shining as I smiled at him

"Yes, i'm good at cooking. Next time—no tommorow. I'll cook for you okay?"

He nodded his head.


I laughed as I started eating.