
His home

He asked me," Ready to attend today's dance class?" I was always ready to dance and I had the bonus of him being with me! so I replied,"Yes! I can dance anytime!" then he said," okay madam! let's go then."

When I entered the Auditorium, people were just chatting and laughing! Ed pulled me to the end of the room as usual. The teacher soon entered and told us to form the pairs that she had assigned. Since, Ed and I weren't there yesterday, I walked up to her and asked her who my partner was. She replied," It's Ed Cult. Now please go ahead and take your position."

I ran up to Ed and told him we are partners and he just said he knew that. I asked," How?"

he said," That is a story for another time." okayy! Then, the teacher called for an assistant and then started showing us the moves we were supposed to do today. Every pair was standing there awkwardly because many of them did not know each other, they were just paired together without their consent. However, this wasn't the case with Ed and me so we were standing very close and were comfortable holding hands.The teacher told us to turn towards our partner. Then, the teacher told the boys to be respectful to the girls and keep their hands on their partner's waist. On hearing this, all the boys were so embarrassed! Except Ed because he instantly moved closer and kept his hand on my waist. The teacher then instructed the girls to keep their hands on their partner's right shoulder. I instantly did that. He saw right through me and smiled attractively. I smiled back at him but I am sure I was not looking as good as he did! Soon the music started and people started falling and tripping. The teacher was performing and we were imitating. Ed is a flawless dancer! ( is there anything he can't do!?) Thankfully, we were graceful enough to not fall. However, not everyone was so lucky as they were falling over!

Soon the class was in full fling and everyone was dancing as nicely as they could. I noticed it and so did Ed because he leaned towards me and said," Wow! You are so graceful and hot when you dance."

"I love dancing but seriously, hot is not something I look! never have, never will."

he replied," If you look at yourself through my eyes,it will look a lot different! Let's just say that these people around us can't stop me much longer from just pushing you against the wall and holding you till you push me away!"

"I don't think I will ever push you away! instead I would just pull you so that's not a good idea right now!" then the class was over and we were leaving the campus. Soon we were on the way home. Suddenly, Ed's hand slid from my shoulder to my waist. It tickled a bit but I liked it. He looked over at me and said," Do you have to go home early today?"

"No, not really. My parents have gone to work today and sister's still in school! "

" Great! Would you like to see my home? My dad's not at home today so I could show you around!"

"okay! let's go then"

We walked for a while ( around 5 mins) and his home started coming into view. It was huge! When I saw the house, it clicked me! He was Robert Cult's son! Robert cult is one of the most successful businessmen in our country! He saw my expression and asked me what was wrong! I replied," You are Robert Cult's son?!" he said," Yes" it was a good thing but it didn't change anything, really! I still looked at him as my Ed! The one I was crazy for! We entered and I didn't think the interior could be better than the exterior but I was wrong. The walls were a refreshing white and all the furniture was a classy black! the floor was carpeted and there was a mini library in the corner! Ed said," Don't worry, no one is at home right now."

I replied," I don't care about anyone as long as I am with you! who else is there in your family?"

he replied," My mom, Maria, my little brother, Daniel and my dad, Robert."

"Where's your brother?"

"He is studying in Canada, right now!"

"oh nice"

" would you like something to eat?", asked Ed

"Sure!", I replied. He went to the kitchen and brought back some penne pasta! It was delicious! He switched on his home theater and put on Harry Potter! He remembered what I liked. We sat down on the couch. there was barely some space between us! He had his left arm around me and I was just leaning on him. I realised that he was looking towards me instead of the tv. I asked," What happened?" he replied," Nothing! its just that you are so beautiful and I love you so much!"

"When YOU say that, it sounds so ridiculous.. You don't know how much I love you!"

" Oh ya? Then show me!" and then he was laughing. However, I cut him off !

I just pulled him to me and then we were one. He was over me and we were on the black couch. Just as he started kissing my neck, I whispered," You are making me lose my concentration on the movie!"

" Okay then!" He sat up and started watching TV... I said," Hey! I was kidding! Although you look so cute when you are angry!"

"I know you were kidding but then so was I!!" Then I was on top of him, I kissed him affectionately. His hands slid from from my back to my thighs and he just didn't want any space between us( nor did I). After a while he stopped kissing me and said," Now come on! Don't tempt me, or else I will keep you with me forever!" I replied," I won't mind that!" and then I kissed him and he sucked his breath and his heartbeat increased under my hand.