
Flying Car and Iron Armor

Herro shouted so loud as he and Kira fell into the hole that the metal trapdoor was covering. The first few meters of the hole were narrow, but it gets wider and made their descent a lot safer.

"Just hold tight Herro so you won't hit the wall. WOOHOOOOO! " Kira said as she shouted in excitement.

Herro was about to faint from the nervousness he got from free-falling and the problem of how they will drop.

Kira is indeed strong and maybe she could withstand the shock after they landed, but this is not the same for Herro. Even though Kira was carrying him and some of the force from the impact may be directed at her, Herro will still suffer from the backlash and the chance of his organs rupturing is great.

The freefall continues for around 15 seconds. Herro felt his heart was about to jump from his chest. He was silently praying to the gods for salvation. Then Kira told him, "Hold tight!"

The Herro hugged her waist so tight. Then Kira pulled a remote with a red-and-green button in her pocket. Herro didn't notice that Kira pulled something from her pocket.

Then Kira pressed the green button and the boots she was wearing suddenly turned hot. Herro's legs were clamping on the boots and he was startled because of the sudden heat it emits and he flinched. When he flinched, his tight grip on Kira's waist suddenly loosened and because of the too much air pressure, he flew sideways and his head hit the wall.

Kira was startled by what happened, but she was quick-witted enough to change her trajectory and she caught Herro safely.

Her boots allowed her to change trajectory easily because it has mini thrusters in them. The boots will also allow Kira to land safely, just like a certain superhero who looks like a red tin can.

Luckily, Herro was still wearing his Helmet from the shogun set that he got along with the samurai. The helmet protected his head from the impact and he luckily survived with a minor injury.

Kira sighed in relief as their descent getting slower because of her boots. Herro was also shocked, but he didn't lose his consciousness. He was just a little bit dizzy and his head still suffering from pain. The pain was not that bad and it was still bearable.

Herro closed his eyes and soon he felt that they already landed. When he opened his eyes, he found it unbelievable and rubbed his eyes to confirm that it was really true. He again slapped his face to wake himself because he thought that he was in a dream, but it was not.

"See? I told you that you would be shocked! Hahahaha!" Kira laughed as he told her that what she was before was indeed true.

What Herro saw was a large space with an area of 15 to 20 kilometers and a height of 400 meters. He finally found the military equipment that he keeps on asking Kira. He couldn't help but say, "It really is a military base!"

Kira just let out a soft chuckle in response to Herro's amazement. Then she started walking, "I'll go find something, you can follow me or wander around, but don't go to the other end without me, okay?" Then, Kira headed to a room with the door labeled with, "Armory"

Herro nodded and started to walk around. He found so amazing things that were not possible back in his time.

He found a car without wheels, at first he thought that it was some capsule but there is a screen that looks like a dashboard. He tried to touch it and it turned on the odometer and other buttons that, unknown to him, showed on the screen.

He concluded that the is either levitated with some sort of thrusters or energy or it was a flying car. He really felt ecstatic because it was his generation's dream to make a flying car. He was also happy to know that he had a great possibility to ride a flying car if the one in front of him was really what he was expecting.

After waiting for a while, he noticed something. "Why are the lights turned on? Is there someone living here? Or it was some kind of stone that emits light?" He was thinking of some possibilities, but he shook his head and decided to ask Kira, since she knew a lot more about this place compared to him.

He removed the idea of someone living here, because there is no someone who lives here, but something that has great strength, and large bodies—the Mutants!

The place where he is currently is just near the entrance that he and Kira took. He found the place so clean, although it was filled with dust, the place was cleanly arranged as if nothing happened in this place.

He couldn't help but ask, "Why?", but since Kira was not with him at the time, he forcefully subdued his curiosity and started walking away from the suspected flying or hovering car.

He found many interesting things that he found amazing. Those things that will only be found in science-fiction movies are now beyond his reach. He found a gun that looks like the movie characters used in fighting aliens. He also found some armor that looks like a superhero in red iron armor (Can't say his name directly).

His eyes were filled with excitement. He wanted to try it, but he was disappointed in himself, who is not knowledgeable in this world. He just forced himself to look away from it and then started to walk away with a broken heart.

He keeps on wandering around and the amusement did not fade and in fact, it continuously increased. He still found amazing things that kept him away from boredom.

After a while, Kira comeback and she immediately saw Herro who did not wander far away from the armory.

Herro heard the door opened and he immediately walked towards Kira with a big smile plastered on his face.

When Kira noticed the smile on Herro's face and the curiosity in his eyes, she also smiled and she already knew the reason for Herro's wide smile.

"Kira! Is that a flying car over there?" Without a second thought, Herro immediately asked Kira as if he was a 5-years od boy who is curious about everything. He pointed out the car-looking capsule that he was scrutinizing a while ago.

"That was indeed a flying car. But those things are useless nowadays." Kira said, with a bit of sadness in her eyes, as if she was reminiscing her past.

Herro couldn't help himself but ask, "Why?"

"It is because of the mutated, large avian lifeforms that dominated the sky. Their claws can destroy these types of cars as if it was just a piece of paper." Kira explained why the car is useless nowadays.

Herro let out a sigh and said, "Alas, I am looking forward to riding a flying car and finally there is a chance, but I won't dare to risk my life for a silly dream."

Kira thought that Herro would sulk for a long time, but he was again filled with vigor and asked another question again: "Is that armor still functioning?" Herro asked as he pointed out the full-body armor.

Kira smiled and said, "Yes. Although it's still functioning, we, the Enhanced does not need to use this thing as it will hinder our abilities. But in your case, you can use it."

Herro's eyes gleamed with more excitement after Kira said that he would be able to use it. Herro could not contain his excitement anymore and said excitedly, "Let's go!" As he rushed towards the capsule where the armor is contained.

Kira couldn't help it but smile happily, as if she was seeing her child getting excited over a lollipop.

Kira helped Herro opened the capsule. Then Herro remembered something that makes him curious and only Kira can satiate it.

"Is there a source of electricity here or the lights came from luminescent stones?" Herro found it weird since the place he and Kira are residing didn't have any electricity.

"This place relies on solar power and it is still functioning. And the energy storage can last for decades, even without maintenance. Only two years have passed so it is still functioning perfectly." Kira explained to Herro.

Herro nodded in realization and he was happy that his curiosity was again satiated.

Herro's heart was pumping so loud and the blood in his veins was boiling in excitement. He was looking forward to wearing the armor.

The capsule finally opened after ten seconds. Kira told Herro to stand inside the armor. "Just say 'Activate' so the armor will start closing," Kira said to Herro as she was waiting outside.

Herro looked at Kira and asked, "Activate?" But Kira just smiled and didn't answer him. The next thing Herro heard was a robotic voice that came inside the capsule. And then the armor started closing and tightening. The armor was adjusting itself to his body size to make it comfortable to move as if he was just wearing some clothes.

After waiting for a couple of seconds, Herro came out of the capsule and he looks like menacing with his armor. Then he started walking and he suddenly fell and his face hit the floor. He got tripped by his own foot.