
eh, it's real?

[sfx: keyboard being pushed]

"ha~... finally, that's it for today"

[sfx:phone vibrates]

"hmm? who is it"

"Mr. yu, it's me, sue."

"oh, it's sue, good timing. i just finished the story for next release."

"oh, good work."

"so, do you need something?"

"yes... no, i just want to ask you about our high school reunion."

"oh, reunion, is it? what about it?"

"tomorrow you are young to come, right?"

"yeah, i'll make sure to come. do you need something else?

"no, i'm done. so, good night."

"ok, good night."

reunion, huh.

well, i said i'll come so i'll come, i guess.


my name is Yu Dian. i'm 25 this year. i work as a writer, it's enjoyable. what's my pen name? you want to know? really? alright, let me tell you. my pen name is Ordinary Person. ....what? lame? what of it? you think it's easy to come with a good name, huh. well, i'm sorry Mr.-can-easly-make-a-good-name, for i'm unable to. Anyway, i've been writing for quite some time and have my own editor, so, i'm a successfull writer. hahaha.

i live in a peacefull area in Bijie, China. though its my parents house.

hmm... enough for introduction.let me take a bath first, ah. i'll tell you the rest with time.


"hmm, brown Coat, black jeans, white shirt.... yup, i look good. time to go!"

"huh, Dian-gege?"

uh, this is my little sister, Yu Xili. she's a healthy, beautiful, 21 years old adult girl. she's studying in a university right know. but, why is she here?

"you just thinking something rude, don't you?"

"uh, no, no way! you just overthinking things."

"what are you doing?"


"no, i'm serious, what are you doing?"

"going to my high school reunion?"

"what?", am i hearing things?

"i'm going to my-"

"no, no, wait. you, a neet?"

this girl, i might not come out often, but i'm still have a job. writer ia a job, right?

"how rude. i have a job, alright!"


"yes, really."

hmm, he looks good. it might be true. wait...

"what's with that look?", my brother is a male right? but...

"it's good right? i made this Coat myself, just so you know."

"no, i'm talking about your hair. why does your hair so long?", even my friend only keep it till waist, but why does my brother keep it till knee long?

"oh, i just don't think it's necessary to cut it and it's troublesome to go to barbershop."

"but the last time i see you, your hair only neck-long." how can his hair get so long, unless...

"well, it's 6 years ago. well anyway, i have to go. tell mother and father i might not return tonight."

"ok... take care."

you think that her reaction is a bit odd, right? but no. it might be impossible, but for the past six years we haven't see each other face to face even though we live under the same roof.

well, it was because i only go out from my room in the midnight or when they were outside doing some activities. therefore, we always missed each other, untill now.


hah~... it's quite hot today, huh. i wonder if there will be alot who come to the reunion.

"wow, he's quite handsome, huh?"

"i wonder if he has a girlfriend already."

hah~.... it's must be nice to be handsome, huh. being fanned by many girl. i wonder, does our number one beauty going to come to the reunion or not?

well, doesn't matter. if she come then come. not like she has something to do with me.

by the way, my high school's name is Yǒu xīwàng high school. it wasn't a too good nor too bad. it was ordinary. it wasn't too far by from my house, about 30 minutes walk.

"almost there."

Seems like there was already someone arrived at school. how diligent.

"mo Liu! xiao li!", look at them. they have become more mature. the one wearing red shirt is mo Liu while xiao li wear a green t-shirt. they both has short black hair.

mo Liu: "who?"

xiao li:"do you know me?", he looks familiar, but who?

Yu Dian:"oh, come on, how can you forget about me?! it's me, Yu Dian!", do i look that different?

mo liu"what? Yu Dian?"

xiao li:"the Hero who being rejected after confessing to Liu Liu?"

yu Dian:"what the hell, is that the only thing you can think about me?!!", ugh, just when i forget about it.

xiao li:"don't misunderstand us, i mean, you look completely different."

mo liu:"yeah, that's right! back then you look so thin and not so tall. and your hair, it's... longer."

hmm, having longer hair doesn't make you alot of different, right?

mo Liu: "let's stop talking about your look and go inside. the event already started."

yu Dian:"fine."

xiao li: "sure."


the sky has become dark, yet the school ground is still lively. you can see them smiling while chatting with each other, you can hear them recounting their life after graduation. there is also some bustling about here and there bringing some snack and doing a barbeque. it's peacefull.

Yan Yan:"hey, Liu, do you think those guys who confess to you going to come?"

Liu Liu:"why wouldn't? it's not like they are prohibited to come."

Yan Yan:"still, i think it Will be more interesting if they come and confess again."

Feng sue:"true. wanna bet if there will be someone confess to Liu again?"

Liu Liu:"hey, stop it. it will ruin my mood ok?"

Feng sue:"haha. come on, Liu, don't take it seriously."

Liu Liu:"hmp!", why do they always tease me about being confessed. it's not my fault for having a good look and good brain, alright.

Yan Yan:" eh, look, there's one!"

Liu Liu:"what is?", hah~... here we go.

Feng sue:"hmm? where is it?"

Yan Yan:" there, right there! the one with long hair! even if his hair is longer, i Will not mistake him!"

Feng sue:"hmm? wait... that's!"

Liu Liu:"who?", well, he looks to be enjoying things, eh. "doesn't matter. just leave him. don't create a ruckus."

Feng sue:"oyy! yu Dian! over here!", he really comes!

Yan Yan:"wow, sue, you are not as shy as before, eh. congrats."

Liu Liu:"sue!"


"yu Dian! over here!"


it sound familiar..

mo liu:"dian this bastard, seems like you've become popular. who just calling you?"

xiao li:"it come from over there... wait.. what the hell!"

mo Liu:"what the hell!"

yu Dian:"oh, it's her," she looks very happy.

mo Liu and xiao li:"'it's her' my ass!"

mo Liu:"bastard! since when did you so close with liu's group?!"

yu Dian:"no, you think to much, we just working partner, you know."

xiao li:"then introduce us!"

yu Dian:"alright," not like something going to happen anyway.

Feng sue:"you come."

yu Dian:"yup, i already said i'll come, right? how are you doing?"

Feng sue:"i'm good."

Yan Yan:"wait, wait, something is not right. since when did you become close with this guy?"

xiao li:"right, you said work partner?"

Feng sue:"yea, it's not like what you guys thin, okay? we just become close because our job."

Liu Liu:....

mo Liu:....

Yan Yan:"well, whatever then. hey, yu Dian, how do you feel?"

yu Dian:"nothing much. why?"

yan Yan:"tch, it's nothing."

Liu Liu:"so, what are you going to do?", better change the topic, or else..

xiao li:"oh, just eat, drink, and chat, i guess, hehe..."

"ha! these nerd seems going to enjoy themself, eh."

"Chu Feng zi! you become more handsome since then."

"Yan Yan, you flatter me. so, Liu Liu, why don't you hang out with us?"

"Feng zi, how is the event going?"

"it's smooth sailing. the food and drink is great. there are also some couple dancing, only missing you and me."

"seems like you do a great job, here some drinks."

"yu Dian! thanks for your consideration. it's all thank to everyone for giving me a helping hand. by the way, your hair really long, huh," really, i almost though he was a girl. dangerous. dangerous.

"what's the deal with your hair," yeah, what's the deal? it also look so smooth.

"uh, it just because i don't want to go to barbershop and i think it's .... cool, i guess?" come on, stop talking about my hair, will you?

everyone hearing this:..... really?

Feng sue:"um, i think it does look cool," i'm not blushing right?

mo Liu:" umm, anyway, let's just enjoy ourself," oh, man, the air feels wrong.

Liu Liu:"um."

Yan Yan:"um."

yu Dian:"um."

Chu Feng zi:" well then, please enjoy yourself to your heart content. i'll go patrol again."


"yu Dian, you still here?"

"yup, i feels like to stay here a little longer. what about you, sue?" that's odd, she is not with Liu Liu and Yan Yan.

"i don't have anything to do after this, so i thought i should help clean up the place."

"oh," same as mo Liu and xiao li, eh.



"you look good tonight," man, this is embarassing.

"o-oh, yeah, thanks. you too, you look cool"

"u-uh, thanks for the compliment"



everyone cleaning up the place: why silent!!


"hmm? hey, whose ini charge of lighting?"

"it's me. why?"

"do you perhaps forget to use this one? why do i don't see it during the event," it's such a Shame. this lamp look so cool. it even make some beautiful patern on the ground.

"eh, no, i don't think we have this one before."

"what? hey, do any of you bring this lamp here?"

"not me"

"it's not me either"

"wow, so pretty!"

"wow, my girlfriend would love this. hey, can i take it with me?"

"no, you can't. at least ask the owner."

"but who?"

"well, who know? anyway, we've done our share of clean up, so we're going home"

"oh, ok. becarefull on your way back"

"i'm also done. good bye. see you!"

"hey, wait for me!"

"Liu Liu, is this yours?"

"no, it's not. if i have this i'll never bring it out"

"same here. i mean, it looks expensive. my papa would mad at me if i bring such expensive item outside for play"

"hmm, the patern on the ground look so beautiful. it seems like it made some patern. yu Dian, what do you think?"

"well, it does. hmm, i can use this if i want to write about magic formation"

"pfft, Dian, you still love those magic and the like, eh"

"well, it has become my source of income"

"no, guys, stop that. we still don't know who is the owner," so stop talking and help me find the owner, will you.

"umm, but, everyone has gone home and only remaining us, ten people, yet it's none of us"

"it's not a medium for summoning, right?"

"Dian, shut your mouth. we better keep it or bring it to the police"


"well, i'm just saying. though if we keep it i choose Chu Feng zi"


"Yan Yan here, and i'm agree with you!"

"i also agree"

"same here"

"..." really? just like that? you guys just want to avoid trouble, don't you.


"fine then, i'll keep it.... hey, guys .... something is wierd"

"what is?," just get done with it so i can go, alright.

"i don't think there is something wierd"

"wait, now that you say it, i think this lamp just got brighter, isn't it?"

"or, we leave it and go as far as possible from the lamp. it might really be a summoning medium"

"sue, don't copy yu Dian. it's a waste"

"how rude"





"don't say it..."

"hey, i-"

"don't say it!"

"i can't move"

"yu Dian, it's all because you jinx it!"

"i can't believe it. yu Dian, if later i die i'll haunt you!"

"no, it might be because we drink to much, therefore we can move our body well"

"...." really?


"a~h! my eyes! it's to bright!"

"Chu Feng zi! if we really got summoned, please be the Hero!"

"shut your mouth! why do i have to be the Hero?!"

"because usually, the one with the leadership is the one who become the Hero"

"sue! not you too"

"..." how troublesome.

"no! i still have to go to next week concert'!!"

"same here, man! same here"




in an altar made of stone, a lone maiden is slowly open her eyes. a dignified man with red mantel slowly approach her. from the looks of it, the man seems to have a high position.

"how is it?"

"success," said the lone maiden as she show and enchanting smile.

"good. you lot! protect the saint! this is the last step, also the most fragile! don't let this ritual fail!"

""yes, your majesty!""

"good. good." mumble the king as he leave the altar.