
It's Billionaire Vs Ex Heiress Now!

"You've always wanted to give a name to our rivalry. I didn't realize it would be this." "Nonsense! I wouldn't imagine this even in my worst nightmare." "Then Miss Rosette, be ready because I'm going to make this a fucking tempting nightmare that you won't be able to resist having fun in." "Never in this life!" "Probably all your life." Her snarl met his smirk and began the next level of their rivalry. Jackson Carter, when entered his thirties, was rich, successful, and famous. The owner and CEO of JC group, which had many businesses under their umbrella, had always been unapproachable and aloof. No one knew why. There was bare minimum information about his past, specifically about his family and he wanted it so. But when that one person he considered family announces their plan, Jackson's past is at risk of exposure. Will he be able to protect the secret he's been hiding while honoring the promise made to an elder? Especially when the secret is almost at the edge of his enemy's lips, the very lips he'd dared to taste back in the past. Cordelia Rosette had everything in her life, loving parents, a classy social circle, a rich and extravagant lifestyle with compulsory holidays abroad, and a loving boyfriend. But one fine day everything came crashing down when her father refused to hand over their family business, something she'd always been aspiring for. The reason he gave shook the ground she was standing proud on. Being optimistic, Cordelia decided to find a way out of the current complications. But is she ready to pay the price? Especially when the price is in a form of sin she'd promised herself she'd never commit again, the sin of loving the rude and arrogant Jackson Carter, her number one enemy. Jackson and Cordelia have always been at odds with each other since childhood. The rivalry grew and followed them to college but often fire attracts temptation and this engulfed them both. Days were about troubling each other to the point of insanity and nights were about being embroiled in passion to the point where they could set the house on fire. But all of this ended the day Cordelia decided to cut ties with both the rivalry and the passion-savory relationship between them. Only if this was that easy. What was to be a simple conversation became a public event on their graduation day and Jackson decided he wanted to hold a grudge. This fructified when he got a chance to redeem himself as Cordelia's number one rival and things became ugly between the two. Both decided not to see each other ever again. But when has fate been the way you wanted it to be? Turns out they had something in common, Akira Takahashi, a man both respected and were now under his promise that they will have to marry each other. Stunned and shaken, as soon as they recover, it is decided that they will enter into a contract marriage for a year and will end when both of them have got what they want from the old man, money. With this Jackson and Cordelia are given a chance to sort out their misunderstandings. Will they realize their love for each other or will their rivalry continue until they're both hurt and destroyed beyond repair? To find out read, 'It's Billionaire Vs Ex Heiress Now!' The novel has been moved to a different platform (MoboReader). Please continue reading it there.

SpringIsHere · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Who paid for dinner?


Thud. Thud. Thud. My ears heard the noise and my brain understood there was someone at the door but still it refused to command my body to get up. I didn't want to. There was hardly any joy left in my life but there was no way I was compromising on my beauty sleep. I needed it to put up a show in front of some friends I was meeting later in the evening.

But just because I didn't want to, doesn't mean I didn't have to. When the banging on the door grew I shot up from bed because of the fear of garnering unwanted attention. After the great fallout with my father, I occupied this small space that people called the apartment. I wish I could tell them they were fooling themselves by calling it so but keeping my mouth shut was the only way off making sure there was a roof over my head.

Removing the covers after a sigh I went to open the door only to find an old lady with extra wrinkles and lots of hope in her eyes at my doorstep. 'Mrs. Parker, how are you?' I faked a smile.

'Cordelia, what to say I am not at all good but will be once you pay the rent.' She said faster than the warnings in the commercials. A sports commentator would've suited her better. But unfortunately, she was the owner of the apartment I lived in and there was nothing I can do about it.

I licked my lips and cleared my throat. 'You see….'

'I will not see anything other than the green paper.'

'The rent I'm aware is due today but….'

'Uh no darling it's been due since last month.'

'I was talking about this month's rent.'

She crossed her arms in front and narrowed her eyes at me. 'Last month's rent is due too.'

'I haven't forgotten that. I will pay you both the months' rent but if you could give me some time.'

She shook her head slowly. 'Not happening. I want it right now.'

'But I still haven't got a job and…..'

Mrs. Parker gasped. 'You're jobless!'

'I…mean…..yes but don't worry.'

'Don't worry! How can I not worry?'

'When you came here three months ago you had said you would pay on time, that you were some elite and now there's no money! Do you want me to call the cops?'

'Mrs. Parker!' My mouth remained open. How could she threaten me like that?! Only if she knew I was an heiress....

Taking a deep breath I tried to pacify her by saying, 'Just give me a week more. I promise I will pay you.'

'I'm not listening to any more of your lies. Pay me last month's rent by tomorrow morning, only then will I give you time to pay for this month, or else 911 it is.'

'Mrs. Parker…..' My voice trailed off as she left without hearing another word from me.

I shut the door loudly. I'm sure the neighbors minded but I didn't care. This was the first time in my life someone had bugged me for not paying. Best were the times when the V.I.P. card solved almost every problem in my life. Only if I was still the Rosette family's heiress I could've bought both this building and this entire neighborhood. Why did you do it, dad? Why did you take everything away from me?

When I got back to my room, my cell phone was ringing. 'What is it, Stacy?' I said in a low voice.

'Why do you sound like that?' She asked.

'Nothing just woke up.' There was no point in telling her what happened. The moment she knew I was sure she would come here and clear my dues. I had already let her help me a lot, a little more and I would've found it hard to face her.

'Are you sure? You sound dejected.'

'I can't decide what to wear for today's dinner.'

'Oh, so this was it. C'mon why fear when your best friend is here.' Her cheerful voice could bring joy to anyone's life.

'Help me find something nice.'

'Sure. I'll get the best dresses for us from the latest designer collection.'

'Um, Stacy, I'm a little low on budget so….'

I heard her sigh over the phone. 'When will you keep stressing about it? Delia, I'm your best friend. The least I could do for you is get you a dress!'


'No buts, I'm getting there in an hour. Wait for me. Bye.' She ended the call before I could try and convince her otherwise.

I bathed and had breakfast by the time Stacy arrived with lots of shopping bags at my place. 'I thought you were getting us a dress each.' My eyes traveled to the bags which were in all sizes and occupied my bed completely. She'd barged straight into the room and threw them there.

She replied innocently. 'Well, with dresses we needed matching accessories and footwear too.'


'Delia, please now don't start how you don't have money and all that because as I've said before I am your friend and I want to do this for you.'

'But Stacy I can't keep taking favors from you like this!'

'Do I need to remind you of the countless times you've helped me? When I was getting bullied, when my parents were fighting, my brother was giving me cold shoulder, and when…..you know.' I did. The touché topic we'd decided not to talk about again.

I hugged her. 'Fine. This time I'm accepting it.'

'And you will again.'


Before I could protest she picked up the dress and handed it over to me. 'Now check if this fits or not.'

We tried our dresses and everything. Even though this was a simple dinner with some friends, Stacy knew how important it was for me. This was because no one knew what had happened. People out there in the world still thought I was the rich heiress that was going to take over the Rosette Co. Only if they knew that my so-called father had kicked me out for the worst reason possible.

Stacy stayed for a while until she got a call for another one of her acting classes. 'I have to leave.'

'How many of these classes do you have exactly?' I gave her a look of pity.

'Even I don't remember. It's hard to keep a tab on them.' She seemed stressed.

'Are you okay though? If you want a break, you can always take it, you know?'

She smiled warmly. 'Don't worry about me.'

When she left I was left alone again. With still some time left to kill, I decided to do something I was thinking of doing since yesterday. I sat on the chair in front of the study table and switched on the laptop. There's nothing that cannot be found on the search engine. Jackson Carter, I typed his name and as soon as I pressed enter, I was taken to his world.

There was a news article about his growing business, new acquisitions, mergers, and whatnot. Since when did he get so wealthy? The Jackson that I remembered was the scholarship student of both Vaughn High School and College. The guy who didn't have a place to stay once, lived in….wait….he lived in Trent Paradise…the place where only the one percent elite of the city lived! Holy mother of...huh!

I searched for some more about his personal life. A lot of women, and by a lot I mean a LOT of them were seen linking their arms with his at parties, events, premieres, etc. Casanova! The way he behaved with me in the restaurant, I bet he's become a high-class flirt! Who cares! I threw the hair coming in front, to the back of my shoulder.

After a good hour-long search I didn't find what I wanted. How in the name of god is Jackson Carter related to Akira Takahashi, my grandfather? There is no news about them being related or knowing each other or even meeting each other. There was something that I didn't know.

I looked at the clock, it was time for me to get ready. I closed the laptop and got up with disappointment. I need to talk about this to grandpa.

'Blue suits you.' I received the first compliment as soon as I entered the private room booked for us in the restaurant. It had taken me an hour to reach here by cab which by the way was told to stop a little away in case someone saw me. The girls eyed me with envy and the guys well, let it be. I walked with confidence in my blue off-shoulder dress, the money might be gone but I was still me. There was no way anyone could guess what had happened and tonight will pass smoothly. Stacy arrived after I and relief washed over me.

'Thank god you're here.' I told her.

'Are you nervous?' She asked. Her eyeliner made a fantastic job of outlining her big eyes. The dress she'd chosen for herself was no less gorgeous than mine, the full-sleeved classic black mini dress was given a beautiful look with the addition of a big white bow on the shoulder.

I shook my head. 'I'm just glad you're here.' She held my hand and I was good to go until someone decided they wanted to fish into my business.

'So Delia, I heard it will take some more time for you to join the family business.' That was Spencer, the brat who hated other brats when they get more popular than her. Since there was a time when the tabloids wouldn't stop printing articles about me almost every day, I had been always on her radar. Only I didn't know today she was out for blood.

'Spencer, I didn't know you were so interested in my family business.' I said trying to maintain my calm.

'Who wouldn't be? All you've ever talked about since college is taking over your father's business. I was just wondering when we will get to see you accomplish your dream.' Her raised brows and smirk on her face were all I had to see to want to slap her but I held back. Being violent meant agreeing with her.

'Soon darling. Very soon.' I said with confidence.

She gave me a sly smile. 'Since it's going to happen soon and all of us are here, why not celebrate you reaching your goal.'

'Sure.' I said unsure of what she meant by that exactly.

'Then how about this dinner being on you? What say, guys, don't we deserve a celebration from Delia?' She laughed evilly but everyone appreciated her suggestion and soon things like, 'Sure, that's a great idea!' 'Hell yes, to Delia!' 'Perfect. I remember the dinners Delia treated us to.' 'Now's the time girl, let's celebrate.'

'Guys, first let her become the CEO, and then she'll throw us a party.' Stacy tried to handle the situation but there was only little that someone can do when the gasoline has already been spilled in the fire.

Everyone started looking at me weirdly when I didn't respond. A few more seconds and they will know I'm no longer worthy of being their friend. 'A…guys….I will….'

'Oh c'mon Delia, don't you have money?' Spencer said and then gave me an evil smirk. She knew! That could be the only reason she would do this all of a sudden.

'Fine.' I said and Stacy nudged me.

'What are you doing?'

'Help me this time.' I said and looked into her eyes. She sighed.

'Of course, I will. But she's doing wrong. You don't have to listen to her.'

'Stacy, let it be.'

She pressed her lips together. 'Fine.'

The dinner was chatty as usual. The only two people who didn't speak much were me and Stacy. She was upset that I had given in to Spencer and I was worried about how I was going to pay her back when I still had my house rent to worry about.

When the dinner was finally over Stacy and I got up. 'I'll go pay the bill.' I said and started to leave when Spencer said….

'Why does Stacy have to go with you? In fact, why do you have to leave at all? Have you forgotten you're an heiress Delia? The waiter would get the check here.' Oh no!

My face turned red the moment the waiter came in. I looked at Stacy and she was equally worried as me. 'Check please.' Spencer said smiling as if she'd asked him to marry her! This girl!!

'Ma'am the bill has already been paid.' As soon as I heard those words I turned to Stacy. Did she already? But her expression said otherwise. She was shocked too. I glanced over to other people but no one seems to know who did.

Devil Spencer decided to speak again. 'Cordelia, when did you pay the bill?'

The waiter answered her for me. 'Ma'am's fiancé did.' All of us looked at him as if he'd announced that we were to wash the dishes.

I got up from my seat. 'What did you say?'

Before the waiter could repeat his words, someone else entered the room and said, 'Your fiancé, I mean, I paid for it.' I gawked at the guest. What in the hell was he doing here now?


Before I could say his name, Spencer did. 'Jackson Carter! Oh my god! Is that you?' Without thinking she threw herself at him for a hug he surely didn't want. I noticed his hands remained in his pockets until Spencer separated herself from him.

'What are you doing here?' I asked.

He grinned at me. 'Babe, did you forget you promised me we would have dessert together.'

Dessert? My face scrunched up. What was he on about?

'Babe? Are you and Cordelia dating?' Spencer asked. There were two of us who did not like this.

Jackson smiled at her. 'We'll be soon getting married.' My mouth fell to the ground. If it could dig a hole and go to the basement it would've, trust me.

I scoffed and took Jackson's arm trying to lead him out of the room but he didn't move from his place. 'We need to talk.' I glared at him.

'Sure, darling, as you say.' He smiled and out of nowhere did something unthinkable and not required at all! He pressed his lips to mine. It was a peck, just a small little kiss on the lips but why MY LIPS! When he was back to smiling at me again I looked at him in shock. Just, what is going on in your head Jackson?

Here's another chapter guys. Please add this novel to your library and vote for it. Thanks for reading!

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