
It's Billionaire Vs Ex Heiress Now!

"You've always wanted to give a name to our rivalry. I didn't realize it would be this." "Nonsense! I wouldn't imagine this even in my worst nightmare." "Then Miss Rosette, be ready because I'm going to make this a fucking tempting nightmare that you won't be able to resist having fun in." "Never in this life!" "Probably all your life." Her snarl met his smirk and began the next level of their rivalry. Jackson Carter, when entered his thirties, was rich, successful, and famous. The owner and CEO of JC group, which had many businesses under their umbrella, had always been unapproachable and aloof. No one knew why. There was bare minimum information about his past, specifically about his family and he wanted it so. But when that one person he considered family announces their plan, Jackson's past is at risk of exposure. Will he be able to protect the secret he's been hiding while honoring the promise made to an elder? Especially when the secret is almost at the edge of his enemy's lips, the very lips he'd dared to taste back in the past. Cordelia Rosette had everything in her life, loving parents, a classy social circle, a rich and extravagant lifestyle with compulsory holidays abroad, and a loving boyfriend. But one fine day everything came crashing down when her father refused to hand over their family business, something she'd always been aspiring for. The reason he gave shook the ground she was standing proud on. Being optimistic, Cordelia decided to find a way out of the current complications. But is she ready to pay the price? Especially when the price is in a form of sin she'd promised herself she'd never commit again, the sin of loving the rude and arrogant Jackson Carter, her number one enemy. Jackson and Cordelia have always been at odds with each other since childhood. The rivalry grew and followed them to college but often fire attracts temptation and this engulfed them both. Days were about troubling each other to the point of insanity and nights were about being embroiled in passion to the point where they could set the house on fire. But all of this ended the day Cordelia decided to cut ties with both the rivalry and the passion-savory relationship between them. Only if this was that easy. What was to be a simple conversation became a public event on their graduation day and Jackson decided he wanted to hold a grudge. This fructified when he got a chance to redeem himself as Cordelia's number one rival and things became ugly between the two. Both decided not to see each other ever again. But when has fate been the way you wanted it to be? Turns out they had something in common, Akira Takahashi, a man both respected and were now under his promise that they will have to marry each other. Stunned and shaken, as soon as they recover, it is decided that they will enter into a contract marriage for a year and will end when both of them have got what they want from the old man, money. With this Jackson and Cordelia are given a chance to sort out their misunderstandings. Will they realize their love for each other or will their rivalry continue until they're both hurt and destroyed beyond repair? To find out read, 'It's Billionaire Vs Ex Heiress Now!' The novel has been moved to a different platform (MoboReader). Please continue reading it there.

SpringIsHere · ชีวิตในเมือง
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12 Chs

Meet me


'Will you stop walking already? I'm tired from the class.' The mattress dipped when she stretched her arms and legs. I was walking back and forth in my room, the same room Jackson had been in a few hours ago.

'What if I said something while I was drunk?'

'You should be more worried about what if you DID something while being drunk.'

'Don't even make me think about it. Though I've checked there seems nothing wrong about me.'

'So Jackson Carter has over the years turned into a gentleman?'

I scoffed. 'The word doesn't exist in his dictionary, Stacy. He was always barbaric and I affirm he still is one.'

'Well, you once were drawn towards the wild.'

I noticed her smirk and immediately narrowed my eyes. 'Stacy! Here I'm worried if I told him something I shouldn't have and you're making fun of me!'

With an eye roll Stacy said, 'Delia, it's not like you know some top secret of the government. So STOP overthinking about it!'

'How can I not? It was Jackson Carter, my enemy! He hates me to the point that if I utter a single letter from my mouth he would use it against me somehow.'

'Did he say something unusual this morning? How did he find out where you lived?'

I lowered my gaze. 'He said I told him when I was drunk.'

She sighed. 'Delia, whatever happened has happened. Now think how you're going to get rid of him.'

'That's the problem. Grandpa has put me in a fix. Don't know how I'm going to throw Jackson out of my life.'

'By doing what you did last time.' I looked at her. She's been a friend for a long but I'd never seen such a bizarre suggestion from her before.

'You know why I did that. I can't possibly do it again.'

'That's his weakness. The only time he speaks the truth is when he's drunk. Just invite him over for a drink and then ask him all you want to. Let's end this once and for all to make sure Carter walks out on your Grandpa's proposal himself.'

As I stared at her I was reminded of the last day of college. So much had happened that to get some words out of Jackson I'd purposely gotten him drunk. Little did I know that it would break both of us bad enough that we'll never be good again. I needed answers this time as well. Not just because I wanted to know if I'd told him something I should not but also because I was aware that he had a plan for us to get married. I wanted to know what that plan was, at any cost.

Stacy leaned her head on a pillow and then asked, 'did you by chance tell him about the reason why you're not living with your family?'

'That is exactly what I'm worried about. If Jackson knows, he's going to use it against me.'

'Then what I suggested is the best option. I will help you if you want.' She offered but I declined. There is no way I'm letting someone else take the fall for me. 'It's fine with me.'

'But it's not fine with me. I need to learn to stir my soup on my own, no matter how hot the flame is.'

After an hourly session of pep-talk, Stacy left for another one of her training sessions. Honestly, I was getting tired in her place now. What we kids have to put up with because of our parents. I wonder if we're ever going to be appreciated for it.

To know if I'd blurted anything unwanted in front of Jackson last night, I pulled out the phone and dialed home. Any one of the house assistants would've been fine but it was my mother who picked up and I knew I was done for. 'Where have you been?' She shouted.

'Mom, hello to you too.'

'Cordelia, come back home this instant.'

'Not interested. Mom, listen I have something to ask.'

'I'm not answering anything until you come home. Whatever it is that you have to know let's talk about it face to face.' I sighed. She was being unreasonable. Her husband and my…father had hidden such a big secret and she still was siding with him.

'Let it be then.' I ended the call. There was no way I was going back home, at least not now. But it was clear from the call that Jackson hadn't done anything to reach things to my home. I breathed in relief. But I got only a moment to relax because my phone began to ring again. "Mom" should flash on the screen but it was an unknown number. I rejected it. No more unwanted things in my life, please.

Since this week I'd bought a dress, went to have dinner in an expensive restaurant and also spend much on alcohol last night, I needed more money. The reserve that I had was getting exhausted day by day and there was no source of income. I had to return Jackson the money he paid at the restaurant. Huff! Who even asked him to help me out that day?! But if he hadn't…..My phone rang again while I was busy making a new plan of action for my expenses. I rejected it again. Why would I talk to strangers? But when I asked that, the very moment I heard the notification ring and I stared at the phone's screen. The strange caller had sent me something.

I opened it only to find out a picture of me and Jackson in the bed together staring at me as a reminder that I should be worried about my words last night but actions. 'Holy hell!' I couldn't help but exclaim.

Calling back on the number first thing that got out of my mouth was, 'You bastard!'

'Hello, Cordelia.'

'Huh! No matter how much you lace your voice with honey, it is still going to be venomous to my ears, Carter.'

'Ooo, I like the anger. Show it to face and I'll let you feel how it affects me.'

'Disgusting!' I could hear his laughter from the other side. 'Why did you click that picture? I was right about you taking advantage of me after all.'

He breathed into the phone and I could feel the shiver down my spine. Cordelia get a grip! This is not the time to be affected by this pathetic man! 'As I'd told you before I wouldn't touch you when you're unconscious and second, I took the picture because, well, I like keeping memories. It's not like you aren't aware.' I couldn't see him but his sly smile appeared in my head. I know he's enjoying this. The graduation after-party was a hit because he used one of the memories that he'd kept against me. Everyone enjoyed the show except for me. I clenched my fist. This time will be different.

'Delete it.'

'Too bad, I don't take orders from you.'

He wasn't going to do it. Then there was no choice but to walk on the path Stacy had illuminated. 'Meet me.'

'Why should I?'

'Didn't you want to discuss our marriage? Let's meet and talk about it.'

He laughed again. 'Suddenly the air feels orange.' The fruit he hates the most. I sighed.

'You don't trust me.'

'I like how this is not a question but a statement. Cordelia Rosette hasn't yet forgotten Jackson Carter I guess.'

'I'm working on it.'

'Want me to disrupt your workflow?'

'You know I ride high on disruptions to win the battle.'

'Satisfied this battle will leave you, I promise.'

'Don't put blood on my mouth.'

'Or what? You'll beg me for more? You know I can make you.' Suddenly the air became heavier to breathe in and every time I exhaled I had to urge myself not to make a sound. He would know his seduction was working. Nope! Snap out of it Cordelia! I told myself. Forget the past and don't think about those days. No, no, no! Not happening.

I must've taken too long to reply for he spoke again. 'Tell me the time and place. I'll be there.' He'd agreed. I couldn't believe it. Men, always fall into their own trap. He was flirting with me or himself? Anyways my work was done. I'd gotten the time I wanted with him and now I can ask him all that I want and delete the picture from his phone.

Since the budget was tight I chose a place that wasn't that expensive but has a cozy environment so that I can make sure the mission I had in mind was completed. Shuffling all the clothes in my wardrobe that I'd managed to get from home when I was leaving in a hurry, I couldn't find one good article to wear tonight. Everything seemed over the top. What was I thinking while buying these? Then my eyes fell on a certain blue amid the pile. I pulled it out.

'Why do I still have it?' I tried it on and it still fit. Perfect. Nostalgia was about to hit Jackson Carter hard.

Even after taking my time in getting ready I managed to reach the set place on time. It was eight thirty at the night and the restaurant was already beginning to be empty. This is why I've chosen this place. There was an open bar right across the restaurant and people usually started to visit it as soon as it opened.

'I see that you wanted to be alone with me.' I turned to see Jackson already waiting for me by the bill desk that was in a corner.

'What are you talking about?' I muttered as I acted a fool. Walking to the other corner I pulled a chair and motioned for him to sit.

He scoffed. 'I should be doing it.'

'This is the twenty-first century.'

'In that case, we should pull our chair on our own.' He didn't sit where I'd asked him to and moved to take the seat right across me. I huffed and then sat down as well. Taking the jar of water I poured a glass for myself and drank it. A few seconds later I found him staring at me.

'What? I thought we were doing our own thing.'

He sighed. 'Why did you want to meet? And since when did Lady Cordelia come to a shabby place like this?'

'Since you managed to know my address and phone number, which by the way you're yet to tell me how I think you already know my financial situation.'

'You told me everything yourself.'

'Everything?' I raised a brow and his eyes pierced through my soul. He didn't know it. I'm sure of it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have looked so intrigued.

The waiter placed a menu card in between the table and then waited for us to order. I took it before Jackson could analyze the prices.

'No need to be so tense about food. I got it covered.' Jackson said taking the menu from me. I wanted it back but he didn't budge. 'We'll take two servings of your best pasta and some crispy fried chicken along with the spiciest sauce that you have. A fruit salad for starters would be great too.' The waiter nodded and went inside the kitchen.

'I can't eat much I'm on a diet.'

'Cordelia.' Jackson clasped his fingers together and placed his hands on the table. 'Eat peacefully. It's on me.'

'You don't have to. I asked you to meet here so….' He stopped me by placing a thumb on my lips. I gulped. His thumb then moved and caressed my lower lip gently as he glanced at it. I tried hard to stop myself from blushing.

'You've lost weight. Eat properly. You'll need it when the battle begins.' My heart dropped. This was a warning. He was being nice to me because soon something unpleasant was about to hit my life. Jackson wanted to begin the game again, the hate game.

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