
It's All Downhill From Here

Photini HoneyRing, a new up-and-coming singer/songwriter moves into a gated community nestled up the side of a hill. She's hoping for a fresh start on life within this quirky, new residence. As she settles in, however, the neighborhood becomes unsettling. The neighbors grow hostile and reclusive, leaving the community as little as possible, complaining when they have to, and not leaving Photini alone about how she won't even sit down to have a soda with them. With the few sane people she's met, Photini starts planning to move out of this place as soon as possible if the other residents let them.

Reemerarius · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter Two

Morning broke silently over the community. Photini got up quietly, not sure how much noise could make it through the touching walls, made herself breakfast, and then, got to work on putting things away. Gradually, she made a dent in her moving boxes before receiving a call.

"Hey, Irenai, I'm a little busy right now," Photini wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"With?" Irenai sounded hopeful.

"I'm unpacking."

"Oh, okay. So, I just called to see how things were going. Have you talked to any of your neighbors yet?" Irenai now sounded worried.

"Well, I think two of them hate me, and the other one I've only talked to through the wall."


"I didn't do anything. One of them 'loathes' my music. The other one's just a jerk. That Snowcloud guy."

"Snowcloud? The guy who crashed into that restaurant a couple of weeks ago?"

"And refused to pay for the damages and drove off."

"Only to crash into another store. And his mom paid his ass out of jail and everything. Sweet deities, Pho, do not go anywhere near that fucking guy."

"Does that mean you want to help me avoid a party this weekend?"

"Party? Explain."

"The one I haven't seen yet but talked to through the wall invited me. Had I known, I would have said no. I was tired, I know I didn't straight out say yes though."

"Pho, I'll come with you and make sure you survive."

"Iren, I don't want to go."

"I know, but you need the people skills and connections. So, I'll come and make sure your reputation stays intact. You'll be fine."

"You are no help in my time of need."

"Do you know when the party is going to be?"

"I don't even know which day it is, just this weekend."

"Find out more about the party, and get back to me. Go properly meet that wall friend of yours."

"Wall friend has a name. Titus Berberry."

"A fucking Berberry. Damn it, Pho. That's a mafia kid."

"What? he didn't sound like one. How do you know anyway?"

"I keep up with the news, Pho. Okay, be friendly but don't make friends."

"One of those things I can do."

"Geez, Pho. Bye"

"Bye," the call ended with a beep and Photini looked around. She had made a decent dent in the boxes.

She let go of an overly exaggerated huff and went to go find whichever wall it was she kicked her shoes into the care of. She grabbed her keys and phone and went to the front door. Photini peeked through the side window; the streets were reassuringly empty. She made the march to Berberry's house.

It was quite literally made of money. Photini hadn't noticed earlier, assuming it was shades of green, but the house was layered with currency. The yard seemed freshly cut with no decorations. Overall, it was an unassuming home, compared to the rest of the community.

Photini turned her attention to the door, a sense of dread building. Before she could knock, the door was pulled ajar by a tall, slightly scruffy-looking, blue-eyed guy. His black hair was combed back not quite hitting his shoulders, he had a full beard and glasses hanging from his collar. His smile wrinkled his pale skin.

"Ms. HoneyRing, it's a pleasure to have you over. Please, come in," Titus moved aside and motioned her in.

"Your house is money."

"Yes, a prank on my brother's behalf. I wanted something painted blue or something with red bricks. It'll be changed within the month's time. Father's mad about the whole ordeal and, well, you most certainly didn't come over to hear all about my family life. Please sit."

"I don't want to be a bother or anything. I just wanted to know when the party's going to be, like what time is considered fashionably late," Photini glanced about, Titus had a modest living arrangement, it seem to suit him. The place looked like an average home, nothing over the top, not even a fireplace. The lighting was dim, almost romantic.

"Snowcloud likes to host dusk 'til dawn parties, from dusk Friday until dawn Monday. You don't have to stay the whole party, it's open for everyone to come and go as they please," Titus hadn't broken his smile yet.

"Are you really friends with him? He doesn't seem too likable," Photini was never great with holding back her curiosity.

"Well, I think he's in need. I just want to see if I can help," Titus glanced around his home, as though looking for the right words.

"That's nice of you. Thanks for answering my question. If I have any more, could I come back?" Photini had decided Titus wouldn't be that bad to be friendly with.

"Yes, my door's always open to you," Titus went back to the front door with Photini, opened it for her, and waved her goodbye.

Photini arrived back at her home and called Irenai with the information she had asked for. Irenai didn't seem too pleased with the idea of a weekend-long event that was the party, but still insisted Photini and she were going. As the screen went dark on her phone, Photini felt a wave of anxiety sweep over her. She thought that she had gotten over this. She thought she wasn't afraid of parties anymore. More so, she thought she could handle people again.

She knew the real source of her anxiety; her ex. When she was just starting to get famous and come out of her shell, he had approached her at a party. She fell hard for him. And, he knew it. He and his friends used her for her fame and connections. When she caught on that something wasn't right, he was already attached to the mouth of another woman at another party. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad with Irenai and Titus there. Titus? Titus.

"Aw, fuck no," Photini did not come here to have a crush on some possible mafia kid who wasn't a kid but a grown man with a cute face. She forced the thought of what he might look like with his glasses on to the side. Unexpectedly, there was a knock at the door.

"Ms. HoneyRing? It's Titus. I was wondering something. If you hadn't been around the neighborhood, I could show you around. If you'd like."

Photini opened the door, "Sure, that sounds nice." she internally screamed at herself.

"Sorry, the idea completely escaped me earlier, I thought about it and suddenly you were at my door."

"It's fine, really. I should get to know the community, in case something comes up."

"Wonderful," Titus offered his arm. "The Center is the heart of the neighborhood, so let's go there first."

Photini bravely linked arms with Titus, it wouldn't hurt to be friendly.

The walk was peaceful as Titus listed off the names of the neighbors he knew as they pass by their homes. His voice was soft and a little husky like his throat might have gone through some trauma. There were a few swimming pools and a couple of tennis courts between her house and the community center. People lounged about in their yards with one another in the cold winter air. It was an odd sight to Photini, everyone out in the middle of the day sharing some sodas and a few laughs instead of being inside with a hot cup of cocoa.

"So, how long have you been here?" Photini brought her attention back to Titus.

"A few months now, I believe," Titus smiled.

"Why'd you move here? I mean, if it's okay for me to ask,"

"Yes, well, I'm going to a nearby university. I half my classes, some online and the rest on campus. This term is mostly online, so I'm home a lot."

"What are you going for?" Photini looked up at him, his expression was hard to read making it difficult for Photini to know whether she should change the subject or not.

"Oh, I'm majoring in law. Parents sort of pulled my arm on it," Titus seemed hesitant to answer. "However, being mother's favorite has some perks. My minor's my choice, I'm simply not sure what to choose, however."

"I'd've guessed you already went to college."

"Lived a shut-in life for longer than I should have. Better late than never goes the saying."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Are you in any classes?"

"No... Is that the center?"

Titus's gaze lingered on Photini for a moment before turning away. They weren't too far off from the center. It was a square silver building that stood two floors high, having most of its walls as tinted windows. Titus was the first to reach the door, wanting to hold it open for Photini.

"Welcome to the Community Center," Titus said in a funny voice.

"Who's that supposed to be?" Photini grinned.

"I'm surprised he's not here," Titus followed up behind her.


"Ah, Welcome to the Community Center," Athan called out.

"Titus," Photini said in a whispered scolding tone as she realized who the butt of the joke was.

"Mr. Berberry, you're out and about, unusual of you," Athan gave Titus a look. "Ms. HoneyRing, hopefully, you're finding the community to your liking?"

"Well," Photini looked over to Titus. "I think this place will grow on me."

"Good," Athan said monotonously. "Why don't I give you a small tour of the center?"

"Oh, Titus was going to."

"Nonsense. Titus never received his own tour of the facility, always slipping away. Now, follow me," without a response Athan walked off. Photini looked over to Titus with a smirk.

"Fine, let's take this tour of his," Titus offered his arm and Photini latched back on to him.

Athan led them on what Photini felt would be the most boring tour of her life. The center itself was fine, interesting in fact. It was Athan's dull droning about the building that bored Photini. At times though, Titus managed to make her smile with his silent hand-mocking of Athan. Photini knew it was childish, but at least it was entertaining.

As for the center, it was a place for sports activities, parties, and formal events. It also had a food court and shopping area, meaning Photini didn't have to leave the hill for groceries. Even if there was something they didn't have, they took requests for new items and had a pay-for-retrieval service if the wanted item was in a hundred-mile radius of the hill so the inhabitants still didn't have to leave themselves.

"We're also in the process of building an educational wing. We found out that the community is going to have its first infant this coming summer. Because of that, the owner decided it would be a much-needed addition, believing this is only the first of many infants to come," Athan had stopped them in front of a curtained-off area with a small coming soon sign placed nearby.

"Athan, this was nice and all, but are we done? I'd love to treat Ms. HoneyRing to lunch," Titus smiled at Athan who returned a grimace.

"As a matter of fact, yes, we are at the end of the tour, Mr. Berberry," Athan turned to Photini. "I believe you to be smart enough to be a little more careful on the company you keep. Good day, Ms. HoneyRing," with that, Athan gave a small nod of farewell and walked away.

"Well, then," Titus frowned for a moment before looking over at Photini with a smile. "Let's go get us something to eat, shall we?"

After lunch, Titus escorted Photini back to her house. She waved goodbye to Titus as she closed her front door, he had said that he'd come to walk her over to the party that weekend and that he couldn't wait to meet Irenai. Photini wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing. Thinking about it, she worried about how she was already getting too comfortable with Titus. She dug out her phone from her pocket and waited for Irenai to pick up.

"Yeah, Pho?" Irenai answered.

"Don't get mad," Photini felt a knot in her throat. Irenai had gotten her out of some tough spots she had foolishly gotten herself into in the past. She didn't want to let her manager down by getting too close to a guy too quickly again.

"What happened?"

"I need you to help me stay levelheaded, okay?' Photini felt the anxiety prick her skin.

"Pho, talk to me," Irenai sounded as worried as Photini felt.

"I think I'm getting a crush on Titus and I don't want a crush on Titus."

"I don't want you to have a crush on Titus either. Photini, I know you know now isn't a good time for you. You're just still hurt and your heart's just trying to find something or someone to numb the pain. I don't want to rant on about all the things I know you know and don't want to hear repeated," Irenai paused. "I'm glad you came to me about it."

"Yeah, he offered to escort us to the party and he can't wait to meet you. I'm so mad he's so nice and I can't find any reason to dislike him or want to stay away. Please, tell me he's been in jail for something mafia-related or everyone knows he beats kids up for their lunch money but there's not enough proof. Something Iren, give me something."

"Sorry, I got nothing other than his family name. I'm with you every step of the way, Pho. Call me anytime. I won't leave your side, okay?" Irenai sounded so sure. So much so, that Photini perked up a little.

"Thanks, Iren. I gonna get some ice cream, put some more stuff up, ya' know," Photini made her way to the kitchen. "I'll call you later, then?"

"I'll be here, Pho."

"Alright then, bye."

"Bye," with a bit of hesitation, Photini tapped the end call button and opened the freezer.