
It’s Complicated But It Doesn’t Have To Be

Melissa Hartford is a 25 year old woman who recently took over from her Father, Shane Hartford, as CEO of Hartford Industries, in the boardroom she’s an amazing businesswoman and boss, but all she does is work. Throwing herself into her work to be successful at the cost of her love life. That is until she has a chance meeting in a coffee shop, and enter Blake and his identical twin Brock Milligan. With a little fame, and money her lifestyle is happy until she discovers she’s being stalked. Join Melissa as she navigates work, love, and danger.

LouiseClamp1404 · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


Melissa pushed open the door to the bespoke coffee shop, she had found this little gem on her first day in the USA, and she loved it.

A smile on her beautiful face, she had put on make up, her green eyes highlighted by pale brown eyeshadow, framed by mascaraed eyelashes and winged eyeliner, the slightest hint of blusher and a similar lipstick to match her eyeshadow.

She was tall and slim and her tailored black business skirt suit, was impeccable, the skirt fell mid thigh over tanned stockinged legs, making her long legs look even longer highlighted by black heeled shoes.

Her light green blouse with tiny white flowers on brought out the green in her eyes, her auburn hair, was normally straight and had been teased into beautiful curls, that fell to elbow length.

Melissa looked up to the menu, she loved to try out different flavours of coffee, some were nicer than others, the peppermint coffee was truly disgusting, she did however like the roasted hazelnut coffee, as she scanned the menu her eyes fell on a nice sounding coffee

'Black Cherry Coffee, with whipped cream and black cherry sauce, that's sounds delicious' just as Melissa had decided to have that, the guy in front of her turned around.

She gasped quietly. "Wow. That guys gorgeous." He looked like a Greek God and was the very definition of tall, dark and handsome, he had hair that fell to the top to his shoulders, a small full beard and moustache, he was wearing a vest and jeans, his tattoos on his arms were fascinating, and his muscled bicep showed he worked out.

Quietly he said "Take a picture it will last longer." He gave a stunning smile, displaying very straight white teeth, his blue eyes were a deep blue almost black.

Turning her head away knowing she'd been caught staring Melissa took a great deal of interest in the freshly made food that was now in the display cabinet in front of her.

She could feel his eyes on her. She knew she'd caught his attention. Men were playthings to her. She loved the attention but when a guy wanted to get serious she called it off, feelings made you vulnerable. And in her life she wanted to be successful, I mean sure she loved her father, her half brother, and her step mother, but that was different, she had always been around them.

As the barista turned towards her, he smiled, "Hi again, What can I get for you today?"

Hoping to catch the good looking Greek God off guard she said "Can I have a Black Cherry Coffee please?"

She saw his eyes widen slightly as he waited for own coffee, "Nailed it."

As she paid for her coffee, and paid extra to pay it forward as she always did so at this coffee shop, she moved to the side to wait for her coffee, the Greek God lookalike spoke softly "We don't get many Brits in this part of Indiana, you here for business or pleasure?" Looking deep into her eyes as he said the next part "Or both?" Smiling slightly Melissa replied "I don't mix business with pleasure. It quickly gets messy." The barista brought them back down to Earth

"Order number 14" holding out a single coffee Melissa reached forward and took it. Taking her eyes off the Greek god, she smiled at the barista and walked towards the door. Pulling it open and left the coffee shop.

Walking towards the car park with keys in hand, she walked towards her black Porsche Boxster, clicking the button to unlock it, when a hand suddenly tested on her arm and spun her round.

There was Mr Greek God himself, slightly out of breath, "I want to take you out to dinner, what do you say?"

This was a first, she'd never had a man run after her before, removing his hand from her arm, he steadied the two coffees he was holding in the tray, with his other hand, she reached into her bag and pulled out a business card. Handing it to him and said "My details." Before getting into the car and putting her coffee in the cup holder, before she reversed and drove out of the car park.

Looking down at the black business card he could see it had her name and number on it in gold lettering

Melissa Hartford


Walking in the opposite direction to his own car, he knocked on the window and the passenger door opened, sliding into the passenger side he handed the coffee to the driver, his identical twin brother Brock.

Raising his eyebrow Brock asked "What the hell Blake? Where'd you go with the coffee? What's that?" As he tried to reach for Melissa's business card, Blake pulled it away and slipped it into his pocket.

"It's mine, that's what it is." Blake said with a smile. Shrugging Brock started the engine and drove away.