
Isn’t This Fun?

There exist many powerful beings throughout the various realms and dimensions. Any being within reason would find itself drowning in riches for it and the future generations of its family if it were to catch the eye of even the most insignificant being amongst those in control. These beings go by quite a few different titles, some of which include: Celestial, Divine, Behemoth, Demon, God... Amongst these grand titles, only one really reigns as most accurate - Calamity... (This humble author is hoping to post chapters with at least 1000 words)

iappo · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


Before man... Before beast... Before life itself.

Before time there existed incomprehensible beings of origin.

These beings merely existed, not doing much, just resting and keeping to themselves.

Most slept within the hollow spaces of reality that they carved purely to be more comfortable.

Some, although few in number, spent their efforts on trying to defeat an unbearable feeling known as a lack of purpose. These few wished to find meaning in their existence.

Some of these took to their thoughts, trying to use intelligence to crack this complex puzzle.

Others sought an external path; seeking out new ways to use their bodies.

But one... One of these anomalies. One outlier so extreme in its pursuit came to a sudden conclusion.

In a slow and deliberate manner, it spoke to itself, "my purpose... I shall rule. I- will dominate..." Its gaze turned firm as its colossal body shook.

The being ripped apart reality as though it was merely 1-ply toilet paper soaked in water.

With burning eyes and a heavy power making its presence felt rising in its chest, one of these existences gave birth to Chaos...

"Blah blah blah, Father, why must I read about these senile fools?" An irritated but inquisitive voice full of youth came abruptly.

Another voice similarly irritated came forth in a deep rumble, "those fools are the reason you're able to have so much fun after your studies." The voice's explanation carried a hint of reminiscence.

As if it was on the verge of laughter, the youthful voice piped in, "right... Thank you Almighty Father for being a hothead. I don't know how I would've gotten by if I was trapped in that boring plane of existence." While containing the air of sarcasm traces of appreciation could be felt in the youth's words.

As if lost in thought the deep rumble spoke, "it wasn't as bad as you think. That place was unbelievably comfortable for taking naps." Such a carefree answer was made with an absolutely serious face.

With a playful tone, the youth nagged, "ahhh, but a certain hothead went and completely destroyed it. How could such a fool exist?"

The youth gave the being an accusatory glance and chuckled, "couldn't be my great Father now could it?"

An imperceptible glint flashed through the being's eyes. With a swift thought, it acted as if it was too tired to deal with the youth any longer as a deep shout reverberated in the seemingly infinite library, "scram you ungrateful brat! It was a worthwhile exchange for the reality we have today."

The voice let out a huff, "unless you wish for me to send you back to that timeless plane?" The being spoke as if raising an eyebrow with its words.

The youth let loose a weak laugh, "Father truly is a comedian of an unbridled stature." Slight amounts of fear could be heard from the youth's deflated response.

In the most serious tone the being inquired, "do you speak the truth? I spent 10 years thinking of that for the next Council meeting." The voice was expectant.

As if trying to move the subject along the youth halfheartedly said, "yes, yes. Of course, Father. A joke that will surely not spread fear and discomfort in the Council members." The youth rolled his eyes.

Still, in thought, the being emotionless lay spoke, "that will be all for today, go have your fun. Do return at a reasonable time, tomorrow is your big day after all." The being's voice shifted into one of warmth towards the end of his words.

With a hint of excitement the youth cheerily shouted while already at the door, "will do, Father. How could this dashing prince miss the grand ceremony that signifies my freedom from your evil grasp?" Without waiting for the being to respond the youth vanished.

The being let loose a sigh full of concern and love contrasting sharply with its disposition in the Plane Before Time, "I hope our days go by like this for eternity, he doesn't need to feel the consequences of his birth." As if finally steeling his resolve the being spoke into the void, "Lady Time, please take care of this child for me. Consider your debts paid if you can promise me this."

Seemingly from all directions, a silky voice reverberated, "worry not, Your Majesty. This task is one I would have done on my own accord." The voice carried a subservient air as though its voice was bowing to this being.

With slight irritation, the being spoke up, "Lady Time, I've already told you not to refer to me with that Human terminology." The being crossed his arms with a "hmph" as if to say that such a form of address was beneath his mighty status.

With a heart-melting giggle, the silky voice spoke, "please forgive this pitiful consort. The Emperor of Calamity is surely merciful and would spare this beautiful lady." While speaking, jewel-like arms came from a place not traversed. Resting themselves around the neck of the being an almost incorporeal woman came into existence. "Did you call only to ask a favor? Surely you were prepared to conduct the duties of a couple?" The woman carried an air of obsession as she stared into this being's eyes.

With some sadness in its tone, the being spoke, "you know that won't work. Please consider my thoughts. How am I supposed to pleasure an immaterial being?" The being's hands lost their strength resting on the armrest of the chair it sat on.

With a light smile the woman spoke, "silly Emperor, this lady cares only for your pleasure. As long as my Royal Husband can enjoy himself with a small amount of effort on my part, that alone would give me untold pleasure." The woman traced the being's chest with her finger and speaking as if she was stating the obvious.

Following this flirtatious act was days of enjoyment for an exhausted being who had only recently become a father.