
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · แอคชั่น
129 Chs

World Meeting

*Two Days before the meeting*

Brian sat at his desk. His wife, Kendra and his three kids where waiting outside of his office.

Brain was on his laptop. "Damn…the crazy bitch did it." Brian was shaking with excitement.

He picked up his phone and dialed. "Did…you actually do it, kid?"

"Of course. That was the plan, right? This is exactly what we need to start the spark."


A man was sitting on the captain of the boat. Brian had sent the mist Akie to destroy the fleet that was going to attack the island.

"L-let me go, please! I won't tell anyone!" The man begged.

The Akie hung up the phone and rolled his eyes. "It's…funny. Oh, my name is Rue. But, it's funny…a man like you begging for his life." Rue got up and sat on a chair. "This ship is burning. You'll die if I don't save you."


"You…are the captain of this ship and the ruler of this empire. You have no right to beg for your life."

"How did you know-"

"You're a king. King of whatever your name is empire. You didn't work hard for anything…you're ruling over the empire, just because of your family. When your father dies…you rule. And when you die…your son will.I do commend you to some extent. Most men in your power wouldn't dare step on the battlefield. You were willing to die beside your men. Respect."

"You're with Brian!"

"Oh, wow. Good guess!" Rue said sarcastically.

"The world will-"

"The world will not know. I'm here to kill you, man. I'll make your death quick."

Rue held his arm out and was about to finish the young king.

"Need a story the public will believe. Besides, all you had to do was sign a paper."


Brian was reading a story off of his laptop. The empire had been killed when attacking the island. Brian made the call to see if Rue had followed through with their plan.

"Okay, I'll be on the way to the meeting. This…is the exact push we need." Brian hung up the phone and almost yelled with excitement.


Brian was riding in his limbo. He couldn't stop reading the news. "Sir, we are here." His driver said. He got out of the car and opened the door for Brian.

"Good luck, sir." The agent said.

Brian lifted his head to see thousands of people. Everyone had their phones out, taking pictures, screaming with excitement, and thrilled to see the man.

Brain looked down the red carpet. He could see Rue wearing an all black suit. "Still wearing that little pirate-looking hat, huh?" Brian chuckled. He walked down the carpet while smiling and waving his hand in the air.

(Annoying trash). Brian thought.

He walked towards Rue and shaked his hand firmly. "Today me, a few CIA agents, and a powerful group of men. Only we will speak. You will just listen, okay?"

Rue gave Brian a thumbs-ups with a big smile. "You aren't good at lying, kid." Brian chuckled.

Brian walked into the building. Two security guards slammed the doors behind the two men.

There was a group of men not too far in front of them. A man wearing an all red suit waved his hand in the air. "If it isn't Brian the brainiac!"

"Hey, Slasher." Brian and Slasher shaked each other's hand. Slasher had a red suit on, pale skin, red dyed tips in his hair, green eyes,black shoes, was tall, black hair, and a long scar going across his face.

(Feels like I know him…but, I know I've never met this guy before.) Rue thought.


20 minuets had past. The men walked into a stadium of some sort and took their seats. Eye notcied the different flags around the stadium.

"The different countries…interesting."

A woman and man walked in the middle of the stadium. Mutltiple people followed behind them. "Ladies and gentlemen!" The man began to speak.

Rue noticed the people behind him using hand signs. "Translators?"

"We are here to discuss the situation with island X. All of the nations, countries, state leaders, country leaders, military leaders, and more!" The man looked up at Brian. "Brian Zoldoch, the man who called this meeting will now have the floor. Please, stand up."

Brain stood up. The crowd whispered amongst themselves.

"Hello…everyone. As Joey explained, we are here to discuss the island. Now, to all of the people at home…we can all agree that something is very wrong. All of the animals went away and drowned themselves trying to reach the island. I mean, we literally had to build buildings to hold our animals from escaping. That's problem one: starvation. Problem two: the baby. We, the world…we all decided to let the Akies have their little baby. We believed that the Akies were smart enough to kill the thing. But, we chose wrong. Every nation leader…chose wrong. The boy…Adisa is alive and well. This is the reason why all of these things are happening." Brian looked at Joey. "Joey, would you be so kind and show the photos?"

Joey pulled out a remote and pushed a button while pointing it at the wall. Everyone gasped, as the photo contained images of the empire Rue destroyed.

"They where on their way to the island. The Akies did that to the boats." Brian sighed.

"What about the barriers? Are the barriers down!?" A man asked.

Brian held eye contact with the man and sighed. "I'm..afraid so. You see, we believe the Akies took it down. We even have reason to believe that they are working with Adisa."

Everyone in the stadium whispered amongst each other. A tall Japanese man raised his hand. "You're saying that Akies are trying…to take over the world, yes?" The man had a strong accent. His voice made Brian's ears tremble.

"Yes, sir. The empire you see was headed there to fight the Akies. They weren't too far from the island. Only a couple of miles away. This…is a threat we cannot ignore." Brian began to raise his voice.

"All over the world…strange things have been happening…all because the child lives! Every nation…EVERY SINGLE NATION is starting to see unrecognizable creatures, more kids missing, animals acting strange, objects disappearing, and more!" Brian looked directly into a nearby camera. "This is live on television! The whole world is watching! Do you citizens want to keep living in fear?! Our world leaders won't let us strike back! We need to wait for their say-so. How do you people feel about that?!"

"We don't even know why you're saying is true!" A woman yelled across the stadium.

"What do I have to lie for?! You all have seen the creature captured on camera! My men died for that picture!"

"Your men?! Our founding fathers built this utopia! They're the ones who banished the Akies away on the island with the ten A warriors!" Another man yelled.

Everyone was starting to get rowdy. Rue tilted his head to the side and took a deep breath.

"Don't you dare call me a liar! I'm here to destroy their empire! I'm saving the world!"

"Like hell you are!"

"I will not sacrifice my men for a lie!"

"My nation will have nothing to do with this!"

Everyone was getting louder and louder. Rue slammed his fist on the desk, silencing everyone in the stadium.

"All of you are just-hehe…really interesting people." Rue chuckled.

"What the hell are you doing?" Brian whispered.

Rue ignored Brian and pulled his by his shoulder to sit down. "My partner here is a rule follower…just like all of you. Well, I'm no follower. I'm an explorer." Rue explained. "All of you people at home…I want you to know something." Rue began to walk across his desk slowly and with his hands behind his back. "These…people you're watching don't care about you or anyone. Money is the only thing that keeps them thriving! Every last one of you people don't care about the citizens!" Rue yelled while pointing at the crowd of people in the stadium. "They're scared because the world might end. Everything they've built…will be burnt to the ground and destroyed! Don't you people at home think for a SECOND…that these…these things actually care. We fight the war because we have families to protect! Not fight for these animals here!"


"Turn the camera off, Shane!" A woman said.

Rue looked up at the camera crew. "Don't you dare turn them off!"

"This "utopia" is even…it's not even perfect. All of these nations and world leaders are here today. They're all evil. The food you people eat, the useless lives you keep living, the technology, the celebrities, the "A warriors, all of it is bullshit! You all should be thanking me! My friend Brian told me not to speak but, I just can't help it. I come from a place far beyond this! I've seen things! Like I said earlier, I'm an explorer. This world is connected to one much greater than our own! I've seen beings so giant…a single step from them could destroy this entire island!" Rue explained.

"Did he say island?" People began to whisper amongst each other once again.

"Earth is nothing but a small island. The Akies or something on the island is going to open portals around the world and transfer the creatures here. The entire world will be thrown into chaos!" Rue yelled.

(People around the world listened in)

Rue took a deep breath and continued his speech. "We won't sit here and wait! Now, it's the time for action and to work together! I know all of you powerful people don't care about to citizens or poor people but, this isn't the time for that. No racism, segregation, sexism, thinking you're better than others, just work! Fellow citizens…if you truly want to bring this system down,save your home, save the world you love, change your lives and ruin theirs…please, we beg of you to fight!"


Rue's speech caused a spark in the world. A spark that made people want to go fight.

The rich,the governments, nation leaders, and other powerful people and companies were in fear. There was a rise up.

Not long after Rue's speech, the system had started to collapse. Only hours had past…and the entire world was ready to fight.

"This is absurd! I told you not to say anything!" Brian yelled.

"It's fine. You wanted people to fight…I got them." Rue sighed. "It's only a matter of time before-"

Brian's phone started to ring. "Brian picked up the phone and quikcly hung it up. He pulled out his remote and pointed it at his giant tv.

Multiple faces appeared on screen. Including Brian's. "You've all decided?!"

There was a moment of silence before the man opened his mouth. "All nations on this planet…will fight to kill Adisa on island x."


"Yes. Even the citizens. If it's a fight they want…they'll be forced to join it."

Rue's facial expression changed. He was suprised by the man's answer.

Brian leaned back and slowly towards his desk. "What do you mean?"

"Every man, woman, and child will enter this war. This isn't a fight for lamd, money, beef, or resources…this is for the survival of our race!"

Rue quietly chuckled.

Brian slammed his hands on the desk. "What…have we done?"

"Do you not want that?" The man asked.

Brian took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. "Before we make our citizens fight, we should send a little message or at least do something to where we don't put our lives in the line first. I was thinking that we use our nukes and nuke them out."

"That can be our first plan."

(What will you do now, Brian? You don't want kids to get involved…do you? You're so selfless, it's disgusting.)

"Then…we pursue the surving Akies with our ten super soldiers. Please, general Commander."

"Okay, sure. Why's your idea?"


All of this had transpired when Wonder was born. The world had decided to fight island x and take it down. All thanks to Rue's speech.


Rue sat on the beach and looked far beyond. "It is time…my friends."

Rue whispered.

Next chapter: Obsidian's doubts