
Island of Lost Gamers

Island of Lost Gamers follows David Green, an ordinary man thrust into a deadly game on a mysterious island where RPG mechanics rule survival. Alongside a group of strangers, David must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle monstrous creatures, and uncover ancient secrets—all while dark forces manipulate them from within. As they struggle to stay alive, David evolves from a regular man into a leader, but the cost is high. Betrayals, deadly encounters, and the lure of powerful relics test their resolve. In a world where trust is scarce and the stakes are life or death, David and his group must decide who to trust and how far they’re willing to go to survive. Island of Lost Gamers is a thrilling blend of survival and dark fantasy, perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and Sword Art Online.

Orkhan · เกม
43 Chs


The traitor stood in the shadows, waiting. The meeting place was remote—hidden within the streets of a long-abandoned house on the outskirts of the city. The air was thick with the smell of damp stone and decay, a fitting place for a meeting that felt both dangerous and desperate.

Lisa appeared first, her eyes dark and intense, but the traitor noticed the subtle hints of unease in her movements. She was different—colder, perhaps. But there was still something familiar in her demeanor, something the traitor clung to.

"Why should the Black Temple believe you?" Lisa's voice cut through the silence, sharp and questioning. Her words, though simple, carried the weight of her experience, as if she knew what it meant to be an outcast, searching for power in the shadows.

The traitor took a deep breath, steadying their nerves. "Because," they began, stepping closer into the dim light that barely illuminated the stone walls, "I'm not that different from you, Lisa. I know what it's like to be ignored, overlooked. No one ever sees us as more than side characters. But we're not—we're just as important as the others. We have our own story to write."

Lisa tilted her head slightly, her expression unreadable. "And what makes you think you're worthy of our help?"

The traitor's voice grew more confident, filled with a bitter edge. "Look at you, Lisa. They used you too, didn't they? Mark, David… all of them. James died because no one took him seriously. You've been through it. You understand better than anyone why I can't just sit back and let them decide my fate. I have to make my own way."

For a moment, the silence was thick between them. The traitor could feel their heart pounding, hoping that their words were enough. They had gambled everything on this, but the gamble wasn't over yet.

But then, something shifted in Lisa's posture—a sudden, almost imperceptible change. Her eyes, which had once held that familiar spark, darkened, as if shadows had seeped into them. Her lips curled into a slow, predatory smile.

"Ah," she said softly, her voice lower, almost mocking, "so you've come to me because you don't want to be a side character?"

The traitor's blood ran cold. This wasn't Lisa anymore. The realization hit like a punch to the gut. Namaah had taken over.

The air grew colder, and the presence of Namaah loomed in the room like an invisible weight. The black rose tattoo on Lisa's shoulder seemed to glow with a sinister light, twisting around her skin like a living snake. The traitor involuntarily stepped back, but Namaah—through Lisa—laughed.

"Such a brave little pet," she said, her voice dripping with malice, "willing to strike a deal, thinking you're in control. But do you really believe you can handle the consequences?"

The traitor swallowed hard, but forced their voice to remain steady. "I don't care about the consequences. I care about getting what I deserve. If David wants to chase after glory in the tournament, then let him. But I won't stand in the shadows anymore. I'll make my own alliances."

Namaah leaned in, her smile widening. "So, you've chosen us over him. Very well, then. And what do you offer in return?"

The traitor clenched their fists, trying to suppress the rising fear. "I have something that will interest you. David needs to win the tournament to get something—holy dew. It's a prize for the top contenders. If he wins it, he'll use it to heal Sarah. But you already know that's not what you want."

Namaah's expression darkened, her eyes narrowing as she considered the information. "The holy dew... very precious indeed. And you would… destroy it for us?"

The traitor hesitated. This was the final step—the point of no return. "If that's what it takes, yes. But I want your backing. I want to be more than a footnote in someone else's story."

Namaah smiled approvingly. "Oh, I like you. Ambitious, willing to betray your friends to climb higher. You'll fit in just fine. But know this: once you wear my mark, there is no turning back. You'll belong to me. Body and soul."

With a flick of her wrist, black flames erupted from her fingertips. They danced in the air before sinking into Lisa's skin, manifesting as the black rose tattoo coiling with new life. The traitor watched, their breath shallow as Namaah extended a single hand toward them.

"Now, come closer. Let me give you my gift."

The traitor stepped forward, heart hammering, and Namaah's fingers brushed their chest. In an instant, searing pain shot through their body as the black rose mark etched itself into their skin. They gritted their teeth, refusing to show weakness, even as the burn threatened to make them scream.

When it was over, Namaah stepped back, her smile a mix of satisfaction and danger.

"Go now," she said softly. "And remember, if you fail me... there are far worse fates than death."

With that, the shadows around Lisa seemed to recede, and the dark aura faded. Namaah was gone, and Lisa slumped, unconscious, to the floor. The traitor, still trembling from the encounter, turned and slipped back into the shadows.