
Iskeai:The Adventures of Two Friends

Saito and jason were talking about how they were now homeless when suddenly they saw a shooting star. Jason decided he wanted to be reincarnated into another world with his friend while saito wished for both of them to be immortal if that ever happens. They joked that it wasn’t true when suddenly a meteor crashed straight at them and wiping them off the face of the planet. They are now isekaid into another world by a god

Ender_Child · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

NightMare Town pt.1

Jason who was using his mana to heat up the water near the pond to take a sip he was suddenly startled by a strange noise coming from behind him.

he turned around and found nothing there. "Yeah and i am going back" Jason didn't want to take any chances, so he decided to return back to the others by dashing there continuously.

'I wonder if i can make a spell that could counter that demons [Dark Desolation] i feel like it could pierce any defense no matter the enchantments,but to make that kind of spell i need something like light or holy magic,i may actually try to gain my hands onto some demon or elven magic if i get the chance'

Jason thought as he finally arrived back at the place. the skeletal wolf was was sitting as it guarded, saito was practicing a few moves to make his own fighting style and the wraith slime was helping Mira cast some spells by sharing mana from the surroundings to her.

"You are back quicker than expected" Saito said as he sheathed his sword.

"Yeah i am and i think we should get moving, there is a town Five hours away from here according to the map" Jason said as he snapped his fingers,prompting for the skeletal wolf to come here.

"This undead can carry two people,so you three can get on,i'll follow you from behind"

He stretched, Mira came to their place with the slime in her hands.

"Well, let's get going" Saito replied to him and helped mira get on the wolf,after he did so Jason slowly took the lead, the wolf kept ip with him pretty easily.


'This place looks gloomy' Saito said,looking at the entrance of the town, there was no guards in the gates and it was deathly silent.

'…That place…i smell resentment' Saitos sword projected the voice of the strange demon he met in the library.

'How are you in my head?' He asked confused.

'The moment you picked me up,You soul bonded with the weapon which in turn,we sort of got married…' The demons voice went silent,Saitos faced darkened and he felt something deep inside him screaming he betrayed it. A single tear dropped from his face.

"Dude why do you see like you passed down a kidney stone?" Jason said as he kept up with the wolfs speed.

"It's nothing don't worry about it" Saito replied with a forced smile. Mira curiously laughed looked at them but didn't talk, the wraith slime seem to like mira for some reason even though jason was the one who turned it into that and saito was the one who made it..

The trio stoped after reaching the gate

Jason seemed to fell something off.

"it feels the same as that presence.." he whispered think about the feeling he got in the forest five hours ago.

"…Yeah i don't trust this place" Saito said as he said so.

"One problem though….Where is mira,the undead and the slime" Jason asked looking around and seeing that the way they came from was now covered by a thick and oppressive fog.

"…Damn it, I knew this world was gonna be dark but come on!!, do we have to go and find whatever that is causing this shit and kill it!" Saito said in annoyance.

Jason looked at him with an obvious yes,he sighed and then unsheathed his sword,both of them walked into the gates and as they did, the fog Covered the gates and trapped them inside.

Jason navigated the surroundings with a fireball in his hands lighting up the darkness in the town.

Saito summoned some slimes that have stealth abilities to navigate further into the town. Jason made the fireball float, he sheathed his katan ready to attack any danger along the way.


The sound of a snapping branch was heard, jaso slashed the air in feont of him, the head of a monster became visible,its eyes white and glassy,its mouth was wide open and its face was completely black.

"Wheres the body.." Saito silently whispered,he could sense the body of the monster still alive,his eyes flashed and then he lunged forward piercing something.

The monsters body fell and it then disappeared into mist with its head.

"…That is creepy" Jason said as he made more fireballs and fired them in different directions, the screeches of various more monsters were heard by both.

Saito sighed. "I know and i don't like the atmosphere too"

"Yeah and i think this things aren't considered monsters,i think their just physical illusions ment to scare us" Jason contemplated as he killed another illusion.


"Hello" An image of a little bou with small insect like wings and a black cloth said as he looked at mira and the slime curiously, the bones of the undead dog were scattered around it.

Mira was cautious but let her guard down for a moment. "H-hello can i know where we are" She gently spoke to the boy.

The boy tilted his head and then he replied. "This is my home…but everyone is turning inot monsters" He sadly said as he rolled up into a ball

"Why is everyone turning into monsters" Mira asked in worry.

The child looked up at her and said. "Mom said the goddess Aurora cursed us".

"Why did she curse you?" Mira asked, the slime was ready to protect her at any moment.

"Dad said it's because we surrendered to the demons to keep our peace and not happily fight knowing she was giving is her blessing,…I am the only one that hasn't turned into a monster…and i don't know why" He quietly said,tears were streaming down his face.

Miras expression softened and then she wiped off the boys tears. "Did you always have those wings?" She asked.

"…No one day when everyone became monsters, they all attacked me and then i was like this…and then everything got covered in the fog" The boy said as it looked at the slime on the floor, the slime made a question mark with its body.

"Cute,Can it touch it" The boy asked looking at the slime.

"Well only if it wants to" The slime looked at mira before moving towards the boy, the boy played with the slime and mira watched as they waited in this dark space.

Her green eyes glowed in what seemed to be wrath, deep within her eyes, a red light shined unseen by anyone.


"these things seems to be getting bigger and stronger for some reason" jason dashed away from a claw. his hands glowed in a blue light as he shot a ball of thunder at the monster.

"yeah i can see" Saito dodged an attack feom a stranfe bipedal looking monster, he slashed at it and then immediately killed it.

Suddenly they heard a roar from the sky, when they looked up multiple yellow eyes looked back at them.

"Fuck?!!, hide?!" Jason immediately said and left that area as fast as he could, Saito did the same though still not as fast as him.

As they were leaving the area,multiple fleshy humanoid looking things dropped down,their yellow eyes piercing through the fog.

Jason and Saito found themselves surrounded by fleshy humanoid creatures with piercing yellow eyes. These monsters dropped down from the sky, their forms grotesque and unsettling against the backdrop of the fog-covered town.

"Damn it, more of them!" Jason cursed under his breath, weaving through the narrow alleys and trying to evade the monsters' grasp. He unleashed bursts of fireballs to create a barrier between them, buying some time.

Saito, his sword gleaming in the dim light, slashed through the creatures that lunged at him. Each strike was precise, cutting through the foul creatures with practiced ease. Despite their numbers, the creatures seemed more like illusions than solid beings, dissipating into mist when struck, only to reform moments later.

"These things just keep coming!" Saito shouted, frustration evident in his voice as he continued to fend off the relentless onslaught.

Jason's mind raced, trying to devise a strategy. "We need to find the source of this illusion or whatever curse is causing this!" He yelled back, casting a searching glance around the mist-shrouded streets. The fog seemed to thicken with every passing moment, complicating their efforts to navigate and fight.

As they pressed forward, the creatures' attacks grew more coordinated, forcing them into a tighter defensive stance. Saito's movements were swift and deliberate, his slimes darting in and out of the shadows, striking at the monsters' vulnerable spots.

"Any ideas?" Saito called out, keeping a watchful eye on Jason who was now channeling his mana into a larger fire spell, aiming to disperse the fog and reveal any hidden threats.

"Just keep them off us while I try something!" Jason replied, his voice tense with concentration. With a sudden surge of energy, he unleashed a torrent of flames into the air, creating a temporary clearing above them. Through the dissipating mist, they caught a glimpse of a towering structure at the town's center, emanating a faint, ominous aura.

"There!" Jason pointed towards the structure. "Let's head for that building. It might be where this curse originates."

Saito nodded, slashing his way through the last of the creatures blocking their path. "Lead the way".

The two ran and they encountered more bigger versions of the fleshy illusions, Jason applied [Burning Darkness] Unti his katana and slashed at more of the beasts making their flesh both burn and decay.

Saito used [Flame Burst] Which made his sword burn in a dark red flame, he was suprised.

'It's demon magic,it's there because of me' The demon projected inside his mind again. Saito thanked her and both he and jason decided to clear the way.