
Iskeai:The Adventures of Two Friends

Saito and jason were talking about how they were now homeless when suddenly they saw a shooting star. Jason decided he wanted to be reincarnated into another world with his friend while saito wished for both of them to be immortal if that ever happens. They joked that it wasn’t true when suddenly a meteor crashed straight at them and wiping them off the face of the planet. They are now isekaid into another world by a god

Ender_Child · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Bandits are Weak?

"Are these the two that caused trouble in front of the gates" A girl with red braids and a gold tiara said as she looked at the two in the cell.

Jason waked up and looked at the girl. "Oh look it's red haired dorothy hahahah"

Saito glanced at her and said. "Meh more like a copyrighted barbie doll"

The girl didn't understand what they said but then decided to introduce herself. "Hello travelers, i am Kia Yin, i am the third child of this kingdoms king"

Jason looked a bit unimpressed. "So in shorter terms, a red haired pampered brat.

The guard beside her angrily shouted at jason. "Bas***d this is the princess, show sime respect or else.

Saito looked as if he had enough of it and looked at the guard, he was pretty sure both of them have bee here for about three hours at most. "Wow i am pretty sure you are acting like this because you saw the princess, Well too bad for you we give no shit when talking to such pampered people.

The guard looked to be enraged as he started casting a spell.

[Ding?!! Magic mastery activated, New skill has been learned [Stun bolt]

jason saw the prompt and then used the spell way before the guard could. "[Stun bolt]

the bolt hit the guard as he fell down in the ground paralyzed.

"Princess say what you want to say" Saito impatiently stated..

The princess looked baffled by the interaction between the two and the guard. "ah, well you see some bandits have been seen near the city, so for your freedom you have to get rid of them,if you do you will get some rewards.

Jason and saito did think about it, on one side free access to the city while on the other,Freedom and rewards. "why don't you just make other people do it?."

The princess blinked at saitos words and then replied. "Our forces are spread thin due to recent conflicts, and we need all the help we can get. You two have shown some… unique abilities. Prove yourselves by handling this task, and you'll earn not only your freedom but also the trust of the kingdom."

Jason and Saito exchanged a look. They had landed in this strange world unexpectedly and were still figuring out how their newfound powers worked. Taking on a task like this could be an opportunity to learn more about their abilities and gain some favor in this kingdom.

Jason shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "Alright, Princess, we'll take care of your bandit problem. But we expect a good reward. No skimping on the gold."

Saito nodded in agreement. "And maybe some decent food and lodging. We've had enough of prison cells."

Kia Yin smiled, a mix of relief and satisfaction in her eyes. "Very well. Deal with the bandits, and you shall have your freedom, along with a generous reward. I will make sure you are equipped with everything you need."

As the princess turned to leave, she gestured to the remaining guard to unlock the cell. "Prepare them for the mission and provide them with the necessary gear," she commanded.

The guard, still wary of Jason and Saito, reluctantly followed her orders. He opened the cell door and motioned for them to follow. "Come with me," he said, his tone less hostile but still cautious.

As they walked through the castle's corridors, Jason couldn't help but poke fun at the guard. "So, what's the deal with the bandits? Are they just your run-of-the-mill thugs, or are we talking about something more dangerous?"

The guard grumbled, not wanting to give them too much information but knowing it was part of his duty. "These bandits have been causing trouble for months. They're well-organized and have been attacking supply caravans and travelers. They've made a camp in the forest to the north."

Saito raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like they're more than just bandits. Any idea who's leading them?"

The guard shook his head. "We've heard rumors, but nothing concrete. Some say it's a disgraced knight, others believe it's a rogue mage. You'll have to find out for yourselves."

Jason and Saito nodded, taking mental notes. They reached the armory, where they were given weapons, armor, and a map detailing the location of the bandit camp. After gearing up, they stepped outside the castle gates, ready to embark on their mission.

"Let's get this over with," Jason said, checking the sharpness of his new sword.

"Yeah, the sooner we deal with these bandits, the sooner we can get out of this mess and figure out what the hell is going on," Saito agreed.

The two made their way out of the city, Jason checked his status to pass the time,Saito checked his own too.
















Primary Skills:[Stun bolt]/5Mp

Secondary skills:None


-Weapon:[Silver sword](+1)




-Magic Mastery Lvl 2/10

-Electric Dash Lvl 2/10

-Drainig touch Lvl 2/10 ]

[Name: Saito

-Level: 3/100

-Race: Immortal

-Title: Immortal, Maniacs








Hp: 150/150

Mp: 280/280

Exp: 1/30

Primary Skills: None

Secondary Skills: None


-Weapon: [Silver sword] (+2)

-Armor: [Clothes] (+0)

-Accessory: [None]


-Weaponsmaster Lvl 2/10

-Summon Slimes Lvl 2/10

-Soul Forge Lvl 1/10

Saito nodded his head at the stats."Looks like i am more of a dual wielder huh.

"And i am a speedy magician" Jason proudly said. it didn't take them that long to find the bandit camp, Saito counted and then realized there were about ten of them.

"I'll use my slimes as a distraction and then you abduct one of them and swiftly kill them,since my [Summon slime] ability reached level 2 i can summon slimes that can use different elements" Saito is explained the plan to jason, he nodded but he then added his own idea.

"True,my [Magic Mastery] has reached level 2 and i am able to instantly copy any basic level spell, I can use the stun bolt to paralyze them for some time, then you can go deal the finishing blow" Saito and Jason carefully approached the bandit camp, keeping low and moving quietly to avoid detection. They positioned themselves behind some dense bushes, observing the bandits' movements and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Saito glanced at Jason, signaling that it was time to execute their plan. He raised his hand, summoning several slimes infused with elemental powers. As they appeared, the slimes began to move toward the bandit camp, creating a small but noticeable commotion.

The bandits quickly noticed the slimes and drew their weapons, some shouting in confusion. "What the hell are these things?" one of the bandits yelled as he swung his sword at a slime, only for it to dodge and spew a burst of fire at him.

Jason took advantage of the distraction, casting [Stun Bolt] on one of the bandits. The spell hit its target, causing the bandit to convulse and fall to the ground, paralyzed. With the guard incapacitated, Jason quickly moved in, using his [Electric Dash] to close the distance and deliver a swift, lethal blow.

Saito, seeing the opening, dashed into the fray with his new silver sword. He targeted another bandit, his weapon skills honed by his [Weaponsmaster] ability. His strikes were precise and powerful, cutting down the bandit with ease.

The slimes continued to wreak havoc, using their elemental abilities to keep the remaining bandits occupied. One slime conjured a mini tornado, throwing a bandit off balance, while another slime drenched a bandit in water, making him an easy target for Saito's sword.

Jason used his [Draining Touch] on a nearby bandit, sapping his energy and leaving him weakened. He then followed up with another [Stun Bolt], ensuring the bandit wouldn't be getting up any time soon.

Despite their initial surprise, the bandits started to regroup. The leader, a tall man with a scar across his face, barked orders to his men. "Focus on those two! Take them down!"

"Oh look it's scar face" Jason joked as he threw a [Stun bolt] on a nearby bandit, he then dashed near the bandit before he could fall and slashed his neck, cutting off his head in the process.

"Bastards?!!, Mage attack him" the scarfaced man pushed a girl that had two white cat ears and tail,she had green eyes, her hands seems to be shaking from fear.

"f-fireball?!!" A fiery orb materialized in the cat-eared girl's hands, but it fizzled out almost immediately, revealing her lack of confidence and control. The scarred leader snarled in frustration and backhanded her. "Useless!"

Jason's eyes narrowed at the sight. "Hey, Saito, I think we've got a reluctant participant here."

Saito nodded, moving toward the girl while fending off another bandit. "I'll handle the leader. You take care of her."

Jason approached the cat-eared girl cautiously, keeping his hands visible to show he meant no harm. "Hey, we're not here to hurt you. What's your name?"

She looked at him with wide, fearful eyes, her tail twitching nervously. "M-Mira."

"Alright, Mira. Just stay back and let us handle this," Jason said gently, positioning himself between her and the scarred leader.

Meanwhile, Saito squared off against the leader, who brandished a large, wicked-looking sword. "Think you can take me, boy?" the leader sneered.

Saito smirked, gripping his silver sword tightly. "Oh, I know I can." With a burst of speed, he lunged at the leader, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks.

The remaining bandits, seeing their leader engaged, hesitated. Jason took the opportunity to cast another [Stun Bolt], taking out a bandit who was trying to sneak up on Saito. The slimes continued their chaotic assault, further thinning the bandits' numbers.

Saito's duel with the leader intensified, the clanging of metal echoing through the camp. The leader was strong and skilled, but Saito's Weaponsmaster ability gave him the edge. He dodged a heavy swing and countered with a precise strike to the leader's side, causing him to stagger.

"You're outmatched," Saito said coldly, delivering a final blow that sent the leader to the ground, defeated.

With their leader down, the remaining bandits began to flee, their morale shattered. Jason and Saito didn't bother to chase them, focusing instead on securing the camp.

"Ugh that was exhausting" jason said as he waited for saito to appear, saito dispersed all his slimes and made his way to the two.

"I mean they really didn't even put up that much of a fight" Saito said a bit disappointed.

"No shit sherlock, they were weaker than the goblin?!" Jasons eye's twitched in frustration but atleast he got something out of this whole ordeal..

"Wow is that a fireball?!" Saito said in amazement as he i said the small ball of fire floating above jasons hand.

"H-hey" Mira who seemed to have gotten forgotten which was weird because jason is interested in cat girls.

Mira explained her situation that she was out on a quest given to her by her father when she suddenly got attacked by the bandits, the bandits didn't kill her and thought she was useful.

After comforting her, the trio went towards the gates, some of the people lining up saw saito and jason all bloodied and then decided to ignore them not to draw their attention

As they re-entered the city, Jason and Saito, with Mira in tow, drew curious and cautious glances from the townspeople. Their recent skirmish had left them looking quite the sight—disheveled but victorious. The guards at the gate, recognizing them, quickly escorted the group to the castle.

"Big place, Must be quite nice living here" Saito said admiring the architecture of the castle.

"Too bright for my liking" Jason scowled at the gold and red colored decorations on the walls…