
Isekai War Grandpa

Rama was an Indonesian man, he was a soldier, who served his country and fight for democracy.. For freedom. After losing his way in the modern world due to dying in combat, serving a peace keeping mission in the kongo regions for the united nations. Rama begins to questions whether his cause is just or just same lame excuse for another form of colonialism. being a former victim of colonialism that weighed on him. To his surprise, he is reincarnated into a different world as a veteran soldier and an old man.. "FUCK WHY DID I REINCARNATED INTO A NOTHER SOLDIER AND AN OLD SINILE AT THAT!!.. " Cursing his awful luck, now with all the skills and knowledge he gained from his gaming (yess..like all 20 year old do, he played his fare share of games) and real life experience (Being a Peace keeping soldier for the UN) he must fight in battles and survive in this new profound world.. -------------------------------- Some information you might find useful! This is my very first novel.. so yeah, sorry for the inconvenience... basically Rama is a modern man reincarnated to a world war one theme with different races. Where he will build his empire and create his utopia.. This world will have magical setting and a fantasy setting. Which means magic is a thing and so are magical creature. elves dwarves and etc races will be here as well. i’ll make Rama bring a few of modern stuff and make him have a system. There'll be abit of ideological topic as well and he'll be an anti-villain beware.. Mind that this is an alternate history and so it will not be exactly the same as our current timeline and i'll be making this novel to incorporate some of my home country culture, Southern Asia with still European influences.. so yeah this is just an alternate universe. I’m just writing this for fun and to pass the time, So yeah… Power stones and comment will be much appreciated. Enjoy and thanks…

akirakynan · สงคราม
5 Chs

Prologue : 3, Reincarnation

Rama, sat on a hard, wooden chair in a small, dimly lit room. His hands were cuffs behind his back, and his head held high by his pride. He could hear them arguing, before a footsteps arrived outside the door. They saluted the man and opened the door. It creaked open, and a beam of light hit his face, causing him to squint.

"Sir.. " He saluted the man, before standing up from his wooden chair. "Rama reporting for duty sir."

He could see several shadowy figures of men in military uniforms, all armed with rifles, except the officer in front of him.

The officer spoke to him in a harsh, commanding tone "You have been found guilty of the mass shooting of the village in upper papua, and your sentence is death by shooting. Do you have any last word?"

Rama took a deep breath and lifted his head high and proud, looking into the eyes of the officers without blinking. "I Served my country, i served democracy yet i have nothing to serve now.." He replied, his voice steady and resolute.

He knew he was betrayed, everything is clear now. His commanding officer had greeted him with sorrow that faitfull day. That's why three of his friend was discovered easily by the tribe and butchered by them. His officers sold them out. They were ready for us, well except for him.. But still even then, the higher ups took care of me with a executioner squad. It was always a one way mission, no going back, a one way ride.

He could feel the sweet on his brow, his heart pounding in his chest. Not because of fear but hatred, the cause had betrayed him. His homeland abandoned him and he didn't know how to face it.

Before he was arrested, he had run from the village. As he fled through the dense forest, his heart pounded in his chest. He could feel the excitement, he was finally getting home, to his fine sofa and PS5.. Yess he loved the gamer life, maybe he'd even retired from the special force after this mission. He had consider all things, and he'd rather stop from this job and get something less risky and more mundane once in awhile.

Eventually, he reached the a river rushing past in a wild torrent. without a second thought, he flung himself into the water, feeling the water shock his whole body. He fought to keep his head above the water, and finally reaching the other side of the river collapsed onto the muddy banks. He had survived, and needed to wait until extraction in this place.

What came was out of his expectation. It was not warm welcome but a hard cold arrest. Before long he was cuffs and brought to this room with armed guards.

The officer stood against him once more, he had an apologetic looked on his face. He knew what he did, why he did it, maybe it was an ordered from the higher ups. Nobody knew and care. They were soldiers, and good soldiers don't asked questioned, they do what there'll told. They were all his brothers and they were all good soldiers.

The officer nodded, and the soldiers behind him stepped forward, their rifles hangs on their chest. Rama was brought out side and closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. He heard the sound of guns cocking, and then..

I wish i could've died for another cause. A cause of my own choosing..

Closed his eyes and let out one final breath....