
Isekai War Grandpa

Rama was an Indonesian man, he was a soldier, who served his country and fight for democracy.. For freedom. After losing his way in the modern world due to dying in combat, serving a peace keeping mission in the kongo regions for the united nations. Rama begins to questions whether his cause is just or just same lame excuse for another form of colonialism. being a former victim of colonialism that weighed on him. To his surprise, he is reincarnated into a different world as a veteran soldier and an old man.. "FUCK WHY DID I REINCARNATED INTO A NOTHER SOLDIER AND AN OLD SINILE AT THAT!!.. " Cursing his awful luck, now with all the skills and knowledge he gained from his gaming (yess..like all 20 year old do, he played his fare share of games) and real life experience (Being a Peace keeping soldier for the UN) he must fight in battles and survive in this new profound world.. -------------------------------- Some information you might find useful! This is my very first novel.. so yeah, sorry for the inconvenience... basically Rama is a modern man reincarnated to a world war one theme with different races. Where he will build his empire and create his utopia.. This world will have magical setting and a fantasy setting. Which means magic is a thing and so are magical creature. elves dwarves and etc races will be here as well. i’ll make Rama bring a few of modern stuff and make him have a system. There'll be abit of ideological topic as well and he'll be an anti-villain beware.. Mind that this is an alternate history and so it will not be exactly the same as our current timeline and i'll be making this novel to incorporate some of my home country culture, Southern Asia with still European influences.. so yeah this is just an alternate universe. I’m just writing this for fun and to pass the time, So yeah… Power stones and comment will be much appreciated. Enjoy and thanks…

akirakynan · สงคราม
5 Chs

Chapter : 2, War

Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation, as if he was being sucked into a vortex. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a dense jungle, with no idea how he got there.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, a pile of dirt fell in front of him with an explosion.

"What?" Letting out a stupid question, he felt someone push down on his shoulder. "where am i?"


He tried to look over the thick vines that was covering his sight.

Before he could do that, a huge explosion erupted in his face, causing an incredible push. He felt as if a bomb had exploded right in front of him. He was shocked and jumped down to the mud.

The smell of smoke and burned flesh filled his nostrils, and he knew immediately that he was not his own world anymore.

After, the bombed settled down, and the ringing in my ears became more stable. He looking around and saw that he was dressed in a military uniform of 20th-century army. He realized that he had been transported to the middle of a battlefield.

Bullets and arrows whizzed past him, tress exploded into splinters, and the screams of burned man filled the air.

Rama's heart pounded as he tried once more to find cover, he struggled to keep his footing as he stumbled through the jungle flour.

He could see countless people in the trees..? They wore fabric clothes, with bright dyed matching the leaves around them. The clothes draped loosely over their shoulders, its collar adorned with intricate beading.

They jumped from trees to trees and let loose arrows upon arrows. While some used long and thin sword on the jungle floor, clearing any last survivor of our army.

The trees around him were so tall and dense that they blocked out any form of artillery support that his army could bring. The shell exploded far on the jungle roof, raining debris of wood and leaves.

He trudged through the thick mud, his boots sinking deep into the mud as he lay down in an artillery crater.

He noticed that even with their guns, they were pushed back by the...elves? They had white skin and long ears.. yeah that's an elves.

"Fuck.." he remembered that he was reincarnated, he was no longer in his previous life. This was it a new and magical world. "Shit..Shit..Shit.. Why must it be magical world.."

Before he could curse another word, an arrow head flew pass him and exploded nearby, throwing him to the ground.

"Sure they do.. an exploding arrow head..Fuck this world!" He shouted, Feeling a searing pain in his leg and realized that he had been hit. Blood flowed from the wound, and he struggled to get up, knowing that he need to retaliate before they lose another arrow.

He raised his rifle and cock his bolt, letting his chamber loaded with live rounds. He aimed down his sight, and pulled the trigger.


His first victim fell to the ground, a spray of blood rained down from the trees.

he felt a rush of adrenaline as he moved to his next target. He reloaded the rifle and kept shooting, his aim becoming more precise with each shot.

Bodies of elves, began to dropped from the canopy floor.

"Shit..Those elves are fucking hard to shot." His fingered pressed on the trigger and fired another shot at the incoming elves.

The elves seeing their kind getting massacred by the humans began pushing the frontline even more. Their archer began loosing more arrows and their warrior began appearing between the trees. They formed a line and marched against the humans in formidable line of shields.

Seeing this, rama concentrated his fire on the line of elves heading his way. Shot after shot hits the line, but their sturdy shields held on and while few dies the others just walked pass them. Unlike their archers that utilised agility and opting an offensive approach. The warrios on the ground uses heavy armor and shields. Their shields were made of a rare elven metal, renowned for its strength and durability.

Each bullets struck the shields with a resounding thud, but they were deflected with ease. The metal was so strong that even high-powered rifle rounds could not penetrate it. The elves moved forward, their shields forming an impenetrable wall between them and the human army.

Slowly the line was getting closer and closer. They marched forward in a straight line, their feet pounding the ground in unison. Rama and the others opened fire, their rifles roaring as they rained down bullets on the elven army. But the elves kept marching forward, their pace unwavering.

As the bullets continued to rain down, the elves remained calm and steady. They knew that their shields would protect them from harm. The metal was so light that it did not weigh them down, allowing them to move quickly and gracefully across the battlefield.

The humans were in awe of the elves' shields. They had never seen anything like them before. No matter how hard they fired, the bullets simply bounced off the metal, harmlessly falling to the ground.

The elves advanced, their shields held high, their swords flashing in the sun. The human soldiers began to feel a growing sense of dread. They knew that they were no match for the elves' strength and skill. Rama began to feel a growing sense of horror as they realized their bullets were having no effect.

Suddenly, the sound of artillery fire echoed across the battlefield. Explosions erupted among the elven army, throwing elves into the air and shattering their formation.

"Fuck i'm dead." Rama muttered to himself, as he leapt over his cover in the crater and dodged past fallen comrades while running away. "Fuck..Fuck.. Fuck the commanders, not even a warning for artillery.. I'm caught in the crossfire, I should have stayed with the others."

But it was too late now. Rama was already out in the open, his only option to make a run for it and try to get back to the relative safety of the human army's defensive line. He could feel the ground shaking beneath his feet as the artillery shells struck the earth, the sound of explosions ringing in his ears.

"Come on, come on," he urged himself, pushing himself to run faster as he saw the line of soldiers ahead in the distance. "Almost there..."

Rama was running towards the trenches, his heart pounding in his chest as he heard the sound of the artillery shells getting closer and closer. He knew that he had to move fast, to get to the safety of the trenches before it was too late.

As he was about to jumped into the trenches of the human army, the artillery shell was deflected by some of the elves commander and flew towards him. The shell flew in front of him, and exploded. He was thrown backwards by the force of the blast. He tumbled through the air, his limbs flailing wildly as he struggled to regain his balance.

Finally, he crashed onto the ground, his body aching and battered from the impact. He lay there for a moment, dazed and confused...