
Isekai War Grandpa

Rama was an Indonesian man, he was a soldier, who served his country and fight for democracy.. For freedom. After losing his way in the modern world due to dying in combat, serving a peace keeping mission in the kongo regions for the united nations. Rama begins to questions whether his cause is just or just same lame excuse for another form of colonialism. being a former victim of colonialism that weighed on him. To his surprise, he is reincarnated into a different world as a veteran soldier and an old man.. "FUCK WHY DID I REINCARNATED INTO A NOTHER SOLDIER AND AN OLD SINILE AT THAT!!.. " Cursing his awful luck, now with all the skills and knowledge he gained from his gaming (yess..like all 20 year old do, he played his fare share of games) and real life experience (Being a Peace keeping soldier for the UN) he must fight in battles and survive in this new profound world.. -------------------------------- Some information you might find useful! This is my very first novel.. so yeah, sorry for the inconvenience... basically Rama is a modern man reincarnated to a world war one theme with different races. Where he will build his empire and create his utopia.. This world will have magical setting and a fantasy setting. Which means magic is a thing and so are magical creature. elves dwarves and etc races will be here as well. i’ll make Rama bring a few of modern stuff and make him have a system. There'll be abit of ideological topic as well and he'll be an anti-villain beware.. Mind that this is an alternate history and so it will not be exactly the same as our current timeline and i'll be making this novel to incorporate some of my home country culture, Southern Asia with still European influences.. so yeah this is just an alternate universe. I’m just writing this for fun and to pass the time, So yeah… Power stones and comment will be much appreciated. Enjoy and thanks…

akirakynan · สงคราม
5 Chs

Chapter 1: God

Rama took his final breath, and his consciousness faded into darkness, and he didn't know how long he had been in that state. In final moment he felt sense of regret wash over him, he had lived his life for the cause, for democracy and freedom, believing that the cause he fought for war right. But in the end, he was betrayed by those he thought were brothers, and realized too late that the cause he fought was for nothing.

He did not regret the wars he fought, mankind was in its nature a violent creature who needs war. Maybe in this next life, he wouldn't need a cause to fight, he just need to fight. The cause betrayed him, it betrayed countless millions of life's in his world. It is a sickness and plague for mankind. Man only need one thing to survive and that is war.

He stood there, alone and enlightened in the abyss. His mind corrupted by a single thought, war.. It was all he could think about, all he could dream about. The thrill of battle and glory of victory.

He had grown up on stories of great battles and heroic warriors. His family had been a soldier, and he had been raised to believe that there was no greater calling than to defend one's country and fight wars for it. Now Rama, with more conviction than ever had come to see his life's purpose clearly. He was meant to go to war.

The thought filled him with a sense of pride and purpose, a symbol of bravery and strength to fight and die as a hero. Loss in thoughts, he suddenly felt a jolt and opened his eyes. He heard a someone call out to him. it was a voice that echoed through the abyss, a voice he believes to be god.

Rama felt surge of fear and awe as he gazed upon the figure before him. His god was neither kind nor gentle, but radiated a sense of dark and ominous power. He felt his hands were bound and his head forced to bow.

God spoke to him, and his words were cold and unforgiving. He reminded him of his sins, of lives he had taken, and the blood he had spilled in the name of war. Rama did not tried to defend himself, he did not even explain what he believed in, he did nothing but stared into god.

"You were a pawn, used and discarded by those who believed themselves to be greater than you. You were a tool of their pride and cause. it is nothing but lies and illusions, and you were too weak to see it."

Rama felt a surge of anger and pride, "I did what every good soldier do. Took orders, executed said orders, and dies with it. Taking orders and dying with it. There will never be a greater death than that of a good soldier." His regrets were only to fight the cause given to him..

God merely scoffed. "What ever you choose in this life or the next, will be your own doing. But your next life will be your chance to find another cause, or discard it as a whole. The world you will be born into is harsh and unforgiving. It is a world where only the strong survive, and where morality is a luxury that few can afford. And above all else, you must be willing to face the consequences of your actions, no matter how terrible they may be. For your wars will only bring chaos and destruction."

Rama nodded and smile formed in his face. A sense of determination flared up within him. He knew the path he choose would not be easy, but he was ready to face whatever may lay ahead. He closed his eyes and let himself be carried by the angel of death, eager to begin his new life's...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Author's note, i had made this pass chapter abit dark but no worries in the next several chapter he'll be expressive in his thoughts...

akirakynancreators' thoughts