
Isekai no Plus Grande Love: Master of World Break Aria of Curse

Takumi is a typical high school student who suddenly finds himself transported to a fantasy world filled with magic and danger. There, he meets Ria, a young woman who tells him that he has been chosen as the World Breaker, with the power to break curses that have been placed on the land by an evil sorcerer. As Takumi and Ria journey deeper into the cursed land, Takumi realizes the gravity of his powers and the challenges that lay ahead. He must use his strength and cunning to break through the sorcerer's barriers and free the land from darkness. Along the way, Takumi and Ria develop a close bond and eventually fall in love. However, their journey is not without danger. The sorcerer will stop at nothing to protect the curses, and Takumi must face him in a fierce battle to break the final curse and save the world. In the end, Takumi emerges victorious, and he and Ria are hailed as heroes. But their journey is far from over, as Takumi realizes that he has found a new home in this world and must continue to use his powers to protect it from future threats. And with Ria by his side, he knows that he can overcome any challenge that comes their way.

neosmara · ย้อนยุค
29 Chs

Chapter 20: The Final Battle

As they approached the imposing castle where the Dark Lord resided, Aria couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She knew that this was the final battle, and that the fate of the world rested on their shoulders. She turned to her companions, taking in their determined expressions, and felt a glimmer of hope. They had come so far, and overcome so much. Surely, they could do this.

The castle was heavily guarded, but they managed to sneak past the sentries and make their way to the throne room. There, they found the Dark Lord waiting for them, his eyes blazing with hatred.

"So, you've come to face me at last," he sneered. "But you're too late. My plan is already in motion, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Aria clenched her fists, her heart racing. She knew that the Dark Lord was right. They were too late to stop his plan. But that didn't mean they couldn't defeat him and save the world.

"Your plan may be in motion," she said, "but we still have a chance to stop you."

The Dark Lord laughed. "You're a fool, Aria. You and your companions are nothing compared to my power."

He raised his hand, and a blast of dark energy shot towards them. Aria and her companions dove out of the way, but the blast hit the wall behind them, causing it to crumble.

Aria summoned her magic, sending a bolt of lightning towards the Dark Lord. He countered with a wall of fire, but Aria's lightning was too powerful, and it broke through, striking the Dark Lord and sending him flying backwards.

As he lay on the ground, gasping for breath, Aria and her companions approached him.

"It's over," Aria said. "You've lost."

The Dark Lord laughed again, a bitter sound. "You may have defeated me, but you haven't stopped my plan. It's already in motion, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Aria's heart sank. Had they really come all this way, only to fail in the end?

But then, she heard a voice in her head. It was the voice of the goddess who had been guiding her all along.

"You have one final task," the voice said. "You must destroy the artifact that the Dark Lord has been using to power his plan. Only then will his plan be thwarted."

Aria nodded, determination coursing through her veins. She turned to her companions. "We have one final task," she said. "We must destroy the artifact that the Dark Lord has been using."

Together, they made their way to the chamber where the artifact was housed. The room was heavily guarded, but they fought their way through, battling wave after wave of the Dark Lord's minions.

Finally, they reached the artifact. It was a pulsing, glowing orb, and Aria knew that it was the source of the Dark Lord's power.

With a deep breath, she summoned all her magic, pouring it into the orb. There was a blinding flash of light, and Aria felt the power drain from her body.

When the light faded, the artifact was gone, and Aria and her companions were standing in a ruined chamber, surrounded by the bodies of the Dark Lord's minions.

Aria felt a sense of relief wash over her. They had done it. They had saved the world.

As they made their way out of the castle, Aria looked back at the ruins of the throne room. She knew that the world would never forget the sacrifices that had been made to save it, and she felt a sense of pride in what they