
Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Tony Stank. Eighteen years old Science engineering genius that is studying at University. Tony was not an average teen. He has a thing for girls with dicks and monster girls despite being the smartest kid in the University. On one fateful night, When Tony was going home. And that was when he meets his fateful encounter..................."HOOOK!HOOK!" (Truck-sama) (You all know the Isekai drill) WARNING!! This story contains male on futa and futa on male. Some of the early parts of the story will change after the end of the Elf route saga. And I will also change to story to a third person as well.

TheAuthorsanXD · แฟนตาซี
97 Chs

After the duel and flash back.

(Author note: Hi guys, some of you are confused about the story with the plot you don't understand, which is partly my fault I added the plot only I can understand, of course, all the plot will be explained further in the story, but if you want to know now, check this page out thhttps://chyoa.com/chapter/Author%27s-universe-lore-wiki.777577 this page wit explain lot things including gods, mortal world and everything outside IFMG, but it incomplete at the moment and I'll keep on updating so keep an eye out on that.)

Lenna was the winner of the duel that day. Still, you did not felt that you lose the match either, because you were testing to see what happen if you fight an OP skill user without any most of the skills equipped and the result was...…..nope! Not good at all, it feels like you facing a cheater on the PVP match even though you were very good at the game.

After the match ended, Esta asks you if her new friend can play at your Ultimate playground. Her "pleaseeee" eyes are heart-melting and no way you would say no to these little angels. You quickly open the portal to the place the little ones want to go. Everyone at the Academy colosseum enters the portal and arrive at the Tower in Ultimate playground room.

The children's eyes sparkle when they see the massive playable contraction. Even the adults were curious about what they are looking at.

"Wooooooooooooooooowww~!!!" (Elf children)

"Have fun! Oh and make sure to take off your footwear, ok?"

"Okkkiiiiieeeeeeee~"(Elf children) the children take their shoes off and run toward the UPG with Esta leading the charge. Some of the parents decide to join in with their children. Even though the UPG designs for children, an average adult would be able to enter as well.

You can't help but smile happily seeing that adorable little elf love playing, their cute laugher from sliding down the slide, jumping on the bouncing room and play hide and seek in a ball pool.

"Awwwwww, look how fun they are having, Tony-kun really love children. How about it? wanna make a child with me?" (Helen) she gently whispers in your ear.

"Mmm, I don't know yet...….and how long are you going to stay there?" Helen has bee hugging you from behind ever since the duel ends.

"Until you give me my armour suit~"(Helen) she squeezes you with her arms and you the heavenly softness on you back.

Wack* "Enough already!" (Lenna) she gave Helen a karate chop.

"Ouchhh! Len-chan, that hurt!" (Helen) she let go of you and turn around toward Lenna while rubbing her head.

"Stop doing pervert screen in front of the children you fool." (Lenna) then she turns toward you. "You as well Tony stop spoiling Helen, you'll set a bad example for the kids." (Lenna) her tone was a bit different from before as if she was above you.

You smile and nod at her which made Lenna sigh and walk toward Esta who is calling her.

"...…mmmnnnn, Len-chan think that she a big shot now. Now that she win against you, Tony-kun." (Helen)

"Really? I don't see any difference."

"Trust me. You'll see more bossy Len-chan for a while." (Helen) she hugs your arm, acting spoil as before. See that the children are taken care of, you turn and walk toward to join Saria group's conversation. They tell you that they were impressed with the Academy and how the modern tech is very convenient. You were then talking about the railway and upgrading every Elf's home to a modern version, and of course, you plan to improve the whole kingdom. Saira and the Nobles happy to hear your plan for the future and then you and everyone on the table continue to talk on another subject.

It now evening, Saria, the Nobles and the children are returning to their home, then the children ask if they can come back to play again and you said yes with a smile. They say their goodbye while walking through the portal.

"Helen-san...….you're not letting go until you get your suit right?" Helen still hugs your arm.

"Hehehehe, Nope!!" (Helen) she gives you a mischief smile. You sigh and turn toward Lenna who is carrying sleepy Esta and exist the room.

"Alright…come on."

"Yay!! I love you, Tony-kun!" (Helen) she kisses your cheek and snuggles you while you lead her to the construction room.


Construction room.

You are sitting in front of your holo computer, finalise Helen's suit design. Helen, on the other hand, standing at the centre of the equipping platform in a suit inner-frame.

"Helen-san, do you like using a Warhammer?"

"Mmm, as long it is big and bulky, I don't mind using any." (Helen) there is excitement in her voice.

"I see.....do you like using lighting element magic, right?"

"Mmmm! Yes! Because everyone is afraid of lighting. They are loud, flashy and strong enough to intimidate anyone!"

"Mmm, got it….the ruler of thunder. Just what I was expecting." You then complete your design. You turn toward Helen. "Helen-san, this is your armour suit." you pop up a 3d mole hologram of the suit design in front of Helen.

"OOHHHH!! It quite similar to your big armour from this afternoon!!" (Helen) her eyes are in the shape of the star. The 3d holo model shows a bulky suit armour just like the Fortress, holding a Warhammer.

(Author note: Similar to these: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/6691/4YR9Xl.jpg

https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/917/EwWS2t.jpg )

"That right, this your armour, first form Thor!"

"Thor?" (Helen)

"In my world, people in the north, people call the god of thunder Thor."

"Whoaaa! That so cool!! So my armour can shoot a lighting attack?" (Helen)

"Hehehe, It can do more than that. Thor armour excels in high defence and overwhelming strength. It is also a powerhouse in close range and long-range with a variety of arsenal." You proudly boast with confidence.

"Yeaa! I love it! But what about its speed and maneuver? Is it possible to increase the suit's speed?" (Helen)

"Of course you can, but you need to transform." You smile brightly at her.

"Transform!?" (Helen) there more excitement in her voice. You press the button and Thor armour transform by casting the bulky armour off, showing slick armour underneath it. The pieces of the bulky attach the shoulder pad, back booster and some combines into two small armour robots and the Warhammer transform into a great sword.

"Second form Zeus." Helen was speechless; her mouth was wide open, and if this was an internet meme, she is probably drooling rainbow. (Author note: Similar to this: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/9922/UVUVIJ.jpg When casting the bulky part off)

"in this form, your speed and movement will reach an unimaginable level and that not only the best part! Your strength and lighting element will increase by tenfold and finally the most important of all...it looks cool as hell." Helen slowly nods while her mouth still open.

"So what do you think? You like it?"

"...yes I love it." (Helen) her personality change into Irin's emotionless version.

"Helen-sannnnn? Are you ok?" you wave your hand in front of her rocks solid face.

"yes, I'm fine, thank you." (Helen)

("...….I think I broke her with overexcitement.") you thought while scratching your head.

"Well, it takes a couple of hours for your suit to complete, why don't you go relax in the bath, and I'll call you when I'm done." You press a couple of buttons to released Helen from the inner frame.

"Ok, I'll do that." (Helen) she is slowly making her way to the exits, and when she finally exits the room, she pauses for second and then...… "THAT ARMOUR WAS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" (Helen) she happily hops away while yelling the same words.

"Sigh....well I'm glad she like it...…now then I need to it from the ground up since, this design is not part of the database." You begin your work.

Around 30min later.

You manage to complete the chest pieces and arms piece. You took a small break by sitting down and admire your work.

"Sigh....to think that I'm back making these powerful again." You pick up the chest piece and look around it. "If this piece were in the market, all the world weapon manufacture would nut just this piece." Then you start to think back.

Why,...…..why would you hide all your tech and being a normal kid in the first place? With your skills, you can easily destroy your enemy or take over the world if you feel like doing it, and you have everything you could ever want it. But instead, you choose to be a college student with a low income part-time.

"Why, huh?" you put the chest piece, relax and start to remember something from your past.


[Flash back]

Eight years ago

You were sitting in front of the principal office, Waiting for an adult to finish discussing your recent event.

BAM* A door slam open and a woman in her late 20s (A Karen) walk out of the room. She saw you sitting there without any care at all.

"You little brat!! How dare you break my precious baby's hand!!." (Karen)

Sigh...….. Lady, I didn't do anything and was minding my own business, and then out of nowhere, he decides to punch me, and of course, I have to defend myself." You said casually.

"LIE!!! My precious baby is not that kind of boy" (Karen) she angrily points her finger at you.

"Well, I don't really care....he got what he deserves." You shrug.

"YOU, YOU, YOU!!!! Principal I demand this child to be expelled now!!!!" (Karen) she turns toward the bald, middle-aged man with trouble look on his face.

"mmmm…that would be difficult since he is the top student in our school." (Principal) he said in a low, trembling voice.

"Wha!? That s lie!! There no way he better than my son! My boy always has a top mark on every subject!!" (Karen)

"Oh you mean, he forces others to do a test for him and if not he beat that person up. Just like he tries to do to me."

"H HHH HHOW ABSURD!! Mr Principal expelled him immediately, or I am reporting to my close friend, who is the director of the school!"(Karen) the Principal still struggling to make a decision.

"Yea, go ahead expel me! Then you can say goodbye to the school top science fair in the country...…..you know what talking about, right Mr Principal?" you gave an evil smile the two adults. The Principal start to sweat even more, and Karen start to realise what going since she is a close friend with the director.

"Tony!" (????) an old running toward you and the other adult.

"Tch…..Gramp is here." Your mood turns sour because he is here, you granddad Lee. He pant and pant from all that running. Then he bows and apologises to the Principle and Karen for what you have done. You snap in rage, why his granddad has apologised these entitle people and then Lee turns toward you.

"Tony, go wait at the car." (Lee)

"But I didn't do anything wrong!!" you yell with unsatisfaction.

"Just go now!!" (Lee) he raises his voice. You were stun and angry; why dose your only family side with his enemy. Then you saw Karen grin which pisses you off even more.

"FUCK, THS!! SCREW YOU, YOU OLD HAG!! EXPEL ME FOR ALL I CARE!! AND GO FIND A REPLACE FOR YOUR SCIENCE FAIR!!" you turn around and run away from them and head toward your granddad's car. You kick the trash can and get back sit of the car. You sit there a cures everything and everyone around you.

An hour later, granddad Lee came to the car. You're still sulking, and you ignore him. Lee wants to say something to you, but he stops, and Sigh shakes his head, enter the car and start to drive. There was nothing but silence between you and your granddad.

"...…..you not hurt, are you?" (Lee) he is looking at the back mirror.

"Why do you care? Do you want to see me get hurt or something?" you answer without looking at him.

"No, it good that you're not hurt." (Lee) And there another silence between you and Lee.

"...good news thou, it seems those two forgive you, and your punishment would be three days detention. No, expel and you still in the science fair contest." (Lee)

"Really? even I did not do anything at all!"

"You broke the boy hand, Tony." (Lee)

"Oh! So it is ok for me to get a bruise or a broken nose, and I should sit there and let him!?"

"Sigh...….. Tony, I know you are smart, but why you need to broke his hand?" (Lee)

"I have a barrier on if anything hit me I would be fine. And I guess that idiot thought that I was weak and squishy and decide to hit me anyway. Hmph, serve him, right!"

"You know that I'm not siding with those two because I want to, If you got hurt instead then, of course, I would seek justice for you, but the problem is that one you were unharmed but that boy is, second you got into so much trouble that most school in the state doesn't want you." (Lee)

"I told you many time I don't need school. I can survive on my own, and I don't need to associate with those babies."

"Tony, you got to stop thinking that everyone is inferior to you." (Lee)

"Well, they are. Can any make a nuke with a brunch of scrap? Can they make a cure for cancer with a ten years old science kit?"

"Then why do you use your skills to help the world?" (Lee)

"Pffff!! Lol* Why would I do that? The moment I made something and sell to the market, they nearly start a war over it."

"I told not sell to that place any more!.....sighhhhhh." (Lee) He turns a car around and heads toward a different direction.

"Where are we going?"

"somewhere high." (Lee) a few later you and granddad Lee were at the tallest building in the city. At the top build, where they allow the public to visit. You stand on the rail near the glass window looking down from up high. Lee is walking toward you with a bottle of coke.

"Here…" (Lee) he hands you a cold bottle of coke.

"...thanks." You grab the bottle, open the lid, drink it and you admit that this is nice. Lee drinks his coke as well, then both you and Lee just stare at the city below.

"Tony...…what do you think of this world?" (Lee)

"...…ugly." You answer and drink.

"How so?" (Lee)

"This world only respects wealth and power, and the rest is nothing but livestock waiting to be slaughter."

"Then, what about those people down there, what do you think?" (Lee) he points at the busy street full of people.

"mmm, they are a creature that has reached their limit, all they think is money, money, money, money. They don't even realise that they are being exploited by people with power, just like chicken. So yeah they are livestock." You answer without any care.

"Then what about them." (Lee) he points at a group of children.

".....A sheep...(you drinking your coke)...all they do listen to the mostly the same education and guidance like shepherd herding sheep. They don't even care what under the wool. Some sheep might evolve into something amazing in the right direction, but in the end, the shepherd is too lazy, or they don't even care, to them sheep always be a sheep."

"Then, what about you, Tony." (Lee)

You chuckle. "Me I'm above all this crap. When I'm ready, I will leave this planet and never come back."

"I see, where would you go?" (Lee) then he saw something unexpected.

"That the best part, there are infinite worlds and stars to be discovered, maybe somewhere out there is my real home." Your eyes were full of life, which is something Lee rarely see. Because mostly you have the eyes of a dead fish, a person that doesn't care about anything.

"Tony, I think you wrong about one thing." (Lee)

"And that is.....?"

"I think this world still have potential and worth saving." (Lee) you burst into laughter.

"Lol* What made you think that old man?" you wiping you joy tear off your eyes.

"It is you, Tony." (Lee) he smiles while looking at the city.

You stun by your granddad's word "Wow, is this an alcohol?" you look at the coke bottle that you drink.

"Tony, with your, terrify vast knowledge, you could share your skills and make the world a better place." (Lee)

"Really? You want me to share knowledge with everyone so they could build a planet-destroying weapon?"

"Tony, like you said before some sheep has the potential to be something great and you may be the real shepherd they are seeking." (Lee)

"And why should I help them? This world is already theirs."

"Because you can save the world!" (Lee) he is loud enough to make everyone look at you and Lee. You look around and press a button in your pocket.

"There...noise cancelling barrier, no one can hear us." And you continue. "if you want to save the world go find a hero like Mr Justice, oh wait...he a part of them, never mind."

"Tony, why all you think is about yourself? You know you have the power to change this world to be better, but instead, you give up this world already." (Lee)

"Yes, I do have the power to destroy those so call Chimera. But if I did, a new one will pop up, and I'm not wasting my life to be a hero of justice."

"Then are you going to let those you so call livestock, who doesn't know anything be livestock for the rest of their life, or you could give them a chance to be human." (Lee)

".....I….." then Lee put his hand on your shoulder and look straight at you.

"This world has more potential than you think; all it needs is the right guide. You could lead the people to the world they never see before. The place you call home might be under your nose the whole time." (Lee) he smiles brightly at you.

And that time you thought your granddad Lee was right, maybe you can change this world into an unlimited world potential. When you got home, you start to plan how to make your granddad's dream come true.

Until reality kills your granddad, your only hope of changing the world has died in front of you. And that when you gave up completely, the world could blow up and you don't even care. You felt that the ugly world had taken your only family. That day you have your revenge by destroying Chimera, and after that, you decide that you want to leave this planet and follow your old dream, to travel through the sea of stars. But before you start a plan for interstellar travel, you remember those words again, "Potential". So you change your mind to be an average person for ten years, and after that, you will leave this world forever.

[back at present]

"And then I spend four years act as a poor college kid, and sometime I would test some tech for space travel.....oh yeah there was one chick I met...… Mmmmm if I remember correctly, her name was Claire. She was a villain fighting against the hero know as Dr Calamity." You sit back up and continue your work.

"I wonder if she knows that I die in that world. She was kind of my friend actual friend...sighhhhh, sorry Claire, we may not be able to meet again, sigh...oh I know maybe I can ask Mila to transfer you here." You're then starting humming a song while working Helen's suit.