
The Noob God Wakeths VI

Character Info

Name: Silvantus Malborne

Level: 20

Race: Orsimer

Gold: 4,657

Reputation: Unknown

>Riverwood: Trusted- The citizens have noticed your good deeds and have a good impression of you.

Standing Stone: Thief's Stone- Those with the mark of the Thief's Stone receive a 20% increase to related skill experience.

Health: 165 -> 175

Magicka: 150

Stamina: 165

Health regen: 1.75% -> 1.77%

Magicka regen: 3.5% -> 3.52%

Stamina regen: 6.25% -> 6.27%

Carry weight: 475

Racial Abilities

Mind of the Gamer: This allows you to rationalize all your actions from a detached perspective. Suffering little to no mental degradation from poor morality.

Body of the Gamer: Your body suffers no ill effects from damage, instead health, mana, exposure, wetness, hunger, thirst, and stamina bars represent your durability, available mana pool, degree of exposure to the elements, degree of wetness in your clothes, your level of hunger, your level of thirst, and your remaining stamina respectively.

Bonus Experience: Through selecting a random race at the start of the adventure, the individual will receive a 15% to experience gain when performing related tasks.

Bloodlust: When entering combat, gain 25% movement speed and 300% Magicka and Stamina regeneration. Bonuses gradually decay to zero over 20 seconds.

Shockwave: Once per battle, jump to cause a tremor that staggers opponents and may knock them off their feet.

Strength of Steel: Weapons and armor are 20% stronger, but enchantments on them are 20% weaker.

Quest reward - Stagger 150 enemies with Shockwave to unlock... 23/150

Berserk: 1/day - Doubles attack damage and critical strike damage and halves spell costs for 15 seconds. While off cooldown, may activate randomly in combat.

Perk List: 18/20 Skill Levels

Alchemy- 0 16

Alteration- 0 15

Archery- 2 27

>Archery Mastery (2): Ranged weapons do 40% more damage, and critical strikes with ranged weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of Archery.

Block- 0 18

Conjuration- 0 15

Destruction- 0 28

Enchanting- 0 15

Heavy Armor- 0 23

>Heavy Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of heavy armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of heavy armor in combat.

Illusion- 0 15

Light Armor- 0 21

>Light Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of light armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Light Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of light armor in combat.

Lock Picking - 2 43

>Lock Picking Mastery (2): Weaker and weak locks are easier to pick.

One Handed- 0 23

Pickpocket- 3 36

>Pickpocket Mastery (2): Increase pickpocket chance by 40% and carry weight by 100.

>Thief's Eye: When you enter a major city, illuminates a random citizen for 300 seconds. If you interact with the target during this time, they will carry valuable items based on your pickpocket skill once every 12-60 hours.

Restoration- 0 19

Smithing- 2 39

>Smithing Mastery (2): You can create steel and bonemold items at an anvil or forge and improve them twice as much.

Sneak- 4 53

> Sneak Mastery (2): Sneaking is 40% more effective.

>Spot Detection: Once a day, outlines all humanoids within 150 feet that are detecting you with a green glow for 180 seconds.

>Light Foot: You won't trigger pressure plates.

Speechcraft- 2 35

>Speech Mastery (2): Sell items for 20% more. Your intimidation attempts are four times as likely to succeed.

>Performer: Grants the "Perform" power. Once a day, play a song to entertain up to 5 people within 50ft and collect a donation from each, based upon your speechcraft skill and the amount of gold they have on them.

Two Handed- 0 18

So, I know I was saving up for that pickpocket skill rush, but I seriously need some survivability so I invested a couple points into the armor trees and dropped one into speech to make some money in my spare time once we get out of here. Alright, time to wake up and start the legend of Silvantus Malborne...


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