
Isekai Academy

In a world of fantasy and superpowers, where realms intertwine and extraordinary adventures await, lies Isekai Academy—an esteemed institution that trains promising students to become powerful heroes capable of crossing into other worlds. Unbeknownst to these hopeful students, the academy is harboring a deep secret, for their training is not merely to explore new realms, but to prepare for an impending war that will shake two worlds to their core.

Eiffel27th · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Tricky Test

"Good morning class. I am Professor Osmond Truvett. Are you guys ready?"

He passes the papers and pens to everyone, one by one. Everyone is confused and nervous.

"What the fuck? First day of school and we already have a test?" Denver said brusquely.

Denver was about to damage and rip the paper but Professor Osmond said something that made him stop.

"There's only one paper per person, if you destroy it, you will fail this test."

"Man, this school sucks!" Denver said.

"Stop complaining, you crybaby," Chloe said to Denver.

"Haha. How pitiful. A simple test can make you this angry? If you were to be put in a circus, you will be the best clown, people will laugh at you." Max said to Denver.

"Coming from someone roleplaying as a king. If you were to be put in a circus, you will be sent to the mental hospital for being a cuckoo." Denver replied.

"Enough, you two. Look at the board." John said.

Professor Osmond wrote down letters from A to D in a column, like a multiple choice test but without any sentence at all.

"Sweet! The test has multiple choice but where's the question and why is it only letters?" Tristram said.

"Are there any questions? If none, then you may now start. You only have 20 minutes."

"Yes, like I said where's the question?"

Professor Osmond didn't answer the question and ignored him. This test might be some kind of a riddle or puzzle that needs to be solved.


"Man, this test is so easy! I'm already done." Harold said.

He walked towards Professor Osmond and passed his paper to him. Professor Osmond looked at the paper with disappointment in his eyes. After that, we saw a scene that made our jaws drop and left us in silence for a moment, a scene that we couldn't believe in our eyes.

Multiple daggers magically appear floating in the air, then stabs Harold in every direction. Blood spurted out in his body. He's screaming in agony of pain. Then, he became quiet. He is... dead.

"Oh, my God! Ahhhhhhhh!" Chloe said.

"Ack! So scary!" Elise said.

"Ewwwwww! Disgusting!" Vanessa said.

"So fucking loud!" Denver said.

"Am... am I going to die next!? No! Please!" Anthony said.

"Please don't kill me! I haven't achieved my dream to eat every kind of food in the world and the other world," Shannon said.

"So, this is what a dead body looks like. It's... it's horrible," Del said.

"Kuku. First time seeing a dead body?" Max said.

Everyone else, including me, couldn't speak or move because we are still shocked and still processing what we saw, we just couldn't believe it.

"Guys! Let's all calm down." John said.

"You want us to calm down? He's dead! Can't you see?" Katherine said.

"I know! But we only have a limited time, if we don't hurry up, we will be just like him."

"He's right but we shouldn't force ourselves to go through this test, if you don't want to solve this test or don't want to die, you can leave. There are no such rules that you are not allowed to leave or give up," I said.

"What if you will be killed if you left the room? He also didn't say that if we answered wrong, we will get stabbed with daggers, and yet he died because his answer was wrong," Anthony said.

"I'll do it! I will leave the room, so we will know if you will die if you leave the room," Tristram bravely said.

He walked towards the room and took a deep breath before he steps outside of the room.

"Good luck!" Vanessa said.

He slowly stepped outside of the room.

"Guys... I am still alive! No daggers or anything!" Tristram said.

"Wait... what happens if you return to the room?" Anthony said.

He slowly entered the room.

"Nothing happened," Tristram said.

"Thanks to Tristram, if you want to give up and leave the room, you can safely do it," Vanessa kindly said.

"Fuck it, I'm out," Denver said.

"Same for me, I don't want to sacrifice my beauty for this silly test, bye-bye," Katherine said.

"Sorry, I don't want to die. I still want to eat food and die of old age with food in my mouth," Shannon said.

"Kuku. A king doesn't need a test to prove his worth. In battle, is where you prove it." Max said.

"This test is not fun so bye!" Chloe said.

"Me too. I still have to atone for my sins and be a better man," Del said.

Well, that was surprising. That's some nice character development by Del. I hope he keeps it up.

Denver, Katherine, Shannon, Max, Chloe, and Del gave up and left the room. There are only seven of us left.

"Hey, Elise, it's surprising that you are still here, no offense. You were scared so I thought you know you will give up too," Eula said.

"Uhm... I feel like I can do it when I'm with you guys,"

"Aww, that's so sweet," Vanessa said.

"Uhm, guys. Let's just focus on figuring out how to solve this test," Anthony said.

"Anthony, you look smart. Can't you think of anything that can solve this test?" John said.

"How can I solve it if there's no question? We only have paper, a pen, and that multiple-choice on the board."

"Maybe, it's invisible," I said.

"What?" Anthony and John both said at the same time.

"I just thought that maybe, there's an invisible thing written on the board," I explained.

"Yeah... yeah! If they use invisible ink for it then we will need ultraviolet light to see it!" Anthony said.

"Elise, imagine an ultraviolet flashlight," I said.

"O-okay, I'll try."

An ultraviolet flashlight materialized in Elise's hand. Then, she pointed the ultraviolet flashlight to the board, and there are something written on it beside the letters.

A - True

B - False

C - I don't know

D - All of the above

"This is helpful but we still don't know what the question is," Anthony said.

"This might help, I saw what Harold answered in his paper," John said.

"What? What is it?" Tristram asked.

"He answered D."

"Wait, I think we can solve this without the question, we can just use luck and probability," Anthony said.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"In a multiple-choice test, when you only guess the answers, you will have a twenty-five percent chance that your answer is correct but since Harold answered D which is wrong, we can now eliminate D from the choices and that gives us approximately thirty-three percent chance. There's more, most multiple-choice tests have an odd one which in this case is the letter C, we can eliminate that too and that gives us a fifty percent chance that our answer will be correct and a fifty percent chance that our answer will be wrong," Anthony said.

Impressive. He calculated that using his mind only. We were in despair before. It gave us hope that we can solve this test.

"Well done, Anthony. You are so smart," Vanessa said.

"Hehe," Anthony said with a smirk on his face.

"But... we still don't know what the answer is, is it A or B?" Elise said.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. Remember my OP meta which is the butterfly effect? I have to calculate everything before I use my power but sometimes I just have a bit of good luck."

"Are you sure you want to do it? I can do it if you want?" Tristram said.

"No, only I can do this. Well, wish me luck," Anthony said.

"Good luck!" Vanessa said.

"You can do it! We believe in you!" John said.

Anthony wrote the letter A on his paper. Then, he walked towards Professor Osmond and passed the paper. Professor Osmond looked at the paper with a normal expression. I guess his answer is correct, he didn't die.

"That's a win! Let's go!" John said.

"Yes! Finally!" Vanessa said.

"Let's... go submit our answer too!" Elise said.

John, Vanessa, and Elise submitted their paper and they also didn't die. But, I still don't think that was the right answer.

"What are you guys waiting for? Come on," Tristram said.

"You noticed it too, right? That's why you didn't celebrate with them," Eula said to me.

Eula and I were silent the whole time, I guess we were thinking the same thing.

"Yes, his expression was just normal. It doesn't look like their answer were correct. This is a tricky test, he should be surprised if the answer were correct."

"What do you mean? They didn't die so that means letter A is the correct answer," Tristram said.

"That is true but I don't think that any of the choices in the board are the correct answer," Eula said.

"What? How?" Tristram asked.

"There was actually a question," Eula said.

She continued with, "At the beginning of the test after Professor Osmond introduced himself, he asked 'Are you guys ready?' I was so sure that, that was the question of the test but we saw a multiple choice on the board which made me doubt myself. Then, with the use of a UV flashlight, when we saw what was written on it, none of it was the answer to that question but I also thought that Anthony might be right until I saw the expression of Professor Osmond when he passed his paper."

She is correct, that is what I think too. But, something is missing.

"Then the answer would be 'Yes', right?" Tristram said.

"Yes," Eula replied.

She wrote "Yes" on her paper and stood up, she was ready to pass her paper. Then, I grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Wha!? Why? Why are you grabbing my hand?!" Eula said while her face is red.

"There's still one more question," I said.

"What is it? Also, is it necessary to grab my hand? Huh?"

"Yes, so I can stop you and it was worth seeing you blushing."

"I- I wasn't blushing!"

"Hahahaha," Tristram giggled.

"Enough! So what is the other question you were talking about?" Eula said.

"After he wrote the multiple choice on the board, he asked if there were any questions. I think if you answer 'Yes' then you will write your questions too but if your answer is 'No', you don't have to write any questions."

"Oh yeah! I remember that one too and he just ignored my question."

We walked together toward Professor Osmond and submitted our paper. He looked at the paper and his eyes widen. That was the expression that we were hoping for.


Right after Anthony left the room, he immediately go to Max.

"Uhm... Thank you again for saving me but I would like to ask why? You look like the type of person who doesn't like weak people like me."

"Well, you're not wrong there. I hate weak people but do you know what I hate more? People who let their emotions control them. They are the lowest of the low. So, I really didn't do it for you."

"But you still saved me so I am still thankful."

"Sure, mongrel."

John rushed towards Anthony, it seems like he has an urgent thing to say.

"Hey, Anthony! Look why haven't they submitted yet, it's almost time," John said.

"Hmmm. I wonder too. Maybe our answers were wrong?" Anthony replied to John.

"What? I mean we didn't die! How come our answers were wrong?"

"Hahahaha, they might have figured something out and they kept it to themselves. You guys got betrayed," Max said.

Vanessa overheard their conversation.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's wait for them and ask them. I'm sure they have their own reasons," Vanessa said.

After several minutes, Fin, Eula, and Tristram are finally finished and have submitted their answers.

"Students, please come inside the classroom again. I have an announcement," Professor Osmond loudly said.

Everyone came back to the classroom and they still can't stand to see the dead body of Harold lying on the floor.

"Did... did you see that?!" Elise frighteningly said.

"Omg! What? And stop grabbing my arm! It's disgusting," Katherine said.

"I'm so sorry Lady Katherine. I just... I think I saw him move."

"Come on! Go to your seats now, we don't have much time left," Professor Osmond said.

Finally, everyone in the class is now in their seats. Professor Osmond finally begins speaking.

"So students, how did you like our very first test on the first day of school?" Professor Osmond asked.

"How did we like, huh? Like!? You were trying to kill us and killed him! Why would we like that?", Chloe furiously said.

You can see in everyone's faces that they are mad. It's the first day of school and this is what we are already feeling, in many cases, it's supposed to be the finals week where we should have felt these mixed emotions. It would not be surprising if someone will already drop out of school.

"Students, please calm down. If the test was already too much for you then you can't handle going to another world. The purpose of the test is to test everyone's decision skills, when you go to another world, you will face a lot of things that you would need to decide, it's either your decisions will be wrong or right. For example, some of you already gave up before even trying the test, which isn't bad, that's their decision, if you think that you can't do it, then don't do it. However, I am proud of the people that stayed and still answered the test which takes a lot of courage in a life-or-death situation."

"That still doesn't change the fact that this school murdered one of their students. That's a cray cray for me." Vanessa said.

"Oh, that? No need to worry. He's still alive, come on, get up. We might even give you an Oscar award for that great acting and performance. Almost made me shed a tear."

"Did I do great?" Harold asked everyone.

Everyone right now is shocked, they couldn't believe that he is still alive after getting stabbed with multiple daggers and that daggers are still stabbed into his body.

"How… how are you still alive? Are…are you a zzzom… zombie? Kyah" Elise confusingly said.

"Oh hahaha, this is just my power, I can make illusions that you wouldn't think or see that it is just an illusion since it's way too realistic. See, the daggers and blood are now gone."

"It's good that you are still alive but what the heck?", John said.

"We are very sorry that we had to do this to all of you, students. We just want to make the test unique, so we can really see what you will do in a life-or-death situation." Professor Osmond said.

"I just want to add that I am not really a student here, I mean, my power isn't really an OP meta. They just hired me for this test, but it is still fun to meet all of you." Harold said.

He managed to trick us and he's saying that his power isn't an OP meta? Seriously, illusion power is very powerful.

"It's disgusting that we actually cared for you when you die, you just tricked all of us, you just played with our emotions!" Shannon said.

"I'm very, very, very sorry! This is my only job, people would hire me to make illusions, I know that I am just tricking people but I have to make money so I can live." Harold emotionally said.

"We are still mad, but I think that's a valid reason, so we can still forgive you. Sigh, this emotional conversation makes me hungry." Shannon said.

"On the bright side, Eula, Tristram, and Fin, you three answered the test correctly. Congratulations," Professor Osmond said.

He continued with, "If the test was a real life-or-death situation, you three would only be the last ones to survive, no offense to the other students. If you want to continue in this school, you must get used to this kind of test, this is only the beginning of your journey. Welcome to Isekai Academy!"

Instead of losing hope and being angry about what they did, all of us are really determined to prove to ourselves that we can graduate from this school and make our dream come true to go to another world. Everyone here has their own reasons why they want to go to another world, and that's their driving force to keep moving forward.

In the end, no one dropped out of school.


"Alright class, you may now have your recess", Professor Osmond said.

Right after Professor Osmond said that we heard a loud growl of a stomach and we already knew who it is.

"Finally! I can't wait to see the food in the cafeteria, I hope it's delicious. Ah mou, just thinking about it makes me hungry", Shannon said.

"Does she have a disease? I mean look at her, she eats a lot but how does she have such a body of a model?", Eula whispered. Only me and Tristram heard it.

"You're just jealous, aren't you?", I replied.

"Who wouldn't?", Tristram said.

"Tristram, you too? Hahahaha. Kidding aside, if only I can also see a lot of information about someone, not only their name and position in life. I would know if she has a disease or not."

"Sigh, here you go again, flexing your OP meta that we don't have an idea about since you didn't tell us when you introduced yourself. You're hiding something, Mr. Walker!," Eula said.

"Geez, calm down. Time will tell. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria."

We were about to go but someone called us which stopped us.

"Wait! Can we talk to you guys for a minute?"

"Oh, sure Vanessa, no problem. What is it?" Eula kindly said.

"Just to avoid misunderstanding, uhm during the last test, what happened? I mean, Anthony and others might have felt that they got betrayed by you guys because you guys already knew the answers to the question but you guys didn't tell us"

Anthony, John, and Elise overheard Vanessa so they rushed towards us.

"Most importantly, what is the answer, and how did you guys figure it out?" Anthony said.

Looks like Anthony cared more about the answers rather than us "betraying" them.

After quite some time, we explained to them what happened, how we came up with the answers, and what is the answer to the test. We also apologized to them.

"I didn't even think about that, so that was the question? I mean, questions. It was so obvious and yet we didn't realize it since we were more focused and nervous about the first test", Anthony said.

"Man, you three did great figuring it out. How does it feel to be the last survivor of the test? Just kidding." John said.

"Ni....Nice", Elise said.

"Also, no need to say sorry, you guys have your own reasons and I think it's understandable, I just want next time that you will be open about it next time so we will discuss it and work together as a team," Vanessa said.

All of us agreed and went to the cafeteria to eat.

Upon entering the cafeteria, most of my classmates already formed groups. Well, it's expected. Everyone was a stranger to each other but now they made friends except you know, Denver. He's sitting at a long table by himself while eating but Anthony approached him. He's eating a burger that was probably made by his parents or he made it, either way, that burger doesn't belong to school since there is still no food in the cafeteria.

"Uhm hey Denver, I can join you if you want…" Anthony kindly said.

"Ha!? Get the fuck out of here! You're ruining my food." Denver angrily replied.


"Come on Anthony, just stay out of him. Let's go to our own table with Del," John said.

Both Anthony and John went to the table where Del is. Currently, there are four groups of friends. The first group consists of Anthony, John, and Del. The second group consists of Shannon, Vanessa, and Chloe. The third group consists of Tristram, Eula, and me. Lastly, the fourth group consists of Katherine, Max, and Elise. Wait, Elise!? It's very surprising that she is hanging out with them, she's a shy girl surrounded by two confident people.

"Elissy Bitch! Go get some drinks for us!" Katherine ordered Elise.

"Ye…Yes, my Lady Katherine!"

"Elise, don't", Vanessa said.

It appears Vanessa is standing up for Elise, which is very kind of her.

"Ha-ha, looks like a Queen is helping the slave," Max said mockingly. He continued with, "What are you going to do?" with a smirk on his face while looking at Katherine.

"First of all, I am the Queen, not her"

"Elise is our classmate and friend, both of you shouldn't treat her like that, she isn't anyone's slave," Vanessa replied.

"V-Vanessa, it's okay. I'm used to it," Elise said then she grabbed Vanessa's hand to prove that she was okay, that her hand isn't shaking or anything.

"See? She said it was okay. Stop acting like a goddamn hero, life isn't a fairytale, sweetie," Katherine mockingly said to Vanessa."

Vanessa replied, "No! It's not okay and it will never be. She's just saying it's okay because she's used to it, it doesn't mean that she wants to."

"You're starting to get on my nerves!" Katherine said while her veins is popping out due to anger.

"Both of you! Shut up! I'm very hungry and all these loud noises and never-ending bantering make me hungrier!"

We all know who said that, the one and only, Shannon.

"Are you guys hungry?'

"Yes! Please! Wait, who said that?"

It was coming in the speaker attached in the top corner of the room and they are using some kind of a voice changer.

"Let's play a game, first. Behind the food trays is our cook, janitor, cleaner, and more but basically, she's our school maid. You might be wondering, how can she do all of that since she is only by herself, well, her power is Replication. She can clone or duplicate herself." someone in the speaker said.

"Hello, students! I am Maria Marie also known as Endless Maria. I am a former superhero, the reason why I resigned is that I am getting old, and doing hero stuff is too much for me. If you want help as long as it is in my expertise, you can ask me to help you."

"Nice meeting you!" everyone greeted.

"I need help, give me some food already!" Shannon said.

"My-my, what a funny lady. Even if I want to, I can't because you students need to play a game first," Endless Maria replied.

"Oh, come on, not again," Shannon said.

"Omg Shannon, don't mind her, she's not in herself when she is hungry. By the way, it's nice meeting you! You said you are old but you look so young!" Chloe said.

"Oh please, coming from such a beautiful lady like you?" Endless Maria playfully said.

"Well, we pretty ladies have to stand up for each other you know," Chloe replied. Then they laughed together.

"You two get along well, anyways I like your power and it would be great if you could tell us someday about your hero journey if it's okay, '' I said.

"I would love to but now is not the right time," she replied.

"Alright, alright, fun time is over. It's time to play a game of tag but with a little bit of twist," the speaker said.