
Isekai Academy

In a world of fantasy and superpowers, where realms intertwine and extraordinary adventures await, lies Isekai Academy—an esteemed institution that trains promising students to become powerful heroes capable of crossing into other worlds. Unbeknownst to these hopeful students, the academy is harboring a deep secret, for their training is not merely to explore new realms, but to prepare for an impending war that will shake two worlds to their core.

Eiffel27th · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Isekai Academy

August sixteen. The first day of school. I just woke up. My vision is still a bit blurry. I couldn't sleep last night because I was excited for tomorrow to go to school that's why I am still a bit sleepy.

Bit by bit, my vision is clearing up. I gently opened the balcony window in my room. Clear skies. Fresh air.

"What a great day."

It was already past seven o'clock so I should probably get going.

I have packed my clothes and stuff and am now ready to go. What's left is to say goodbye to my Mom who I might not see for a while since Isekai Academy has dorms that I can live in.

"Bye, Mom. I'm now going to school."

"Wait up, Fin. Don't forget your food! I've prepared it just for you."

"Thanks, I'll eat it later."

"Now, you better don't cause troubles in your school"

"I'll try," I said with a genuine smile on my face. Sigh, I'm going to miss her.

I rode the bus to school. Even though the bus was crowded, I was lucky enough to have found a seat.

I can see every passenger's character profile through my eyes and I can tell that there are three students of Isekai Academy currently on the bus. How did I know that? It's simple, not only I can see their names but I can also see a little bit of information like their position or status of their life.

For example, there is a grown man standing in the middle of the crowd who looked like the type to grope someone on the bus. In his character profile, underneath his name is his job which is a photographer.

Now, let's try it out on the students of Isekai Academy.

[Del Parker]

So, that guy's name is Del Parker. He looks like he is always ready to fight someone and if he finds that someone he will challenge him in a fight, just based on my observation.

[Elise Abott]

She looks like a shy-type girl like you can feel that she is very anxious because of the huge crowd. I feel like when you approach her she would freak out.


I see. She probably noticed that I have been staring at Elise for a while now hence she called me a pervert. She is currently beside my seat.

"What do you mean 'pervert'?" I asked.

"Don't act dumb, you have been staring at her like some kind of a monster who is ready to devour her anytime soon."

I knew it but what the heck? She's exaggerating it and also overreacting a bit too much. By the way, she is also a student of Isekai Academy and her name is Eula Miller.

"Sorry, I was just zoning out and it just happens that she is in my line of sight, that's all."



"You men are always full of excuses."

"Do you have hatred towards men? Are you some kind of a misandrist?"

"No! I just dislike men like you."

Suddenly, I woke up in the middle of the road which causes traffic. My head still hurts and a bit dizzy. What happen?... Oh right. I got punched by Eula and I flew out the window of the bus.

"Get out of the road!"

"Come on! Get up! I am late for my work!"

I stood up and as I turn around, I am now in front of Isekai Academy.


As I was about to enter the school, I heard someone yelling about money. So, I rushed into the scene and found a buff guy grabbing someone by the collar of his shirt.

"Give me your money!"

"No! I won't give it to you!"

It seems like even here in Isekai Academy, there is a bully. Seriously, it's like a stereotype in every school. The bully's name is Denver Mann while the one getting bullied is Anthony Lyons.

"I forgot my wallet so give me your money!"

"What? It isn't my fault that you forgot your money!"

I was about to save Anthony before it gets worse but out of nowhere, he threw a pencil. I'll just wait and see what happens.

"Fine, I'll just force my way to get your money!"

"As if all you have been doing is not forcing me to give you my money!"

Then suddenly, a car crashed into Denver, knocking him up in the wall. Everyone was surprised except me because I've observed everything and I saw what happen. Students around me probably think that it was a miracle but no, it was all according to his plan.

Remember when he threw the pencil out of nowhere? Well, a girl named Chloe Preston, accidentally stepped on the pencil and slipped, she was wearing a skirt so the guy riding a bike named John Hunter saw her underwear, which makes him not keep his eyes in front of him which resulted in a collision with someone with a ball and his name is Harold Jon who looks like a student in Isekai Academy but his character profile says otherwise. Anyways, the ball fell down on his hand and keeps bouncing and bouncing until an elderly woman near the sidewalks was hit by the ball and she fell down on the road. The car was about to hit the poor elderly woman, it was a good thing he turned right crashing into the gates of the school then Denver got hit by that car.

Everything that happened feels like it was all calculated by Anthony. Everything goes according to his plan. I'm interested if it is his OP meta or he is just a cracked genius but he was already gone.

I sensed a strong aura coming from Denver, it's like he is about to go berserk. Two horns are slowly growing on his head. I feel like he's about to transform into a devil.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, there was this old woman on the road and...so...I...here just take this money" said by the owner of the car.

He then took the money out of his hand and he begins to return to his normal state. Also, Denver will not bother Anthony anymore since he already got money which makes me think that it is also part of his plan.

"I will forget everything that happened because of this money"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"You should probably say sorry to the elderly woman because you almost hit her," I suggested.

The owner of the car felt relieved and rushed to apologize to the elderly woman. Even though he damaged the school gates, the school still let him leave without paying for the damage that he has done since it was all an accident. I also left the scene and entered the school building.


"Fight me!"

It was coming from our classroom. As I opened the door, the room was already halfway filled with students and I noticed two familiar faces in the far back of the room which are Eula and Del.

"Come on! Fight me!", Del said.

He continued with, "You were so strong back then at the bus, you punched that guy out of the bus. Please!"

It seems like I was right that Del Parker is the type of guy who will challenge you into a fight.

"I refuse," Eula responded.

"I always want to fight strong people like you because it's fun."

"And I despise men like you."

"What I'm about to do will make you fight me."

Del raised his fist and got ready to hit Eula. I immediately went behind him and grab him by the wrist. I continued to tighten it until his carpal bones are on the verge of breaking.

Del immediately turned around and his eyes were filled with fear. He pulled his hand back and I let it go.

"Sorry, bye," Del said and he immediately left us alone.

"Hero complex."

"What do you mean 'hero complex'?" I asked.

"I didn't need your help, you know. I can handle myself. You have a hero complex, you thrive to be the hero of any situation."

She continued insulting me with, "And you are also a hypocrite, that's right. You want to be the hero but you didn't even help that guy from the bully."

"Look, I helped you and this is how you repay me? Also, I was about to help that guy but he suddenly throws a pencil, so I got curious about it. Just because I want to help doesn't mean I have a hero complex."

"Sigh, thanks..."

I was shocked. It feels out-of-character. Despite her tough attitude, she has a surprisingly soft side.

I responded with, "You are welcome".

Looking around the classroom, I noticed that most of the chairs have been taken. I walked toward the seat near the window at the far back of the room which is a good place to sit.

"You have the audacity to sit right beside me?"

Well, looks like her attitude is back. Sigh, what a troublesome seatmate.

"Most of the chairs have been taken, I picked this chair because it is near the window, so I can see the beautiful sky, and generally, this is a good place to sit."

She stood up trying to find a new available seat and luckily she found one, she walked toward the seat but a girl full of makeup and jewelry went in front of her to stop her.

"Sorry girl but this is mine so scoot"

She then returned to her previous seat which is beside me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Fin Walker."

"You just went ahead and introduce yourself?"

"Well, we have met and talked to each other a couple of times, isn't it enough that we should introduce ourselves to each other?"

"I won't tell you my name."

"Don't worry, I already know. It's Eula Miller."

"Wait. How? How did you know my name? Are you some kind of a stalker?"

"Woah, calm down. It's just part of my abilities. I can see people's names. That's why I was staring at that girl from the bus."

"And that makes it better? You are snooping in someone's privacy and information."

"What do you want me to do? It's a passive ability, I can't turn it off."

"Prove it. Prove it to me."

"Alright, alright."

"See, this guy in front of me?"


"This guy's name is Tristram Glover."

"Go ahead, ask him for his name."

I poke him by his shoulder so I can have his attention.

"Uhm, hey. I am Fin Walker. Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Eula Miller."

"Oh, nice to meet you too. I'm Jean Lawrence."

"You stupid lying bastard!" Eula spoke angrily.

"Wait. There's probably something wrong here."

"Hahahahaha," he giggled.

"What are you laughing for?" I asked.

"Sorry, you were right. My real name is Tristram Glover. I heard what you guys were talking about so I thought I would prank you guys."

"Hahahahaha," she giggled too.

"You should have seen the look on your face, you were so confused," Eula said.

"Haha, you're the one who should have seen the look on your face, you were so angry."

Then, all three of us laugh together. This is probably my first good moment in Isekai Academy.


A student stands on the podium in order to be seen by our classmates. I think he is about to introduce himself to us or he has an announcement to make.

"Everyone, would you be able to if it's not too much trouble, pay attention to me for a moment?"

We all nod to an agreement to listen to what he has to say.

"We should introduce ourselves to each other so it would be easy for us to know each other and be friends, what do you guys think?"

"I agree. We should also say what our OP meta is," Del said.

"Let me introduce myself first, I'm John Hunter but you can call me John and my OP Meta is teleportation. I can only teleport myself but I hope in the future I can teleport other people as well"

For me, his power isn't an OP meta because he can only teleport himself but I can see that he has a sturdy and strong physique but only an above-average level. If he can teleport other people as well then that would be great.

"Who would like to go next? Please stand here at the podium, so everyone can see you."

"Hello, everyone! I am Shannon Rogers. My nickname is Shannon or Shanny. I like food and I am always hungry, that's why I am eating right now while introducing myself. My OP meta is Gluttony. I can eat or suck any attack and launch it back right at you with 2x more power than the original attack."

She always eats but her body shape doesn't reflect everything she eats. Maybe, she just has a fast metabolism.

"A pleasant day to all. I am Vanessa Curtis. I would like to be friends with you all. My OP meta is physic powers."

She's like a princess. She moves so elegantly and she speaks softly. She said that she would like to be friends with all of us and she can do it without a doubt.

"Hi, everybody! How are you all guys doing? Are you guys loving it here? Of course, you do. Especially the boys here! You boys still have hearts in your eyes over Vanessa. Isn't that sweet? Well, anyways, You probably came here so you can go to another world but I am different. I came here to have fun and enjoy!"

"Shut up and just introduce yourself already!" Denver said.

"Oh my, such an angry fellow. Who hurt you? Well, let's just ignore him. My name is Chloe Preston. Pretty name, right? My power, oh I mean, OP meta is Meteor Befall. I bring a falling meteor down to Earth."

She will probably be annoying to others because she is quite an energetic girl and loud. But, I think, an energetic girl is fun to have with. She can at least motivate everyone here with her energy.

"M-my...name is El... Elise...Ab...Abb..."

I was right again. It's my first time to see someone very nervous introducing themselves. She is really having a hard time, but props to her for doing her best and having the guts to stand in front of everyone despite being shy.

"It's okay, take your time," Eula said.

Those were really nice words because it isn't forceful. It allows her to introduce herself at her own pace.

She then takes a deep breath and reintroduced herself.

"My name is Elise Abott. Imagination... is my OP meta. My...ability is everything that I imagine... I can turn it into a reality but only limited to an object or attack."

Interesting. I think, let's say, she imagines a gun, a gun will magically appear or she imagines a powerful attack like a lightning, a bolt of lightning will magically appear or strike her enemies. It is actually a powerful OP meta.

"Move aside, shy girl. It is my time to shine so scoot. I am Katherine Hansen but you should call me My Lady Katherine. My OP meta is Morana's Ice, you might ask who is Morana? Well, she is the goddess of winter's death. It perfectly fits me."

The only person that would call her "My Lady Katherine" is probably Elise.

"Greetings, everyone. I am Anthony Lyons. Call me Anthony for short. My OP meta is the butterfly effect. Small things that I do will have a huge impact later."

So, that explains what happen in front of the school building before. But still, his OP meta is very vague, he needs to carefully think and calculate everything before he makes a move just like when he threw that pencil, it's actually very impressive because if you are dumb and didn't think carefully, it will turn into chaos.

"I thought it was just a coincidence that a fucking car hit me," Denver said.

"At least you got your money, it's a win-win," Anthony said.

I can feel the rage coming from Denver, not only me, I think everyone can feel it too. Denver slammed down his chair. He is about to turn to a devil while glaring at Anthony.

"Don't make me do this. Do you want to be crashed down by an airplane?"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm going to kill you before you do that."

He then grabbed Anthony by his neck and started to choke him. Anthony's face turns red and he is unable to breathe. Everyone started to panic.

"Stop! You might kill him!"

"Someone stop him! Please!"

"Well, what are you waiting for, H-e-r-o" Eula mockingly said to me.

"I don't have to. Watch."

Five warriors were summoned by someone to stop Denver. They grabbed him by his arms, legs, and body, trying to pin down him. But, he is too strong so they couldn't stop him.

"Hmph, my five warriors couldn't stop you. How amusing. It would probably take one hundred warriors to stop you, oh wait, that's too much for a low-life like you, it should be around twenty."

King. That was the first word that came from my mind and my first impression of him. He is quite handsome. For sure, someone like him would end up dating the cutest girl in class.

He took the sword of one of his warriors and points it at Denver's neck.

"If you don't let him go, I will behead you."

You can see in his eyes that he will actually do it and Denver sensed it too. He then let go of Anthony and return to his normal human state.

"Oh, God! I was about to die. Thanks for saving me."

"No problem."

"If you did that again, I will kill you and make sure you're dead", Denver said to Anthony.

"And you, stay out and don't take part in the quarrel of others."

"I can't promise you that."

"Do it and I will kill you too."

"Kuku. We'll see."

"Stop it, you guys! Go back to your seats and let's continue the introductions," Chloe said.

Everyone returned to their seats and continued the introduction.

"I am Del Parker. My OP meta is super strength."

He has no energy this time compared to when he was challenging Eula for a fight. I wonder why. And he said his OP meta is superhuman but why is it easy for me to break his bones.

"I think you scared the hell out of him when you grabbed his wrist," Eula said.

"Perhaps. I thought he likes to fight strong people but I was wrong. It should be, he likes to fight strong people who are weaker than him."

"Are saying I am weaker than him?"


Eula was about to rage but someone already started to introduce himself which stops her to do so.

"Hello, classmates. I am Tristram Glover. I came to this school because my family wants to and they have a lot of expectations from me, that's why I don't want to let them down. My OP meta is God's speed, basically, I am just fast."

But does he also want it? or was he just forced to do it because of the expectations around him? Expectations often lead to disappointment. One shouldn't be a prisoner of expectations, one should do what they want to freely without the chains of expectations and fear of judgment from people. I'll talk to him about it when I get a chance.

"I shall now introduce myself. I am Max Dolton. You don't have to call me King or Prince, you can call me by my name, Max. You all should be grateful that you have been given a chance to call me by my name. My overpowered meta is King. I can summon an unlimited army and they are loyal to me, they will always follow my commands even if they will die because dying for the sake of me is an honorable thing for them."

His OP meta is both defense and offense which is great. In terms of war, he will be a great ally since he has an unlimited army.

"What's up? Everyone! It's me, Harold Jon. My OP meta is Superblast. I can launch a powerful blast."

His OP meta is easy to counter, if he misses or if his opponent dodges it, he would be in trouble.

"You go first," Eula said.

"No, you go first," I replied.

"Do you want me to punch you again?"

"Please, no. Let's play rock paper scissors and the loser has to introduce first."


There is actually a strategy for rock paper scissors. I learned it when I was in elementary and I've defeated all of my classmates with it. That's why I suggested it so I can win.

"Have you ever played this game before?"

"Just a couple of times."

"Oh okay."

I asked her that question because I want to know if she is a rookie or an experienced player in rock paper scissors because there is a different strategy between a rookie and an experienced opponent. It seems like she is a rookie.

"Three points to win?" I asked.

"Sure, let's go."

Most women often use scissors as their first move. I will use rock to beat her.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!."

"That's one point for me."

She used scissors as her first move which I predicted. You can see the frustration on her face. Rock is a very aggressive option that players rely on when losing. I'll use paper then.

"One more time, rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"Ha! I win again, that's two points for me."

"What!? Are you cheating? You have another ability that let you see other people's mind?"

"Of course not. It was just luck. Come on, let's finish this game, if you haven't noticed, most of our classmates are watching us."

We are so focused on the game that we haven't noticed that our classmates are watching and you can see in their eyes that they are curious who will win.

Now, she has two options, the first one is she will repeat a move like scissors or rock while the second one is she will use paper since she hasn't used it yet. This is where I gamble.

"I will use scissors."

I told her that so she will think that I will not actually use scissors since I announced it but I am actually going to use scissors. But she'll assume that I am going to use paper or rock. She will then likely play scissors or paper to beat what she probably thinks I will use which is paper or rock. It will be either I will beat her paper or it will be a draw if we both used scissors. Now, the moment of truth.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"I... I won..."

Our classmates who are watching us cheered me. It was like winning gold medal in an Olympic game.

"Congrats! Fin! and I am sorry that you lose Eula!" Tristram said.

"Fine, I admit that I lose. I'll go introduce myself then."

"Hi, I am Eula Miller. My OP meta is God's hands. I can deal powerful punch, capable of unleashing punches and I can summon multiple big arms that can strike, punch, clap, or chop down opponents. Remember this, Fin, I will have my revenge!"

My right cheek still hurts because of that punch at the bus. I wasn't ready at that time, I mean, who would expect that she will punch me just because he hate men like me. I wonder what would happen if I was ready.

"What are you zoning out for? It's your turn to introduce yourself," Tristram said.

"Oh right…" Then I went to the podium and proceeds to introduce myself, "Hello, everyone. My name is Fin Walker. My OP meta is..."


August one. Fifteen days before the first day of school. The principal contacted me to return to school because they have something to say.

Here I am, again, sitting in this uncomfortable chair. In front of me is Mr. Norman, the principal of Isekai Academy. I am feeling kind of nostalgic, right now.

"Sorry for calling you on such short notice, you are probably busy."

"Oh, it's okay. I was free when you contacted me so I wasn't busy."

"Good. Uhm... regarding about your OP meta."

"What about it?"

"You should not tell your OP meta to your upcoming classmates."

"Can I ask why?"

"It will just create a panic that something like your power exists. You might scare them just like when you scared me when I saw how vast your power is. Additionally, your power is the first to be labeled as Omnipotence, according to the Power Level Book by U.I."

He continued with, "But you can still use your power and abilities, just don't tell them the specifics of your power and that your power isn't technically an OP meta anymore, it's Omnipotence."

"I hate that book, it created discrimination and hierarchy."

"I know, people that are powerless or has powers that are labeled as weak in the Power Level Book has created an organization called Pariah to kill the author and destroy that book. They believe in the quote 'together we are strong, alone we are weak'. As much as I hate that book, the President and the higher-ups ordered us to use it."

"Makes me want to go to another world more."

"Anyways, don't worry, you can still tell them about your OP meta or should I say Omnipotence in the future but not now."

"Okay, I understand."

"By the way, my Mother said that she doesn't want to see you guys again."

"Tell her that it is also her fault that day, at least we are doing something because of the mistakes that we did back then unlike her who just live happily ever after with her family."

"Wait... what happen in the past?"

"It's a secret. You will know soon when you are ready. Some things are better left unsaid."

Even if I ask my Mother about it, she won't tell me either. She won't even tell me who my Father is.

Back to the present.

"Sorry, I can't tell you guys what my OP meta is."

"What? That's so unfair!" Chloe said.

"We told everyone our OP meta and you are not going to tell yours? It's... It's not like I really want to know," Eula said.

"I am really sorry."

"Let's not force him to say what is his OP meta is, I am sure there's a reason for it. It's okay Fin, you don't have to tell us," Vanessa said.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

That's right. I'm sure there's a reason why my Mother won't tell me who and the whereabouts of my Father and the past that the principal was talking about.

"Hey, Angry Bird. It's your turn to introduce yourself," Chloe said to Denver.

"I am not here to make friends," Denver replied.

"Fine, we'll call you Angry Bird then! Hahahaha!"

"Your voice irritates me!"

"Angry Bird! Angry Bird! Angry Bird!"

"Shut up or I'll kill you!

"So scawy. Hahahaha."

It was already nine o'clock. Someone entered the classroom with papers and pens.