
Isekai'd with The Boys

Ever wonder what happens when a bunch of chads get forced into another world with basically nothing? Yeah, its not ideal

MelloKen · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Willy Whippin' Action

"Cray, please do not make me do this again... we are not pole dancing, we are just using poles to do stretching exercises, GOT IT", said Ms. Samantha in a violent tone, I think there might have even been some hatred in that, Anyway Cray probably deserved it, he was bugging the teacher with comments about how stretching on poles is technically pole dancing but the teacher did not seem to appreciate his bantering.

"But Ms. Samantha didn't you say-", Cray tried to say as he was abruptly cut off by Ms. Samantha grabbing the ruler and threatening to spank him while also yelling some nonsense that could probably summon a demon. Without all the gibberish she said "I've had enough of this, Gina pass me that ruler, no not that one, I was asking for the one we used to measure walls'', screeched Ms. Samantha. Believe it or not, this was normal for our teacher, she would often rage like this at a certain student (usually Cray), and then us being friends would tell the principal with our best squeaky voices that Ms. Samantha was "having a seizure". She was almost fired twice but she got saved because the teacher's pet (Gina) would usually persuade how much she valued the teacher. But I think she won't be so lucky this time.

Me, Elliot, Lannan, and Bazz quickly gave each other "the eye" and we rushed towards the principal's office. Yeah, after spending so much time together we formed a kind of signal called "the eye" where we lifted our eyebrows when we were in trouble and we lowered eyebrows. We needed to help our friend, or if we needed help. We had almost 20 other uses for "the eye", but those were the basic ones we formed. The principal looked at us with annoyance sprawled all over her face. We had to lift our eyebrows quite a bunch in the last few days. Anyway, Elliot put on his most innocent voice which sounded like a moaning giraffe "pweez Ms. Gretta, our teacher she's... uh, she's having a seizure again I'm so scared please", he said. "NO, SHE WOULDN'T NO NO NOT AGAIN, PLEASE GOD, WHY ME, WHY DO I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS LITERALLLYYY EVERY WEEK", I had a feeling that we would lose more than just one school work after this.

"OK BOYS were heading into the class NOW. "But Ms. Gretta, it's scary in there, she whipped Cray's willy", said Lannan, pretending not to know the word d*%#. Of course, this was not true, but our boy Fresh was basically all-around good at everything, so we left him in there to film it and maybe edit it before Ms. Gretta gets to the room. "HOW DARE SHE, didn't I tell her not to do that to children, that practice became banned years ago", Bellowed Ms. Gretta. Well at least maybe now Fresh won't have to edit but I was kind of worried about Cray's willy.