
Isekai'd With My Mafia Family: All My Dragons Wives Are Overpowered!

Lucien a typical man with a normal personality, always yearned for a simple, ordinary life—a dream shattered by the stark reality of his mafia family's existence. Graduating at the age of 22, he found himself thrust into a world of chaos when his family perished in a car bombing. Suddenly transported to another realm, Lucien, equipped with the "Emblem of Shire" skill, is tasked with developing the land. However, his mischievous family members prove to be a constant challenge. Just as he begins to settle into his new role, tranquility is shattered by the arrival of a lustful dragon, intent on mating with him. Soon, more dragons encroach upon his territory, making him anxious about what will they do. Faced with these unforeseen challenges, Lucien must find a way to manage his land and preserve the peace he so desperately craves.

Solastius_Seena · แฟนตาซี
305 Chs

Ordinary Day of Ashbourne Family

As Lucien opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by knights in black armor on horseback.

The flag with a rose symbol waved behind them. To his dismay, his family stood beside him, wearing the same clothes they used in Lucien's graduation.

He glanced down at his attire, realizing he was still decked out in the black regalia he wore for graduation, complete with the graduation cap. He shook his head, covering his face.

'What a nightmare. Can't even escape my family after death, let alone in another world,' Lucien sighed inwardly. 'And why on earth did that dumb kitten teleport me wearing this attire!'

Beyond them, raggedly dressed people from medieval times gathered, and some didn't even bother with clothing. Lucien observed the strange scene, wondering how he got into this situation.

The sharp voice of a knight shattered the uneasy silence. "Who are you, and from whence do you come? Are you enemies of the lord?" The tension escalated as the knights unsheathed their swords.

Cassius, never one for patience, stepped forward, "Huh?! Looking for death, are ya?"

The leader of the knights, pointing at Cassiel, declared, "Kill them all, spare no one! Except this man," gesturing at Cassius, "Take him alive, cut his tongue, and drag his body with a horse to Ruby Town. It shall serve as an example to those who defy the Lord's orders!"

The knights, a dozen strong, shouted their commands, and chaos unfolded—a typical day in the extraordinary life of the Ashbourne family.

Since it was already chaotic, Lucien wanted to know what kind of 'Mage' class the cat talking about However, the system's announcement left him dumbfounded.

[You don't have any skills or spells yet.]

"WHAT! THAT INSOLENT CAT!" Lucien's frustration echoed that the cat didn't tell him anything about the spell at all.

A sudden burst of gunfire and thunder disrupted the tumult. It was Cassius, wielding a gun, unsettling horses, and sending knights tumbling from their saddles.

Meanwhile, Amane, wielding a katana infused with purple thunder, effortlessly cleaved two knights in a single, imperceptible motion.

Cassius chimed in, "Summoning: a bunch of Glock!" Instantly, a collection of firearms materialized behind him, unleashing a barrage upon anything in their path.

"Woohoo! Perish, you sons of a bitch!" Cassius' exuberant screams echoed amid the chaotic symphony of Amane's thunderous strikes.

"Hahaha! I will drown you all with your blood and drag you to the deepest hell."

Amane, consumed by hysterical laughter and a feral expression, swung her katana through the air, creating colossal slashes that tore through knights and even buildings.

The battlefield resonated with the cacophony of gunshots, thunder, and maniacal laughter as the knights succumbed to the onslaught.

Bullets and mighty slashes penetrated their armor, leaving them sprawled on the ground, lifeless.

Lucien observed the spectacle, a mix of amazement, shock, and fury bubbling within him.

'What kind of Path do they possess? Destroyers of the world?' Lucien screamed silently in his heart.

Turning beside him, Lucien noticed his sister standing motionless, offering a sigh of relief as it seemed he wasn't the sole sibling lacking an overpowered skill.

His gaze shifted to the village residents, their expressions mirroring shock and terror. Gasping mouths and widened eyes reflected the chaotic scene unfolding before them.

Lucien got it; the chaos was overwhelming. Approaching the villagers, they instinctively stepped back. Everyone seemed horrified, with mothers shielding their children.

It wasn't their fearful looks that bothered Lucien, though; it was the ungrateful vibe hanging in the air. He looked around, taking in the sorry state of these folks.

Their clothes were practically in tatters, all brown now from the dirt. The kids and adults alike looked like skeletons, seriously underfed.

Seeing an army of knights rolling into a tiny, poor village with less than 300 folks couldn't mean anything good. So, didn't Lucien's parents swoop in to help these guys out?

And now, these villagers couldn't even muster a thank you or a welcome? Talk about gratitude.

"Stay back! You're all demons!" shouted one villager, voice trembling. Others joined in, chanting "Demon! Go away!" and tossing stones his way.

Lucien skillfully dodged them, not wanting any surprise face wounds. Speaking of faces, he recalled that cheeky flying kitten scratching him.

Finding a puddle on the ground, he checked his face, letting out a sigh of relief as the scratch had mysteriously vanished.

However, his father's voice interrupted his thoughts, revealing a bizarre twist.

The villagers knelt, heads bowed, worshiping Lucien's parents as if they were deities.

Cassius, commanded, "Lick my shoes if you want to live, you ungrateful bastard!"

Amane, katana menacingly pointed, declared, "You are now our slaves! Obey or face consequences!"

Apologies and a tearful submission followed. The oldest villager, with silver hair and beard, trembled as he spoke, "Forgive us, My Lord. We did not recognize you as a divine envoy."

Lucien, bewildered, pondered, 'What just happened? I left for five seconds, and now my parents are divine messengers?'

Lucien sighed as the atmosphere in the village turned even more somber. Faces paled, and children wailed, their cries echoing as if it were doomsday.

Approaching the distressed villagers, Lucien reassured them, "Don't be scared, everyone. We're here as messengers of God to help you," the staff in his hand and the regalia he wore lending an air of wisdom.

Playing the role of a divine messenger or whatever it was to engage with the villagers, Lucien was unexpectedly interrupted by a system notification:

[Omnicisient Alcazar activated.]

[The Sound of Sovereign: your voice will influence the people's trust in you by 5%.]

'Hmm, not bad,' Lucien thought, grasping the power of his unique skill.

The villagers, visibly astonished, exchanged skeptical glances. It seemed like they were indeed charmed by Lucien when he spoke, they looked more relaxed now.

The man with blonde hair and blue eyes raised his hand, seemingly eager to speak.

"I permit you to ask anything. Please tell us everything that happened before our arrival," Lucien encouraged the man to speak.

Amane chimed in, whistling, "Look at my boy, Lucy, playing God."

Rolling his eyes, Lucien whispered, "Mother, not now."

Cassius, gripping his shoulder, said, "Hey, respect your mom."

Sighing, Lucien messaged his temple, "I'm sorry, Mother, but I need to do this first."

Amane shrugged, "Go, my boy, and tell them how fucked up they are. No one disrespects the Ashbourne family."

The villagers kneeled again, chanting, "Please have mercy on us." the situation became even more tense again, making Lucien frustrated.

Taking a deep breath, he surveyed the chaos. Realizing he needed a controlled conversation, he addressed the crowd, "All of you, return to your houses. I need you two," pointing at the bearded old man and the blonde-haired man, "to come with me."

As the villagers scattered, hurrying back to their homes, a semblance of order emerged amid the chaos.

Doors and windows shut tight, enveloping the village in an eerie silence, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a tomb.

Lucien turned to his parents, stating, "You guys, feel free to do whatever you want. I know you both despise dull conversations."

Cassius, shrugged, "Sure, there is nothing interested in this village after all."

"Good luck with whatever you will do, Lucy." Amane waved her hand and with that, the two of them strolled around the village while Lucien sighed in relief.

When writing this, I think hard about what crazy things Lucien's family would do. Well it's clear that it would be violence

Solastius_Seenacreators' thoughts