
Isekai'd To Fate Grand Order With A Inconvenient Loot Box System

Finn Shelby - an avid fanfic writer and reader has found himself Isekai'd to: Fate Grand Order, at the very beginning. if that didn't work make matters worse - he was granted a System. A Loot Box System that is mostly Inconvenient. Fortunately, his background saved him. So come and witness his hazardous journey to the top~ ****** [ Disclaimer: I own none of the Images, characters, or other Media presented in this story, all rights are reserved to their original owners. I only own my creations and made-up scenarios ]

LazyZen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Holy shit! I'm In Fate Grand Order And I Already Broke My Arms!

Chapter 1: Holy shit! I'm In Fate Grand Order And I Already Broke My Arms!


Fire - everything was on fire. How - Finn Shelby had arrived in this place was a mystery but it was put on the back burner of his mind because he was wheezing from breathing in smoke from the burning wreckage and debris around him. From distant walls and how there was a giant red globe in the centre of the room, the young man assumed he was trapped in a planetarium. An odd place to end up in after being assaulted by a pair of glowing lights.

Rubbing the dust out of his raven-black hair, he wore a black hoodie with gray sleeves, pulled the hood over his head, so his hair would not catch fire from stray sparks. Its gray sleeves however were starting to stain black from the smoke.

' Oh, shit...' Glowing lights and appearing somewhere else only means one thing for an avid fanfic writer and reader like himself - He has been Isekai'd. Furthermore, his surroundings look very familiar...

" Please don't tell me, I got sent there... Please." He prayed to all the Gods he knew. Even ones you shouldn't be praying to,' Oh please great Azathoth, please a little help here.' He would only know the consequences of praying to this being in the distant future.

The sound of pained groaning reached his ears, breaking him away from his thoughts.

' There's a survivor!'

Running to the sound, his knees became weak and his face paled. Trapped under a rock half his size is none other than - Ritsuka Fujimaru, The Protagonist of Fate Grand Order. A mobile game, he spent more money than he could count and remember. The only reason he could spend that much money - is because he plays games very well and wins tournaments supporting his love for FGO.

" Don't worry, I got ya!" Inhaling and exhaling, Finn rolled his sleeves," Which way am I supposed to move this damn rock?"

" From *Cough-Cough* From the right side." Ritsuka coughed out, panting his clothes red with his blood.

" Alright!" Calming down his nerves, he grabbed the rock that seems to be a piece of the ceiling and pulled it off with all his might.


" *Huff* A lot heavier than I *Huff* thought." Finn groaned at the pain in his fingers. Looking at the daze-looking Ritsuka, he gently picked him and let em lean on his shoulder," Up we go."

" Where..." He groaned as haze appeared in his eyes," Where... Where is she...? Where?"

" Who?" Finn asked, already having a good idea who he was talking to, as they slowly walked back to where he woke up.

" Mash... Purple hair, that kind of looks like an eggplant." Ritsuka hazelly explained.

" I'll be on the lookout," Finn said, scanning their surroundings as they walk.

" Hello?! Is anyone there?!" He yelled out.

" Over... here." The voice was weak and feminine, thus a girl. Her few words were enough for him to pinpoint her location. Reaching it Finn was greeted at the sight of a purple-haired girl trapped underneath a huge chunk of debris.

" Damnit! *Cough!-Cough*" Ritsuka yelled causing him to cough up more blood on the floor.

' This is different... This is definitely different.' Finn concluded,' Something is wrong. This isn't how FGO starts. Ritsuka shouldn't have been crushed and Injured.' Hell, he shouldn't even be here!

" Bloody hell..." Using his newfound British accent, Finn spoke the holy words every Britishman worth their tea will speak at the very least three times a day. A catchphrase, that is gonna be stuck with him for the rest of his life.

Sitting Ritsuka down against a rock, he was gonna try and help Mash but suddenly stopped. Looking back at the Japanese young man, Finn found him pulling at the ends of his T-shirt.

" Let me *Cough* help."

" If you say so." Pulling him up, they went and walked to Mash.

" Alright..." Scanning the way she's trapped, Finn drew up a plan," We're gonna have to lift the rock up."

" Got it." Ritsuka nodded, determined as ever.

Grabbing the rock, both Finn and Ritsuka looked at each and nodded.

" On three," Finn said, getting a grunt back.

" 1. 2. 3!!!"

"" Argh!"" Both younger men yelled with all their might, but - like something was forcing it down, it won't budge at all. However... this didn't stop the two men from pushing their bodies to the limit.

" Hang in there Mashu!" Ritsuka's determined voice echoed through the room, the room where the future of humanity in this world was monitored.


"" ARGH!"" Feeling something snap inside their arm, Finn and Ritsuka groaned loudly.

' Fuck. I can't feel my arms anymore.' Finn panicky thought,' However... this won't stop me from helping her!'

Uncaring, Finn pushed even more as his whole face turned red. Within seconds, he felt his ears pop and his fingers start to become numb. Anything arm down is numb. Someone could cut off his arms and he won't feel a thing. That's how bad it was for him. And judging by Ritsuka's pained face, he's in the same boat.

' Who fucking turned on Nightmare mode without me knowing?!' Finn yelled in his mind, still pushing his body.


" Motherfucker!!!" Finn cried out, as pain screamed out of every muscle fiber of his body. Under the sleeves, blood seeped through painting the gray sleeves - dark red. The arms went limp and mind-numbing pain was the only sensation he received from them. Under the sleeves his limbs from the shoulder down had turned blue and purple, twitching in pain. 

Then without mercy, his vision started to darken. Like a puppet with its strings cut. he fell down - and he did, he fell hard.

The last thing to be remembered was that robotic voice talking about him and Ritsuka being Masters, and the yells of Ritsuka.

' Heh... I knew I should have taken that vacation when Mum told me.' He bitterly thought as darkness devoured him whole.


[>>>LazyZen: I have the creator of this, hoped you enjoyed my amateur writing. Please comment and give this writer some feedback. If you have any ideas, please comment on them too, I would love to hear your thoughts<<<]

Please don't think too much of my amateur writing. If you don't like it - then you don't. However, if you do, please keep reading~

LazyZencreators' thoughts