
Isabelle Castro

Xander is the most popular, most sought after senior in Bright Moon Pack, and Isabelle is the most unnoticed student to ever set foot on Bright Moon High. Xander is a werewolf, the future alpha of Bright Moon Pack, the strongest pack in all of the werewolf world. Isabelle is an ordinary human; an orphan whose father left them why she is still a baby and a mother who died when she was still twelve years old. What happens when Isabelle gets mated to Xander and is unknowingly pulled into their world? What happens when every mysterious thing that has been happening to her since she turned eighteen gets connected to her fate as Xander's mate. And what happens when they learn that Isabelle is the fated, most awaited Destiny Slayer? The only one fated to defeat the Destroyer, the chaos-maker whose only purpose of existence is destroy not just the supernatural world but also the human world. Will their love be enough for them to survive the challenges that are meant to destroy them? Will their love be enough to save their pack, their world and the world of the supernatural's as well as the humans? Will their love be enough to strengthen Isabelle and face her fate as the Destiny Slayer?

DaoistQnUPa4 · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

22. Love Kills

Destroyer POV

I watched from afar as Vesner, my most trusted slave, confronted his own stupid, little family. The wife who gave her own life just to hide her two kids from her husband and the twins who had the audacity to fight against their father, the father who can bring them close to being rulers of the dark with me. 

This was going to be a test at how far he can go against his own blood. The wife doesn't matter as I know she did not mean anything to him. She was just a hole to store his eggs in and wait until she can push them out at which time he can take them away. Unfortunately, he was too stupid. Not seeing that he has impregnated the strongest witch in the strongest coven of witches. Like any moron, he let her discover who he really is and let her take the twins away, hiding one of them to another pack and the other to the human world. I was impressed despite myself of how Miranda hid her kids; almost killing the other by letting her unborn wolf sleep and hiding the other in one of the strongest werewolf pack. 

Vesner has been searching for the twins for decades. We have guessed, Miranda must have used the "Veil of Sacrifice" to cover her kids from every sniffing agent of darkness, from Vesner's minions who were ordered to find them, to rogues who believed in our mission, and even from me. Miranda must have used every single drop of power she had to form the "Veil of Sacrifice" around her two kids. This veil would have worked in protecting both of them until their death, if not for one of them getting mated to a werewolf. This mating broke the "Veil of Sacrifice" and made everyone realize that she is the Destiny Slayer. A very fortunate event for me. 

"Hrrrrrmmmm!!! Hrrrrrrmmmm!!!" I growled loudly, causing a little earthquake just to make all those weaklings feel that I am still here despite Vesner's death. I thrive on their fast-beating hearts out of fear. I thrive on their loud and silent screams and wildly moving eyeballs as they all looked at each other in horror. 

I witnessed the twin envelope their parents in their "Light of Love". I was interested to see what would happen. I only knew of this happening from ancient, passed-on stories about the power of love that could kill. I did not step in even as I felt Vesner getting weaker and weaker as the twins embraced both their parents in their "Light of Love." Curiosity killed the cat as they say. I was curious how the "Light of Love" could kill. Unfortunately, my cat in this instance, Vesner, died because his dark persona could not take on the pure love from his twin's heart. His heart stopped beating for the last time, as he fought the love being offered by his own flesh and blood. But I was not worried. Unlike Vesner, I had no ties to love, no weaknesses that could be exploited. The power of love may have killed Vesner, but it would never touch me. Like his other daughter, he is not a big loss to me. I only resurrected him from the death his own daughter brought on him so he would blast my magic-protected prison from the outside as I could not do it from the inside. And only a creature of pure darkness could help me destroy my magic-enclosed could cage. The cage that only pure-hearted supernatural beings were able to close.

I will let them have their peace for now. Every one of them felt victorious when Vesner slumped to the ground in death after being embraced through the "Light of Love" by his brats. His darkened heart could not accept his flesh and blood's pure touch of love. Paired with Miranda's strong and selfless love for her brats and for everyone, Vesner's power of darkness was a mere pinch in Miranda's power of light. 

Xander POV

I felt the bed, or even the room shake as we all felt and heard the Destroyer's growl. Isabelle and I opened our minds to the pack's thoughts through mind link despite the embarrassment my mate felt earlier when everyone appeared at our door because of the earlier escapade we had. I convinced Isabelle what we did was normal. Every werewolf, once finding their mate, spends days locked together in a room, making love, fulfilling their carnal needs, satisfying their deepest physical desires with their mates. This was what should have happened once we knew we were mates, but my mate initially being "human" at the time stopped me from ravishing her immediately. Then everything happened after we found out she is the Destiny Slayer. We had little time to ourselves and almost non-existent opportunity to be intimate.

If not for Vesner's death which seemed to work in relaxing us for a short period, we would still be out there, focusing on trainings and pack responsibilities. Thank the goddess for Vesner underestimating the power of love. 

I would have stayed connected to my mate the whole night if not for the tremor we felt at the Destroyer's growl. It had barely subsided when we all gathered to assess our situation. I held Isabelle close to me as we stood near Chelsea and Miranda, holding her close, still savoring the mind-blowing first-time lovemaking we had.

My father and mother stood in front of everyone. "Everyone, listen up," Alpha Benjamine's voice cut through the tension. We all felt the growl, and we all knew from whom it came from. "Vesner has been taken down, but the Destroyer is still out there, as we all felt earlier. We have temporarily let our guards down after Vesner's demise but, as you have all felt, the Destroyer could not wait to let us all feel his dark powers..." He went on to reiterate all precautions, must do's, preventive measures, trainings, and every important details to be noted; specially the safety of everyone. 

Witches, cat shifters, vampires, dragons, mermaids and fairies were all coordinated with. Unity is important in this fight against the king of darkness; we need to make sure that we all have the same goal of fighting the only creature that could erase all of the supernatural creatures. We need to make sure that we all are one in supporting the Destiny Slayer to end the Destroyer for the final time.