
Isabelle Castro

Xander is the most popular, most sought after senior in Bright Moon Pack, and Isabelle is the most unnoticed student to ever set foot on Bright Moon High. Xander is a werewolf, the future alpha of Bright Moon Pack, the strongest pack in all of the werewolf world. Isabelle is an ordinary human; an orphan whose father left them why she is still a baby and a mother who died when she was still twelve years old. What happens when Isabelle gets mated to Xander and is unknowingly pulled into their world? What happens when every mysterious thing that has been happening to her since she turned eighteen gets connected to her fate as Xander's mate. And what happens when they learn that Isabelle is the fated, most awaited Destiny Slayer? The only one fated to defeat the Destroyer, the chaos-maker whose only purpose of existence is destroy not just the supernatural world but also the human world. Will their love be enough for them to survive the challenges that are meant to destroy them? Will their love be enough to save their pack, their world and the world of the supernatural's as well as the humans? Will their love be enough to strengthen Isabelle and face her fate as the Destiny Slayer?

DaoistQnUPa4 · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

21. Embarrassing First Time

Isabelle POV

I woke up that night in our bedroom; feeling refreshed and strengthened. Hearing a soft snore, I turned left to find Xander softly snoring beside me. I lay still, marveling at this rare time that I am finally able to spend peacefully with him. Finally, having this time to breath after all the chaos and confusing times we have been through ever since he realized I am his mate, and ever since I was discovered being the Destiny Slayer. A lot has changed since then. My life felt like a big roller coaster, a very big difference from the simple life I had when I was still a "human." 

I gently touched his face, illuminated by the moonlight coming in from the window. The night was calm, a stark contrast to the chaos we had faced earlier. Pack members are resting in safehouses, except for the designated warriors to watch out against an unexpected attack. The forest seemed to hum with a gentle, reassuring energy for now.

My gaze locked with Xander as he slowly opened his eyes, both of us silently acknowledging this rare time of being with each other without the danger and chaos we have been facing. We lay facing each other for a time, our hearts still in fear from the battle but now slowly calming in each other's presence.

The dim light of the moon cast a warm glow inside the bedroom, enveloping us in a cocoon of temporary safety and intimacy. Xander closed the distance between us, his eyes never leaving mine. The weight of everything we had been through hung between us, but so did an unspoken promise of strength and love.

"I thought I lost you," Xander whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He pulled me close, and I could feel his heartbeat against mine, steady and strong.

"You never will," I replied, my fingers gently tracing the lines of his face. "As long as we're together, we can overcome anything."

Our lips met in a tender kiss, a promise of love and unity. Slowly, the kiss deepened, and I felt a surge of electricity flow between and all over us. It wasn't just physical—it was the power of our bond, the love we shared.

Xander's hands moved to my waist, feverishly touching my heated skin. Slowly, his hands moved upwards to my unbound mounds, and I moaned in pleasure as he palmed one mound and sucked the other after raising the shirt he must have put on me earlier. My hands rose excitedly to touch his hardened chest and washboard abs, boldly getting lower to finally meet that hard rod that I have been feeling at every stolen moment of intimacy. 

As our clothes fell away, our bodies pressed together, skin to skin. Xander lay on top of me, supported by his hands as we lustfully touched each other's heated skin, savoring every tingle, every breath-taking caress. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word of love and reassurance seemed to fuel the light within me. It was as if our love was a beacon, shining brighter with every passing moment.

Xander POV

I kissed, nibbled and sucked at Isabelle's skin slowly, trailing gentle kisses along her neck, reveling at the soft moans coming deep from within her throat. Basking at finally having this intimate time with her. I let my hands wander to every part of her body, memorizing each soft, perfect contour. My hands and mouth explored every inch of her skin, each touch making my rod as hard as it can be. I let my hands travel down, fingers exploring the familiar yet ever-enchanting terrain of her body. Each touch was deliberate, lingering, committing every inch of her to memory. I took my time, savoring the soft gasps and moans that escaped her lips.

I kissed her lips again, and our lips moved in perfect harmony. I took off the shirt I changed her into after I carried her to our room earlier, taking off her panties as she brought down my boxers down my foot, revealing the painfully hard rod wanting to enter her and give her ultimate pleasure.

I entered her slowly, carefully, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. Isabelle's eyes fluttered closed. "Open your eyes baby." I wanted to see her beautiful eyes as I entered her. I wanted to make sure she is loving this as much as I can. She breathed ragged and winced as I my rod entered her even more and I kissed her again, wanting to divert the pain she is feeling at our first time into pleasure.

We moved together in a rhythm that was as old as time, unhurried and reverent. Each thrust was a testament to our love, each caress a promise of forever. Our bodies spoke a language that needed no words, communicating love, trust, and a deep, abiding connection.

As we both reached our ultimate pleasure, Isabelle's power of light surged unexpectedly, wrapping us both in a warm, radiant glow. I thrust into her deeper, faster and our breathes came out raggedly, our bodies moving as one as we both reached that final pleasure, not noticing the bright light enveloping us, shining so bright. As our juices mixed and spilled from our joined bodies, so does the light that came from Isabelle spills from our joined bodies to the whole bedroom, and finally to every part of the pack territory as it escapes from the little openings and crevices of our bedroom.

Finally spent, I slowly lay beside Isabelle, taking her tightly in my arms for a little rest with our bodies still entwined. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

We both looked at the bedroom door as three knocks came quickly, surprised that somebody seems in a panic. I quickly reached for the comforter and flung it over my confused mate before quickly searching for my discarded boxers. 

"Who is it?" I asked loudly. Irritation almost lacing my voice as I rose from the bed, still feeling weak from the aftermath of our lovemaking. After making sure that Isabelle is fully covered, I quickly walked to the door. 

"Xander! What's happening in there?" 

"Mom???" I asked incredulously as I opened the door and see my mother about to knock once again. I can't believe she chose this precious time to come knocking on our door. I could still feel how relaxed by body has become due to the pleasure I shared with Isabelle and here comes my mother asking what was happening?

"What's happening here honey?" Mother asked just as I see Chelsea, Miranda and other pack members come and stand behind my mother.

"What is going on?" Why is everyone in front of my bedroom at the exact time I finally became intimate with my mate?

"Strong light from your bedroom spilled all over the territory just now honey. What was happening here earlier?" Mother peered over my shoulder and saw Isabelle frozen under the comforter, unmoving and shocked that everyone is outside our bedroom, trying to peek inside.

"Uhhrrrm!" I can't believe I have to announce to everyone that we made love for the first time. 

Mother quickly pushed me inside and followed, briskly closing the door behind her. 

"What was happening here earlier? We all witnessed the strong light coming from here. Even a part of the forest was lighted." My mother explained the reason she come knocking at my door and I looked at my fully embarrassed mate. Almost burying herself under the bed.

"Mom... we... ahhmmm..." Before I could answer her fully, mother sniffed, looking from me to Isabelle and finally smiling happily. She enclosed me in a quick hug and was about to walk to Isabelle but I caught her hand swiftly. "Mom!" I whisper-yell at her. I can't believe she was actually thinking of going to my mate. 

"Oh!" Mother said, looking at me with a smirk. "I'm sorry son. We all just panicked when we saw the strong light coming from here. With everything that has been happening..." Her voice trailed off.

"Please excuse us honey." She was now looking at Isabelle, who has fully covered herself up to her eyes, and I am guessing her entire body would be as red as cherries in embarrassment. "But you really lighted the whole territory earlier. Maybe you should...uh...slow it down a notch?" Mother said with a happy smile before walking back outside. "Please don't let this stop you." she said as she opened the door and left, closing it immediately on everyone still standing outside.

I sighed in relief as mother went back out and I slowly walked back to the bed. Isabelle flinched as I take her back in my arms, clearly reluctant to get back to where we started. "They'll know." She whispered, and I smiled gently at her. I feel how uncomfortable she feels. It's not every day that you accidentally announce to your whole community that you have been making love for the first time.