
Isabelle Castro

Xander is the most popular, most sought after senior in Bright Moon Pack, and Isabelle is the most unnoticed student to ever set foot on Bright Moon High. Xander is a werewolf, the future alpha of Bright Moon Pack, the strongest pack in all of the werewolf world. Isabelle is an ordinary human; an orphan whose father left them why she is still a baby and a mother who died when she was still twelve years old. What happens when Isabelle gets mated to Xander and is unknowingly pulled into their world? What happens when every mysterious thing that has been happening to her since she turned eighteen gets connected to her fate as Xander's mate. And what happens when they learn that Isabelle is the fated, most awaited Destiny Slayer? The only one fated to defeat the Destroyer, the chaos-maker whose only purpose of existence is destroy not just the supernatural world but also the human world. Will their love be enough for them to survive the challenges that are meant to destroy them? Will their love be enough to save their pack, their world and the world of the supernatural's as well as the humans? Will their love be enough to strengthen Isabelle and face her fate as the Destiny Slayer?

DaoistQnUPa4 · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

20. Echoes From the Past

Isabelle POV

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the forest as everyone gathered in the clearing. The aftermath of the unexpected encounter with the Destroyer had left us all weary, yet a sense of urgency pushed us onward. Mother lay resting in the healing quarters once again, her strength slowly returning after her role in the initial physical fight with the Destroyer. Luna Clarissa kept vigil by her side, her protective nature unwavering as Chelsea and I continued with our training, with Xander strategizing the next steps with everyone.

Chelsea and I stood a short distance away, the weight of our shared power a constant reminder of our responsibility. We wanted to find answers—about our mother's miraculous return, about our past and about the powers that we possess.

Just before the meeting ended, Luna Clarissa mind linked us that mother has woken up and is insisting to get out of bed. We ran to the room where we moved her after she was declared stable by the pack doctor.

"Miranda, you need to rest," Luna Clarissa was urging her, and was calming her just as we entered the door. 

"No, Luna. There's no time," she replied, her voice weak but determined. "I need to tell you all what happened. This is important. It would affect how we are able to defeat the Destroyer."

We gathered around her, some of the officers, elders, vampires and witches, standing around us. Our mother took a deep breath, her gaze meeting mine and then Chelsea's.

"With the goddess' permission, I was brought back by an ancient power," she began. "A force older than the Destroyer himself. It resides in the heart of this forest, a hidden source of pure energy. When I sacrificed myself, I was taken to this place, where the forest's spirit healed and empowered me."

"The forest has a spirit?" Chelsea asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Our mother nodded. "Yes, a guardian that watches over all supernatural beings with the guidance of the goddess. It sensed the great imbalance caused by the return of the Destroyer and chose to intervene through me."

Alpha Benjamine stepped forward, his eyes narrowing in thought. "And this spirit... can it help us defeat the Destroyer?"

"Possibly," our mother replied. "But it requires a deep connection to the forest and an unbreakable bond among us. We must harness this power together."

Arianne glanced at Chelsea and me. "You two are the key. Your bond, strengthened by your light, is what the forest's spirit recognized. You must lead this fight."

As the conversation continued, a sudden chill swept through the clearing. The air grew thick with tension, even with the thick walls of the room. A familiar, malevolent presence loomed. Everyone tensed, their senses on high alert.

From the shadows, the sinister figure emerged fully, stepping into the moonlight, confidently showing himself through the window. The sight of him sent a shockwave through us all. It was Vesper, the Destroyer's most loyal follower, the man I killed and cried for.

"Vesper," our mother whispered, her eyes widening in shock. "It can't be..."

The dark figure smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Surprised to see me, my dear wife?" he taunted. "The Destroyer has granted me a second chance, and I intend to make the most of it."

The pack members growled, their instincts urging them to attack, but Vesper raised a hand, halting them with a surge of dark energy. Warriors outside stood on alert, ready to fight, ready to protect.

"You think you can stop us?" Vesper sneered, his gaze shifting to Chelsea and me. "You have no idea what power you're up against."

Our mother stood and stepped forward, her body glowing with a renewed light. "Vesper, you will not harm my family or anyone. I will protect them with everything I have."

Vesper laughed, a cold, hollow sound. "Then let's see what you are made of."

The tension in the air was palpable as our mother faced off against Vesper, their powers clashing in a dazzling display of light and shadow. The pack watched in stunned silence, as light from mother surged to clash with the dark energy from father. Chelsea's hand found mine and without words, we pushed everyone away with our energy waves. 

Alpha Benjamine and Xander guided everyone outside to fight minions that might come along, and to move away from the uncontrolled power emanating from the lady of light and the prince of darkness.

As the battle raged on, I felt a surge of determination. Chelsea and I joined hands, our combined power flaring to life. We would fight together, as a family, against this resurrected nightmare.

In the midst of the chaos, the forest itself seemed to come alive, the trees whispering ancient secrets. The guardian's presence was palpable, urging us to unite and harness the strength of the forest.

Our mother's voice echoed in my mind, a calming beacon in the storm. "Isabelle, Chelsea, remember your bond. Together, you can overcome any darkness."

With a final, desperate push, Chelsea and I unleashed our power, a blinding light that pierced through the darkness. Vesper screamed in agony, his form disintegrating under the force of our combined might, but still forcefully fighting mother's light. My gaze locked with Chelsea; no words are needed. The light from both of us surrounded our parents, making them feel our love. The love from children to their parents. The love that we were not able to feel from them. The love that we want them to feel from us. Forgetting all the pains and insecurities from the past. We formed a heated circle of light around them, embracing them with our power. 

Just as the heat was about to envelope the four of us, I heard Xander's voice in my mind. "Come back to me my love."

Then we all fell down the moist soft ground of the pack training field. Each feeling the heat of the light of love the two of us formed and the scorching heat of the clash between the strong power of the lightness and the darkness.

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling like grains are all over my eyes and groaned as strong light quickly glared at me, quickly closing my eyes as I felt and smelled a very familiar scent beside me. 

"Baby! You're awake! Thank the goddess you are back!" It was Xander. Breathless with relief, he held my hand tightly. I slowly opened my eyes again and smiled at my mate. "M..mom... C..Chelsea." My voice was hoarse, but I didn't care. I needed to see that my family is safe.

"We are here." Mother said from the other side of the bed, and I slowly turned my head to see her and Chelsea standing side by side, tears streaming down their cheeks as they both held on to my other hand. 

Relief immediately filled my heart as I looked around and saw that almost everyone was here. Everyone is safe... for now.

The Destroyer maybe still out there, maybe even with Vesper, and our fight was far from over. Yet, for the first time, hope is flowing all throughout my whole being. We have the strength of our family, the power of the forest, the unbreakable bond between us, and the support of everyone.

In the distance, the forest whispered its ancient song, a promise of strength and unity. The fight for our world was far from over, but with the spirit of the forest on our side, we knew we could prevail.