
Isabelle Castro

Xander is the most popular, most sought after senior in Bright Moon Pack, and Isabelle is the most unnoticed student to ever set foot on Bright Moon High. Xander is a werewolf, the future alpha of Bright Moon Pack, the strongest pack in all of the werewolf world. Isabelle is an ordinary human; an orphan whose father left them why she is still a baby and a mother who died when she was still twelve years old. What happens when Isabelle gets mated to Xander and is unknowingly pulled into their world? What happens when every mysterious thing that has been happening to her since she turned eighteen gets connected to her fate as Xander's mate. And what happens when they learn that Isabelle is the fated, most awaited Destiny Slayer? The only one fated to defeat the Destroyer, the chaos-maker whose only purpose of existence is destroy not just the supernatural world but also the human world. Will their love be enough for them to survive the challenges that are meant to destroy them? Will their love be enough to save their pack, their world and the world of the supernatural's as well as the humans? Will their love be enough to strengthen Isabelle and face her fate as the Destiny Slayer?

DaoistQnUPa4 · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

11. Bloodline Unveiled

Isabelle POV

The energy of the Nexus buzzed through me, awakening ancient memories and dormant power. I could feel the magic coursing through my veins, every rune on the chamber walls vibrating in resonance with my pulse. The chamber was a living entity, its ancient whispers echoing in my mind, drawing me deeper into its secrets.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the flow of magic around me, trying to grasp the enormity of the power at my fingertips. I could feel Vesper's presence lingering like a dark cloud on the edge of my consciousness, his voice a shadow in my mind, coaxing me to surrender. To join him in his dark mission, to destroy everyone who would stand in his way. 

As I stood there, a sudden vision engulfed me—a memory not my own but deeply entwined with my essence. A woman, her face a blur, cradling a child swaddled in cloth. Her voice was gentle yet filled with urgency.

"You must stay hidden, my love," she whispered. "He must never find you."

I gasped as the vision shifted, revealing Vesper's face, younger yet unmistakable, eyes so like mine, burning with malevolence. The same eyes that now watched me from a distance. I staggered back, my heart racing. The woman—the one who had hidden me—she was my mother. And Vesper... Vesper was my father.

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. My entire existence, the power within me, was a product of Vesper's darkness and my mother's power of light. The pendant, the burst of light—it was my mother's protection, a beacon meant to keep me safe from Vesper's grasp. I felt a surge of emotions: anger, sorrow, and a fierce determination.

The chamber's runes glowed brighter, responding to the turmoil within me. I felt the power within me swell, a tide I could no longer hold back. I knew I had to escape, to find a way to break free from Vesper's shadow and protect those I loved. Before he could control me, or my power and kill everyone I am meant to protect and love. 

With newfound resolve, I focused on the energy around me, channeling it into a single, powerful burst, like a ball thrown through a field. The runes flared with light, the air crackling with raw magic. I felt the chamber tremble, the walls pulsating with the force of my power.

The darkness around me shattered, and I was suddenly propelled forward, the Nexus dissolving into a blinding whirl of light and shadow. I felt myself falling, tumbling through the void, until—

I landed with a jolt, the world coming back into focus. I was free. The Nexus, the oppressive darkness, Vesper's malevolent gaze—it was all gone. I was standing in the heart of a dense forest, the familiar scents and sounds of the wild filling my senses. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape.

I took a deep breath, relief flooding through me. But my relief was short-lived. Distant, horrifying screams tore through the night, followed by the unmistakable sounds of snarls, growls and howls...


Xander POV

Alpha Benjamine led the alliance, his expression grim but determined. "Remember, we fight together, or we fall apart. Vesper will exploit any weakness, any division he would sense in us. Whatever differences we have, we have to put it aside and stay united with one goal, bring back the Destiny Slayer, the savior of the supernatural realm and the human world."

As the witches worked to bring us to the heart of Vesper's domain, a dense fog rolled in, chilling the air and obscuring our vision. I could feel the weight of the magic, a suffocating presence pressing down on us. My heart pounded with anxiety. I could feel Isabelle's presence in these labyrinths of shadows, and we had to reach her before it was too late.

A flash of movement caught my eye—a blur of shadows and light. Vesper's minions, monstrous creatures of the night, emerged from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with feral hunger. Their uncontrolled movements a sign of unrefined violence. The battle erupted in a frenzy of claws, fangs, and spells. We werewolves shifted into our wolf form, our senses sharpening, instincts taking over just as the vampires and and witches turned into their other selves. The witches started chanting for our protection and additional strength while the vampires hung from trees and served as shadows, ready to assist, to fight beside us. 

As the chaos raged around us, a figure materialized from the fog. Vesper, his presence a dark, oppressive force, stood at the edge of the battlefield, his eyes burning with malevolent glee. He raised a hand, and the ground trembled, dark tendrils of energy lashing out, striking down wolves and witches alike. My heart ached with fear and rage. We were losing ground; our forces being pushed back by Vesper's relentless assault. We had to find her. We had to—

A sudden burst of light pierced the darkness, a beacon cutting through the chaos. I turned, my eyes widening in shock and relief. Isabelle stood at the edge of the clearing, her eyes blazing with power, her presence radiating a fierce, indomitable strength.


Isabelle POV

The battlefield stretched out before me, a chaotic scene of fangs, magic, shadows and light. Vesper stood at the center, creating as much chaos as he can. His surprised gaze locked onto mine, as i entered the scene, a cruel smile curling on his lips. His power lashed out, a dark tide sweeping over the allies, crushing their defenses. Some allies fell down, but some persisted, fighting Vesper's minions.

I felt the magic of the Nexus thrumming within me, a pulsing force that responded to my will. I knew I had to act, to channel this power and turn the tide of the battle. But as I stepped forward, I saw the faces of those fighting beside me—wolves, witches, vampires—united against a common foe.

And then I saw Xander, his eyes locked onto mine, a mix of relief and desperation in his gaze as he observed not just the werewolves but also the allies going down. My heart ached, torn between the dark legacy of my father and the love and loyalty of my mate.

Vesper's voice echoed through the battlefield, a dark, seductive whisper. "Join me, Isabelle. Embrace your destiny, and together we will reshape this world. Your power, combined with mine, will be unstoppable."

I felt the pull with his words, the unmistakable familial link between us pulling me close to him. I looked at Xander, feeling the warmth of his love, support and care for me. The choice was clear, even as the stakes grew higher with every passing second.

"Isabelle!" Xander shouted, his voice a lifeline in the storm of confusion and dread brought about by the father my mother has hidden me from.

I took a deep breath, the power of the Nexus swirling around me, coalescing into a blinding halo of light. I stepped forward, my gaze locked onto Vesper's expectant ones.

With determination, I turned my back on Vesper, unleashing the full force of the Nexus, a blinding wave of magic that swept across the battlefield, shattering Vesper's dark tendrils and pushing back his minions. The allies rallied in shock and surprise at the shift in the tide.

"You will regret this, Isabelle. You cannot defy your bloodline!"

The ground shook as Vesper's power clashed with mine, the air crackling with raw energy. I felt the strain, the weight of his fury pressing down on me. But I held firm, the light of the Nexus burning bright within me, fighting Vesper's darkness with my freshly strengthened light.

The battle raged on, Vesper's weakened minions getting shattered by the wolves, vampires and witches. I was getting tired, bravely using my power of light, remembering and applying previous lessons. Vesper, who has long mastered his powers toyed with me. Playingly catching my strikes and releasing a few of his own while throwing out strikes of darkness to the allies; hurting anyone unfortunate enough to take on the strike. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the allies getting as tired as I am. If this goes on, we would all be too tired to fight within the hour and Vesper would easily kill my allies. My resolve to stop this tiring battle strengthened, straightening my back as I threw strikes after strike of lighting toward Vesper which he quickly ducks.

Then he made the mistake of throwing me a ball of darkness, straight to my heart which I quickly counter with a ball of light. My ball of light enlarged, absorbing the darkness into its center. With force, I took the ball towards me, feeling the energy of darkness and light, swirling it with the strength of air. With all my strength, I threw it away from me, away, circling it all over the battling allies and minions before directing it back to Vesper. Vesper laughed his demonic, demeaning, belittling laugh expecting to ward of the ball; but I threw it far away to the forest. As Vesper watched the ball getting away, I strike him where he almost struck me. My heart. Like me, my father's weakness is his heart. 

It took only a single strike, but Vesper now lays on the ground, smoke coming out from his open eyes, nose and mouth. A single needle falling could have been heard falling down afterwards as everyone stopped fighting. Staring at the shockingly open-eyed body of the king of darkness. No one believed he could be killed. I stared at the fallen body from where I stood as pack members, vampires and witches walked near him. Is he really dead? Did I kill my father?