
Is This The World I Know?

A regular office worker died in an accident and was reincarnated as a child named Lex Mikaela. It was an ordinary Isekai transfer story that Lex went through. Still, even in this ordinary event, there's something that Lex always wanted. (Woohoo!! Fantasy World of Swords and Magics, and my Harem!! Here I come!!) ... ...Hmm? The year... 2025...? China... ?? Asia... !? NOOO!!!! [This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know]

Louis_Hometo · แฟนตาซี
127 Chs

99. If you guys dare to violate it….

99. If you guys dare to violate it….

(Crap!) Lex snapped out

(I thought I was already immune to women's beauty since living with Livia… Damn it! that smile is cheating!!) Lex tried his best to endure the urge to move to Kate's side and embrace her.

(Suu haa~ Suu haa~) Lex took a deep breath to calm his mind. At the same time, he also used his brain to its full capability to resolve the situation.

Lex was sure Kate would come to him if she realized who he was.

(If she comes to me now, I'm sure I would be the number one enemy of the students in this school.)

(It's useless to avoid it, so I should think about what I should do next.) Or so he thought…

"Eh?" Lex unconsciously let out a stupid voice. Luckily the surroundings were too noisy, so no one heard him. And the reason for his stupid action was because of Kate.

Kate didn't approach Lex at all. She's back to her usual calm and professional expression. And as if Lex didn't come into her eyes at all, Kate didn't call out to him. Lex was like another background to her as she turned her head back and sat at the middle table.

The only conclusion Lex could come out of that situation was… (I...am safe? She didn't know? Yosh!) he almost screamed in excitement only to be bothered in the next second (then… why would she smile like that?) that thought gripped into his deepest soul. He felt like thousands of ants creeping up within his body. (what if…) when his thoughts started to go on a tangent far from reality…

"Big Sis~~" a girl's voice called out from behind. It's the right moment when the students' enthusiasm begins to die down. The preparator instantly gained the whole cafeteria's attention. It was the same as Lex because he heard a familiar voice.

The girl didn't shy away from all that attention. Instead, she accepted it with an open arm. "Hello, everyone!" she waved her hands.

"I'm Big Sis Kate's cute little sister Ella Bentley. Nice to meet you all!" She posed one hand on her waist while the other made a peace sign beside her eyes.

"WOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" The whole cafeteria broke into another roar of enthusiasm.

"Prez's little sister!!"

"She's so cute!!"

"Oh no! Prez is the only one for me… No!! I... can't… resist!! Nnghhh!!!"

Some might wonder where the school's cafeteria staff or the other teacher is, and why they did not come out from all this mess. Well, if it happened each month for almost three years, no matter who they are, they would get used to it! Isn't it.

On the other hand, if the adults wanted to calm the situation, they had to fight who knows how many students there are, or the other side… Kate Bentley. No matter which one, it's not possible. Confronting the students might end in a riot. The teachers in this elite school were, of course, elites too. They had the brain but not the brawn. Who dared to do that!

While Kate Bentley's side… Teachers need to take a mirror before they can voice their opinion. Some teachers even stated Kate's capabilities were better than theirs. What can they do! So, as long as it wasn't too over. The school's staff would tolerate it.

After a few moments of excitement from the students, they finally realized Ella was putting her finger on her lips hinting everybody to quiet down. It works like a charm. The one who discovered it immediately told the people beside them to shut up, rinse and repeat until the whole cafeteria fell into silence.

"Hmm~" Ella put her finger on her tiny chin. "I don't mind if you want to admire from far, but no sneak shot allowed, okay?" Ella acts like a teacher reminding their students. Everyone instantly nodded their heads. It was the first time someone could take away all attention while Kate was still present.

"Oh, I also already have someone I loved too, so don't bother me there" Ella dropped a bomb.

"NOOOOOO!!" The boys cried out their souls. Some even have tears in their eyes.

The flower of love that just started to bud, the hope, the wish, the imagination that they might be able to date her as Ella was more friendly and approachable than Kate was instantly crushed into thousands of pieces.

The girls were on the better side. Still, some made a very disappointed expression.

"Now then, the rules are set!" Ella said after calming down the students using the same action. "If you guys dare to violate it…." Ella didn't continue her sentence. Her voice slowly changes from cheerful to cold. The same with her expression, her smile transforms into indifference.

It was impossible, but the others felt they saw how her eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint.


Everyone gulped a mouthful of saliva. No one dares to make noise, no one dares to move. But they have the same thought in their mind (She's indeed Prez's little sister!)

"Well then, Nice to meet you again, everyone!" Ella said, breaking the silence with a cheerful voice and a smile on her face. Before she walked to Kate's table, she walked beside Lex but didn't react as if she didn't see him at all.

The others stood in a daze. They felt like a storm had just passed by. The only person who didn't do so was Lex alone. Instead of Ella, his gaze was focused on the girl behind Ella. It was his little sister Maya!

They gazed into each other's eyes. Confirming the agreement they made before, not making any contact with each other at the school. Then Maya also followed Ella and walked to the middle table.

Then lunch break is finally over without any more special events.

Even after school ended. Justin can't stop talking about Kate and Ella in front of Mina and Priscilla. Which ended up with him getting a hit on the head by Priscilla, then he finally calmed down.

While on the other side, Lex was relieved that Kate didn't find out about him. The bad feeling he felt like he had accumulated a lot within his body disappeared without a trace. So the day ended happily… or so he wished…


That night.

Lex just finished his dinner with Maya at home. He felt a bit strange with Ella's absence. Ella visited so often that he felt like it was normal for her to be at his house at this time.

Usually, Ella would tell him if she could not come, but today isn't the case. She just suddenly didn't come. Lex knew about her family background, so he didn't really worry about her. He just felt… strange.

While Maya didn't feel the same as Lex, from the very beginning, she didn't register Ella's existence at home, so she didn't feel any changes.

After dinner, Lex went to wash dishes because Maya was the one who made dinner. It was then…

*ding *dong

The doorbell rang. Lex was busy with his hand. "Maya, can you please?" he said.

"Un" Maya, who was resting on the sofa, got up and left the dining room.

Lex could hear the front door opening sound then…

*step *step *step

A loud step echoed as someone ran from the front door and rushed into the dining room. Lex saw it was Ella who ran. However, when he saw her, her condition seemed different from usual.

"El-" when he tried to call her

Ella rushed and clung to him "Uwaaa~~" while bawling her eyes.

"!?" Lex was shocked. He instantly released the plate from his hand and washed his hand. He didn't care about how the dish made a breaking sound or how it ended.

It's because Lex knew. It was different from Ella's usual joke, this time, she was crying for real!

He saw her eyes were a bit red and damped, a sign she was already crying for a bit time.

"What happened?" Lex was calm. He was ready to assess the situation the best he could. Still, his voice had a few emotional fluctuations. Looking at Ella's condition, he was ready to find the culprit!

"Ella, calm down…can you please tell me…" he used the softest voice he could as he embraced her while gently tapping her back.

"Uuu… Hiks" Ella slowly loosened her and released Lex, then stared at Lex face to face.

"I… I…, I was tortured!!" Ella cried out. Then she seemed to remember it and started to cry again.

"Huh?" Lex was stunned. He felt his head just got hit by a baseball. Then he realized Ella's situation. Lex gently wiped her tears. "It's okay, it's okay, can you tell me what happened and by who?" Lex said while on the inside, his anger started to flow out intensely.

"Hiks, it was…." Ella finally slowly opened her mouth "it was Big sister Kate!" Ella cried out.

"HUH!?" Lex frozen in place.


I hope I didn't make a plothole on this chapter

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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