
Is This The World I Know?

A regular office worker died in an accident and was reincarnated as a child named Lex Mikaela. It was an ordinary Isekai transfer story that Lex went through. Still, even in this ordinary event, there's something that Lex always wanted. (Woohoo!! Fantasy World of Swords and Magics, and my Harem!! Here I come!!) ... ...Hmm? The year... 2025...? China... ?? Asia... !? NOOO!!!! [This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know]

Louis_Hometo · แฟนตาซี
127 Chs

59. The Silent Witch (12)

59. The Silent Witch (12)

<The Silent Witch, Livia Lacrimosa POV>

"mmm~…!!??" I woke up in a jolt and quickly followed by confusion, it was because it was too quiet, there's no longer the revolting sound of music resounding around the room, subsequently, I realized I wasn't inside the nauseating white room, it was a normal room… a bit luxurious than a normal room but it's still normal in the end

Just… what happened…

Some part of me was happy yet another part of me was afraid of the unknown and afraid of despair, but all of that was only a small part of me, the rest had already numbed to keep my mind sane. I didn't feel much even when I was able to get out of that White room. What's left now was a mindless body

Why am I alive…

Then the only door in this room opened and a pair of women and men entered the room


Two months passed since then

With a good diet, good environment, and nicely taken care of by those people, I was able to recover from that mindless doll state...

It's a miracle, how did I survive, how can I recover and become sane like this, all those that happened to me two months ago those suffering was like a dream to me now

With a healthy mind, I can't help but think that I was already crazy at that time questioning myself 'why am I still alive' like that, I can sympathize with myself in the past but I can't agree with myself in the past who had given up everything, I still wanted to get out of the room, a freedom a world like what described in the books.

Well, I can only think like that when I had leeway in my mind like this, human is never satisfied even when they can fulfill the three primary needs they reach out their hand to secondary needs, in other words, I too still a human even if I was different than normal.

And at the same time, the one who helped me was a human too, something that I didn't want to put my trust too much, I was able to recover my mind but not my trust, it was almost impossible for them to help and take care of me this much without wanting any compensation back except they were saints like the one being told in the book

I too wished them to be saints…

The one who saved me a pair of a beautiful woman and handsome man, from their looks both of them was in their prime age, and it seems the one who took me out from that White room was their subordinate, it was the same with the one who took care of me these two months, so from my point of view it was them who saved me

While the handsome man only visited once in once or twice a week, the woman visited me almost every day

Every time they visited it's always a happy smile pasted on their face, they too talked to me nicely with a text, they didn't get disgusted nor afraid of this Silent world around me, they didn't research or experiment or hurt me too, even when they talked to themselves inside the Silent world, the same act with anyone who stepped into the Silent World, there's nothing but care about my being

At first, I really wanted to trust them but it might be because of what I experienced in the past it became a small trauma for me which made it so hard for me to trust them.

then even when I felt their eyes looking at me behind those pasted happy smiles wasn't much different from the Scientists who confined me inside that White room, even with that I'm still trying to trust her… Miss J.

yet, I found out it seems they were wary of the silent world, that's why they never blurted something that can break their act inside the Silent world. But sadly they didn't wary enough, once they were outside the range of the Silent world… they underestimated the Silent world that let the cat out of the bag

It was about a month after I was taken care of by them, at this time my mind recovered enough to have a bit of leeway thinking about others than myself, it was then when I heard their conversation outside the range of the Silent world, they didn't expect that my actual range was a normal human hearing range + the Silent world range, that let their guard down

"what do you think?" Miss J said to the handsome man

"with that tremendous amount of mana she can become the main card in our plan in the future! that is... if we can control her"

"hm? You can't control her?"

"no, her mana is too big, I can't enslave her"

"what!? then there's nothing we can do? How about hi-jack and control her mind directly?"

"We can't do that either, it's hard to succeed with that mana even if we succeeded she became no different than a normal doll, her mana become useless to us"

"then there's nothing we can do with her?"

"no, they are, we can brainwash her"

"didn't you just say it's impossible?"

"different kind of brainwash, it wasn't the one we used in the hidden world, but the one used in the secular world"

"oooh! Then we're lucky that she still a child!"

"yes, we can just educate her to be a tool then after she learned how to control her mana, I can enslave her if she deliberately accepts the enslavement it can be succeeded after that she can't betray us anymore like that"

"ok, I understand, it's my job to get to her good side for now"

"Correct, I'll visit once or twice a week when I had time, our plan has reached its critical point "

Then the conversation ended… Miss J back to the room

It was only my selfish wish that wanted them to be the saint who saved me out of kindness, in the end, they are the same as those Scientists... they only saw me as a tool

I smiled 'happily' to Miss J who had just come inside

If you all saw me as a tool, then I will use you all as my tool too, unlike the Scientists from before who look like they knew nothing about this Silent World this Miss J seems to know something, I swear I'll squeeze you all dry before I left this place!


Three years later

As expected they never let me out of this facility but it was big and much better than the white room, they had enough for a comfortable living, there are a bedroom, reading room, living room, they even had a park inside a room. This is how.... my Third detainment started in the name of my safety and protection.

In that period, I learned many things from Miss J especially about the Hidden World, I didn't have much common sense but I at least had some of it, so it shocked me when she told me about the Hidden World. But I was able to accept it faster as the explainable things were always there beside me.

From her I learned the real identity of this Silent World around me, she happily told me that I would be able to get rid of it if I was able to control my mana

As I know the reason why she taught me so many things and I can't sincerely happy with her. Still, on the outside, I acted like an obedient child who liked and admired her very much.

I always wondering How can I survive this long, a child under ten years old tortured for almost three years straight continuously, even if it's only mild torture like sound and disgusting meal, a normal child would be insane from the first month, even if I think that I had more durability than a normal child, three years was too much, what had been keeping me sane all this time and knowing about Hidden World answered all those questions. my body survival instinct kicked in and I subconsciously tried to survive as long as possible and the Mana helped to endure that long


"hey! It's been three years since you started educating her where's the result!?" the handsome man yelled at Miss J

As always they underestimated my Silent World, they would never expect that I had been eavesdropping on their conversation for all these years.

"I know! Do you think this easy!?"

"what!? didn't you say about one year is enough at that time!?"

"yes! I said that! But that was my prediction when I saw her can easily feel her mana presence! But it was all because of her big Mana Capacity that she can feel it easily! and now it backfired! her Mana is so Big that it's hard for her to control it! I told you before how many times do you want to repeat this conversation!"


"she's improving, slowly but surely she's improving recently she started to able to shoot intermediate magic even if it's only one out of ten, besides she able to shoot elementary magic more stable now"

I grinned reflexively when I heard that, that's exactly what I wanted them to believe, if they knew that I can easily fire advanced magic I wonder how they gonna react to kukukuhahaha

I hid it from miss J caused I wanted to extract as much information as I can from her, Even if those pieces of information are full of their bullshit trying to brainwash me I can still keep some of it.

and in reality, unlike what I showed her even with my big mana capacity I can easily control my mana from the very first time I tried to control it, I didn't know the reason but it can easily control it like an infinite amount of clay which I can shape it as much as I like.

"how much time do you need?"

"personality-wise she's ready, she's obedient to what I said, ability-wise she needs one year the fastest, five years to be perfect"


"be patient! We can't fail! You already waited for who knows how many years just wait a bit more"

"our plan should be implemented one year ago!"

"but the success rate is only about 50-60%! With her included, our success rate will be more than 85%"

"grrrr! Then we enslaved her next week, with more time I need to erase any unknown factor that can happen, I need to make sure she won't betray us"

"hm? Didn't you say it's impossible?"

"it's possible now that she can control her mana, I had a Magic weapon that helped the process and as long as she controls her Mana a bit and willingly to be enslaved it should be a success"

"…. She's obedient and didn't need to be enslaved what I would like to say, but you're right it's better to make sure it's impossible to happen, I'll prepare for it"

Phew… I stopped eavesdropping when their conversation finished, looks like the time to step out of the stage has come I should have enough information to live outside alone.

they would never expect that I can hear all of their conversations since a long time ago, this is must be what they mean by 'a cooked duck flies away' kuhaha! let's go with a blast!

Haa~ it seems impossible not to be distorted after going through all those things in these recent years


That night the whole facility quaked, when Miss J woke up by that and went to check the source, she found out a huge hole in the ceiling of Livia's room and there's one small note left behind

"I want to see the world".

I'm sorry for the sudden break,

urgh! I've only been apologizing for the break and delay recently

I'm very sorry

and thank you to the one who still staying with me even with this unannounced long break, I hope you all can bear with me and stay to the end

thank you very much

Louis_Hometocreators' thoughts