
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The shine of the stars. (1)

On that silent night, the dark sky illuminated by the brightness of the moon and the infinite stars, a boy was walking along a wooden bridge that already looked worn by the amount of time that had passed and the large number of people who had crossed it. passed by him. The water passing under the bridge shone from the glow of the starry sky which made it look beautiful, which caught the boy's attention.

He approached the edge of the bridge that was protected by the railing, he stayed for a moment looking at the beautiful scene. After a few minutes he looked at his reflection in the water, a handsome face, but a little childish from which a few strands of blonde hair fell, long eyebrows that beneath them were blue eyes and a thin body, but in good shape.

Looking at his reflection he began to reflect on the events of his day. Today was his first day at university, since he lived far from it he had to leave early, but when he was waiting for the transportation service he realized that he had forgotten the money at home, the public transportation stopped in front of him and he turned away. He says that he didn't have time to return so he had to run to the university.

When he entered his first class, class had already started and the only desk that was unoccupied was at the back of the classroom. He entered and went to his place without wanting to interrupt the class, but he felt everyone's eyes on him. The teacher stared at him. a few seconds when he sat down and then continued his class. In the middle of class he began to hear whispering around him that came from some boys to his right and in front.

Looking at the instructor giving the class without realizing what the boys were doing, he thought about telling him, but he didn't want to interrupt the class after being late so he stayed silent and lay down in his position hiding his face with his arms. Time flew by and class ended, but when the teacher was leaving one of those boys approached him and said something in a low voice.

The instructor walked to his address which gave him a bad feeling, after the teacher was in front of him he said: "You are late interrupting my class and to top it all off you interrupt your classmates in the middle of class, next time I won't let you in again." and I will take you to coordination" with an expression of dissatisfaction and headed to the exit of the classroom.

After the teacher left, everyone stared at him and some even laughed quietly. For a moment he was paralyzed, not knowing what to say, which is why he couldn't say anything to the teacher. After he reacted he realized that those boys had falsely accused him to the teacher and that they were the same boys who were talking when the teacher was teaching his class.

When he turned to look at them he saw four boys laughing while one pointed at him, one of them realized that he was looking at him and said to the others, after a few seconds the one who had spoken to the teacher approached him and stopped. In front of him while he was still sitting, he was about 1.75 meters tall, which was a little taller than him, so when he got up from the chair he still had to look up a little.

The atmosphere remained silent and everyone was looking to see what was going to happen, when finally the tallest boy was about to speak, the tutor of the second class entered and everyone went to settle down, but before the tall boy left At his place he mocked in his face and put his hand on his shoulder with great force that made him sit down in the chair. Clenching his fists so tightly that his fingernails almost dug into his hand, he composed himself in the position and took a couple of deep breaths until he relaxed and focused on the class.