
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Nine tails fox

Darkness, after having fallen asleep in the same bed as his mother, Mo Nan, found himself in a dark space again.

The only difference from the previous one was that in the middle of all that darkness there was a fuchsia star.

He tried to move his arm, whatever it was he moved without anything stopping him. He let out a sigh and began to approach the star.

Taking a step into the void, an invisible surface prevented him from falling into nothingness. She cautiously began to walk, but as she got closer to the star, a large amount of aura was released from it making her body heavier.

Without giving up he continued walking giving his all. The closer he got to the star, the heavier his body became, to the point that his legs began to shake.

Gritting his teeth, no matter the condition of his body he continued, he couldn't give up being so close to all the answers he is looking for.

At ten meters from the star, the precision increased enormously. Falling to her knees, Mo Nan began to try to stand up, her fists clenching to the point that she began to bleed.

A blue aura began to release from his body, his strength began to increase giving him enough momentum to continue walking.

He didn't understand where this aura came from, nor did he care, he continued approaching the star. Meters after meters, the distance was shortened, a smile of victory formed on her face.

Two steps from the star, the pressure increased enormously, making him fall to the ground without even being able to move a finger.

"A AAAa" shouting at nothing, Mo Nan tried to get up, the blue aura that was emerging from his body began to increase.

Little by little he stood up, small fuchsia dots began to appear in his expanding aura. Taking another step towards the star, his aura was already fuchsia and his eyes began to change into those of a feline.

After taking the last step, his previously blue eyes changed to fuchsia eyes with the characteristic of a feline.

In front of the star, Mo Nan, stretched out his hand to touch it. When her fingers reached the surface of it, it shined so brightly that she had to close her eyes.

After the glow stopped, he opened his eyes to find a book and a blood-like liquid floating in front of him. He looked around for the star, but there was no sign of it leaving him with more questions.

He tried to grab the book, but an invisible force prevented him from doing so. Sighing, his feline eyes looked at the red liquid, his heart suddenly starting to beat rapidly.

Unconsciously his hand touched the liquid, which entered his body without warning, as if his own body were a sponge falling into water.

An unprecedented pain assaulted his entire body and the book that he previously could not grasp quickly flew towards him, entering his head.




(An ancient being who could control and release those sins)

(It made the heavens and the earth tremble)

(He went from a simple beast to a celestial being)

A voice spoke in Mo Nan's mind, it felt ancient, every word was filled with wisdom and power.

In the midst of the pain, suddenly the image of a gigantic and majestic being appeared in his mind.

"Nine tails fox"

Mo Nan said before his mind collapsed from the pain.


A few minutes before.

Su Yin woke up when he felt his son's movements. Looking at Mo Nan, she worried about her condition, her expression turning from anger to pain.

Touching his son's forehead, his expression became horrified, the earlyness of his son's body was very high.

She quickly ran to her phone to call an ambulance, but before she could dial, a piercing scream was heard throughout the room.

Su Yin's body trembled upon hearing his son's scream, dropping the phone he ran towards the bed. She knew that the ambulance was taking a long time to arrive, so she decided to take him to a hospital herself.

When she was about to pick up her son to take him to the car, a blinding glow fell from him, leaving her unable to see for a few seconds.

When his sight returned, both of his eyes widened in shock. Her son's appearance changed again, but this time, although her face was a little similar, everything else changed.

His hair grew to his shoulders, although it remained black, but there were also strands of fuchsia hair.

His blue eyes became feline-like and fuchsia-colored; any woman who saw them would be consumed by lust and her primitive desires.

Her body was the very image of perfection, it would provoke the envy of all men.

But what struck Su Yin the most were the two fox ears on his head that combined perfectly with his black hair and fuchsia locks.

Below her back, near her butt, three fuchsia tails with white tips wagged seductively, hypnotizing anyone who saw them for more than a second.

Seeing her son's exotic but beautiful new appearance, Su Yin's heart beat faster than ever, she didn't know if it was because of worry or because she was enchanted by her son.

"Mother" she heard a whisper close to her ear.

Su Yin's body trembled, she doesn't know when or how her body fell into her son's arms, but what shocked her the most was that one of her son's hands was squeezing her butt and the other was rubbing her. the back.

She was wearing two-piece pajamas, made up of small pants and a blouse, but no matter what she was wearing, her son's hands felt like they were directly touching her skin.

Reacting, Su Yin quickly tried to separate herself from her son, but he was hugging her tightly.

In a moment she felt like she was lifted off the ground and thrown into something soft. Looking at where she had fallen, she realized that she was on the bed.

When she was about to complain, Mo Nan was already enthused by her. Her bodies were pressed together, so she couldn't move.

Her son brought his lips to her ear and whispered seductively.

"It's really hot"

Su Yin's body heated up upon hearing those words, but she quickly composed herself and tried to move away from him.

Without letting her go, Mo Nan roughly kissed Su Yin's lips.

Su Yin, feeling the abrupt kiss from her son, opened her eyes and put her hands on his chest to try to keep him away from her, but when their eyes met, an inexplicable feeling and comfort flooded her.

Letting himself be carried away by those feelings, he gave himself to his son. Her lips began to devour those of her son, while he began to explore her entire body.