
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Is that really you?

The first rays of morning light illuminated a small forest, birds were singing and flying all over the place, marking the beginning of a new day.

In a small crater surrounded by trees, a boy found himself in the middle of this problem. The rays of light illuminated the rest of him, a small movement of his eyelashes expressed his discomfort with the brightness of the light.

Opening his blue eyes, he looked up at the sky and was taken aback. Trying to remember what had happened, she quickly stood up and looked around her.

Seeing that he was in a forest, in the middle of a crater and surrounded by trees, some lying on the ground destroyed and even burned.

Remembering the last events before he fell unconscious and quickly checked his body. She sighed after a while, she was glad she didn't find any injuries and that his uniform was just a little dirty.

They asked what happened and what the pain was that he felt before he fell unconscious and began to approach a burned tree that was near him.

The tree was barely recognizable, its branches were destroyed, its leaves were ashes and the entire tree was completely black as coal.

Touching a branch of the tree, the boy realized that he still felt warm. He took out his phone and started taking photos of everything to show his mother.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes completely as he remembered his mother. She began to run, but moments later she realized that her speed had increased a lot and that her body felt lighter.

He decided not to pay attention to this and continued running faster. A few minutes later they were in front of a small house. Although it was not big, it was well maintained and decorated with a small garden around it.

Standing in front of the door, the boy was unsure about opening it, he didn't know if his mother would be angry for not coming home the night before and making her worry.

Slapping himself on the cheek to give himself courage. Slowly opening the door so as not to attract attention she entered and quickly closed it. Letting out a sigh he began to walk to her room, but when he passed through the kitchen he saw a woman with hair as black as night, sitting in front of a wooden table.

She had fallen asleep with her head on the table and using her arms as a pillow. Seeing her mother like this she realized that she had fallen asleep waiting for him all night.

Tears came out of the boy's eyes for having made his mother worry, feeling guilty he approached her and began to caress her beautiful hair.

He didn't like seeing her sleep like that, he knew how uncomfortable she felt, so he decided to take her to bed. Not wanting to wake her he carefully moved her to a position where he could carry her without disturbing her.

Carrying her like a princess, I carefully take her to her room. Opening the door to the room, she found a small room, there was only a bed for two people, a closet and a work table where there was a laptop and a few books.

Walking over to the bed, I place it carefully. She sat in the corner of the bed and watched her mother sleep, although she was already a little older and her years were showing, but that did not take away from how beautiful she is, instead it added a unique charm to her.

She has a beautiful face that matches any superstar, obsidian black hair, pretty red lips that would make you want to kiss them all day. Although she is approximately 1.60 meters tall, she has breasts that are not so big and not so small, wide hips and a big butt that shakes when she walks, provoking even any scholar...

The boy, unfazed by his mother's appearance, watched her sleep. Minutes passed, the boy got out of bed to leave the room, but his mother's eyelashes trembled and he began to open his eyes.

Beautiful, that's what everyone says when they see those blue eyes like the most precious sapphire.

At this moment the woman with those beautiful eyes was opening them after having fallen asleep waiting for her son the night before.

Feeling something soft that reminded her of her bed, she was disconcerted. She remembered that she was at the kitchen table when she fell asleep. Raising the upper part of her body from the bed, she saw that she was in her room, but she also realized. He realizes that there was another person.

Looking at the boy standing next to her bed watching her with a smile her heart trembled. It was not because of how beautiful the boy looked, but because although she seems familiar, he had never seen him before.

He was tall, about 1.85 meters with a body that was neither very muscular nor very skinny, but a body that had enough of everything in every part to make any woman drool.

A beautiful face, deep blue eyes that swallow the soul of anyone who sees them, but with a charm that attracts everything and her dark hair like the center of a black hole has golden tips like the purest gold, giving her a unique and beautiful charm.


The woman was stunned and scared to see the boy her son's age that she had never seen before in her room. She tried to speak, but before she could say anything the boy beat her to it.

Looking at her awake mother she quickly hugged her, put her face on her mother's shoulder and wrapped her arms around her.

The woman was paralyzed for a moment, but reacting quickly and tried to push the boy away, when she placed her hands on his chest she heard a whisper near her ear that left her in shock.

"I'm sorry for worrying you mom," the boy whispered as he continued hugging his mother.

The woman was taken aback the entire time when the young man hugged her. When the boy finished his hug and moved away from her a little with a nervous and guilty expression waiting for the woman to say something about her.

Feeling nervous because his mother was not saying anything, he thought that his mother was very upset with him. She watched her get out of bed and approach him.

She stood a few inches away from him and raised her right hand, thinking her mother was going to slap her and closed her eyes.

The woman, after approaching the boy, observed him closely, finding similarities with her son and her maternal instinct told her that he was her son, even though his appearance had changed.

She raised her right hand, placed it gently on the boy's cheek, finding it softer than anything she had touched before, but she didn't pay much attention to it and opening her beautiful little mouth, she spoke in a low voice, almost like a whisper.

"Mo Nan"

When he heard his mother say his name he trembled and opened his eyes. She found her mother near him, an expression of doubt reflected on her face.

She felt the boy tremble when he said her son's name and her doubts gradually faded. Taking a breath, she began to caress his cheek and said with a trembling voice:

"Is that really you?"...