
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Finishing making dinner, Su Yin returned, Mo Nan approached her to give her a hug and give her a small kiss on the mouth. After her mother changed her clothes they talked about their day while having dinner.

"Wait for me in the room while I clean." Mo Nan said to her mother after they finished eating. She nodded as her face blushed which she thought was very cute.

After her mother went to her room, she cleaned the entire kitchen and took out the trash, but when she was about to enter the house, she heard a small noise from the house next door.

Enhancing his senses with spiritual energy (soul energy), he heard a small scream coming from Ye Ling's house. She quickly surrounded her entire body with her Qi and ran to help.

Finding the door open he entered without hesitation, he quickly headed towards the room where the screams were coming from, but what he witnessed when he entered the room left him in shock.

Ye Ling was lying on a bed while watching a movie, but she was only wearing underwear. Her vagina is hidden by white panties and her large breasts by a bra of the same color.

Any man would turn into a beast upon witnessing such a scene, but Mo Nan could only admire such beauty for a few seconds before a loud scream was heard throughout the room.

"AAAA..." Ye Ling screamed loudly upon seeing an intruder in her room, she quickly ran to a small tea table near the window and picked up a small vase of flowers.

"Wait, it's me Mo Nan." He hurriedly said to Ye Ling, he has realized that the screams came from the movie and that he had ruined everything this time.

"Mo Nan?" Ye Ling asked in bewilderment. She looked at him more carefully until her eyes lit up for a while, but she put on a serious and slightly uncertain expression again.

"What are you doing in my house?" She asked him, she still had the vase in her hands ready for any move he made.

"Ugh" Taking a breath, Mo Nan began to explain everything that had happened.


"So it was like that" Ye Ling said after he explained everything to her and will apologize. She left the vase on the table and then walked towards the bed and grabbed the TV remote to turn it off.

"I'm also a little to blame for this, I forgot to turn down the volume and close the door, so don't apologize anymore" she said after turning off the TV. She spent some time waiting for Mo Nan to digest something, but he never said anything.

Looking into his eyes she realized that he is looking down, so she followed his gaze which caused her entire face to blush.

After all this time she had forgotten that she was in her underwear and that he had been watching her from the beginning, she quickly picked up the sheet from the bed and covered her body. Looking at him again with teary eyes she yelled at him. "Perverted"


A loud slap was heard throughout the room.


"Even though it hurt, it was worth it." said Mo Nan walking towards her house with a red cheek. After apologizing to Ye Ling many times, he said goodbye to her but not before reminding her to lock her doors tightly and that he could come to her house if he needs help with something.

"Ha ha ha" I couldn't help but laugh at what happened before, I never thought I would be in such a situation. Arriving at the door of her house, he put all that aside and wondered what he was going to do before running to Ye Ling's house.

'It's late, mom will be waiting for me in the room.' Remembering her mother, she hurried to enter and head to the room without first securing all the doors.

"You took too long" Upon entering the room I hear the dissatisfied voice of his mother. Looking towards the bed she found her dressed in sexy black lingerie, she looked so seductive that his cock was already about to come out of her pants to fuck her all night.

"Nothing important" She decided not to tell him anything, now he just wanted to devour her. Approaching her, he pulled her by the waist and hugged her, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss as she wrapped her arms around her neck.


His hands went to her big butt squeezing it, her soft buttocks gave him a very addictive feeling when he kneaded them, he could spend the whole day touching it without getting bored.


Mo Nan picked her up by her butt surprising her, but she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist while he held her by her butt. They continued kissing and playing with her entire body until he broke the kiss.

"Ah... Let's leave it here, I want to show you something." Mo Nan said, although she wanted to continue, she had to help strengthen her mother, she didn't know what was waiting for them in the future.

"Hup... What is it?" She asked with a dissatisfied pout that made her look more beautiful. Mo Nan, seeing her expression, couldn't help but kiss her beautiful lips.

Seconds later he broke the kiss and took a few steps away from her. When he verified that he was a considerable distance away, he summoned the petals of Qi and made them spin around.

"Wow... It's beautiful" He exclaimed the Yin surprised at him, it was the first time she had witnessed something so magical and beautiful, so she asked him. "How do you do that?"

"Ha, ha, ha, I'll show you," He responded with a smile, before sending a large amount of information into her mind.

Su Yin closed his eyes as he felt a little pain in his head and a large amount of information in his mind. The pain quickly ceased, her mind little by little absorbed the information until ten minutes passed and she opened her eyes again, but now a great amount of wisdom was seen in them.

"So that's how you do it," said the Yin of her after opening her eyes. He only gave him the basic information on how to cultivate, the two types of energy and the power levels, because his soul was not prepared for so much information.

"Yes, although it is more complicated than it seems." At first he thought that because of the fox lineage it would be easy to cultivate, but he realized that was not the case, cultivation took time and resources.

"Practice these techniques that will help you form a solid base, but don't overexert yourself and rest." Mo Nan said, placing a finger on her mother's forehead and passing two techniques to her. One was called ice body, which was divided into five stages, each one had fighting moves and strengthened the body. The other was called Infinite Ice, but it was incomplete, he only had six of the twelve stages, but it was enough for now, in each stage your creation and control of ice will increase to the point that you can give it life.

After passing on the techniques to her, he told her that she will sit in possession of the lotus, then he guided her to cultivate. At midnight they decided to leave it until there, kissing each other goodnight, they both fell asleep...