
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


"Another victim"

"Poor boy"

"The show started ha, ha, ha"


Murmurs of pity and ridicule filled the cafeteria as the boy continued to writhe in pain. Nobody dared to interfere, everyone at the university knew that each of those boys belonged to big families and they didn't want to get in trouble for another one.

Mo Nan watched the scene for a moment with dissatisfaction, but decided not to intervene, these situations were very common throughout the world and as long as she didn't go with him, she wouldn't care what would happen. Trying to refocus on forming the Qi petals, another screamer prevented him from doing so.


"How dare you refuse when I send you on an errand, you simple poor man" One of the bad boys said after kicking the poor boy in the stomach while he was still on the ground. His name was Lin Yen, his appearance was better than average, with black hair, a 1.85 meter frame and a burly body. He belongs to the Lin family, one of the most powerful great families in the city, so he always towards what he wanted.

"Ha ha ha"

"Ha ha ha"


Hearing the boys behind Lin Yen laughing out loud, the little patience Mo Nan had left disappeared, memories of the time he was teased appeared in his mind, his anger rising, he did not like the aptitude of those boys.

Getting up from the table, he walked with slow steps towards the boys. The entire room became completely silent, it was the first time they had seen someone confront the group of boys.

"You can leave him alone," Mi Nan said after reaching a meter away from Lin Yen. Their gazes met, increasing the tension in the room, neither of them said a word, they just focused on observing the other.

"Ha ha ha, I'll take care of the pretty boy." said one of the boys behind Lin Yen breaking the tension. His name was Yu Chen, his appearance was average, he has blonde hair, a height of 1.75 meters and a muscular body, he belonged to one of the branches of the Yu family, although it was only one of the branches, the Yu family was also a from the big families of the city so he also had the freedom to do what he wanted.

"It makes me want to hit him, just seeing your pretty face." Yu Chen said after standing in front of Mo Nan, he was a few centimeters smaller than Mo Nan, but his muscles made him intimidating unlike Mo Nan's perfect body.

For a moment Yu Chen was silent, as if he was thinking about something and suddenly placed his hand on Yu Chen's shoulder. A mocking smile formed on his lips before he said.

"Now that I realized, if you are as handsome as your mother would be, you introduce her to me, ha, ha, ha..."

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Ha ha ha"

Laughter and jeers were heard throughout the room after those words came out of Yu Chen's mouth. The entire cafeteria is filled with laughter, and even Yu Chen's friends were talking about what Mo Nan's mother would look like, but all the fun was suddenly interrupted.


A scream of pain and someone being strangled was heard, everyone was shocked to witness a scene they never imagined. Mo Nan forcefully grabbed Yu Chen's neck and lifted him off the ground with one hand, the expression of pain and suffocation on Yu Chen's face hinted at the force that Mo Nan was applying to his neck.


"How dare you talk about my mother, you want to die so badly" Mo Nan said, squeezing Yu Chen's neck tighter. Previously she just wanted to teach them a lesson to stop bothering them, but when she heard him talking about his mother that she is also his wife, her mind stopped reasoning and she just wanted to kill the insect that dared to mention her mother.


When his killing intent overflowed from his body and he was about to snap Yu Chen's neck, the doorbell rang, waking him up from that state of fury. Releasing Yu Chen's collar, Mo Nan headed towards the exit of the cafeteria without paying attention to everyone's gazes.

His mind was busy processing the emotions he had just felt and how he almost killed a person without blinking. Although she knew that at some point she had to do it, she never expected that today she would almost throw him out and even in front of so many people.

"Ugh" Letting out a sigh, she decided to learn to manage her emotions more and think things through before acting. Leaving the cafeteria, she headed to her next class, but now with a small improvement in her mentality.



The entire room fell silent, even after Mo Nan su left, the people who were watching around were still in shock, it is not every day that you see a person confront members of powerful families and even humiliate one of them. they.

"Cough, cough cough" Yu Chen's cough woke everyone up from their daze, he still couldn't breathe properly, his face was full of tears and sweat, he thought he was going to die, if Mo Nan had added a little more strength to his grip he was sure that I would die instantly.

"EVERYONE COME OUT" Lin Yen suddenly shouted, she doesn't know what happened, but a moment before the doorbell rang she felt a sensation of death equal to the feeling the family patriarch gave her when he got angry. He could still feel the sweat all over his body, from the beginning that boy had given him a bad feeling, but now he was sure that he was different from the rest.

"Ugh" Letting out a sigh he decided to talk to his father about this matter, he couldn't allow himself to let someone humiliate him like this.

When only they were left in the cafeteria, Lin Yen helped lift Yu Chen whose legs were shaking, but none of them said anything, after all, that feeling they felt earlier made each of them doubt that they were far away. from Mo Nan, so they couldn't imagine what Yu Chen felt.

"I will kill him" He declared Yu Chen after standing up, although he still felt a little afraid, resentment and hatred for so much humiliation overwhelmed him.

"I'll help you"

"I can hire someone so I can finish him off"

"I know someone"

The others supported him, how could they let a simple commoner humiliate them in such a way and come out unscathed. Seeing that Lin Yen didn't say anything, one of them asked him.

"What do you think?"

"We shouldn't rush, that boy is not normal and if we do something to him now everyone will know that it was us." Lin Yen replied, to which everyone nodded, they could not afford to leave evidence.

They decided to skip classes to go drinking and have fun at a club and plan their revenge...