
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Handsome, was the first thought that crossed her mind, she could even say that he was one of the most attractive boys she had ever seen.

His black hair was disheveled, but even so it made him look handsome and his beautiful blue eyes had a charm that made her unable to look away from him.

She had seen and worked with many superstars, so even if he was very handsome he couldn't surprise her and taste her so easily, but her mind was not prepared for what she saw.

The boy was only wearing a pair of pants and the upper part of his body was visible to everyone, his muscles that seemed to be carved by the gods themselves were visible, greatly improving the boy's charm, to the point that his heart He couldn't hold on anymore.

His heart was beating uncontrollably, his face turned huge red, and his mind went blank.

She couldn't look away, her thoughts flooded with him. She was lost in her own world and she forgot everything around her.

"Come here" Su Yin's voice calling the boy woke her up, she quickly looked away from him and looked at her friend, who gave her a smile.

Seeing that smile, she knew that Su Yin had seen how she was looking at the boy, her face blushed redder, but footsteps were heard behind her.

She breathed calmly to calm down, she didn't want to be seen as a girl in love.

By the time the boy reached Su Yin's side, his behavior had already returned to normal, but a small blush was still visible on his face.


Mo Nan heard his mother calling him, but his mind was processing what he saw in front of him.

A white aura was around his mother, no matter what movement his mother made, that aura never separated from her body.

He didn't know what it was and why he could see it, but he knew that this was because of his dream. Many questions ran through his mind and it scared him that he didn't have the answers.

"Come here" His mother called him again when he saw him not approaching.

Clenching his fists, he decided to get to the bottom of this and began walking towards his mother.

When he got to where she was sitting he could see that aura up close, placing his hand on his mother's shoulder he realized that the aura was like an illusion or something harmless.

The aura didn't stop her hand from touching her mother's shoulder, she didn't even feel it, so she sighed knowing it wasn't something harmful.

"Mo Nan, this is Ye Ling, the new neighbor who moved in next door," his mother said after he touched her shoulder.

Looking at the woman sitting on the other side, he opened his eyes. She was a very well-known artist, a year ago she released an album that broke all platforms and took her to the top of her career at 25 years old.

She is a beautiful woman, with reddish hair, emerald green eyes and cute little pink lips.

She has big breasts, wide hips and a beautiful butt that is not too big or too small. Its appearance could cause wars between countries.

His body released a red aura, which gave his appearance a special charm. She though she didn't know if there were other people she could see.

"Ye Ling, This is Mo Nan, my son," Su Yin said to her friend.

Mo Nan quickly greeted Ye Ling. After introducing himself, her mother made him sit next to her and started talking about how he met Ye Ling.

The day before, while he was at university, Ye Ling moved into the house next door and her mother after getting home from work, helped her organize her things.

The house was big, although not very luxurious, so it seemed strange that a famous artist like her would move into that house.

She said that she doesn't like to live in very luxurious houses because that attracts a lot of attention. Once a fan sneaked into her house to take a photo of her and from that day on she was afraid to live in the public eye. She decided to live in a secluded place without telling anyone.

After organizing her things in her new house, Su Yin invited her to lunch and they started talking.

After the two women talked about how they met, they began to ask Mo Nan about his first day at university, to which he answered everything, but without ever mentioning what happened with those boys.

After finishing talking, Su Yin proposed to watch movies, to which the two accepted.

Already sitting in the armchair in front of the television, Mo Nan was in the middle and the two women were on the sides. Ye Ling blushed a little when their arms touched, to which Su Yin smiled mischievously.


Hours later.

After the movie was over, they had dinner and Yen Ling said goodbye.

After seeing off Ye Ling, Mo Nan went to take a bath and her mother went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

After taking a shower, he dressed in casual clothes and left his room to talk to his mother about the strange dream he had and the things he is seeing.


Su Yin listened carefully to her son and worried about everything that was happening. She was afraid to go to a hospital because she didn't know what they could do to her son.

It became late, for fear of any other event, Su Yin told his son to sleep together, to which he accepted.

Without knowing that this decision would change everything between the two of them...