
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

a star

After having closed his eyes, Mo Nan found himself floating in a space of absolute darkness. She couldn't move any part of his body, she could only see what was in front of him.

Darkness, was all he could see, even straining his eyes as much as possible, he couldn't see anything. Minutes, hours, days passed,..., she doesn't know how much time had passed, but there was no movement in the darkness.

Little by little, Mo Nan became desperate, he tried to move his body with all his strength, but he couldn't move an inch, as if a strange energy was grabbing him and preventing him from making a move.

Giving up he stopped fighting, he didn't know where he was and if he could escape. He felt useless, he has never had the courage to defend himself.

From school they bullied him and made fun of him, if the first time they bullied him he defended himself they would never have bullied him again, but he didn't have the courage to do it.

Even when he entered college and some boys picked on him, he didn't have the courage to defend himself.

Looking at the darkness that little by little seemed to devour him, he thought about giving up, but the silhouette of his mother with a smile appeared in his mind.

Remembering his mother and her beautiful smile, he remembered his reason for living.

He wants to always keep that beautiful smile on her face, take care of her and always be by her side.

Breaking out a smile, his gaze was completely fixed on the darkness. Her eyes shone brightly, she tried to move her body again, but this time not only with her strength, she also focused all her mind and will to do it.

"Truunk" a rustling sound was heard in the darkness.

In front of him, a large and majestic sun illuminated all the darkness, leaving him with his mouth open. He had never in his life seen something so wonderful and terrifying at the same time.

Multicolored rays came out of the sun becoming chains, there were dozens of them and each one with symbols that seemed from another world, carved into them.

In less than a second all those chains were wrapped around his body. Her heart trembled at the sight of all those majestic chains wrapped around her body.

Gritting his teeth, Mo Nan tried to free himself from the chains, he couldn't stay here, he needs to return to his mother and give her the life she deserves, but those chains didn't move an inch.

He did not give up, he continued to focus on breaking the chains. A blue aura sent out over her body, but he was only focused on her body so she didn't notice.

The fuchsia-colored chain that he was holding in his right hand trembled. Upon realizing this, he concentrated on it to break it first.

"A AAA..." A scream of fury was heard throughout the darkness, Mo Nan put everything in him to break the chain. Small points of fuchsia light began to appear in his aura and in his blue eyes.

The fuchsia glow continued to spread until his entire aura and eyes changed color.

"Craaagg" the sound of a chain breaking was heard. Mo Nan, still unaware of the aura that was giving off from her body and the changes in her eyes, put all of her attention on the events that were happening in front of him.

The pieces of the fuchsia chain that were scattered gathered together again, forming a ball, which began to shine so intensely that nothing could be seen.

Once the glow stopped, where the chain had previously been there was a small, beautiful fuchsia star. Still staring at him on the small star, Mo Nan wondered if she had to do the same with the other chains, but his instincts told him that he couldn't break any of the others.


The sound of something moving at high speed was heard, Mo Nan, without time to react, could only watch as the small star entered his chest before falling unconscious.


In the center of Mo Nan's heart, next to the multicolored sun, a star appeared. Although its size was much smaller than the sun, its beauty and brilliance were not overshadowed in any way.

For a moment, the star released a large amount of fuchsia energy to the heart and began to circulate throughout the circulatory system, reaching every corner of the body.


Quickly jumping out of bed, Mo Nan touched his chest and sighed when he saw nothing strange. Looking at the time on her phone, it was already noon, so she only slept for two hours.

Leaving his mother's room, he heard laughter coming from the living room. As he got closer, he began to hear the voice of her mother and that of a woman he had never heard before.

Arriving in the living room he saw his mother sitting in an armchair drinking tea and in front of her was a woman with reddish hair. The woman had her back to him, so he did not realize that anyone else was in the room.

His mother, who was in front of the woman, could see her son arrive in the living room. Her Yin looked at her son and called out to him. "Mu Nan, come here, I want you to meet the new neighbor."


Hearing Su Yin calling someone while looking towards the entrance of the room, he looked back to see who it was. Looking at the person she had called her friend, she froze and her face turned red