

Her name is lynx, her hair bounces off her shoulders, as she walks with her head down, nose in a book. "its always in a book, I wish she'd look up" I mutter. Right then she does and walks right into a telephone pole. Not one of the wood ones, a metal one, she hit it with a clang and a crash when she hits the ground hard, a small gasp comes out of her mouth, and I'm over there without thinking about it, and offer my hand. She takes it without looking. As she gets up we both stoop to pick her books up and we managed to bang our heads together hard, that we both end back on the ground. We looked at each other and just broke out laughing. All I can think "is her eyes speak, like they hold the world in them". She gasps through her laughter, " come on, we are going to be late, come on" she picks me up and starts dragging me towards the campus. She forces us to jog and we make it to class just in time, for the teacher, miss Nora to glare at me like it was my fault, after all, lynx is a teacher's pet as my friends like to say. Actually, now that I think about lynx still has my hand, and that is going to cause some serious rumour , not that I care, but what of lynx's reputation? She does not seem to care, she smiles at me, lets my hand go and thanks me for the help, in front of the classroom. We go our separate ways and sit down, my best friend is elbowing me so hard, I'm sure I'll have a bruise tomorrow. " look, man, I talk about it this evening when we go to the common rooms for band work, okay so chill."