
Humble Jackal's


A soothing chime of bells echoes in the Blue Pharamcy's storefront as Jackal walks in with a smile. The subtle scent of spices and medicine assaults his nostrils but he takes an inviting sniff and heaves softly.

Looking at the surprised Chienthrope— dog-man or better-called sons and daughters of bitches— Jackal waves his hand, "Working hard as always, Naaza?" As he greets the brown-haired girl with droopy purple eyes, equally droopy brown furry ears, and a rather attractive round face, he also glances around at the store. With one counter dividing the store, the Chienthrope presides over all the set tubes of potions behind the counter.

A few raw materials and pouches of material can also be seen set on the shelves beside blue and green-colored potions.

Standing up and inclining her head in greeting, Naaza Erisuis speaks quietly, "Good morning, Jackal-san... And yes, I usually open and clean the store a little early."

"Where is Miach-sama?" He walks upto the counter and speaks, "Hopefully I'm right on time before he's gone for his usual walk out to the market area."

"He's getting ready," Naaza replies curtly while taking a seat as the shop falls into silence.

"Be a dear and call him maybe?" Jackal smiles.

"As you wish," She sighs softly and pulls a thread under the counter connected to a bell within the residential portion of the building of the Miach Familia.

"Coming," sounds a muffled reply.

"So? How is business?" Jackal questions while Naaza glances at him. Catching the slight twitch of her nose this time, he keeps quiet while she answers, "Slow. Usual."

"Oh," Jackal hums.

"Miach-sama... talked about you a few days ago. You mix potions, too?" Naaza begins after a while as Miach seems to be taking unnaturally longer.

"Something like that," Jackal smiles.

"So... you stopped heeding your own advice and started adventuring."

"Something like that," he shrugs.


Miach steps into the shop from the front door and lets out a soft hum before chuckling, "Jackal-kun! Welcome! How can we help you?"

"Well, I wanted to understand the properties of two more potions and was hoping to sell some good stuff here before breaking the good news!" Jackal grins.

"Oh, good!" Miach's eyes sparkle, "Naaza, you should sit with us."

This causes Naaza's ears to twitch but she regains her nonchalance as Miach adds, "You are trying to be creative in potioneering. Jackal-kun's new works may just be as creative as the previous two."

She nods plainly while Miach turns the sign of the store 180° before leading Jackal into the living room behind the shop.

As rustic as the shop, the living space of the familia is spacious and neat. Miach focuses less on the decorations and more on the necessity so the familia don't live lavishly... even if they could not at the moment.

Setting his backpack next to him while Miach and Naaza sit opposite him, Jackal unzips the backpack's main portions and takes out a bulbous green flask. The flask isn't made of glass and is round underneath. Alongside the wooden touch of the material, the wooden carving of a green goblin surprises Miach and Naaza quite a bit.

"Did you make the tubes and flasks yourself?" Miach questions with an interested expression.

"Something like that," Jackal smiles, and hearing the same answer for the third time, Naaza's expression sours for a moment.

"Please check these for me," Jackal hands the green goblin potion to Miach who accepts the item and pulls open the lid.

A subtle, sweet fragrance slips out of the flask which causes a light dusting of red to appear on Naaza's cheek while she glares at Jackal for some reason.

Meanwhile, maintaining a critical expression, Miach lets a drop of potion on his palm.

"Miach-sama!" Naaza cries out in shock, unlike her sleepy and lazed self as Miach tastes the potion.

"It's alright, Naaza," Miach smiles calmly and then closes the potion.

"The fragrance of the potion was a great indicator already but I wanted to be completely sure. This potion is an aphrodisiac. These potions are better known as love potions but the effects are better than what Ishtar Familia sent me to test."

"Oh, ok," Jackal nods, still a little surprised. As he accepts the potion, he looks at Miach calmly, "I did not intend to offer such an item irresponsibly. I hope you can forgive me."

Not losing his gentle demeanor, Miach smiles, "Please, nothing like that. Although my arcanum is sealed, many gods and goddesses still possess a few divine qualities. Charm possessed by the Gods of Beauty is well-known. Meanwhile, Gods like me have a good-enough resistance to such potions much less drops of it."

Jackal nods and smiles, "Alright. And this is the second potion."

He reveals a simple grey glass tube this time with a glossy glass carving of a kobold's head.

"You made this, too... I assume," Naaza looks at Jackal. Although she is surprised by his changes, she accepts them rather quickly. After all, she hasn't seen her advisor in years. And noticing the impish smirk on his face, she knew the answer already.

"Something like that."

This time, Naaza rolls her eyes and lets out a small huff.

"Good craftsmanship, Jackal-kun," Miach praises while accepting the tube and once again tasting it.

This time, Naaza could smell a somewhat bitter scent from the light-brown potion.

"Hmm... this is a bit difficult... at a glance, it raises the strength of the body entirely. Meaning, all the physical attributes are boosted but..." Consuming another drop, Miach sighs, "I see. This potion increases physical attributes including the reflexes of the body but consuming a single gulp of this will also send the consumer into a berserk state."

"There are no potions like that!" Naaza exclaims in surprise.

"Until now," Miach smiles and hands back the potion, "Jackal-kun, these are good products. Three of the potions can even work together. But naturally, the stronger the adventurer is, the weaker the effects of these potions will be. For now, these should work well on Level 1 adventurers. As for level 2, the effect and duration may take a hit..."

"Could you..." Giving a toothy smile, Jackal requests, "Tell me exactly how long the effects will last?"

"You didn't calculate while mixing the materials?" Naaza questions.

"Something like that."

Naaza takes in one, annoyed, shuddering breath. Meanwhile, Miach nods, "Sure. Give me a few minutes."

A few minutes later, Jackal rolls four pieces of parchments together and stores them in the backpack before exhaling a relieved sigh. Ignoring Naaza's gloomy stare, Jackal smiles, "Now, onto the good stuff. Miach-sama... I opened a store. Well, today is the big opening. And as a business owner, I wished to extend you a good business deal."

"And that would be?" Miach questions.

"I wanted to understand the full effects of my products before doing anything. Here," picking the quill on the table, Jackal writes down a few things on another parchment, "These are going to be the prices for my four potions. As for the love potion, I might just contract it to Ishtar later."

For a moment, both Miach and Naaza still.

They both are perceptive for a God and an adventurer. Until now, Jackal has spoken to Miach with utmost respect and sincerity. Naaza did not even need the divine's ability to see through the truth to know that. That is why she has kept her silence despite feeling annoyed.

But... Ishtar's name rolled off Jackal's tongue with a rather indifferent tone. Other gods, they might understand. But Ishtar? She is a 'popular' goddess!

"Oh... these are very competitive prices," Miach chuckles, "You will put people like us out of business, Jackal-kun."

Naaza's creamy-brown-furred ears press further against her skull with a depressed sigh leaving her lips.

"Not necessarily, Miach-sama" Jackal smiles, "I want my stores to sell many items pertaining to adventurers. Potions are just going to be a part of it and not the main focus... hopefully. I would like to table my items in your shop, too, for a 5% commission for each item sold."

"Or," Jackal leans forward, "You can take risks with me. Instead of earning side commissions, you may purchase the potions from me at a 15% discount and sell it for that much profit— 15%."

Miach and Naaza stare at each other for a long while before Naaze offers a well-earned, "Huh?"

With the highest price of the potions being 11000 for the berserker one, 5% commission means 550 valis. On the other hand, purchasing it at a 15% discount and selling it at 11000 if not more means a profit of at least 1650 valis!

"Something like that," Jackal smiles and offers, finally making Naaza grumble, "You're doing it on purpose!"

"Something like that!" Jackal chuckles as Naaza vibrate with annoyance in her seat.

"Jackal-kun... both these options are too favorable... why are you doing this?" Miach asks with an earnest expression as he leans forward.

Tilting a bit forward with an equally earnest look, Jackal smiles widely, "Miach-sama, I like you."


Both the men look at Naaza whose entire face is deep in red while smoke curls out from her furry ears.

Looking at each other in confusion, Miach and Jackal shrug simultaneously.

"As I was saying, I like you compared to other gods. If possible, I would like to help you, too. But I do run a business... from today onwards and I don't wish to disrespect you by handing you freebies. I will create more potions later on. Some of them may surpass the potions I have now.

And... I've seen you hand out free goods to girls who take advantage of your nature," snickering, Jackal adds, "You're really hopeless."

"Apologize!" Naaza snaps out of her thoughts with Miach leading Jackal to his divine slope and... and... *aaangh*

Waving past Naaza, Jackal keeps true to his word and speaks to Miach as he would speak to another man who he respects, "But that nature is not bad, is it? You must know it, too. So, at least, this way you will have the capital to help others."

Miach leans back on his couch and thinks quietly.

After a while, Miach questions, "And your Divine parent... is okay with associating with me?"

Jackal grins.

'Don't say it...' Naaza stares at Jackal unblinkingly, 'Don't you say it!'

"Something like that."

Miach nods with a smile and looks at Naaza, "Naaza, what do you think we should do?".

"Take the first option until we have enough money for the second option," She replies calmly.

"Then it is settled," Miach nods.

"Let's get it contracted—" Naaza begins.

"Nah, no need for that," Jackal waves it off, "I don't think Miach-sama will try to rip me off, and if you guys accidentally destroy any of the potions, it will be cut off from the commissions."

"No interest in that cost!" Naaza snaps again.

"Of course," Jackal smiles, "Besides, you're a rank 2 remember? You can easily beat me up if I try to pull something off."

Jackal unzips the bag and sets out five potions of each kind.

Seeing the green flask with Goblin's head, Naaza chews her lips in discomfort and voices out, "We... don't have to sell these..."

"It's no problem for me but from a business perspective, this potion might as well be the accompanying cute sales girl to attract more customers. When you have enough customers to take option two of the deal, you can simply stop selling the Goblin potions. What do you think?"

Naaza furrows her brows for a moment and ponders before sighing, "Fine..."

"Hmm, well, let's hope we're sold out by tonight!" Jackal grins.

"Wait," Naaza raises a brow, "You didn't even tell us where your shop is."

"Ah, that was my final grand news... the address of my store. It's in Daedalus Street right past the Maria's Orphanage."

"Daedalus street..." Naaza locks her brows harder while Miach questions, "Maria Martel?"

"Oh, you know her?" Jackal questions.

Sighing softly, Miach nods, "I tried to help her once. But eventually, I could only stick around here. Anyway, are you sure you can earn well in Daedalus Street?"

"Of course," Jackal smirks and blinks, "Ah, almost forgot."

He unclips the front flap of the backpack and takes out two boxes before setting them on the table.

As Miach and Naaza look at him for an answer, Jackal squirms a bit uncomfortably. For the first time, he blushes a bit in embarrassment and mutters, "Well, wouldn't you know? I went a little overboard last night. Anyways... I made a lot of chicken. The bentos are rather simple. Rice, side vegetables, chicken, and pickles... I hope you two like it."

Miach pulls the boxes towards their side of the table and inclines his head with a sincere smile, "This is a very kind gesture. Thank you, child."

Jackal grins, "Well, if you like it. Do tell me tonight... I think I'll be taking breakfast duties for a while."

Naaza tilts her head curiously, "Do you like cooking."

"Something like that."

"I think I will greatly dislike your bento," Naaza scoffs bluntly and Jackal chuckles, "Just add the love potions then!"

Naaza's lower jaw hangs low in surprise as Jackal wears his backpack and leaves after bowing slightly toward Miach who cannot help but smile at Naaza's reaction, too.

"Remember, Naaza, the love potion costs 8000 valis. We'll have to pay for it if you spike your lunch."

Blushing, she cries out indignantly, "I won't do anything of the kind!"

Peeking his head in from the door, Jackal questions, "Paying for the potion or spiking your lunch?"

"Ahh!" With her face heating up, Naaza glares at Jackal, "Just leave!"

"Happy selling~!"


'What a kind gesture!" Maria smiles as she holds a tower of Bentos in her hands.

"The kids are still sleeping?" Jackal questions with a smile as he holds another equally tall tower of Bento and sets it on the table Maria pointed out before helping her do the same.

"Thank you," Maria smiles and nods, "Yes, they are still sleeping."

Maria's house/orphanage is one of the sturdier buildings around here if Fat Licker Gonjo is to be trusted. The house from within is quite beautiful, too. Sofas have their covers, and there is a proper fireplace within the living room, too.

The kids are in the bedroom on the upper floor.

"I should warn you... I only cook for myself so it might not be the most delicious meal," Jackal accepts the glass of water from Maria.

"No, no, it's fine," Maria looks at the bentos with a fond smile, "It's truly the thought that counts, and if they don't eat it, I will. It would be wrong to waste your hard work."

Glancing back at Jackal with her green pupils, Maria adds, "And well wishes for your store. The men from Hephaestus familia raised quite a ruckus while repairing the store so many neighbors are curious as to what you sell."

"Hmm, then do grace the store with your presence," Jackal chuckles, "But the store itself caters to adventurers."

This causes Maria's mood to dip as her smile sinks somewhat and her gaze falters, "Oh... still, well wishes. I will try and visit the store. And again, thank you for this gesture."

Jackal waves his hand, "Not an issue. Do tell me if the kids like these. I'm used to making a lot more than I can eat so... I may have more chicken..."

Maria nods while lost in her thoughts as Jackal leaves the orphanage and walks up to his store.

The once brick structure riddled by wooden patches now stands strong in a new light... and paintwork! Jackal had already confirmed repairs last night so he happily inserts the key into the reinforced door.

The locksmith from Hephaestus Familia seemed convinced that this would be enough to keep the other gremlins of the slums in Daedalus from breaking into the store but naturally, Jackal has some more plans for fortification!

His backpack didn't only have potions and bentos... he brought in something else, too.

Before entering the store, Jackal looks at the bright red store name bordered by yellow gold as opposed to the pigments of his irides and pupils.

— Humble Jackal's—

The name of his store.

Nodding in satisfaction, he enters the plainly furnished store. He will contract more customizations as his store grows hopefully but until then, one wooden counter with a cupboard and a layer of wooden shelves on the wall supported by wooden stands nailed in should suffice.

With a soft hum, Jackal quickly sets his items on the shelves and then sits on the wooden chair with a cushion placed on top of it.

Pushing his backpack into the larger drawer of the counter as soft clinks of coins clicking together echoes, Jackal whispers, "I want..."

And a red screen pops open.

His trait— Humble Store.

The trait is easy enough to browse as it works based on his thoughts.

So, Jackal quietly thinks, 'Security goods.'

Several columns flood in with items upon items!

Focusing on each item would let Jackal see the description of said goods.

After going through several goods, Jackal stops and considers his original approach.

You see, being part of the guild has its perks. The insider circle of the employees shares quite a few interesting things. Most of it is known to them because the Guild presides over other Familias to some extent and some Gods can't shut up.

When a God descends, they agree to seal their arcanum— divine might. Breaking this promise will force them to leave the mortal plane. This sealing of strength also means that they lose their divine abilities.

But as Miach showed today, this sealing of strength is not 'perfect.' Quirks and abilities slip by intentionally or unintentionally.

One ability that all Gods do possess is Divine Mirror.

This allows them to peek at any being they wish.

After so many years, many ways are created to counter this ability. And apparently, if a God is not careful enough, they might attract the attention of nearby gods as one uses this skill. Now Jackal is not a god but the chance of someone spying on him eventually... should he stick out, must be considered.

'Counter Block...' Jackal browses for one magical item.

A magical item developed by Goddess Athena after being incensed by Gods peeking at her and many other Goddesses.

To disrupt this use of Divine Mirror entirely, the magical item is developed in great numbers and exported all around the world!

Even Miach's familia has the protection of this Counter Block.

Structures like Divine Bathe House and Guild's Pantheon, which store a lot of information, have a particular need for such an item.

Once Jackal selects Counter Block, he opens the price tab.

Now how this works is interesting.

Items are sold in every shop. Every shopkeeper endures a certain level of bargains at times. Sometimes, a seller may sell a product at less than the market price. Sometimes he may fool a naive customer and earn big!

His trait stores the latest price of an item sold individually at each shop around the world!

For instance, the third price tag increased from 78000 valis to 83000.


Jackal can browse through these prices and select the bargain he likes.

So, he makes a simple format.

'Best quality, lowest price.'

The prices shift.

On the top, the list starts with 52000 Valis.

Since the format has the quality of the product stated earlier, his trait will value the best quality products first.

Meaning, the best of the Counter Measure ever created and sold is last priced at 52000 valis.

The second price tag is surprisingly 39000 valis. But if Jackal can afford it and if it's within the budget, he will choose a top-quality product, after all.

He selects the 52000 valis item and makes the demand to buy two of them. One for his shop and the other one for his home.

The price amounts to an unsurprising 104,000 valis.

Pulling out one of the pouches from his backpack, Jackal starts inserting 10000 Valis coin into the screen that is visible only to him... again, he isn't going to try and see if the Gods can see this or not, but this tab was invisible to others in his previous life.

The coins surprisingly get absorbed by his trait.

'Heh, the economy of this world is already so fucked... many people lose their life and coins in the dungeon, never to be recovered again. So, I hope, a dent of the Valis I'm going to feed my trait does not impact the market too much...'

Once the necessary amount of currency is fed to the trait, Jackal nods, 'Purchase.'

The light shimmers in front of him and lo and behold, two dark-blue disks with brilliant craftsmanship flickering on their surface appear in front of him.

Although his trait cannot 'copy' living beings, his trait is already amazing so there are no complaints from him.

These light blue disks have a slot for a magic stone and would only work to stop divine peeking once they are fed with magic.

So, sticking one such disk under the counter, Jackal places a Kobold's magic stone into the slot.

According to the information, Rank 1 stone will last an hour. Rank 2 stone will last a day. Rank 3 stone will last 7 days. Rank 4 stone will last 55 days. And Rank 5 stone will last 495 days.

Try Rank 6 stone and you will destroy the item.

Sighing in relief, Jackal continues to browse through 'The armed defense magical items section.'

He intends to fortify his store without a flicker of doubt!

Thieves, robbers, and shoplifters will cry tears of pain for him!

'I should buy some candies for the kids if they do swing by,' Jackal then snickers fondly.

Again, he isn't an asshole. He likes to help others and see others smile, too. It's just that he does all this at his own pace— selfishly so.


Alternate Title: Something Like That *Naaza* Angry Puppy Noises!; Miach has dat Dawg in Him; Another Common Miach W; Miach Fujoshi Supremacy!; The God and Mortal Fujoshi Baiter!; Jackal: I Like You!, Miach: Same here, Child. Naaza: Wait, that's illegal; The New Love Triangle— Miach, Jackal, and Naaza *Freya* Aanngh~; Naaza About to Spike Miach's Bento Instead— Divine Abnormal Resist Goes *Brrrrrrrrr*


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Naaza Erisuis