
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 21

—What really is the Dungeon?

Shalltear pondered, the first that came to her mind when she talked about Katabasis was Tartarus—the Greek underworld, the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked souls and as the prison for the Titans.

If the Dungeon was Tartarus, that would explain why the souls of the monsters came back to the Dungeon and had a reincarnation cycle. That would also explain why the Dungeon had a very special reaction to the gods of death and gods of the underworld, where she spawns black dragons against them, the strongest monster type she has.

Also, the gate of Tartarus was described as being framed with pillars of solid adamantite, a material present in the Dungeon.

But it couldn't be since in the Dungeon adamantite was everywhere, it was in the dungeon walls, in the monsters, and even the drop items. The monster drops were actually metallic, like the minotaur horn, that is why smiths like Welf can shape and make weapons out of them. And the deeper you went into the Dungeon the more concentration of adamantite is found in monsters and dungeon walls. So whatever was in the Dungeon bottom floor was surely made of pure adamantite—be something solid, liquid, inorganic or organic, or any other configuration.

The Dungeon had a lot of adamantite everywhere—except in the 'doors' to the Dungeon.

Plus normal monsters get away from death and putrid smells, they reject death. The Dungeon was a mother of life, not of death, too many times it has been told that she is alive and is a living organism, even if an inorganic one, with her own defense mechanisms.

It couldn't be Tartarus.

The next that came to Shalltear's mind were the 3 great quests, the Black Dragon, the Leviathan, and the Behemoth—they match the 3 beasts of the Armageddon from Hebrew mythology in their description too well.

Both the Leviathan and Behemoth were dead, but it was the Black Dragon the one prophesied to carry the Whore of Babylon—Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

The mother that lived in a cave, spawning monsters from her hollow heart, desiring to attract men to ruin.

But she was portrayed as the antithesis of heroes, not the gods themselves. And the most important counter-argument: she already existed in the universe as a person called Babylon during the Ancient Times and was bested by a hero. The Dungeon existed at least 2,000 years before Babylon was born and is yet to be bested.

It couldn't be the Whore of Babylon.

Shalltear pondered, what was the oldest record of the Dungeon during the Prehistoric days and the Age of Darkness?

Originally, the Dungeon was a gigantic hole open to the sky into the planet that went very deep, called the Great Hole. It didn't even have the floors it had today. This hole was made by the gods with their power—Arcanum.

And what is the most basic form of the Dungeon regardless of the floor? A solid reddish rock, which is shown only on pantries. The Dungeon focused on optimizing energy use around the pantries to provide food, so the surrounding environment reverted to the most basic form—solid reddish rock, something that was part of the underground soil, the underground earth.

What came to Shalltear's mind was Gaia—The planet, the earth, the mother of all life, the mother of monsters, the driving force behind the Titanomachia, the war against the gods.

If the Dungeon was Gaia—or more like this planet's version, this Gaia—many things suddenly make sense.

—It would explain why among the fairies, the Gnomes—earth fairies—were the only ones to lose their power, while any other types of elemental fairies (water, fire, air, thunder, light, and darkness) hadn't been affected.

—It would explain why she was considered female, a mother, and its structure a womb.

—It would explain why monsters were stronger the deeper they were born, because they were closer to the core of the Dungeon: the planetary core.

—It would explain why monsters' souls come back to the Dungeon even if they die outside of it on the surface.

—It explained why monsters on the surface ended up behaving like normal animals, focusing on their instincts and breeding eggs, if no outside forces interacted with them.

—It explained why it had the goal of bringing the monsters back to the surface: to reclaim what was hers.

—It explained why the floors of the dungeon were shaped like natural environments.

—It explained the special reaction to gods of death and gods of the underworld since they were its antithesis as she represented life.

—It explained why it considered the gods and the children akin to invading pathogens: they didn't come from her, they were outsiders.

—It explained why Ouranos' power, of all gods, had such a dampening effect on the Dungeon and why he made a secret pact with her.

Then the planetary core should be made of adamantite, be it liquid, solid, or a mix of them.

This was the conclusion Shalltear reached—the Dungeon was this planet, an equivalent of Gaia.

This was her deduction, and it remains to be seen whether it is correct or not.

Lili's eyes widened with recognition as the pieces fell into place. "So that is why the Dungeon...Why it hates us and the gods.." she whispered, her voice tinged with a mixture of realization and bitterness.

Shalltear confirmed Lili's suspicion, "The gods needed an antagonist for their game, and so they made one by attacking this planet, this world, with Arcanum, and used their power to warp the core into something else".

As the weight of this revelation settled upon Lili's shoulders, she drew the chilling conclusion. "Everything...All the deaths, all the misery that we had ever experienced... is the fault of the gods… they created us to suffer for their game.." she said, her voice a mixture of sorrow and anger. The grand scheme of the gods had become clear to her—a scheme that cast mortal lives as mere playthings.

Shalltear's hands found the chestnut-haired girl's shoulders, providing a reassuring touch. Her voice carried warmth and support as she affirmed, "But you have the power to shape your life according to your own desires, Lili. You can define your own purpose and goals. Your life belongs to you, not to them."

The chestnut-haired girl's expression shifted, her dark thoughts dissipating in the wake of the silver-haired female's words. She nodded, a renewed determination lighting up her gaze. "Yes, Lady Shalltear is absolutely right," she agreed, her voice firmer now, tinged with newfound strength.

Shalltear's attention then shifted, a playful glint in her eye. "Hey, Lili... would you like to relax in a bath? I think it's been quite a lot to take in. A bath might help you unwind," she suggested, her fingers playing with the ends of her own hair in a playful manner.

Lili's reaction was immediate, a mix of confusion and excitement painting her features. "A bath?!" she echoed, momentarily taken aback before a spark of excitement lit up her eyes. "Y-yes," she stammered, her dog tail fluffing up with anticipation.


Lili POV, early afternoon:

With a flourish, Shalltear revealed their destination. "Ta-da, here we are!" she declared, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. The chestnut-haired girl's eyes widened in awe as she took in the scene before her. "Whoa..." she breathed out, captivated by the sight.

The focal point of the clearing was a magnificent waterfall, standing an impressive thirty-two feet tall. The cascading water released a fine mist into the air, creating a refreshing coolness that enveloped them. Within moments, their skin glistened with droplets of moisture.

Lili had followed the silver-haired female to a secluded lagoon nestled at the base of the waterfall. The natural pool was embraced by a circle of towering trees and gleaming crystals. A massive tree's canopy acted as a natural roof over the lagoon, casting dappled sunlight onto the azure surface of the water. The afternoon light painted dancing reflections on the trees surrounding them. This hidden oasis felt like a precious gem hidden within the heart of the forest.

Shalltear beamed with a hint of pride. "What do you think? I found it the other day from the top of the tree," she explained. Lili, still somewhat awestruck, crouched down to cautiously touch the water's surface with her hand.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she asked, "Lili has a question, if you don't mind, Lady Shalltear. Where is this water coming from?".

"Hmm? It's from a crystal deep within the forest. That crystal constantly produces pure water." Shalltear seemed quite knowledgeable about this place.

Lili's gaze remained fixed on the water as she contemplated its purity. "It's much cleaner than the water outside," she murmured, her voice tinged with wonder. "It's different from glacier water or melted snow...".

Having spent most of her life drinking from muddy sources, encountering such pristine water was a novel experience for her.

Reassurance emanated from Shalltear's voice. "There shouldn't be any problem even if you drink it," she assured Lili.

"Lili feels it's a waste to dirty it, could we sell it?" The dog girl proposed.

Shalltear chuckled lightly, her laughter carrying a playful tone. "Lili, it's infinite," she clarified, her voice holding a note of amusement. "Then, allow me to begin."

With practiced grace, the silver-haired female began removing her clothes. Lili couldn't help but notice the pale and glistening quality of Shalltear's skin as each garment fell to the ground. Her hair flowed freely once it was freed from its confines, cascading over her body like a silvery waterfall.

Lady Shalltear's skin...it is so pale and shiny...

Stepping forward elegantly, the silver-haired female made her way into the lagoon. The water responded to her presence, creating gentle ripples around her form. "Ah!" Lili exclaimed, snapping out of her momentary trance. She quickly moved to disrobe her own yukata, her face tinted red with embarrassment, after all the clean water was see-through.

With her yukata now off, Lili entered the water with a mixture of excitement and shyness. She cautiously approached the area where Shalltear stood. The water reached her navel, and she was using a hand to cup the water and clean her arm.

Maybe Lili can help wash Lady Shalltear's silky silver hair...

Before she could voice her thoughts, however, a voice pierced the tranquility of the scene. "Ohh, I found a nice place," the voice proclaimed.

Lili jumped in surprise, her eyes darting towards the source of the voice.

Emerging from the trees surrounding the lagoon was a female figure. A dark-skinned Amazon with piercing blue eyes and a distinctive red tattoo composed of three lines gracing the left side of her face. Her attire consisted of a red bra, thin black bikini shorts, and fur gauntlets adorned with reinforced studs. Golden jewelry adorned her ankles and under her armpits, complementing the green diamond-shaped earrings that adorned her ears.

Shalltear's brows furrowed as she directed her gaze toward the approaching Amazon.

The newcomer seemed to register the situation upon arriving at the lagoon, and she turned back towards the trees she had emerged from, calling out, "It's a mixed one! There's a boy and a girl already here, Jean, you can come!"

Confusion danced in the silver-haired female's eyes as she glanced around, "What? Where are they?".

"Huh?!" Lili exclaimed in a mixture of accusation and annoyance, directed toward the Amazon.

Undeterred by the presence of others, the Amazon began to disrobe without a trace of modesty. She discarded her red bra and black shorts at the edge of the lagoon, her actions unapologetically bold. With her preparations complete, she leaped into a deeper section of the lagoon with an exuberant cry, "Yahooo!".

The force of her splash sent water droplets scattering in every direction. She emerged from beneath the surface, her body floating to the top, creating waves that temporarily caused the water level to dip.

Lili couldn't help but mutter, "So annoying."

Shalltear remained standing, her arms crossed over her chest as she observed the scene with a mixture of amusement and mild irritation.

Recognition seemed to dawn upon the amazon as she finally took notice of the silver-haired female's lower body. She offered a belated "Oh!" of realization, Shalltear was indeed a girl.

Just then, a new male figure entered the clearing, his blue hair standing out against the backdrop of trees. He wore a distinctive ensemble that combined a red fur jacket with green trousers, complemented by sturdy brown armored gauntlets and boots.

Shalltear's voice carried a tone of recognition mixed with surprise as she exclaimed, "A man? Wait! You?!".

Lili's fury was palpable as she screamed at the man, her hands quickly moving to cover herself modestly. "What are you doing?!"

Jean, his face showing annoyance, covered his face with one arm as he let out a mortified yell directed at the Amazon. "You told me it was a mixed bath!"

The Amazon, apparently unfazed by the uproar, offered a nonchalant apology, "Sorry, I thought she was a boy with that pancake-flat chest!"

Shalltear's expression shifted from surprise to disbelief, her eyes narrowing as she uttered a cold, "Excuse me?!" Her gaze seemed to bore into the Amazon with the intensity of a predator assessing its prey.

Amidst the chaos, Jean pivoted to make a hasty exit from the pond. However, his focus on his hasty retreat led to an unfortunate accident – he stepped on the discarded shorts of the Amazon, slipping and tumbling forward. As he fell, the shorts were propelled into the air.

Desperate to steady himself, he reached out to grasp a tree branch, but the branch curved unexpectedly, eluding his grip. The branch rebounded with a vengeance, striking him on the head. His form stumbled backward, falling and colliding with a rock on the pond's edge, and then bouncing into the water.

Within seconds, his body was floating face down, creating a rather unsettling image reminiscent of a dead fish. A thin trickle of blood emanated from a gash on his head.

"Jean!" The amazon's voice carried genuine worry as she waded towards him, her gaze alternating between him and the others.

She carefully lifted Jean's limp form out of the water, her gaze shifting to Shalltear and Lili. "Help me, we need to carry him back to Rivira to treat him."

Shalltear couldn't help but facepalm, her voice laden with a mix of exasperation and resignation. "This dumbass doesn't even need any help to end up dead."

Lili shoots an unimpressed look at the Amazon.

As the Amazon positioned Jean on the edge of the pool, she began to retrieve her clothing, starting with her red bra. Her voice carried a stupefied note as she surveyed the area, stating, "Where are my shorts?".


After helping the Amazon find some clothes and carrying Jean to a healer, Shalltear and Lili were back in the tree house.

Lili inquired, "Lady Shalltear wanted to talk about the 'total levels' ?".

The silver-haired female nodded in affirmation, her demeanor serious yet informative. "Yes, as I mentioned before, total levels differ from rank. They represent the cumulative growth in something called classes," She began to elaborate on the intricacies of YGGDRASIL's class system.

She explained what they are, that you can level them up independently of the others and their hierarchy: base, high and rare. Classes are grouped by their classification: Warrior-oriented, Thief-oriented, Magic-oriented, Production-oriented, Commander-oriented and Common-oriented classes.

Then she proceeded to fill in the chestnut-haired girl in all the classes that she knew of and what they did. In the end, Shalltear explained that Lili would need to choose which classes she would acquire, for those would define her future growth.

"...Lili thinks...that there are a lot...," she uttered, a hint of anxiety lacing her words.

"It's alright, Lili. You have ample time to decide. We have several days ahead." The silver-haired female offered a reassuring smile, her tone gentle. "But, because of your role as the commander and captain of the familia, sooner or later you would gain the commander or sergeant class and it would be better to plan accordingly from the start with classes that complement your role".

The chestnut-haired girl nodded, her mind still whirling with the sheer abundance of options. She understood the significance of her role as the commander and captain of the familia. This required meticulous planning and the selection of classes that would seamlessly complement her leadership responsibilities.

Shalltear's advice made sense to Lili, and she confessed her thoughts. "...Lili thinks that classes for a middle or rear position would be more suitable then... What would Lady Shalltear recommend?"

Lili's understanding of her role involved overseeing the battlefield from a strategic standpoint – making crucial decisions, offering assistance when needed, and issuing orders that could change the tide of battle.

Shalltear leaned back thoughtfully, her finger resting on her chin. "For your position, I'd suggest focusing on magic-oriented classes. Choosing a magic caster class that resonates with you would be a good starting point. It will define your System Of Magic, and from there, we can explore other classes that align well."

In YGGDRASIL there were four great Systems Of Magic, each one with some exclusive spells and characteristics: Arcane, Divine, Spiritual, and Alternative. The levels in a class of one system of magic didn't increase the effective magic tier of other systems, so focusing on only one would make you stronger and was the norm, unless you were looking to make very specific builds.

Lili's curiosity led her to ask for a deeper understanding. "Could you explain why, Lady Shalltear?".

The silver-haired female's response was both pragmatic and cunning. "Choosing a magic-oriented class would provide you with the strongest option. Since classes are balanced, the limiting factor for magic casters often lies in managing their mana. However, we can easily use mana potions to solve that little problem." Her smile was akin to a smartass who was cheating.

Melee-oriented classes were not Lili's style, plus as a commander, she will have fewer opportunities to get in close combat. Range-oriented classes were a valid option but that is for her to decide.

Lili was excited about changing herself and how to grow, but she also agonized over the choice—although it was an enjoyable sort of dilemma.

Despite her indecision, those who truly understood Lili might have guessed that she already had a class in mind.


Shalltear POV, morning, 1 day until the attack on Soma Familia:

The following morning found both seated in a quaint wooden tavern in Rivira. Their makeshift chairs were simple logs, encircling a rectangular wooden table that held their meals.

The spread before them was a delight of flavors. Two mugs were filled with fruit juice, and plates held a portion of chicken alongside the renowned Dungeon Sandwich – liberal amounts of fruit between two slices of bread, including the coveted Honey Cloud.

Lili couldn't help but voice a familiar concern. "Lili still thinks that the prices are too expensive," she remarked while eating her meal.

Shalltear nodded, her response practical. "Indeed, but it's crucial that you consume a balanced diet beyond just fruit."


After their meal, Shalltear settled the bill at the counter using magic stones.

Curious, the chestnut-haired girl inquired, "Lili noticed that no adventurer is carrying Valis around, does everybody use magic stones as money in Rivira?".

The silver-haired female clarified the situation as they exited the wooden shack that served as a tavern. "It's a bit different. In Rivira, there are two main methods of payment. You can either trade goods directly for merchandise or sign a payment contract using your Familia's emblem."

It would be cumbersome and even dangerous to carry large amounts of money into the Dungeon. To get around this, a Familia's emblem was used with the adventurer's signature to create an IOU. Then someone representing the shop would return to the outside and show up at that Familia's home, the emblem in hand.

As they strolled through the wooden shacks that formed the town, Lili probed further. "But Lili saw an exchange going on here. What do they give you in return if not Valis?"

Shalltear revealed the inner workings. "They provide receipts. They buy drop items and magic stones for less than their actual value, then sell these items to the Guild on the surface for their full price. They have a representative topside, and adventurers can present the receipts issued by them to collect their payment."

For the adventurers journeying down, it was better to sell off their extra items here than throw them away. This also gave them the opportunity to continue crawling the Dungeon for more magic stones and drop items to take to the surface.

From the exchange's perspective, it was an easy way to get valuable items and profit from them.

Lili's biases were validated, causing her to express her disdain. "Lili's instinct was right. That's why you cannot trust adventurers," she said with a hint of disappointment as she shook her head in disgust.

Their conversation took a turn as the chestnut-haired girl noticed the absence of the blacksmiths working in their usual anvil stands around the town, instead the anvils and their tools were left behind. Concerned, she alerted the silver-haired female, "Lady Shalltear, all the blacksmiths are gone...".

Shalltear surveyed their surroundings and realized that the town was eerily quieter than normal. The bustling activity they were accustomed to had ceased, leaving them in a strangely deserted atmosphere.

"This is strange... Where did everyone go?" Shalltear questioned, her suspicion growing.

Rivira's adventurers don't commonly leave their stuff behind unless an Irregular monster from several levels below climbs up and attacks the town, but no such thing has happened.

Suddenly, their sense of foreboding was validated when Finn from Loki Familia appeared ahead with his spear in hand saying "I was waiting for you to reach a better place, but I suppose this location works". Gareth, clad in his armor and wielding a massive axe, appeared behind them, effectively cutting off their retreat.

Their situation became even more precarious as Tiona and Tione jumped to the top of the surrounding shacks, looming over them on each side.

One thing was clear–Loki Familia had orchestrated an ambush on Shalltear and Lili in the heart of Rivira.