
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 16


Lili and Shalltear found themselves deep within the dungeon, specifically on the 8th floor.

This deep should be enough so nobody can hear us and we have some privacy.

Turning to Lili, she hesitated slightly before voicing her request. "Lili, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked, her tone serious and deliberate.

Lili, unsure about the sudden seriousness, nodded in response. She wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

Without further ado, the silver-haired female raised her parasol and struck the dungeon walls with incredible force. The sound of the impact reverberated throughout the space, echoing in the chamber. She was determined to ensure their privacy by preventing any monsters from spawning nearby. It was well known that the dungeon prioritized repairs over monster generation.

Being dishonest with Lili will surely cause problems later on and there is a chance that Lili can recognize lies since she has been lied to and used for most of her life.

Breaking the tension, Shalltear finally spoke, her words both straightforward and sharp. "I am gonna be blunt. Have you considered leaving your familia?"

Lili's reaction was a mix of surprise and trepidation. "Why is Miss Shalltear asking about that?" she inquired, her voice quivering slightly, especially after the previous demonstration of strength, even if not directed at her.

Shalltear, unyielding, responded without hesitation. "Because I have investigated Soma Familia since you are part of it."

Lili's eyes widened as the implications of the silver-haired female words sank in. She began to speak quickly, "Miss Shalltear doesn't have to worry about the familia, they will not—"

Interrupting her, Shalltear cut to the heart of the matter. "I want you in my Familia, Lili. That is why I am asking you."

Lili's confusion and uncertainty were palpable in her voice as she meekly questioned, "...Why would you want Lili in your familia? Lili is not good in a fight."

Shalltear, adjusting her position to be at eye level with Lili, responded with conviction, "Because I see potential in you. Your actions seem minor but you can have a big influence. alerting me of new monsters and keeping us from running into each other. You did a great job coordinating us. You could see the whole battlefield from your vantage point, so you knew exactly when and how to assist me. And you know a lot about how adventurers move. I want you to be my captain, my commander of operations"

Lili's hesitation was evident as she countered, "B-but isn't Miss Shalltear the captain of her familia? Traditionally, the strongest member assumes the role of captain, and Lili's not strong."

Shalltear's response was unapologetic and direct, "The only reason why you are not strong is because you are weak Lili".

Lili had an unamused expression on her face that seemed to tell 'You don't say?'.

"I mean... that you didn't have any growth, and I can fix that. I will show you!", there was a determined glint in her eyes as she spoke.

Turning abruptly, Shalltear strode purposefully into one of the dungeon's hallways. Lili, still bewildered, followed her, trying to make sense of the situation.

In a nearby corridor, Shalltear spotted a kobold. Acting swiftly, she seized the creature by its neck, locking it in her grip. A glint of crimson light shone in her eyes–the Mystic Eyes of Charms.

The light in its eyes changed, acquiring a reddish tint, signifying the power she exerted over the kobold. With the creature under her control, she commented, "Perfect, it is female~."

"Stay still" instructs Shalltear while still gripping it by the neck, she brings it back to the previous area that was damaged in the dungeon.

Shalltear dropped it on the ground. Straddling the kobold's back, she initiated the process of granting it a Falna. This ritual required her to cut her index finger, imbuing the kobold with her divine essence.

Lili observed with a mix of suspicion, confusion, and curiosity. Lili's gaze shifted from the silver-haired female's actions to the hieroglyphs on the kobold's back, where a new Status had appeared. Although she couldn't decipher the characters, she could perceive the difference compared to her own Falna. A growing sense of unease and realization settled in as she began to connect the dots. The truth dawned on her – Shalltear was not just a powerful adventurer, but a goddess herself.

Trepidation crept into Lili's expression, and she started to shake slightly in her place. Quickly bowing her head, she stammered, "P-p-please forgive Lili's rudeness earlier. Lili didn't know that Lady Cainabel was a goddess."

However, Shalltear's response only deepened Lili's confusion. "No! Wait! Cainabel is male, and-" Shalltear began, but was swiftly interrupted by Lili's panicked words, "Lili is very sorry, I didn't realize you were male because of the dress and your v-voice."

The exchange seemed to spiral further into confusion as Shalltear attempted to clarify the situation, "No, no, stop for a moment, I am female... haa... I am making things worse, don't I?"

Lili's eyes widened, and she admitted, "Lili doesn't understand…" Her voice was a mixture of fear and bewilderment.

The silver-haired female, sensing the need to explain despite the odd circumstances, spoke gently, "I will explain later... but basically, I am a bit different... you can still call me Shalltear as before..."

As if to divert the tension, Shalltear dispatched the kobold with a single strike of her parasol, obliterating it and reducing the magic stone it carried to ashes. The sudden act was a reminder of her immense power.

With suspicion lacing her voice, Lili voiced a question that was no doubt swirling in her mind, "...Lili never heard of a god so strong that can pass as an adventurer in the dungeon. And aren't gods not allowed in the dungeon?"

"For your first question, it depends on the god's power. Take Takemikazuchi, for example. He possesses a diverse array of combat techniques and exceptional skill in their execution. His abilities even extend to first-class adventurers, and he has mastered various weapons," Shalltear explained.

Responding to Lili's second question, she reiterated, "And as for your second question, I am indeed a bit different, as I mentioned earlier."

Lili expressed her concern about the conversion process, mentioning that it required Lord Soma's approval. Shalltear reassured her with a confident tone, "I know, you don't have to worry about that, Lili."

Worriedly, the chestnut-haired girl inquired, "A-Are you gonna talk to Lord Soma?"

A mischievous glint entered Shalltear's eyes as she replied, "I am gonna do more than talk to him. I already have plans. I am gonna crush those who abused you like the filthy cockroaches they are~" Her smile took on a sadistic edge, stretching unnaturally across her face.

Trying to convey both her determination and care for Lili, the silver-haired female's expression softened as she continued, "You don't have to worry about anything, Lili~" She was attempting to convince Lili by demonstrating her honesty and concern

However, Shalltear's directness and intensity had the unintended effect of overwhelming Lili, making her doubt the credibility of the words without more concrete proof and actions to back them up.

"Lili is sorry, but she rejects the offer," the chestnut-haired girl declared with a formal bow, surprising Shalltear. In that moment of surprise, Lili swiftly retrieved and activated smoke bombs concealed within her robe. As the bombs hit the ground, dense black smoke began to envelop the area.

"W-What? Lili?!" Shalltear exclaimed in disbelief.

However, before she could react further, Lili had vanished, taking advantage of the cover provided by the smoke.

"Li—LILIII!!" Shalltear's voice echoed desperately through the thickening smoke.

She was left stunned and bewildered. She had been taken off guard by Lili's rejection and sudden disappearance. It became clear to her that real life was not as simple as the wish-fulfillment stories. Personalities and decisions did not change instantaneously, and trust was not built overnight.

It was too early for Lili to fully trust her, especially considering the relatively short time they had spent together. Without a significant event or compelling reason, changes were not plausible.



Since parting ways with Shalltear, Lili had chosen a clear and straightforward path leading to the upper levels of the dungeon. Every twist and turn of the labyrinth, down to the 11th floor, was etched in her mind like a familiar map.

However, her thoughts were reviewing Shalltear's actions. Her strength had been both astonishing and peculiar for a goddess. She had acted strangely, never explaining how she was different, giving her Falna to a monster, and even that Falna having an extra section. The puzzle pieces of her intentions didn't seem to fit together in Lili's mind.

Lili found herself questioning why Shalltear had sought her out in the first place. She struggled to see her own worth, plagued by the scars of years of abuse and exploitation. This had given rise to a deep-seated low self-esteem, frustration, and passivity.

Lili was experiencing a phenomenon known as Learned Helplessness—a state where someone subjected to an inescapable aversive stimulus eventually stops trying to avoid it and behaves as if they are utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action.

Yes, no matter what Lili did, Lili would always be thrown away at some point. Lili would always be abandoned.

Make no mistake, Shalltear's offer was attractive to Lili, especially getting revenge on Soma Familia since she had repeatedly bared her fangs at members of Soma Familia since getting her magic Cinder Ella.

All adventurers were adventurers—that had always been her reasoning, and that was never going to change. She decided that she'd take back what was once hers from the people who had tormented her all of her life. She felt no remorse for her actions, she thought it was her right as the victim.

Despite any logical reasoning Shalltear might provide, it wouldn't alter Lili's worldview. Her perception acted as a mirror that only reflected her learned helplessness—her mirror needed to be shattered, she needed to be proven wrong, and instead of reason and logic, feelings needed to be used to convince her.

In order to truly transform Lili's thinking, it required someone who could meticulously analyze her thoughts, challenge her ideas, and dispute her negative thought patterns.

Lili's steps came to a halt as she stepped into a patch of tall grass. Before her stood an 8th-floor goblin, blocking the only exit from the room. There were no signs of other adventurers nearby, and attempting to sneak around the goblin would be futile.

As Lili weighed her options, she realized that time was of the essence. Doubling back and taking another route would take far too long, so she made the decision to break through the obstacle in her path. Under her breath, she muttered, "Lili's not built for this kind of roughhousing, yeah?" She rolled up the right sleeve of her cream-colored robe and retrieved a small handheld bow gun.

The magic sword would be wasted on a goblin!

Stepping forward with her right leg, Lili brought the bow gun to a level, her gaze locked onto the goblin. Pallums, known for their remarkable eyesight, allowed Lili's chestnut eyes to focus intently on the target. As she aimed, the monster's attention was finally drawn to her presence.

In a seamless motion, a golden arrow was released from the bow gun with astonishing speed. The projectile sliced through the air, finding its mark as it struck the goblin square in its right eye. A scream of pain erupted from the monster, and it instinctively clutched its injured eye. Capitalizing on the distraction, Lili quickly maneuvered around the goblin, making her way to the exit with a polite, "Excuse me!"

Lili had her own strengths in combat, but they were centered around strategy and tactics. She knew that her physical capabilities were limited, and she heavily relied on weapons and items to gain an upper hand. While she could engage in battle if necessary, the cost of taking down a single monster often outweighed the benefits.

Physically weak, for Lili, combat was generally reserved for self-defense situations. Her magic, Cinder Ella, provided her with unique abilities, although these were not well-suited for direct combat.

Lili reached up to lightly pet her dog ears as she recited an incantation: "Stroke of midnight's bell." A light flashed without sound, and the dog ears on her head were gone when it cleared. That wasn't all, the bangs that covered her eyes and the furry tail behind her had disappeared as well.

Lili had gained her magic shortly after swearing her revenge against adventurers. She had hoped that this newfound power would transform her into someone stronger than her own perceived weakness. However, the initial disappointment she felt upon learning the truth about her magic was crushing. Despite this setback, she persisted and eventually discovered how to wield her magic in a way that aligned with her thirst for vengeance.

Pushing her magical abilities to their limits, Lili delved into the depths of its potential. She developed strategies that enabled her to consistently steal items from adventurers, utilizing the same tactics to undermine them.

And...seventh floor!

Climbing the staircase that jutted out from the dungeon wall, Lili's movements remained swift as she navigated through the light green walls of the dungeon.

After this floor, the rest is a piece of cake.

In terms of the monsters, the 7th floor was the last mountain she needed to climb. After this floor, she could handle everything on her own, and she was determined not to lose focus. With a slight smile forming on her lips, she entered the next room with a burst of energy.

However, her momentum was abruptly halted by an unexpected encounter. A male voice addressed her, catching her off guard. "Ain't this a surprise. I've hit the jackpot," the voice remarked. Lili's surprise was evident in her response, her voice carrying a hint of confusion as she uttered, "Eh?"

The unexpected turn of events occurred as Lili emerged from a small corridor into a larger room. In a swift motion, a leg extended from the side, catching the chestnut-haired girl just under her knee. Her balance shattered, she tumbled forward and landed face-first onto the dungeon floor. Dazed and disoriented, Lili's hand found purchase in the dirt as she attempted to push herself up. But a long shadow cast over her, signaling the presence of someone else looming over her.

Yanked up abruptly, Lili barely had time to react before a boot crashed into her nose, eliciting a painful cry from her lips, "Gyhaaa?!".

"I'd better be gettin' an apology, ya piece-of-shit pallum!", the male voice continued, demanding an apology from her with a tone that was far from pleasant.

A powerful fist struck her left cheek, causing a river of blood to flow from her injured nose. Before she could fully grasp her situation, another kick slammed into her chest, causing her oversized backpack to tumble away from her shoulders and roll backward like a snowball.

The assault showed no signs of stopping. The heel of a boot found its mark on the small of her back, sending a searing wave of pain through her body. "Ahhh?!", Lili cried out, her body bouncing off the floor like a ball before coming to an abrupt and painful halt. The agony she was experiencing was overwhelming, leaving her breathless and disoriented.

Amidst the whirlpool of pain, Lili's blurred vision caught a glimpse of the man responsible for her torment. It was a human adventurer, someone she had previously stolen from. Her former employer stood before her, a wicked grin on his face as he looked down upon her with undisguised malice, "Ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! That's a good look for ya! Plastered in blood and dirt!".

The man's appearance was etched into her memory: he had black eyes and long hair of the same color, tied in a ponytail at the back. He wore a maroon overcoat that flowed down his frame, a black shirt beneath it, brown cargo pants, and dark brown boots. A thin long sword was strapped over his right shoulder, extending to his rear backside.

His mocking demeanor was evident as he sneered down at her, his jaw pointing towards the ceiling. The cruel satisfaction in his voice was palpable as he taunted her further, revealing his malicious intent. "Been dyin' to say hello! I set up a net for ya," he remarked, his ponytail swaying as he spoke.

"A...net?" Lili's voice carried confusion, her mind struggling to make sense of the situation.

With a triumphant and malevolent tone, the man explained his strategy, "The Dungeon is huge. Waitin' for ya by myself woulda been as borin' as lookin' for a needle in a haystack. Got myself some partners, increased my chances. Who had thought people from ya own familia would help?!"

The Dungeon itself was extremely large, the floors below the 5th were wider than Central Park. Despite its size, there were only three or four ways to get this far down.

The man had stationed his partners at each of the pathways and waited for her arrival. Of the four, Lili had chosen the route that the man was watching.

"Before I tear you limb from limb as a thank-you for stealing my sword, think I'll make you play along...!" he declared with a sadistic twinge in his eyes that he would take everything from her.

In an act of humiliation, the man forcefully removed Lili's robe, sending her belongings cascading to the ground. Left in only her underclothes, she felt powerless to resist. She clutched her still-bleeding nose with one hand, her face contorted with a mixture of pain and frustration.

As his gaze fell upon her possessions, the man's delight was palpable, "Magic stones, a gold watch...Hey, hey! You had a magic sword?! Haaa-ha-ha-ha-ha! So ya stole this, too, eh?", his excitement reached a fever pitch when he spotted the magic sword among her belongings.

With a wicked grin, the man spun the crimson knife in his hand, the blade glinting menacingly in the dim light. His words were tinged with sadistic amusement as he toyed with the dangerous weapon. "Hee-hee-hee-hee...All right, I'll let you off the hook, ya piece-of-shit pallum. After gettin' a present like this from ya, I'll show ya a bit of mercy. Nice guy, ain't I?...Hyaa!"

The man's actions were swift and merciless. Two brutal kicks to Lili's stomach left her doubled over in agony, her breath escaping her lips in a pained gasp, "Ahgg...!". The fear that had been lurking in her mind now erupted into a full-blown panic. She realized the severity of her situation—unless she escaped now, her fate would be at the mercy of this man's cruelty.

Summoning every ounce of strength she could muster, Lili took a deep breath, her eyes darting around for any opportunity to break free. Just as desperation gripped her, a new voice cut through the tense air. "You certainly went all out, Master Ged," the voice called from a distance.

Lili's gaze shifted toward the source of the voice, her heart pounding in her chest, she recognized the newcomer.

Amidst Ged's gloating, Canoe's response was measured and enigmatic. "Is that so?" he murmured, his dark eyes narrowing as he cast a contemplative gaze upon Ged. But he was in such a good mood that he didn't notice.

"Master Ged, I have a suggestion..." Canoe began.

Ged's attention shifted toward the raccoon man, his anticipation palpable as he eagerly inquired, "What's that? Hand it over? Hey, now, I caught the pallum, I should have first dibs on—"

Interrupting Ged's boasts, Canoe's smile bore an air of arrogance as he delivered his suggestion with precision. "That's not quite it. Not just the magic sword, but everything you took from her. I suggest you leave it all on the ground," he said, his finger pointed downward with authority.

"Huh?" Ged's confusion was evident as he glanced at his partner, his puzzled expression betraying his uncertainty. The sudden shift in dynamics left him momentarily off balance, yet he had no time to question as Canoe swiftly produced something from behind him—a bag—and hurled it forward.

The object landed right in front of Lili, and her eyes widened in shock and horror as she recognized the gruesome sight before her: the severed upper half of a killer ant, its body oozing purple liquid from numerous wounds, "K-killer ant...?!" her terrified scream echoed through the air, an involuntary reaction to the grisly display.

Canoe's explanation followed, revealing the intricacies of their plan. "You might have thought at first that all of us were hunting together. There's a chance that Master Ged, who has conquered many floors, is stronger than we are. So the three of us put our heads together and came up with this plan here," he declared, his voice carrying an air of calculated strategy.

Newcomers emerged into the room from separate entrances and as if to emphasize the point, two more killer ant carcasses plopped onto the ground nearby. These barely alive bodies had been split in half, an eerie testament to the alliance between the adventurers.

One of the newcomers bore a scar across his nose, his dark green hair complementing his attire of the same hue. The other, with a distinctive brown afro, was clad in a dark blue open fluffy coat. The three dying ants emitted a collective sound, their cries creating an eerie chorus that reverberated throughout the room, casting an almost otherworldly aura.

In the face of this unexpected turn of events, Lili's mind raced with apprehension. The balance of power had shifted dramatically, and her chances of escaping this dire situation grew increasingly uncertain.

Ged's expression paled, a stark contrast to his previous bravado. His realization struck him like a heavy blow. Killer ants released a special pheromone when they were close to death. It was a call for help, and other killer ants would answer. The situation had transformed from an assured victory into a rapidly escalating crisis.

The ants' frantic calls echoed through the air, attracting the attention of their kin nearby. The room, once the site of a violent confrontation, had now become a dangerous trap, a ticking time bomb waiting to detonate.

"Are you serious?!! Ya piece-of-shit!! That's why ya offered to help!" Ged's incredulous anger burned hot. He finally understood that Canoe's offer of help was nothing more than a meticulously calculated ploy, designed not to trap Lili, but to ensnare him. She was the unwitting bait, and he had fallen into the trap headfirst. It was clear that Canoe had anticipated Ged's intentions, recognizing that it was akin to killing the goose that lays the golden eggs now that Lili had found an adventurer who filled her backpack to the brim with magic stones daily.

There were three ants in that state calling for help. Just how many of their friends would answer?

Canoe's calm demeanor and his allies' stoic expressions were in stark contrast to Ged's panicked outbursts. Even amidst Ged's shouts of frustration, the trio remained disturbingly composed. Only Lili correctly understood Canoe's irrational obsession with money, having been under the influence of Soma herself.

With a tone of mocking amusement, Canoe spoke up again, knowing he held the upper hand. "You don't want to become their prey while you're fighting with us, now do you, Master?" His voice dripped with sinister glee, every word an embodiment of the power shift he had orchestrated.

As several killer ants began to poke their heads into the room from behind him, his terror deepened, "Hyee?!".

This room had four entrances. Canoe and his cronies were standing in front of three of them; the last one now had killer ants in the way. Ged gritted his teeth, shaking in a mixture of fear and anger.

As his frustration peaked, Ged's voice rang out, "Damn! Damn you all!!!", his pale face hardened as he threw everything he'd taken from Lili to the ground.

Canoe grinned as he stepped aside to allow the man to pass. Ged sprinted past, his eyes darting around the room as he assessed his surroundings one last time.

Not a moment later, a scream erupted from the corridor, followed by the sound of a sword clang. Canoe had put another dying killer ant in that corridor before, and Ged had stupidly taken the offered path forward after being betrayed.

The room was abruptly punctuated by Ged's appearance, his battered and desperate figure clawing at the floor, trying to retreat from the corridor's darkness, "No! No! Noooo!!", his screams of denial pierced the air, growing louder as he was dragged back into the shadowed hallway, his desperate pleas echoing until they were abruptly silenced.

Canoe's sinister victory was complete. He had managed to eliminate Ged, an adventurer who was likely stronger than himself, without engaging in direct combat.

Lili's fear intensified. She was no stranger to brutality, but the rapid succession of events had left her shell-shocked. A killer ant stood before her, her injured body immobilized by terror, unable to evade the creature's approaching claws.

Blood sprayed into the air, and the injured killer ant collapsed.

"Are you okay, Arde?" Canoe's voice cut through the tension, his demeanor a stark contrast to his earlier sadistic glee. Lili's wide eyes met his, surprise and confusion etched across her face.

"Mister... Canoe..." Lili stammered, her voice laced with disbelief.

"I came for you, to save you. We are in the same Familia, after all," Canoe explained, his words an attempt to soften his image, to cast himself as a hero rather than a manipulator.

Lili bit her lip, her clenched fists betraying her conflicted emotions. Canoe's partners were holding the killer ants back, for now.

Canoe continued his performance, his voice carefully measured, "That's right, we all came for you, Arde. In this desperate situation, we didn't abandon you, see?"

"...Yes", Lili's gaze remained downcast.

The raccoon man's arm casually draped over Lili's shoulder, as if they were old friends, "...You know what I'm saying, yeah?"

Canoe's eyes might have been looking at the chestnut-haired girl quivering body, but in reality he didn't see her. All he could see was money—to be more specific, the Soma that the money would get him.

"Hey, speed it up! We can't hold them!" the green-haired companion's anxious voice pierced the air.

Canoe's acknowledgment came in a scream of agreement, "I know!", as he moved to reach Lili's backpack.

Rifling through her belongings, his frustration became apparent, "What?!! This amount of items is the only thing you have in you?".

"Don't tell me you ditched that silver beauty?!" he questioned, his tone a mix of anger and disbelief. He stormed back toward Lili, seizing her by the neck and pinning her against the cold dungeon wall.

"Listen, Ti-ny-ru-ca," he sneered, his voice laced with menace. "Tomorrow, you will find her and ask for forgiveness so you can partner with her again." His words were laced with a chilling demand, an ultimatum born of his insatiable greed, "I don't care if you need to beg or use your body," Canoe continued, his voice dripping with sadistic satisfaction, "but you will form a party with her again.".

"Wh-What?!!" A gasp of disbelief echoed from behind them, a shocked response from Canoe's brown afro-haired partner.

"Otherwise I cannot reap your share… He he he" continued Canoe in a malevolent laugh.

"CANOE!!", amid the tension, a sudden shift in atmosphere caught Canoe's attention at the scream of the green-haired male.

"Hm?! What do you wa–" He was abruptly silenced as he turned, his eyes widening in shock and fear.

Time itself seemed to slow as a colossal figure emerged from a passageway.

A white killer ant with crimson eyes, much larger and more fearsome than its counterparts, dominated the scene. Its body was covered in a multitude of robust horn-like protrusions, far more formidable than the usual ant's appendages.

'If you think you're in trouble—it's already too late', that was a phrase that was hammered by experience in the minds of adventurers. Experienced adventurers were always wary of irregularities in the Dungeon and tried their best to avoid encountering them, since once they noticed something was wrong, it was already too late.

The monster looking at them was an enhanced species, and another similar one seemed to be looking from behind the first, they were attracted by the pheromones of the room.

Canoe's group, driven by fear and self-preservation, made a chaotic retreat, their individual survival taking precedence over teamwork. The sounds of hurried footsteps and fading shouts filled the air as they each raced to find safety, leaving Lili behind without a second thought.

In the midst of this turmoil, Lili remained rooted to the spot, her heart racing and her breath shallow. She surveyed the room, her eyes taking in the chaotic scene before her. The enhanced white killer ants had been attracted by the pheromones of the injured ones, drawn to the scene of battle. Yet, in an unexpected twist of fate, they eventually retreated, their interest seemingly lost.

Lili looked around the room and there were many normal killer ants coming from all the entrances of the room, even the one that Canoe's party left from, it seemed they didn't kill the ants and just pushed them away from their path.

Lili's gaze settled on her backpack, now perilously close to a cluster of ants. The realization dawned upon her: retrieving her backpack would be no easy task, and doing so risked injury or worse.

Surveying her surroundings, the chestnut-haired girl's keen instincts led her to the single entrance that remained devoid of the usual red ants—The passage that the white ants had come from seemed to be her only escape route since they were big and occupied space, a narrow opportunity amid the encroaching danger.

Lili was smart, she utilized her knowledge and experience to her advantage. With the room still filled with the pheromones released by the injured killer ants, she reasoned that it would act as a lure to other ants in the vicinity. The scent would not only attract the ants back to the room, but it might also deter them from pursuing her.

Summoning every ounce of determination she had left, Lili pushed her battered body to continue moving. Despite her exhaustion and injuries, she couldn't afford to stop. Her mind was focused solely on escaping the room and putting as much distance as possible between herself and the encroaching danger.

Move! Move! I just need to get out of this room!

Lili's thoughts became a mantra, driving her forward. Each step was a battle against pain and fear, but she couldn't allow herself to succumb to either. Her heart raced, and her breath came in labored gasps, but she pushed on.

Using her knowledge of monster behavior, she trailed behind the large white ants that were ahead, using them as a temporary shield from the pursuing red ants. The red ants, torn between their instincts to pursue her and the allure of the pheromones behind them, moved more slowly than they should have.

I can make it!

She pressed on through the corridor, her footsteps echoing in the damp darkness of the Dungeon. Her small body bore the marks of her struggle, injuries sustained in her desperate escape, but she couldn't afford to slow down.

As she continued to move, Lili noticed that the white ants took a side passage that led deeper into the Dungeon, rather than upwards. A flicker of hope ignited within her.

Lili lowered her chestnut eyebrows and closed her eyes, "Your scars are mine. My scars are mine", as she muttered the incantation under her breath, her physicality shifted once more.

Her chestnut hair darkened to a rich brown, and her human ears were replaced by the sleek, pointed ears of a cat. A matching tail swished elegantly beneath her skirt, and her eyes turned a captivating shade of golden brown. In an instant, she had transformed into a catgirl, embracing a form that enhanced her reflexes and agility.

Her new appearance wasn't just a practical choice for gaining more speed; it held emotional weight too. The act of using her magic to alter her look had become a psychological crutch, a way to shield herself from the world and the pain of her past, and a habit over the years of stealing from adventurers.

As she moved forward, leaving the red ants and the white ants behind, her mind raced with both determination and caution. She knew that ahead lay the stairs leading to the 6th floor, a step closer to potential safety.

But the Dungeon was very sly. Like a salivating hunter toying with its prey, the Dungeon didn't go in for the kill all at once but strategically wore its meal down. Occasionally having monsters howl at adventurers from afar, sometimes shaking the ground beneath their feet with strong quakes. And, of course, consistently birthing monsters at just the right time to cut off their escape.

A sudden cracking sound, the tearing of stone and mortar, caught her attention. Her cat ears twitched, her gaze shifting toward the disturbance. Pieces of the Dungeon wall are breaking off and falling to the floor. A massive, three-fingered hand bursts through the crack. It's flexing, grabbing at the air.

The hand was soon followed by a foot, then another hand, until the entire creature emerged from the shattered wall. It landed on the Dungeon floor with a resounding thud, and the final remnants of the wall crumbled around its feet.

The shadow is about 5 feet tall. Its entire body, head to toe, fingertip to fingertip, is pitch black. Shape-wise, it looks almost human. It has no skin pattern or hair, just a smooth black shadow. Its head looks like a pointed plus sign, with a big, silver, round part in the middle.

The freaky war shadow straightens up and turns to face Lili. And two more shadows emerged from behind, a trio of them advancing from the 6th floor.

Her mind raced, evaluating the situation at breakneck speed. With her partial shapeshifting abilities, she could transform her hands into werewolf or monster-like claws, makeshift weapons to fend off these shadowy assailants.

But even that small advantage wouldn't be enough to guarantee her safety. Her body trembled, her breathing coming in short, anxious gasps. She was acutely aware of her own vulnerability—her injuries, her lack of proper weaponry, and her exhaustion. There was no way she could outrun the war shadows in this state.

Lili's face turned pale. She collapsed to the floor like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Her thin arms managed to break her fall.

She found herself lying there, staring at the opposite wall with a strange laughter bubbling from her lips—a laugh that held a raw, fractured quality, born from the absurdity of her circumstances.

So this is how it ends.

There was no reason to laugh, but she couldn't help it.

If this is some kind of punishment for everything up till now, it's far too cruel.

The war shadows advanced relentlessly, their eerie forms closing in on Lili. Escape was an elusive dream, her movements confined by their encircling presence.

"...Lili's...sad," her voice trembled, a whisper amidst the encroaching shadows.

A professional supporter, always cast into the role of an afterthought. In the world of adventurers, the weight she carried went unnoticed. No remorse for the ones who bore the burden, who fell under the load. Useless, replaceable.

Her pathetic self. Lili hated the person she was most of all.

"Gods...why...?" Her voice quivered with anguish, questioning the heavens themselves.

"Tell me, Gods, are you punishing me?" The words escaped her lips, an echo of despair.

It's like I'm crushed by the weight of the world...

Her existence had always been a sidelight, never a focal point. No one ever called out to her. No one ever depended on her. She was the perpetual outsider, used but never needed.

She despised her own fragility, the way her life seemed to dance to someone else's tune. The threads of control pulled by unseen hands.

"Why...why did you make Lili, Lili...?" The question hung in the air, a plea laced with bitterness.

Longing to shed her own identity, the chestnut-haired girl yearned to be someone different, anyone but herself. Even the magic she learned showed that she didn't want to be herself.

She had wished that she could go to the gods and ask for a reset more times than she could remember. She wanted to become a different Lili—any Lili was better than this one.

"...That's right. It doesn't matter anymore," she murmured, her eyes locked on the advancing forms.

One war shadow was so close it looked gigantic from her line of sight.

"...So lonely," the words slipped from her lips, unexpected and raw.

In the final moments, her emotions came surging forth, unfiltered by the constraints of the world she had always known.

Lili's realization was stark and piercing. The truth, so long elusive, now stood bare before her.

Loneliness had always lingered, a silent companion to her solitude.

Oh...Lili was lonely.

She acknowledged the bittersweet epiphany. Not having anyone to rely on or depend on her made her lonely. Despite being accustomed to being alone, the ache of loneliness had persisted, an unyielding emptiness.

"So that was it, Lili..." Her voice trailed off, realization settling like dust.

In her heart, she yearned for connection. The understanding that she longed to be needed and wanted, not just an expendable tool.

Regret washed over her, knowing that only now, at this precipice, had she come to understand the depth of her yearning.

The nearest war shadow poised to strike, its claws gleaming with a deadly intent.

The tiny girl whom no one would save, the girl who was worth nothing, the lonely girl...

She could reset at last.

Finally, Lili can...

...And Lili was so close to finding someone, too...

Maybe Lili should have gone with Lady Shalltear after all...

She lightly smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek.

And then... the war shadow's claw penetrated her chest... but something strange happened... red chains encircled the war shadows, freezing them in place.

A crimson light emanated from below, casting an eerie glow on the scene.

Suddenly, a blur of movement streaked towards them with a velocity that seemed to warp reality, creating a shockwave that rent the Dungeon walls asunder.

Shalltear's deceleration brought her near Lili and the war shadows, her presence a whirlwind of power.

In an instant, the delayed sonic boom of the silver-haired female's movement and then her incantation, "Mass Hold Species" echoed through the air.

Wide-eyed, her gaze fixed on Lili, her voice a desperate shout, "LILI!" She sprung into action, her fierce determination palpable. The other two war shadows met their end swiftly under her onslaught.

With a high potion retrieved from her inventory, Shalltear moved with precision, one hand slowly yanking the war shadow's claw from Lili's chest, while the other poured the potion into the wound, its healing properties seeping through.

High potions were renowned for their ability to staunch blood flow, mend broken bones, and treat grave injuries.

Once she took the entire claw out of Lili's body, Shalltear compared how deep the claw had made inside Lili's body by seeing the length from where she had gripped the claw.

It appeared the wound hadn't penetrated too deeply, sparing internal organs from harm's way.

Her eyes welled with relief, her tense shoulders relaxing as the threat dissipated. She hurled the war shadow's remains behind her without sparing it another glance, the impact against the wall an explosive release.

"Lili! Are you alright?!" Shalltear's voice was shaky, her grip on Lili's shoulder almost painful in its intensity.

Another potion was retrieved, and she guided it to Lili's lips with urgency. The chestnut-haired girl's dazed expression gave way to a faint cough, like a spark of life returning.

"...Lady Shalltear?" Lili's voice trembled, her gaze meeting the silver-haired female.

"Yes, it's me! You're okay, right?" Shalltear's own voice was a mixture of relief and emotion, her tears falling freely. A smile blossomed across her features as if a weight had lifted.

Warmth surged through Lili's body, pushing back the cold that had gripped her. Shalltear's embrace was almost painfully tight, conveying both strength and vulnerability.

"...Why?" Lili's voice quivered, words pouring out before she could control them.

"Eh?" Shalltear's brows furrowed in confusion, her embrace loosening as she looked down at Lili.

"Why did you do it? Why did you save Lili? Why didn't you just abandon Lili?" Her mouth started moving on its own. There was something else she should be saying right now, but other words were spilling out. The floodgates were open.

"Lili is a bad, bad person! A thief! Lili's a piece-of-shit pallum who lied to you over and over and only wanted to use you! Lili's not worthy to be your supporter, much less part of your familia!" Lili screamed.

Shalltear's expression remained serene, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Even still...even still, Lady Shalltear saved Lili?! WHY??!!" Lili's voice trembled, her words desperate, as if seeking an answer to an unanswerable question.

Her breaths came fast, her chest rising and falling in rapid succession as her gaze locked onto Shalltear's silver hair.

"Because I need you, because I value you," Shalltear's response was gentle, her smile genuine as she met Lili's gaze.


Lili's whole being felt like it was ablaze. Emotions surged within her, their intensity bewildering. It was as if Shalltear's words had ignited something deep within her.

Shalltear's actions now seemed to align with her words, demonstrating her sincere care for Lili, even if she struggled to fully comprehend what it was that Shalltear saw in her.

A hand, open and inviting, was extended toward Lili, the palm upturned as Shalltear spoke softly, "If you come with me, I will wipe away all of your tears, I will fight away all of your fears, and I will hold your hand through all your years."

Lili's tear ducts gave out, her emotions overwhelming her like a tidal wave. A torrent of tears streamed down her cheeks, her sobs shaking her frail frame.

"Hic...waaaaaah!" Unable to contain her feelings any longer, the chestnut-haired girl's anguish burst forth in a heart-rending cry.

"Hic...! Waaahhh..." She found herself enveloped in Shalltear's arms as she buried her face into the other girl's chest, clinging tightly. Her grip was desperate, as if she feared letting go.

Shalltear's touch was a soothing balm, her hands tenderly caressing Lili's head and back, offering comfort in every stroke. Lili wanted someone to accept the one thing she hated most: Lili.

"Sorry...so, so sorry...!" Lili's voice trembled between sobs, her words a heartfelt confession of her inner turmoil.

"...It's okay, everything will be alright, Lili." The silver-haired female's voice was soft, a reassurance that cut through the storm of the chestnut-haired girl's emotions.

The echoes of Lili's cries reverberated through the air, a release of the pain and suffering she had carried for so long.