
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

The City Of Night

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Yo ladies and gents hope you enjoy the chapter! once again constructive criticism, plot holes, ideas that you can point out to me would be very appreciated!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Bell POV

Outside Hearth Manor In a little corner

Welf-san, Lili-san, Merlin-sensei and I wait for Mikoto-san to allegedly escape to some weird shady business.

It's been 20 minutes. And I begin to lose patience and confidence in this operation...

"Are you sure, this is ok? Do you think she really will go out...?" I ask everyone with an impatient frown.

"Patience my dear student! You just got healed out of at least 2 days of inactivity. You can afford to spare a little patience for a probably plot relevant event can't you?" Merlin-sensei says sagely as he rubs his scaly chin as if he had a beard looking at me like an old man would look at his foolish grandson.

"Lili san wagers to give it 20 more minutes before we abort this mission." Lili-san offers us all

""Agreed"" We all agree, except one. Now who could it be I wonder?

"No! Mizoto is probably going to continue her probably running human trafficking ring down in the underground of Orario! How could you let something like this continue?! NO! It's our job to stop her!" Merlin-sensei delusionally yells out his refusal to leave this probably useless operation as he stares at us in shock at our lack of humanity.

"Your exaggerating Deadbeat-Dragon, she is acting weird, but it doesn't mea..." Welf-san says to Merlin-sensei as he gets interrupted to by us seeing Mikoto-san from a distance jumping over the fence of our manor.

We mechanically and slowly turn our heads towards Merlin-sensei's direction as we grimly notice a goofy and toothy grin on his draconic face. We decide to follow her thoughtlessly as Welf-san speaks

"Don't say it..." Welf-san warns with a pointed look at Merlin-sensei as he sits smugly on my shoulder.

"I..." He begins

""No..." We collectively say

"Told..." He continues.

""Please Don't..." We collectively and politely ask

"You..." He continues once again.

""..."" We decide it's better to accept our fate as we keep our silence

"SO!" Merlin-sensei screams out the last word of his intended sentence in a happy manner and extremely loudly probably jeopardizing our whole following operation.

"NOT SO LOUD MERLIN-SAMA!" Lili-san our resident professional stalker, says in a whispered shout at Merlin-sensei as she is shocked he roared out that word so loud.

"Relax, no one but you guys can hear, see and touch me, remember?" Merlin-sensei says placatingly with a wave of his hand paw thing the small detail he mentioned in the bath.

""Oh, right"" we collectively whisper as we sigh in relief believing our cover to have been blown.

Whilst this conversation goes we continue to carefully follow Mikoto-san.

-Short Time Skip-

Streets Of Orario

"What a weird amalgamation and mixed mishmash of architectures you guys have here huh..." Merlin-sensei says offhandedly and in wonder as he finally has a chance to observe the outside world

"It's because of all the different gods and adventurers from around the world that come here for the dungeon and their dreams Merlin-sensei" I explain in a whisper, also finding it fascinating upon arriving here initially.

"Look! Mikoto-sama is meeting someone" Lili-san who was in our front stops as she points to what she sees.

We approach Lili and look for Mikoto-san, and see she is meeting Chigusa-san.

As it seems Chigusa-san and Mikoto-san continue to walk somewhere together, We continue our pursuit silently.

Until we see them arrive at a suspicious looking gate with guards, leading to a part of town where the lights are red? and the architecture looks radically different to what is the usual around here???

"What?! No way?! There?!?!" Welf-san says in shock as we continue to follow them inside passing the guards, upon entering we see many men and loosely dressed women talking to each other, radiating a rather... Sensual atmosphere in this weird place.

Hotel like buildings and red lamps spread all around the streets reinforcing the weird vibe here, with a very peculiar smell. Pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit in my head as to what this place is but Merlin-sensei seems to have understood faster. At least judging by his reaction.

"Ohhhh Myyyyy~" Merlin-sensei says in a scandalous and weirdly manly tone as he forms a teasing smile. Making Welf-san and especially Lili-san to turn even more exasperated and grim accordingly.

And I am pretty sure where we are as my face turns bright red and I gulp internally as the deeper we walk the more intense the cat calls and... Smells get.

"It seems my first active story arc in this world is happening... In a pleasure district! How... Exciting!" Merlin-sensei mentions in wonder and excitement. to our deadpan and suffering unable to get used to his antics and gibberish

"Now Bell! Onwards! To the Bitches!" Merlin-sensei says vulgarly in amusement as he points at the nearest hot babes... That are approaching us and looking specifically at me.

"Hey white hair boy... Want to spend the night with me~?" She purrs as she grabs me by she shoulder as her hand phases through Merlin-sensei? bringing me closer to her making me even more bright in the red and causing me to mutter.

"H-Hu, So-rr.." My brain malfunctions from the sense overload.

"Meh, pass on this one Bell, my great judgement of character (self proclaimed) indicates that she doesn't have a great personality!" Merlin-sensei throws his 2 cents on the situation nonchalantly ignoring the hand phasing through his body.

"HE HAS SOMEONE" Erupts Lili-san in rage? as she saves me from the rather attractive woman

"I'll let the stutter slide, this shits a bit outa your league." Merlin-sensei says mercifully, deciding not to smack me up in the street.

" *Sigh* I never wanted Bell-sama to ever come here if I could help it. And this seems like the last place those girls would go to... If I knew they were coming here I would've never let Bell-sama come as well..." Lili-san sighs, as she says in a frustrated tone rubbing her forehead. As I nod in agreement, this place is too much for me

We continue to follow Mikoto-san and Chigusa-san as they also seem overwhelmed by the place.

"This place is as troublesome as ever... Can't get used to the smells here." Welf-san says in disgust at this place as he holds his nose.

"It seems Emiya Shirou was a naughty naughty boy... All that iron smacking must of given the urges to do some flesh smacking no?" Merlin-sensei mentions teasingly at Welf-sans comment with an ever widening toothy grin.

"A coworker forcibly dragged me here after drinks out... This place wasn't my vibe so I left immediately... Don't get any wrong conclusions here..." Welf-san justified himself in a deadpan

"Of course that's what happened you horny bastard! Hahhahaha!" Merlin-sensei responded laughingly as he expressed his very polite opinion.

'His vulgar words are always a sight to behold' Lili-san thought to herself in wonder as she shakes her head.

Welf-san decided to not dignify the scaly bastard (Self-proclaimed as well) with a response

As the conversation dies down we notice that some rich looking men are trying to pick up Chigusa-san and Mikoto-san

"Can't get more cliché than that right there." Merlin-sensei mentions in a deadpan as he points at the ensuing situation with his hand paw thing.

"Shit! We got to move!" Welf-san says in a rush as he and Lili run forward to deal with the ensuing pick up.

As I am about to do so as well, I feel something squishy and soft on my back and a hand grabbing my waist. Upon turning around to discover who stopped me I meet the eyes of another rather attractive woman with her face mere inches away from mine.

I respond according to my natural survival instincts.

"S-Sorr, got, to GO!" I scream out as I freeze with a gasp

"Amazing boy... You're so cute... Spend the night with me." The unknown attractive stranger responds as she brings her face ever closer and drags me away

"KYAAAAAA" As I yell out as I also move my head expertly to dodge any lip kisses letting them land on my cheeks.

"Stick training profit!" Merlin-sensei adds satisfied as I suffer.

'Not the weirdest instance of Stick training profit I've ever seen, but definitely up there. Probably top 10?' Merlin-sensei thought to himself in question at the oddity of my first actual use and benefit of the Stick training.

Upon regaining my senses I get out of her grip and run, And meet another woman! and it happens again! and again! and again! and again!

As a seemingly escape-get caught-get kissed-escape loop seems to continue Merlin-sensei is oddly keeping silent.

'Honestly, I would've commented around the end of the 1st session of this strange loop. But upon discovering this virgin protection loop phenomena, I in my infinite wisdom have decided to observe and mentally catalogue this event! In my humble and completely based draconic opinion this will be useful in the not so near future!' Merlin-san thought to himself in a analytical manner as he held a hand to his scaly chin, deciding to use my suffering as both a research product and a probably future embarrassment tool against me.


After what seems like an eternity I Sigh in relief having managed to escape into a street where there is no hunter, I mean woman that is coming to capture me and use me as their lip wrestling practice dummy.

"M-Merlin-sensei why didn't you help me?!" I ask in exhaustion and indignation turning my head to the right to stare at him on my shoulder.

"Don't ask questions... And you wont hear lies!" Merlin-sensei responds with a closed eye smile, dodging my question with the finesse of a dead rat. I roll my eyes at that and calm down and wipe my face from all the lipstick... And discover We're lost, as I walk around in despair.

"Don't fret over the small stuff Bell! When you're lost that means you're in a new, undiscovered area that has OH so much potential!" Merlin-sensei lectures optimistically as he tries to calm me down

"I mean look around! What a treasure trove this is!" Merlin-sensei says as he ruins his calming and perhaps even motivating lecture as he points at a woman with exceptionally large breasts.

"A treasure trove I say!" Merlin-sensei repeats pathetically the conclusion of his phrase with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Let's just go..." I say tiredly and in anxiety as I carefully maneuver the streets careful not to meet the eyes of any woman. and turn to look at a bright building with a window. Only to notice a fox-like beast girl?

With a fox-like look, long blonde hair, fox ears, long blonde and furry tail and Far Eastern clothing. An exotic and beautiful look she has indeed.

'A... Renard? She's beautiful...' I thought to myself in wonder as she suddenly meets my eyes for a second, and then next second... She's gone when someone blocks my view of her?

"I see, she's probably vital to this arc of the story and will most definitely appear later, she had that appear for a second then disappear instantly shtick. Seen it many times! Bell! Remember her face!" Merlin-sensei explains his cliché detection skills and commands me to be ready for it.

"Hai! Merlin-sensei!" I decide to roll with it and meet Sensei's command with a salute. Making others look at me strangely as if I am hallucinating something... Wonder why they think that?

"Oh! Bell-kun!" A stranger says in a pleasant surprise as he begins to approach me judging by the sound of footsteps.

I turn around to see Hermes-sama?!

"Hermes-sama?!" I ask in shock staring at him

"Well, this guy definitely looks like a jackass in my humble and completely based draconic opinion, oh and he's a god at that!" Merlin-sensei comments neutrally his first impression of the god seemingly judging his looks.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here Bell-kun! Well, you must be at that age after all! hahaha!" Hermes-sama comments as he teases me

"Seen anyone you like?" he says bringing his face closer with a wink

"O-Oh no! It's not like that! W-why are you here Hermes-sama?" I vehemently deny my reason for being here for a more worldly desire, and dodge the question with my own question.

"W-Well Bell, you can't ask another man the reason he is here! But do promise me I was never here ok?" Hermes-sama answers and asks me with a worried whisper to keep his presence here a secret. I nod wordlessly

"Great! in exchange as a promise between men have this!" Hermes-sama says as he claps his hands with a reassuring smile. taking out a vial of something out of his pocket and handing it to me.

"Hermes-sama what is this?" I ask with a tilt of my head as I hold the strange vial.

"Probably drugs." Merlin-sensei says with certainty as he nods his head.

"You think so?!!" I scream out as I make eye contact with Merlin-sensei on my shoulder

"Umm, Bell-kun? Who are you talking to?" Asks Hermes-sama genuinely confused staring at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"O-Oh! No one! HAHHAHAHA! Anyways what is this?" I lie absolutely horribly as I scratch the back of my head and repeat my previous question. At that Hermes-sama looks at me suspiciously and raises his eyebrow looking at me seriously.

'He's onto us, or at the very least suspects Bell was somehow communicating with something that was not there. As that asymmetrical goddess explained to me, mortals cant lie to gods.' Merlin-sensei confirms the situation nodding to himself as he thought at my blunder.

'Oh well! That seems like Bells problem no? Will probably bite his ass not mine! Not that anything that bites my ass can get out of it alive hahahah!!!!' Merlin-sensei laughed deciding not to worry about it and threw that concern to the metaphorical garbage can.

"Alright! This is aphrodisiac Bell-kun! Anyways I'll be off so let's both enjoy ourselves tonight!" Hermes-sama in a mood change reveals all jolly like the containments of the vial. As he then bids me a quick farewell and walks a good distance away.

"W-what?!?! Wait Hermes-sama!!! I don't need this!!!" I scream out as I run to chase after him

"You could probably just sell this ya know. Aphrodisiacs can get rather expensive! your apparent debt isn't going anywhere you know!" Merlin-sensei explains boringly as I ignore him and continue to run to Hermes-sama wherever he went.


Welf POV

As I manage to disperse the men that were trying to pick up Chigusa-san and Mikoto-san they sigh a thankful sigh

"T-Thank you for saving us Welf-dono, Lili-dono." Mikoto-san thanks us for the save with a relieved tone. As Chigusa-san nods a thankful nod.

"It's no problem, but next time don't go to this place alone." I say to them in a scolding manner giving them chastising glances.

"Before you ask, although it was rude, we decided to follow you since you were acting very strange and wanted to make sure you were ok." Lil Lili explained to them before they had a chance to ask why we were here in the first place.

"We are now in the same familia, so if anything happens you should reach out to us." I say sadly hoping Mikoto would of relied on us in her time of need.

"I'm sorry, It was my idea..." Chigusa apologized in her usual silent voice with tiredness in it.

"Chigusa came to me yesterday and told me a good friend of ours, from back when we were children in the Far East was working here. Since she is of noble birth it was hardly believable, so we decided to come here to confirm ourselves. We would've told you once we confirmed anything... Sorry!" Mikoto-san explained apologetically as she bowed her head to us in a 90 degree angle

"By working here you mean...?" I ask in grim realization

"Coming to this place does explain why you wouldn't tell us anything after all... But still you should of told us. Anyways let's get out of here and collect information outside of this place, it bothers Lili very much." Lil Lili explains and chastises both the girls as she tries to get us out of here as fast as possible and consequently remove the chances of Bell losing his purity.

"Wait. Where is Bell?" I ask in realization as my eyes widen in panic

"Bell-dono came here with you?" Mikoto-san asks with a tilted head.

All of us look around and see no sign of a white haired boy.

""OH SHIT!!!!!!!!"" I and Lil Lili shout out in realization.


Bell POV

I continue to chase the general direction Hermes-sama went to return the vial, and as I turn a corner I am met with a large chest inches from my face, I react quickly and sidestep and notice a buxom amazoness.

"O-Oh! Sorry! Are you ok?!" I ask in worry as I look towards the amazoness.

"Oh~ I haven't seen you before" Purrs the amazoness as she approaches me inspecting me like a piece of meat.

"You're quite enticing boy~" She responds having finished her spine chilling analysis of my body and getting dangerously close

"My name is Aisha. Would you like to buy me for tonight?" Aisha-san asks as she gets her face inches away from mine and she suddenly grabs hold of me in a rather strong grip

"O-Oh no, I'm not here for any..." I stutter out in panic as I stop and realize... I cant get out of her grip?!?! She's stronger than me!

"Quite the precarious situation my dear student. It appears you have met a woman who you cant escape! It seems you have no choice but to comply to an older, very hot and more experienced woman to satisfy your carnal desires! How tragic!" Merlin-sensei comments on my really precarious situation in a teasing manner probably internally laughing at my anguish. As he ignores Aisha-sans hand phasing through his body and I twitch at his comment.

"Oh My Aisha-san who is that? Is he your customer for the night~?" Asks a different amazoness who appeared behind us. As I turn to take a glance I notice several amazonesses surrounding us.

'NOT GOOD NOT GOOD NOT GOOD!' I panic internally

"He's quite cute isn't he? He looks quite innocent" Aisha san responds as she licks her lips.

"HEEP!" I heep in a panic.

"Can you quit it with those pathetic reactions my guy? Like you better pray and thank your "Hestia-sama" that I'm not smacking you up right here right now." Reacts Merlin-sensei to my very cringe reactions and sounds that in regular circumstances would of led me to be in very serious pain, practically growling at me. I react as I have been disciplined to react.

"I'M SORRY MERLIN-SENSEI!!!!!!!!" I apologize to Merlin-sensei attempting to salute however failiing due to my hand being held by Aisha-san.

The amazonesses stare at me with a raised eyebrow, confused at my apology and antics.

"HAHAHAH! You're cute boy! Apologizing to your sensei when he isn't here! How honest!" Aisha-san heartily laughs as she finds me even more... Enticing?! As the one of the amazonesses notices something about me and she gets extremely close to my face to inspect it.

"Oi! Aisha that's little rookie! The one from the war game!" She points out happily and excitedly.

"White hair, red eyes! Yes! Little rookie!" They all begin to realize my identity?

""The record holder for fastest rank-up in history!"" They shout out simultaneously. Forming a predatory grin on each of their faces, making my face go blue.

"I found him first he's mine! No one gets him!" Aisha-san says as she pushes my face deep in her ample bossom.

""Awwwww"" They react sadly to Aisha-sans command

"N-No! Wrong! I came here to find my familia members is all! Nothing else!!!!" I stutter out in a panic to try and get out of this situation looking at them beggingly. As one of the attractive amazonesses comes and grabs the vial?!?

"Yeah, sure you came here to have fun didn't you~?" She says teasingly as she sways the vial infront of my eyes as she stares deep into my soul.

"Look, this thing is expensive~" She continues her point

"Alright! Lets get moving!" Aisha-san says as she forcibly drags me away leaving me no room to escape.

""Everyone! We're bringing someone home!"" They amazonesses scream out!

"W-Wait! I can't explain why but you've got it all wrong! Please!!!!!!" I scream out, however this does not deter them the slightest as we move towards the direction of a very large familia house.

"Impressive Bell! You decide to keep that gods secret at the potential cost of your chastity! A stupid decision... I approve!" Merlin-sensei says impressed with my actions as he gives me a pawed thumbs up. As I turn to look at him begging with my eyes for help as I stare at his amethyst ones as he twitches from my stare.

"Personally, I think the joke is going a bit too far... Let's hope you have a chance to escape! Anyways don't worry! Although I believe it a waste you could still use one of my two boons to get out of here! Waste of a life saving boon in my humble and completely based draconic opinion! But, whatever floats your boat!" Merlin-sensei mentions seriously as he holds up his scaly chin with his arm paw thing looking weird with a hand phasing through him. As his amusement for the situation is running dry and he begins to sympathize with me?! How out character!

"For now though! I'll enjoy the situation as much as possible! Suffer greatly my dear student! And try not to get banged by multiple amazonesses! HAHAHAHAH!" Merlin-sensei gets back into character and laughs at my misery and proceeds to squeeze out his enjoyment of my suffering as much as possible... And here I thought there was hope for him. As I stare disappointed at him whilst we get dragged away...

-Time Skip-

A Not So Mysterious And Very Large Building

Bell POV

As we open the door of an extremely large building I beg

"P-Please let me go! I didn't come here for this!!!" I beg the literal kidnappers to let me go and that there was a misunderstanding. They all collectively look at me, raise an eyebrow and ignore me, while one of them waves the aphrodisiac in my direction in a non-believing manner and we continue to move into the building and see very impressive and decorated halls and stairs and room entrances.

"Fancy place. Not bad. Bell! I suggest once you're stronger to raid them and take over this base!" Merlin-sensei casually suggested an illegal takeover.

"If you make it out of this the same! HAHAHAHAHA!" Merlin-sensei continues laughing at me.

'Bipolar Dragon... Didn't you feel bad for me a few minutes ago? Or maybe he has a split personality?' I thought to myself in disappointment never quite getting too close to figuring Merlin-sensei out.

"So! I call dibs on getting Little Rookie after Aisha!" one of the amazonesses yelled out.

"What? No fair! I'm getting him after Aisha!" Another cried out as a looming argument on who gets me after Aisha-san is about to commence until...

"Is your prey for the night that human, Aisha?" Asks a different voice as we turn around to see it's owner

A practically naked amazoness looking woman, undoubtedly beautiful who has a seemingly apathetic man near her, as she holds a pipe?

"Ishtar-sama?" Aisha-san says in a questioning tone.

"Ishtar-sama don't look at him!!!!" Screams out one of the amazonesses in desperation as she tackles me to the ground without warning. Causing Merlin-sensei to fall out of my shoulder and onto the ground making him lose his grin.

"OI SLUT?! NEXT TIME THAT SHIT HAPPENS YOU WONT REMEMBER THE NEXT TI..." Consequently Merlin-sensei throws out the worst slurs I have ever heard in my life, some in unknown languages in rapid fire motion as he dusts himself off and floats in the air staring at the unassuming amazoness with a gaze that promises things worse than death.

'W-Wow...' I think speechless at Merlin-sensei's probably colorful language as I momentarily forget just in what kind of situation I really am at.

"Ishtar-sama! you'll just charm him and take him away from us!" Another of the amazonesses thankfully explains the probable reason for my tackle.

'W-Wait Ishtar-sama?!' I think in shock as I have a flashback to Eina-san explaining to me about the Ishtar Familia and how I for some unknown reason should NEVER get to know or associate with them. Now I know why...

'Doesn't that mean this is... The home of the Ishtar Familia?!?!' I realize in panic (Wow, who could've guessed that one chief?)

"Don't worry, I have a guest today, I have no time to deal with inexperienced boys..." Ishtar-sama waves off their concerns and moves towards a distant room.

With that Lena the apparent amazoness that tackled me is starting to strangle me with her bossom turning my face blue from lack of oxygen.

"OI! Lena leave him!!!!!!!!" One of the other amazonesses commands her, as Lena-san gives me some breathing room to allow me to vocalize my thoughts on the situation


"Oh~ Little Rookie has a sensei? Juicy info girls!" One of the amazonesses analyzes my outburst quickly as an expert woman would. As the aforementioned Merlin-sensei floats above me analyzing the situation in a thinking posture. Seemingly sitting in the air and placing a scaly fist under his chin?

"Oh dearie, the chances of escape have really dropped drastically haven't they? Well! Bell! I suggest to escape at the slightest chance! My professional (Self proclaimed) opinion dictates that you use my boon the second they are about to ravage you! Not any earlier! I believe in your protagonist luck! And after all! The story needs to keep it's Ecchi tags, not Hentai tags! So... You'll be fine! ... Probably!" Merlin-sensei reassured me, flashing me a smile and a thumbs up as I lay bear hugged by an amazoness...

'Worst 2 days of my life...' I think in desperation tears forming in my eyes

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Yo guys and gals! Hope the chapter was enjoyable, as you may notice the story will be going extremely slowly, honestly the 100k words estimation to finish the danmachi section truly isnt enough... Probably optimistically speaking 250k-500k words would be enough? LMAO

Anyways! thanks for reading and constructive criticism will truly be appreciated! Have a nice rest of the day!

-Author Note End-