
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Rumors Stinky Rumors

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-

True, true, I completely understand and sympathize with you! Yes, it's been a long time since the last chapter! But fear not! BurgerNoTomatoes never forgets about his dear readers! And so! Here's a chapter!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

It's been a week following the disbandment of the Ishtar Familia. The power vacuum created through the absence of such a significant power in Orario was swiftly gulped up by the strongest and now the most influential Familia in all of the dungeon city. The Freya Familia. Around 40% of the former grunts of Ishtar's Familia were taken into the employment of Freya herself. Whether as adventurers or to continue their work in the Pleasure Quarter. The Loki Familia, on the surface and to the knowledge of most of the common folk in Orario, had no outward reaction. Of course, the more astute individuals and Familias easily concluded how much of a blow this was to Loki's position as the arguably strongest Familia in Orario. Now, this is no longer an argument. She is, without the shadow of a doubt. Number 2. Wealth, Power and Influence. Number 2 in it all!

The Guild investigation that was supported by the Freya Familia itself, resulted in confirming Finn's dreadful suspicions. Most of the information was kept privately in the guild, not for the public ear. lest they create chaos. Freya of course, was forced to keep quiet about this.

What is this knowledge? Well, the publicly available result of the investigation is summarized as thus: "Illegal Monster Auctions, Inhumane acts, Slavery, Illegal Substances and much much more." All this, under the name of the Ishtar Familia with her signature as well. just the perfect evidence allowing to place complete blame on her, but we carry on.

The more elusive knowledge however, is the evidence backing up the existence of remnants of an evil organization. Evilus. Believed to have been wiped out by Gale Wind a few years back. Of course, concrete members have not been found, Despite this there is still documents and trades there to raise a few questions on whether or not their wiping out was as thorough and complete as initially suspected.

Nevertheless, following the investigation. Freya Familia was allowed partial claim to the Pleasure Quarter, in place of Ishtar. As the guild could not spare enough resources to take care of such a vacuum. Freya proving to be a valiant ally and the perfect solution to the chaos and anarchy going on in that macro society. It really all went according to her plan.

And to make it worse for Finn and the Loki Famila? The only punishment to the utter mayhem Freya herself caused. Was to assist alongside with them in... The war with Rakia, that is currently in it's boiling point - moments from being sent to the battlefield to fight the pathetic army.

Of course, for our Party of misfits. The Hestia Familia, this wasn't something to truly worry about nor really care about. What they do care about though, is the other incredibly tiny and rather insignificant rumor spreading around, through unknown sources... Or is it known? You can piece it together!

The rumor that: "Little Rookie Has A Mentor. His name is Merlin." In hindsight, this isn't really that scandalous of a rumor. Sure, many people and adventurers in Orario have or have had a mentor. However, this isn't just anyone were talking about.

This is THE Little Rookie. The current Record Holder for Ranking up the fastest. He reached Level 2 in a month. The previous record holder, Ais Wallenstein, held the record for reaching Level 2 in a year. No matter how you look at it, it's a ridiculous comparison. Bell Cranel, was 12 times as fast as Ais Wallenstein, the Sword Princess herself. Now, with the limited information the denizens of Orario all have on him, they can only credit this achievement at the boy's ridiculous potential - one that seems to be far greater than anyone, even the Sword Princess. As hard as that is to believe.

But, a new perhaps more plausible explanation in relation to Bell Cranel's absurd growth has made it's appearance. The existence of an enigmatic Mentor. Someone named Merlin. A name that no one has heard of. Weird, considering he is the rumored mentor of the boy who is blasting through the levels with his lightning fast growth.

Hestia herself, having been on her shift at her part time job, was surprised to have been questioned about the existence of a mentor named Merlin. She effortlessly lied of course. But later that day having returned home and seen Merlin training Bell, she attempted to interrogate the scaly irritation, violently. Accusing of him bringing unneeded attention towards them. His response was simply:

"Look, holding an individual in a chokehold wont do you any favors in receiving satisfactory responses, my large breasted Gremlin! *Ahem* However! It's not my fault! You mentally handicapped fan service character! This kid yelled out my name whenever he was in trouble... Publicly! And added the "Sensei" honorific every time he did so as well! How can you blame me when your dumb kid can't keep his lousy mouth shut?!! On that note... Keep hitting the Rock, my talk with your... Caretaker? Lover? Whatever that thing fancies herself as, isn't an excuse to stop training! Chop Chop! Get to it!"

"H-Hai Merlin-sensei!" The aforementioned dumb kid quickly changed his irritated look to a fearful look. Saluting his sensei as per ceremony.

"With that stutter. Turning that Rock into Steel." Merlin mentioned cruelly.

Moving on...

This rumor has spread far and wide in Orario, and has reached even the most airheaded of individuals. Such is the notoriety of Little Rookie... And the power of gossiping prostitutes.

Which could explain the current predicament they've found themselves in...

-Hearth Mansion, Courtyard-

It's just another bright sunny day in Orario, The Hestia Familia now in their final day before returning back to their dungeon diving routine, following that Foxy debacle as Merlin so eloquently puts it.

We see two familiar individuals in the Mansion's courtyard. One sitting on a... Plastic Chair that radiates pure power? A scaly Dragon munching on a turkey leg? Usual Merlin behavior. His chair was surrounded by two large piles of potions. The first, a pile of empty Health Potions. The second, a pile of freshly mixed and rather high quality potions.

The 2nd, being observed under scrutiny by the former. Is of course our Hero, Bell Cranel. Currently... Hitting a large and perfectly round Boulder?

"*Munch* *Munch* It's a Rock, Author." Merlin inelegantly mentions in-between his chewing. How hypocritical! "Manners Maketh Dragon" MY ASS!

*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* Swift and powerful strikes are released by The Level 3, surprisingly enduring the expected agony that comes from hitting a rock for so lon-

"YEOUCHHHHHHHHHH!" Never mind, he was not enduring shit. He screams out like the Anime girl he isn't, drops on the ground and grabs his red and nearly shattered fists in agony. Seething in pure pain.

"Hmm, it seems they're nearly broken again! Unfortunate! Here, drink! *Munch* *Gulp*" All the world's evil hums apathetically, as he tosses a Health potion at the agonized Bell. Which is caught easily by the boy.

*Pop* Bell pops the potion open.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* He practically inhales the potion as he feels his nearly shattered fists begin to regenerate.

"Ahh..." Bell lets out a breath of relief after rehydrating himself.

*SWOOSH* *SWISH* Something was thrown towards Bell's head as he was relaxing. But his Sense came in clutch and he dodged it with a movement of his head. He turned to glare at the smirking Merlin, now without a turkey leg in his paw.

'Did he just throw a turkey leg at me?' Bell wonders to himself, both surprised and disappointed at his Mentor's endless antics. Something no one can get used to. Not him, not even the adaptable Welf.

"Good, Now! Take a break until your fists are back to normal again." Merlin mentions mercilessly, sending a chill down Bell's spine as he nods reluctantly and moves to sit near that... Weird plastic chair the Dragon finds comfort in.

*Plop* He sits on the ground to rest, as the Dragon has not found any proper reason to provide proper seating for his pathetic student.

"Say, Sensei, isn't this expensive for us to use all those Health Potions just for my training?" Bell questions Merlin rather late in the training about the absurd amount of Health potions they're expending for his training.

"Of course it's expensive! But, do you want it to take forever? Besides, this is paid by your Valis only! So I don't really care!" Merlin explains sagely. Meeting Bell's ruby eyes with his Brilliant (Self Proclaimed) amethyst eyes. Leaning back further into his Plastic chair of power.

"Oh, okay I guess you have a poin- WAIT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN PAID BY MY VALIS?!" Bell nods at the Dragon's explanation, only to realize the true gravity and meaning behind his words. This was not paid and provided by the... Likely wealthy Dragon. But by him... He jumps to his feet as he vocalizes his bewilderment at the nuisance pointing an accusing finger at him.

'I knew something was missing when I saw that my wallet was significantly more empty than before!' Bell thought to himself in realization. Also hinting at the fact that his wallet is usually empty. Also, what kind of idiot holds all his money in his wallet? Ever heard of a deposit?

"Calm down my young Harem enthusiast! I got them at a bargain price! Don't worry one bit! HAHAHAHHAHA!" Merlin lifts his hand paw things in a pacifying gesture, a shit eating grin firmly in place. Not helping in calming down Bell's currently empowered financial crisis.

'I hope he isn't lying...' Bell thought grimly at the Dragon's tomfoolery and complete disregard for his student's financial struggles.


-Blue Pharmacy-

Naaza Erisuis, Doctor, Captain and Level 2 of the Miach Familia. She's currently placing a few brand new potions and lotions on the multitudes of wooden shelves that occupy the Pharmacy itself, neatly organized. Each potion branded and organized according to its uses and pricing.

As it is currently just around a minute before opening time, she is about to finish her morning upkeep of the Pharmacy. Miach, her patron god is responsible for taking care of suppliers and the purchase of their goods so that they could make product. Naaza herself is responsible for being the Pharmacy's manager and saleswoman. The new members of the Familia are still... getting acclimated to their new lifestyle. More suited to dungeon diving than Commerce as they say themselves.

*Ding* *Ding* A bell rings from the door, indicating someone opening the door and entering the shop.

A little surprised at how early a possible customer has arrived, she quickly turns her head to meet her eyes with an amethyst pair of eyes and an odd looking individual. Dressed Gentlemanly to say the least, Face mask on top of that. Only his eyes and mouth can be seen through his mask.

"Good morning to you miss! I have been recommended to go to this establishment in regards to purchasing good quality health potions!" The amethyst eyed individual greeted all jolly and polite.

"Good morning to you as well. We do have the highest quality Health potions in all of Orario. How may I assist you?" In a polite and small and charming smile Naaza greets the stranger back, answering his question and sneaking in a sales maneuver in her words. Her guard-up and saleswoman persona activated in the midst of a seemingly high profile customer. Her persona completely contrasting her usual self. Were someone who knew her actual personality get to see her act here, he'd be bewildered at the A-Class acting she's currently delivering.

"What's your best Health potion?" The gentleman gets right to the point of the matter, scanning the Pharmacy itself, directing his eyes towards the Health potion section.

"Hmm, it'll be these ones sir." Naaza hums as she moves towards the Health potion shelf. Grabbing a Blood Red potion from there and moving towards the gentleman.

"It's the highest quality we have, capable of restoring nearly shattered bone and closing Intermediate injuries near instantaneously. Of course, it is inferior to an elixir. We do apologize if that is what you're looking for." Naaza explains professionally and rather sleepily, seeing that the client is rather keen on purchasing, she forgoes her sales tactics immediately.

"Hmm, it'll do! How much is each one?" The gentleman questions completely pleased with the potions effects.

"It's around 25,000 Valis per Potion, I assure you this is the best value for a product such as this. If you buy in bulk we can cut down the price by 15% per potion. Bulk purchases are 15 and above of the same product of course." Naaza provides the price point as she goes towards the counter to prepare for calculating how much he wants, payment etc...

"I'll take 50." He says with a wicked grin.

"E-Excuse me?" Naaza blinks as she almost falls in her walk towards the counter. Turning back to look wide-eyed at the wry grinning Gentleman.

"50, I'll take 50." He repeats.

*Gulp* Naaza gulps, in barely restrained greed. Dollar signs can be seen faintly in her eyes.

"I-I'll go get some from the back, Dear Client. It'll only take a moment." She responds excitedly as she nearly dashes towards the back of the Pharmacy, to prepare the 50 Potions for takeaway.

-A few Moments Later-

"Ah... I'm back! Here!"


"50 Highest Quality Health Potions as requested!" Naaza lets out a sigh as she slams the package holding the 50 potions on the desk near her cash register.

"Phenomenal! Now, how much will it be?" The gentleman mentions in a pleased tone.

"It'll be 1,062,500 Valis! Including the Discount and Orario Tax." Naaza presents the final price.

"Curses... Darn Taxes!" The gentleman mumbles incoherently.

"What was that dear client?" Naaza questions with a radiant smile, at making practical bank from this weird gentleman.

"Oh, my apologies! Do you take card?" He questions as he refocuses on the purchase procedure.

"Card?" Naaza tilts her head at the unknown term.

"Oh my bad! HAHAHAHHA! Old habits die hard! *Ahem* Here, since you were a splendid saleswoman and I'm such a generous individual. Here's DOUBLE of what you asked for. 2,125,000 Valis." The gentleman laughs as, he sets down DOUBLE of what Naaza asked for, in hard cash. Causing Naaza's head to spin and for her to unconsciously pinch herself.

Usually, her instinct would be to deny such a gesture and not allow the customer to overpay that much. But Miach's debt for her arm is a gaping hole and issue in her heart. As such, she doesn't hesitate to accept the strange and generous individual's payment proposition. Ignoring any other shady and malicious purpose he could of had in this gesture of kindness.

"THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!" She yells out in excitement, losing her elegance and composure at the sight of such an amount of Valis seemingly falling onto her lap.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! No worries young lady! This comes out of the pocket of my not so wealthy employer! So it's no big deal!" The gentleman laughs at Naaza's excitement and rabid taking of the Valis he gave her. Tipping his hat as he grabs the 50 Health Potion package and makes his way out of the Pharmacy.

"Wait! What's your name? If you come later I can get you a discount!" Naaza phases out of her greed to get the name of the generous and polite client. Whom may or may not be a valuable repeat customer.

"I'm Batman." (No comment.)

*Ding* *Ding* Having now left the establishment with a satisfied and drooling lonely Naaza, who would later give Miach a heart attack at the news .

"I can't wait to tell Miach-sama about this!" There it is, the source of Miach's heart attack.

-Flashback End-

"Bargain price I tell you!" Merlin attempts to stop Bell's completely valid and grounded suspicions towards the shameless Dragon. Who steals money from his student without a shred of hesitance or moral obligation.

*Sigh* Bell sighs as he silently relents to the Dragon's antics, favoring to ignore him and also mentally reminding himself to add Anti-Dragon security measures to both his and the Familia's financial assets.

A couple of minutes pass the silent and relaxing duo by, as their peaceful silence is disturbed by the ringing of the Mansion's gate bell. They have visitors.

*Ding* *Dong* An incredibly obnoxious and loud ringing sound echoes throughout the manor, signaling the coming of visitors, guests or slimy door to door salesmen, as Merlin would put it.

"Don't recall ordering any Pizza." Merlin scratches his chin in contemplation as he wonders just who the visitors are. Starring dumbly at the sky as if it held the answers to all his questions.

"Let's go check, we're the closest to the gate and no one's home but Haruhime." Bell says as he gets up and pats himself to get rid of any dust and filth that my have been stuck on him.

"Aren't we training kid? Foxy seems to have designated herself as the "Mansion Maid". Shouldn't she just play her role and greet the guests like the supposed maid she is?" Merlin says mockingly.

Bell grits his teeth and glares a seething glare at His Mentor. As he starts to make his way towards the gate. Merlin appears on Bell's shoulder without warning. Having been used to this, Bell shows no outward reaction at the sudden appearance.

"Don't be getting salty! It's fascinating isn't it? Having been provided freedom and a choice to escape a life and profession relating to service especially sexual service. Foxy seems to just go back into habit. Of course, not prostitution but a different service oriented profession, A house maid." Merlin states what Bell already knows in an irritating and in a curious manner. Fascinated by Haruhime's behavior despite her now apparent freedom.

"*Sigh* I don't understand why she's like this..." Bell expresses his frustration at Haruhime's self designation? as house maid.

'Both Kami-sama and Lili-san approved of her doing this... But can't they see she's still shackled?!' Bell agonizes internally, as he worries for Haruhime's internal well being.

At seeing Bell's frustrated expression Merlin expresses his opinion.

"It's just human nature Bell, she'll be fine! Don't overthink it. If that's what makes her happy and it allows her to repay the imaginary debt she owes you and all of the Familia. Why stop her?" Merlin states calmly and patiently, attempting to seriously calm down the frustrated and worried Bell.

"I guess your right... But I can't help it." Bell responds helplessly, his posture slumped.

-A Minute Of Walking Later-

Bell and Merlin arrive at the gates, noticing 2 distinct individuals. Very high profile individuals as a matter of fact.

A blonde Pallum dressed neatly and a blonde Human girl, dressed ready to slice n dice a few monsters.

On sight of them Bell freezes and yells out excitedly, as he proceeds to nearly dash towards the gate.

"Aiz-san! Finn-san!" He yells out in excitement at the familiar individuals.

Merlin raises his scaly eyebrow at the unfamiliar people.

"What's with the brother sister duo?" Merlin wonder aloud, his scaly head tilted to the side.

Upon arriving at the gate and nearing actual conversation distance. Ais greets Bell with a nod.

Bell reciprocates Ais's nod with his own coupled with a warm smile. This does not go unnoticed by Merlin.

"I never knew of this member! Could this be Number 5? And Foxy is Number 6?! Emiya Shirou you lying Bastard!" Merlin curses Welf as he point a claw at the sky in exasperation. At Welf's failure to apparently include Ais as one of Bell's alleged Harem Members.

"Sorry, Cranel-san. I couldn't stop her from coming here, so I opted to at the very least accompany her here. Apologies about this, but I'm curious myself." Finn apologizes? and offers a small and nervous smile at his wayward companions impolite antics.

"I don't really get it but it's okay?" Bell responds with confused acceptance at Finn's weird apology. An awkward smile plastered onto Bell's face.

"To cut to the chase, I'm sure you're aware of the rumors, were curious abou-" Finn shakes his head at Bell's awkwardness, opting to get to the purpose behind their impromptu visit.

"Who's Merlin? And can he train me?" Ais, rudely cuts off Finn's words and ineloquently asks her question rather directly and with intensity. Having formed her own conclusions along with Finn's about Merlin's possible involvement in Bell's rapid growth.

At her question, Bell slightly shivers under her stare. Her stare was never that intense nor passionate. A deep... Hunger lurks in her gaze, one which Bell can't understand.

But Merlin sure does!

"I don't care who the IRS sends I am not paying taxes! Not even in the form of training! Besides! I'm not human you can't make me pay shit!" He announces in a deranged manner, pointing an accusing claw at the blonde girl.

Luckily for them. This statement goes completely unheard by all of them except the nervous and slightly disturbed Bell. Who has never been this creeped out by his crush like this before.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Well, well. It seems after a week the rumors of Merlin's existence have spread far and wide. Of course, they are not aware of just WHAT exactly he is. Else that would be a problem haha! Anyways, You may question onto why the Loki Familia (Finn) aren't investigating in more... Roundabout ways about Merlin and have chosen to do so directly? 2 Reasons! Can you guess what they are? I wont be tellin ya!

Of course, you may be wondering... Is Merlin going to make a public appearance soon?!?!?! The answer... Maybe. Maybe not. Next few chapters will be centered around the other members of the Hestia Familia and the build up towards the Rakian war! So do look forward to that!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-