
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Recruitment And Getting Comfortable


This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

It's going to be a little while before we get into any action! so be patient! will it be worth it? I have no idea!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Bell POV

Following Merlin-sans disappearance to Kami-sama knows where, we finally decided to start the day productively and eat breakfast! Finally!

As we sat down the table with the Far Eastern breakfast Mikoto-san made us we started eating

'I cant help but be thankful she joined our familia, I've never eaten anything like this!' I thought with a satisfied smile as I enjoy the miso soup was it?

We continue to eat our lovely breakfast in silence for a few minutes and then

"Well, as much as I am of flexible mind. *Slurp* do you guys really believe that Dragon is from another world and is all he claims to be? *Slurp* To be honest it's quite mind boggling" Welf-san says as he slurps down some noodles, making eye contact with the living lie detector.

"As much as I wished for him to be lying. *Chomp* Everything he mentioned was the truth, or at least he believed it to be the truth. *Chomp* Besides, we have never heard or seen a talking monster or a creature such as him so that validates his claims further." Kami-sama explained to us all matter of factly while munching on something fried?

'Even the rude comments seemed to be the truth according to him...' Hestia thought in irritation

"Lily thinks he is a really vulgar creature isn't he?" Lily-san said voicing everyone's thoughts on the aforementioned dragon

""Agreed"" We all agreed simultaneously.

'Even I find him pretty vulgar' I thought to myself in surprise that I can be irritated towards another individual.

"Anyways! Forget about that Chibi-Dragon! We need to celebrate our victory! and to our new familia members! we have yet to do that so... Cheers!" Kami-sama says suddenly


"Before we go off on our duties, whatever! Bell-kun! A speech! to our new familia members! No arguing! You are the familia captain!" Kami-sama demands of me with a happy smile

A bit caught off guard with that request. I resolve myself to do it.

'How embarrassing' I think shyly to myself

"Uhm, I am really happy and thankful you guys all came to this famillia. I think its truly wonderful. T-Thank you all! and Cheers to the new Hestia familia!"


"Now, run along my children! The mansion is all ours! look around for all the renovations I did! I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself!" Hestia says smugly puffing out her chest in pride

"Well, the smithy is pretty top notch, I got to work on it a little this morning. Must of cost some dough to be that good" Welf-san said satisfied and sending a questioning look at Kami-sama complimenting Kami-sama and subtly questioning our financial status

'How early are we talking here? He must of been working on the smithy since 4 am...' I think to myself exasperated with the tenacity of a smith.

"Hmph, don't sweat the small stuff Welf-kun! Hephy gave me a discount!" Kami-sama waves off Welf-sans concern whilst puffing her chest further.

And thus ended our extremely chaotic and confusing morning. And we spread out to our off-dungeon routines

I went to do my morning training.

Kami-sama went to report my level up to the guild.

Lily-san went somewhere?

Welf-san went back to smithing.

Mikoto-san joined me in the morning training.

-Time Skip-

Having finished my routine and parting ways with Mikoto-san, I was making my way back to the mansion. Then suddenly I felt a sense of danger.


As I turned around to see who was calling me having already deduced who it was, The loli big boobs themed rocket crashed onto my face and I got smothered by heavens pillows.

"K-Kami-sama!!! I-I cant breath!!!" I try to sound out being muted from the sound blocking pillows. completely red in the face from lack of oxygen. obviously.

"O-Oh sorry Bell-kun, hehe" Kami-sama said getting off me and scratching her head while giggling at my misery.

"I finished reporting your level up to the guild! You should have come with me their reactions were priceless! *Giggle*, Anyways did you finish your morning training?" Asked Kami-sama in a satisfied smirk

"Y-Yes?" I answered hesitantly

"Good! Follow me! I have yet to tour and show you around the mansion right?" Kami-sama practically commanded of me keeping the cheerful smile on her face.

"No, you finished renovating the mansion yesterday remember?" I say confused but as I see her already walking without me I run off to join her.

As she shows me around the areas I have yet to be in I am overtaken with awe at the sheer size of this place

"This is our new home huh... Still hard to believe hehe" I say in awe to Kami-sama

"Impressive right?" Kami-sama says smugly

Then Lily appeared as we turned a corner

"Oh Lily-san! want to join us on a tour of the mansion?" I ask Lily-san innocently

"Of course Bell-sama! Lily would love to join!" Says Lily-san happily as Kami-samas eyebrows twitch for reasons unknown to me

'Hrghhg, Of course every time I get Bell-kun to myself she has to come and interrupt!' Kami-sama grumbles to herself

"Lily-san? Did you finish your morning routine already?" Kami-sama asks formally with an obviously fake smile. Not that I can tell.

"Of course Hestia-sama!" Lily-san answers back with the exact same suspicious smile Kami-sama has.

'My routine never ended... 2 hours of Bell-sama observance for a productive day!' Lily-san thinks to herself peculiar thoughts that would undoubtedly creep me out had I known.

With that little spat done we walk around the mansion as Kami-sama explains

"The renovation was really troublesome" Kami-sama says with a sigh

"Apollo really loves himself..." Kami-sama says with chills as she views flashbacks of a good 50% of the mansion being filled with statues of the god Apollo in different poses.

"Lily thinks with the sheer size of this mansion it will be troublesome to keep it clean and organized with just us." Lily-san concludes in a thinking motion as we are about to finish up our tour.

"Should we hire maids then?" Says Kami-sama in a thinking motion, proposing a solution to the problem.

'Maids, huh...' I think to myself imagining being pampered by all the beautiful maids

"Hehehe, Maids, Hehehe" I accidently spew out my thoughts with a goofy smile on my face

""No Maids then"" Kami-sama and Lily-san conclude together in an instant as they stare at each other resolute in their actions.

"W-Wha-Why no maids? Didn't we reach the conclusion of needing them!" I say in confusion and disappointment that my hopes and dreams were to die as soon as they were formed.

"They would pose a serious threat." Kami-sama says completely seriously as if the maids are continent sundering super weapons. Whilst staring in my eyes with an unspoken threat

"Lily-san agrees for once with Hestia-sama, they prove to be a great danger." Lily-san agrees with Kami-samas estimation of the existent threat? Giving me the same threatning glare Kami-sama is giving.

'Most of the times they are arguing, but sometimes they are just so completely in sync. I wonder what causes that?' I think in wonder as I reconfirm my stupidity to the Reading audience.

I, knowing full well not to argue with one of them, know with certainty for the sake of my mental health that I should not argue with both of them let alone one. I surrender swiftly, and let my 5 minute hopes and dreams die a horrible death by the hands of these women.

'Sigh... Can I ever win?' I think to myself as we make our way back inside the mansion.

3rd person POV

Outside the mansion are two girls, one seems to be extremely keen to break in to the Hearth Mansion. It was non other than Ex-Apollo familia members and now hobos Daphne and Cassandra.

"L-Let go Daphne! Leave your damn pillow!" says Daphne to Cassandra losing patience at record speed

"B-Believe me! it appeared in my dream! my pillow!!!!" Responds Cassandra whilst holding onto the steel beam.

A few minutes of this continue until Daphne overpowers the Seer and manages to pull her away.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Cassandra paradoxically whispers and shouts dramatically at the loss of getting her pillow.

"We'll get it later..." Daphne says as she pulls her away.

In an alternate timeline where a certain Dragon does not appear and waste other peoples time, Bell manages to be close enough to overhear Cassandra cries for her pillow. however it was not meant to be in this one. Resulting in no pillow (RIP Pillow).

Ah, the wonders of the butterfly effect.

Back to Bell POV

Upon entering the mansion Kami-sama says, no, commands

"Bell-kun and Chibi! Get Welf and Mikoto to my office! We are officially recruiting new members to the familiia!" Kami-sama says excitedly and proudly

""Hai, Kami/Hestia-sama"" I respond excitedly and Lily-san responds offhandedly as we rush to get the rest of the familia members

-Time Skip-

All of us sitting at the table an absurd amount of recruitment paper is visible, as some of us ponder the mystery on how Hestia managed to set it up this quickly. And quickly attributing it to divine hijinks.

"A-Amazing Kami-sama!" I respond excitedly, I knew Kami-sama as been planning to do this for a while, but I am still excited you know!

"Kekeke, Surprised Bell-kun? as a result of our victory in the war game our reputation as risen dramatically!" Kami-sama says smugly as she leans back into her sofa

"Lily knew this was coming, but isn't this too sudden? 2 of us just joined after all. not to mention the Dragon-themed headache..." Lily-san mentions in a contemplating manner as she reads the recruitment paper

"It's true, Dragon-dono will probably be a problem to those who can't a keep a secret. If information comes out we are colluding with a monster we may face severe consequences." Mikoto-san gives her opinion on the matter concentrating on the recruitment paper

"He also mentioned he would ride on Bells shoulders? We have not had the chance to ask him how he can hide somehow or anything of that nature... What a troublesome thing." Welf-san says grabbing his forehead to emphasize how troubling this situation truly is.

"Fear not! this is the ideal time to recruit new members to the familia! and anyone new that we do recruit, we will just threaten castration if he reveals our little chibi-dragons existence!" Kami-sama declares and solves our fears? In a matter of fact tone and innocent smile on her face as she casually threatens to castrate our future familia members...

"What about if he decides to reveal himself and not keep his existence and connection to Bell-sama a secret?" Lily-san asks the most obvious and likely situation

""I can definitely see him doing that"" We all agreed with dread

'It's impressive that we know him for the most part of around an hour, and yet completely understand his personality.' I think to myself in exasperation

"Nevermind! We will deal with the problem when we see him next! The Hestia Familia is aiming for the top of Orario after all! So recruiting is critical!" Continues and concludes Kami-sama pointing her finger into the air whilst slamming her leg on the table, completely neglecting long term problem solving.

"Now! You continue doing whatever it is your doing! I will go gather the potential new recruits! sit tight!" Kami-sama flash steps out of the room making the papers comically disappear somehow. as we all stare at the spot she was at previously in a deadpan. Well, except myself! I'm so excited!!!

-Time Skip-

"W-Wow Kami-sama!!!" I remark in absolute shock to what I am witnessing.

"HAHAHAHAH! Now, were no longer a minor familia! Bell-kun!!!!!!!!" In the loudest sound this small lady ever made she roars out this comment.

As we see in the courtyard of the mansion what must be more than a hundred people interested in joining our familia!

Welf POV

At the gathering of all these people, Me and Lil Lily watch from inside the mansion through a window as we comment on the situation.

""HOORAY! HOORAY!"" Bell and Hestia-sama cheer out waving their hands in the air repeating hoorays like a broken record.

"They seem excited, huh" Lil Lily mentions in a bored voice

"Of course they are, look how many people came!" I mention a little excited

"It's not just humans, elves, dwarfs, animal people and even Amazons." Lil Lily lists the potential recruits as we stare at the people outside.

"Some of them don't even look like adventurers." I mention neutrally as I point towards a clown doing tricks

"Who are these people?" I ask more to myself than anything in confusion as I don't recognize any of these people

*Teleports behind you*

"They're from outside." Answers Hestia-sama as she suddenly appeared with Bell behind me and Lil Lily as if she teleported here giving us a little spook.

"They came all the way to Orario to join our familia. That's how far the rumors about us have spread." Hestia-sama answers matter of factly.

"For real? It seems we do have a pretty big reputation now huh." I say surprised and impressed at the gathering of recruits.

Then I hear someone writing and scribbling madly on some notes, I turn to see Lil Lily writing something.

"What are you writing Lil Lily?" I ask in interest

"They may potentially be joining us, I am making a list of who to watch out for." Lily answers in a very serious, no nonsense tone.

"Watch out for what exactly?" I ask truly confused and yet in the recesses of my mind I know the answer

As Lily scans the perimeter for cute or attractive girls denying their entry towards the familia for Bell related reasons I could not but respond with

"Yare Yare Daze." I say with a shake of my head

Mikoto POV

"W-Where are my clothes?!!?" I say in frustration as I look into a clothes box thing

'I Fell into the temptation of a morning bath! and I stayed for too long, damn it!' I thought to myself on the tactical blunder of a long morning bath.'

As I look deeper I fall into it causing it to fall and me hitting the floor.

I sigh in frustration and get up painfully

As I get up I see a suspicious box, that has Hestia-samas handwriting.

'Do not open?' I think to myself.

But alas the contents already spilled as a result of it falling, so I cant help but fall victim to temptation and read the hopefully scandalous paper...

Bell POV

"First of all! thank you all for coming here and wanting to join my Glorious! Amazing! Cute Bell-kun! Familia!" Kami-sama screams out to my embarrassment pointing to the very large crowd of strangers.

'D-Do they get off on me being embarrassed?!' I think to myself in trepidation losing count of how many times I got embarrassed this day alone

'But this is too exciting to get embarrassed about! we finally made it!' I think to myself happily

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd gets hyped up from Kami-sama as she continues to hype up the crowd

"Hestia-sama is the best goddess!" Kami-sama roars out

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd roars out again

"The Hestia familia is the best familia!" Kami-sama roars out once again


"Bell is the cutest!" Kami-sama roars out again saying something strange

"Heh?" I respond confused

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd strangely roared the loudest with that specific proclamation

"Firebolttttooooooo!" Kami-sama screams finally

"FIREBOLTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" the crowd repeats with a roar

"Good, good now lets get to the..." Kami-sama says as she gets interrupted by the door to the mansion being suddenly opened by Mikoto-san covered in her bath towel holding a piece of paper

"Hestia-sama! It's not good! Look!" She says in a panic as she gives me and Kami-sama the paper

"W-What?! A debt of 200 milion valis to the Hephaestus familia?!?!" I scream out in bewilderment and shock. (and in stupidity)

As Kami-sama starts whistling and sweating suspiciously

The crowd hears of this debt and starts regretting coming here...

"W-Well, This isn't bad debt! Hestia famillia is the best! who still wants to join!?" Kami-sama tries to hype up the crowd again.

As she says that, magically, the entire crowd empties and disappears without a trace.

Kami-sama seems to have frozen in place, like a statue as Welf-san comes up to Kami-sama waving his hand

I in my shock continue to read the contents of the debt with Welf confirming the signature and discover a soul crushing fact

"T-T-The debt is for the Hestia Knife!??!" I say as my soul gets sucked out of my body in rapid pace.

Having flashbacks to all the times I have used it to stab and kill monsters with it I come to a realization that I have been using a 200 million valis knife all along. My body becomes completely white and colorless.

That being too much for my little brain, its defense mechanisms activated as I crash into the ground soulless.

"Hey, Bell! Bell!" Screams out Welf-san in a panic

"It's no good he's out cold!" Lily-san responds in panic as well

and everything faded to black.

-Time Skip-

Welf POV

At Hestia-samas office, we all stare accusingly at Hestia-sama as Lil Lily questions, no, interrogates her

"What is this?!" Lil Lily demands from Hestia-sama

"Sorry, I actually forgot all about it! Hehe!" Hestia-sama chuckles nervously as she responds to Lil Lilys question as we stare at her unimpressed

"200 milion valis! 200 MILION!" Lil Lily drives the point further into Hestia-sama

"She was taking the payments out of my paycheck, so I just forgot." Hestia-sama answered looking down with a pretty poor excuse.

"HAHAH,HAHA,HAHA,HAHA,HA" chuckles Hestia-sama in a deranged laugh? not the crazy type of laugh but the nervous type? As we stare unconvinced and unimpressed

"Sorry..." Hestia-sama whispers to us looking down

"Lily understands it's the debt for Bell-samas knife, but you should've told us how much it was! It's so bad he can't get out of bed!" Lil Lily tell Hestia-sama in frustration as the scene changes for a split second to a sleeping Bell

"Bell-dono was looking foward to having new members, too." mentions Mikoto-san in disappointment and sadness (if you didn't grab that little piece of paper that would not of have happened?)

"By the way, how much valis do we have left from the Apollo familia?" Lil Lily inquires Hestia-sama about a pretty important financial resource.

"Nothing. I used it all up on renovation and the bath. Tehee!" Hestia-sama says with a mix of shame and sticking her tongue out while chuckling and bonking her own head.

We all stare at her in a complete and utter deadpan, the silence is so powerful you'd think we are all dead.

Hestia disturbed by the silence answers

"D-Don't worry! I'll repay all the debt myself! I don't need your help ok! so don't help me! It will be the proof of my love to Bell-kun!" Hestia-sama declares confidently standing up placing her foot on the table and pointing to the sky.

We stare at Hestia-sama once again with our eyebrows reaching our hairline.

"I dont think a ton of debt is a good way to show proof of your lov..." Lil Lily starts before getting interrupted by Hestia-sama

"Shaddup! This is final! Meeting concluded! I'm going to my room! good job today!" Hestia-sama declares as she swiftly get outs of the office.

"It wouldn't kill her to try and rely on us once in a while..." I say to Mikoto-san and Lil Lily as we share a glance.

As they nod and agree with me as we share a collective sigh.

"Fine, I'll go wake up Bell, at least we need to try out the baths and relax after such a chaotic day. I feel like I've been to the dungeon twice in a row with no breaks..." I say in exhaustion and expectation, cheering everyone up and concluding this familia meeting on a good note.

"Oh its wonderful, Welf-dono you must try it!" Mikoto-san says excitedly nodding to me

"Sure will." I respond as I exit the room leaving the two ladies alone

-Short Time Skip Later-

Bell POV

I flutter my eyes open with a splitting headache, as I discover I'm in my room and the sun is setting.

"Oh finally awake, Bell?" I hear a voice, I turn to see Welf-san sitting near my bed.

"Welf-san?" I respond in a groggy voice having just woken up

"I know you must have a lot of questions, but first lets get you to wake up properly!" Welf-san says excitedly as he gives me a thumbs up.

"Uh, sure?" I ask confusedly but trusting Welf I agree with a trusting gaze, having no patience for anything irritating as I get off bed.

"Were going to the bath! I heard from Mikoto-san it's amazing!" Welf-san says smiling.

"Y-Yes sounds nice." I respond tiredly as we make our way to the built in men's bath in the mansion

We arrive at the door and Welf-san opens it as we enter.

and freeze at the sight of something slightly, no, Very Bizarre.

A small dragon, a very familiar dragon to be exact is in the waters of the bath.

It is non other than Merlin-san laying facedown not moving at all in the hot bath.

As we take a few seconds to process the revelation of where Merlin-san was for the entire day most probably, I whisper to Welf-san

"You think he's sleeping?" I ask in a whisper to Welf-san with a deadpan.

"No. I think He's dead..." Welf-san responds seriously and sure of his answer with a deadpan as well.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Sorry if it takes a long time for the action to start, I'm still trying to figure out how I will be going around pacing this story. but I will confirm the fact that the danmachi section will be extremely long. if I had to hazard a guess probably 100k-250k words, nothing concrete as of yet though! I have plans so we will see how they will be implemented.

In terms of Merlin the OC dragon making more appearances he will don't worry! he will play a major part. but remember the MC for this section is non other than Bell!

In terms of the butterfly effect of Merlin's presence, it wont be noticeable till later so keep your eyes peeled on his effect on the world and the residents! Thanks!

Thanks for reading! constructive criticism will be appreciated! remember this is my first story so no need to demolish me ok? thanks!

I'll try to update 2-4 times a week probably we will see how it works out

-Author Note End-