
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Pub, Number 4 And Elf Questioning

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Hola, mis amigos! I'm back! Did you miss me? Probably not. But I sure missed you! And to celebrate! Eat up this chapter that took multiple hours to write in 10 milliseconds my dear bookworm! Anyhow, hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always constructive criticism, comments, suggestions, ideas etc... would be much appreciated and are the metaphorical key to my writing improving... Resulting in a better fanfic overall. Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Outside The Hostess Of Fertility

Bell POV

We arrive in front of the well known pub after a short walk. As, luckily the pub is strategically located near the Pantheon.

As I wordlessly begin to make my way towards the large door, that leads into the two story building. The nuisance uninvitedly spews it's toxic waste... A bit harsh of me? No? Yeah, he deserves it...

"An underground informant living in a well known pub! Who could've guessed that one! Hahaha! Classic!" Merlin-sensei giggles with glee, as he analyzes the familiar? situation. At least to him.

"Ryuu-san is not an underground informant Sensei... And she also works there..." I respond tiredly, chastising Merlin-sensei for his ungrounded claims, giving him a disappointed look.

"Even more incriminating evidence! It's to lower suspicion my student! Can't you see? The more unlikely the option, the more likely it is to be used as cover! Don't make that rookie mistake!" Merlin-sensei retorts and downright "destroys" my own claim with a lecture, that radiates enthusiasm and "logic", giving me a teasing toothy grin.

'This isn't going anywhere... I should know better than to try and fix his deluded claims, I'll just cut this short' I thought to myself in exasperation, realizing the futility and foolishness in my attempt to argue with the delusional and self centered Dragon.

"Alright! Alright! Maybe you're right, Let's just go in..." I quickly and halfheartedly agree, conceding the pointless argument in favor of getting down to business.

"Mhm, I always win Bell! And when I lose, it's on purpose!" Merlin-sensei responds to my surrender with a prideful tone, giving a nod of his draconic head whilst spewing out complete nonsense.

Which I, as expected, proceed to ignore. Opening the door and entering the Hostess Of Fertility.

Inside The Hostess Of Fertility

Upon entering, both Merlin-sensei's eyes and mine are invaded with the images of... Absolutely no one. A completely empty pub, wooden chairs and tables lacking any sort of tableware and or customers. The usual sight of Mia-san behind the bar is also mysteriously missing.

"Did we enter at a bad time? Doesn't seem like business is booming and all, especially with how you described this place. What was it? "The best pub and restaurant in all of Orario", I bet my entire bank account it's because the waitresses are hot and you're a horny kid. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen it!" Merlin-sensei comments with doubt and a raised scaly eyebrow, as he unapologetically accuses me of liking this place strictly because of the Waitresses.

"It's not only because of the waitresses..." I accidentally whisper aloud my internal thoughts.

"What was that?" He asks not having heard my question. (He heard it all)

"Nothing! But, it is strange, usually there is someone here. Even when the afternoon is the most peaceful time for the pub, it doesn't make sense that it is empty... At the very least Syr-san or Mia-san would be here." I dodge Merlin-sensei's question, with the finesse of a disabled turtle, as I throw my own two cents at the strange situation.

"Syr? That's quite the interesting birth name, considering the nature of this world..." Merlin-sensei says with a complicated look on his draconic face, causing me to look at him in confusion as he seemed to focus specifically on the name of "Syr".

"Why? What's the problem with Syr-san's name?" I ask with slight worry and confusion marring my face as I glance at the contemplating face of Merlin-sensei.

"Oh don't worry about it!" Merlin-sensei answered with joy, quickly switching his contemplating look with his signature grin.

Internally however, he was definitely not ok.

'I... I might of spoiled myself of a possible future plot! D-Damn it! Ok... That does it, I'm lowering my IQ by 20 for the rest of my stay here! My IQ is still going to be at 529980 points, so it's not TOO bad.' Merlin-sensei thought to himself in rage and self loathing, as a result of possibly spoiling? himself of a future key plot point. Deciding to lower his truly unbelievable and probably incorrect amount of IQ points by a whopping 20. So he wont spoil himself anymore with his big brain. (To those who get the 530 thousand IQ reference you are absolute legends!)

"Okayyyyy?" I accept Merlin-sensei's statement in confusion. Deciding it's better not to try and figure him out right now. Or ever...

"Oh? Bell-san!" A familiar and jolly voice can be heard from the stairs as we turn to see the Syr-san.

"Syr-san!" I call for her happily, as we move towards each other.

"Speak of the devil..." Merlin-sensei comments neutrally as he seems to gaze deep into Syr-san... To confirm something?

As he freezes momentarily and then returns to his usual self.

'Fuck! I was right!' Merlin-sensei thought to himself, as he... saw something?

I, unaware of the internal troubles of Merlin-sensei, continue making my way happily towards Syr.

As we are a few feet of each other I notice something... concerning.

Something I can't help but bring up before anything else.

"Umm, Syr-san? Why is there blood on your uniform?" I ask with genuine concern mixed with curiosity, as I point at the blood on her sleeves and... Feet?

"Oh! Don't worry! It's not my blood!" Syr-san responds with a closed eye smile, containing an underlying threat to not continue with the questioning.

'Message received.' I think to myself with a shiver, once again reminded of how sometimes Syr-san can be very scary.

"Number 4 seems to have quite the disturbing fetish. You're too innocent Bell, I'd consider reevaluating her position as Number 4 " Merlin-sensei comments casually, as he seemed to jump to wrong? conclusions in regards to Syr-san.

"So Bell-san, what are you doing here? Did you miss me that much~?" Syr-san asked with a teasing smile, switching into her teasing mode. That I normally can't handle.

'Time to make Sensei proud!' I hype myself up, preparing myself for the ensuing teasing.

"Sorry for barging in here so suddenly! You're open aren't you? I came here to talk with Ryuu-san. I need to ask something of her." I answer honestly, rapidly and with purpose, keeping eye contact with Syr-san.

"Oh~? Ryuu-chan? I didn't know you were into elves Bell-san! How naughty~!" Syr-san questioned with an even stronger tease, having noticed my defenses being up.

"No, Not like tha-" I was about to respond stoically and manage to successfully resist the teasing, only to be interrupted by Syr-san... Getting extremely close to me?!

"Maybe I should reignite your passion towards fellow humans...~ *Foo*" Syr-san suggested with a whisper and an extremely sensual tone, as she blew wind at my ear.

"W-Wha?!" I backed off like a scared cat, my purity protection instincts kicking into overdrive. My face completely red, having never been teased this hard by Syr-san, like, ever.

"*Giggle*, Don't get so scared Bell-san! I was only teasing you! Hahaha!" Syr-san responded with a cute giggle, placating my fears in regards to my purity, then proceeding to laugh even more at my misery.

'Should I mention the stutter? No, not the right time... I should make a mental note of how many stutters this beta cuck has uttered. I'll punish him accordingly later...' Merlin-sensei casually plotted my doom, unbeknownst to me. A doom that would make itself apparent in the near future. Hopefully not!

I try and fail to compose myself, as I throw an embarrassed glare at Syr-san.

"Okay sorry, sorry! Ryuu-chan is going to return with our groceries soon. Wouldn't you want to eat something for now while you wait? You look quite famished!" Syr-san quickly apologized and told me where Ryuu-san is with raised arms, as she quickly switched tactics from creating emotional damage, to creating financial damage. As she offered me lunch? That would justifiably be paid from my own pockets.

"Umm, come to think of it, you are right. I didn't eat anything all day. Like at all. Do you even serve anything now?" I respond in agreement looking at my belly sadly, rubbing it with tender care.

"Don't worry Bell-san~! I'll have May-chan whip something up for you~! For now go sit at the bar! I want to talk more with you~" Syr-san responded happily and enthusiastically as she pointed at the bar stool, saying the last sentence with a rather... Tender? emotion. One I can't seem to figure out. Whatever!

I flash her a renewed smile and nod thankfully but wordlessly at her.

I sit down at the bar as she skips her way towards the kitchen.

"You know, it's not the dinner you promised, But it'll do! Time to fulfill your promise whelp~!" Merlin-sensei said with acceptance, that transitioned into his usual irritating tone of voice.

"How would that even work? Wouldn't it look like food is simply disappearing when you eat?" I mention in confusion, throwing a curious gaze at Merlin-sensei. As his eyes widen in shock?

'He forgot didn't he... Is he stupid on purpose?' I thought to myself with disappointment, that swiftly changed into confused acceptance.

"True..." Merlin-sensei agrees with disappointment and depression lacing his voice, a lowered draconic head staring at the floor.

'Shouldn't of lowered my IQ by 20, huh?' Merlin-sensei regrets his life choices with a shake of his draconic head.

Upon seeing his cute? and depressive state, I couldn't help but sympathize with him.

"I'll order some takeaway for you Sensei!" I say in an attempt to cheer Merlin-sensei up.

Which seems to have worked

"Really? You know, you truly are my favorite and best student in the world!" Merlin-sensei said with renewed vigor, literal amethyst stars forming in his eyes meeting my ruby ones.

"I'm your only student in this world..." I reply with a deadpan.

"Exactly!" Merlin-sensei responds with a dumb pawed thumbs up, with his reptile like tongue on the outside and one of his eyes closed. In an attempt to make a cute and dumb pose. He succeeded in the dumb department alright...

As our shenanigans were going on, Syr-san made her way out of the kitchen holding a ginormous plate of pasta and meat. Emphasis on ginormous. With a new uniform, clean, lacking any human or god blood to stain it.

She quickly skipped her way, expertly so she does not drop the food. *Slam*, dropping it on the bar table with a slam, just to emphasize how much food there is...

"Thank you Syr-san! But... How am I going to eat all this?" I thank Syr-san honestly, then proceed to ask her with a complicated look on my face, just how I'm going to finish this full course family dinner. Alone.

"Don't be silly Bell-san! I haven't had my lunch break yet! I'll be eating with you~! But my, how selfish of you to think that only you get to eat~" Syr-san answered my question with a tease and an ever widening grin.

I silently glare at her in response of the tease and decide to dig in.

"Thanks for the help and the food!" I yell out before beginning to stuff my face with meat and pasta as if I haven't eaten in days. Close enough I guess.

Syr-san widens her eyes at my practically inhalation, composing herself in light speed and proceeding to also join in on the feast sitting down awfully close to me. Eating with a lot more etiquette in relation to myself.

'I have the feeling she is planning something to tease me with...' My purity protection instincts kick in whilst I'm inhaling pasta. Causing me to stop the inhalation and look at Syr-san with suspicion and focus marring my face.

"If you keep looking at me that intensely even I'll be bothered~" Syr-san uttered that sentence with a crimson blush, an unheard "Ara, Ara" was relayed as she held her cheek with one hand.

"Grrrr.... *Slurp*" I growl my reluctant acceptance of nothing going on, in favor of continuing to slurp the pasta.

"What in the actual fuck is this interaction?" Merlin-sensei comments in bewilderment at the extremely weird interaction between me and Syr-san. As we eat. It is weird isn't it?

As I continue to slurp, A specific piece of spaghetti was really long? And there was resistance? Weird, I continue to slurp... Only to notice the other end of the spaghetti was held in the mouth of non other than Syr-san!

'So that's her plan... Too bad!' I notice her plan from a mile away, quickly deciding to use my Level 3 Status to my advantage.



I slurped so hard I stole the spaghetti from her mouth and swallowed it whole. Giving Syr-san a scare.

She looks at me in shock. For a mere instant before retorting.

"Bell-san! So assertive... That was an indirect kiss~" She says with a blush, holding a finger to her lips.

Causing me to realize my blunder, resulting in my own blush.

A comfortable? silence proceeds for a few seconds before the "Creature" opens it's mouth uninvitedly.

"This is so foul I'm considering leaving for a few hours. Some weak shit for real... Bell for the love of your asymmetrical goddess, do me a favor and end this, my cringe meter is reaching maximum capacity in record speed." Merlin-sensei comments in disgust and impatience, having lost all humor in this scenario. An empty expression plastered on the Dragon's face.

At that very moment

"SYR!!!!!!!!!!!" An almighty roar was heard from the kitchen's direction. A roar eerily familiar and traumatic to Number 4.

"Kya!" Whomever responded with this, was neither Merlin-sensei nor Syr-san.

"W-What?!" Syr-san roars rather boldly a question back to the other screamer.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YAPPING AROUND?! GET BACK TO WORK!" The screamer, further screams.

"B-BUT I'M ON MY LUNCH BREAK! I HAVE MY RIGHTS!" Syr-san responds with an equally powerful and passionate scream, painful enough to cause me to cover my hears.

"NO, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS! ANY MORE AND IT'S OUT OF YOUR PAYCHECK!" The screamer, who can already be identified as Mia-san responded mercilessly

"Grr... Bell-san! It was too bad we didn't get to talk a lot but I've got to return to work! Wait for Ryuu-chan, she should be back in a few minutes!" Syr-san says with a sad smile as she returns to torture... I mean work. Getting up from the chair and proceeding to walk away.

"Thank you Syr-san! The food was amazing! And we didn't even talk much... It was mostly you teasing me." I thank Syr-san honestly and with a radiant smile. Saying the last sentence with a deadpan expression.

Syr-san turns back to throw me a flirtatious? wink, for just one final tease. Which worked, judging by my slight blush. Making her way into the kitchen.

Leaving Merlin-sensei and I, once again alone in the empty pub.

The plate of pasta was only half finished. A fact not lost to the famished Dragon.

"Remember my student. When opportunity presents itself. Do not hesitate. Do not waver. For you may lose it forever. Observe!" Merlin-sensei lectures with wisdom. As he opens his mouth in an extremely disturbing and snakelike way. His mouth many times larger than it usually is.

As he in a mere instant, swallows the whole leftovers. Leaving not a hint of pasta nor meat on the plate. Wait... He ate the plate as well.

"Hmm, Under seasoned and a bit lacking in texture. But still decent! 7/10 for sure! My compliments to the chef!" Merlin-sensei critiques happily, seemingly satisfied with the food, as he stares at me with a smirk.

"I'll be sure to relay that to chef... That a talking Dragon has critiqued her food as decent..." I respond to the Dragon's usual nonsense with logic coupled with a deadpan.

"Brat? What are you doing here? Were you talking with someone?" A familiar and strong voice was heard from the direction of the kitchen door.

I turn to meet the eyes of Mia-san the owner of the pub.

"No! Not talking to anyone! Hahah!" I lie horribly and pathetically, So horribly in fact that even a baby and a Merlin could figure me out.

A disbelieving eyebrow was raised by the dwarf. Who seemed to also quickly turn away from that line of questioning.

"Look, I get the whole bad at lying personality trait, but could you dedicate some time on working on it? Like in the name of Zestia's giant bosom get a grip. If you cant lie just don't say anything, it just makes things worse." The Dragon commented "elegantly" with a disappointed tone.

"So how was the food?" She asked as she made her way towards the back of the bar, in front of me.

"It was amazing as always Mia-san! My... compliments to the chef!" I respond to Mia-san with another radiant smile, subtly sending Sensei's compliments to chef in my own way.

"Good! *Sigh* Did Syr drag you in here again?" Mia-san replied positively, before sighing and questioning me tiredly whether I was a victim of Syr-san. And I was! But voluntarily?

"Oh no no! I came here from my own volition!" I respond placatingly with a more forceful tone raising my arms in defending Syr-san.

Mia-san merely raises her eyebrow in disbelief, but seemingly moving on from that topic of conversation.

"So, what are you doing here then? Did you forget to pay?" Mia-san asks neutrally whilst multitasking with something? behind the bar.

"Umm, no! I'm waiting for Ryuu-san, but while I wait... Can I pay for the food?" I deny the fact that I forgot to pay and tell Mia-san of my heinous intentions.

"Alright, here's the tab... Just don't be flirting with her." Mia-san pulls out (no not that) the tab out of thin air? and gives it to me, making my eyes boggle upon sighting the price.

'2-2000 Valis?! T-Too much even for that much food!' I scream internally at the absolute bonkers of a price for one meal.

"Anyone who scams my students is always an individual I can get behind. Bell, I like this dwarf lady! Mhm!" Merlin-sensei comments at the tab impressed with Mia-san. A nod of his head and a thumbs up in her direction to show approval. Not that she can see it.

I raise my head to argue over the price, however upon meeting the challenging look of Mia-san's rather murderous eyes. I quickly backdown.

"Hmm? Now that I'm taking a closer look, she is the strongest individual I've met in this world! Around Level 6? Judging by what I'm reading here. I'd suggest not messing with her my guy!" Merlin-sensei says impressed, analyzing Mia-san with a piercing gaze.

'Never planned on it...' I answer internally as I wordlessly take out the required and "fair" amount of valis to pay for the food.

"Smart brat." Mia-san responds with a shit eating and smug grin, as she takes the valis from my hands with her disturbingly strong hands.

"I like her even more! Absolute master class performance by the dwarf lady! HAHAHAHAHA!" Merlin-sensei responds to Mia-san further impressed, roaring out in laughter at me and my pocket's misery.


I sigh the pain away as I wait silently for Ryuu-san.

"Mia-san, you wouldn't mind that I rest here for a bit until Ryuu-san comes back?" I ask Mia-san politely

"Sure brat, there's no business right now, as long as you don't bother me it's fine." Mia-san responds halfheartedly as she continues doing... Whatever it is she is doing.

"Thanks!" I thank her and close my eyes to rest for a bit.

Accidentally falling asleep at the table. At record speed.

"Well this is awkward... Say dwarf lady, Do you come here often?" Merlin-sensei attempts to flirt with Mia-san at my abrupt nap. However the recipient of aforementioned flirt never heard it. To her fortune.

"Ah I see, playing hard to get are you? Well I'll have you know I've cracked harder nuts than that!" Merlin-sensei shouted out in motivation and enthusiasm.

What proceeded was a Dragon attempting to pickup a dwarf lady with fervor.

-Short Time Skip-

'Damn she's too good! How many more pick up lines do I have to use to make her pay attention?! I've used 94 already! I'm starting to run out of them! Oh the kid's waking up, finally! Might be because of the elf lady poking him with her stick. Kek' Merlin-sensei thought to himself in frustration at the Mia-san's hard to get attitude. Which was not the actual problem. To Merlin-sensei's stupidity. That transitioned to humor at me being poked with a stick?

My eyes begin to open slowly, as I feel a gentle shaking of my body mixed with a voice calling me.



"Hmm? W-Wha? I fell asleep?" I murmur tiredly, opening my eyes to meet Mia-san's

"Yes, for 5 minutes." She answers bluntly.

"Cranel-san..." A familiar voice calls for me and I feel another poke? and shake of my body?

I turn to the source of the voice and shaking to see Ryuu-san staring at me apathetically whilst poking my body with a stick? Elves and their no touch culture.

A beautiful elf, with skin as white as snow, green hair and sky blue eyes.

"Wha? Oh Ryuu-san!" I greet Ryu-san with surprise

"Good afternoon Cranel-san, Mia-san mentioned you were looking for me?" Ryuu-san asked with her usual quiet yet stoic and mature tone. Meeting my ruby eyes with her sky blue eyes.

"She seems like a calm and reasonable person... Is she a calm and reasonable person?" Merlin-sensei casually mentions his impression of Ryuu-san with a question? throwing her an unreadable look.

'What a weird question to ask? Of course Ryuu-san is a calm and reasonable person!' I answer internally, as always confused with Merlin-sensei's line of thinking.

"Cranel-san?" Ryuu-san breaks my own strange line of thinking by calling out to me, with concern at my spacing out.

"Yes! Umm I need to ask you a few questions if you could help me out Ryuu-san?" I ask her gently with a smile.

Ryuu-san throws me a serious look as she stares at me intensely. Making me sweat a bit.

"Let's talk in the garden" She says with a reassuring and calm smile, that signifies that everything will be alright. She always had that kind of aura.

"Ooo~ Kinky!" Merlin-sensei spews out the trash he calls words of wisdom excitedly, with his usual shit eating grin.

I act accordingly in not dignifying the nuisance with any type of reaction.

She begins to move in the direction of the inner garden. (Yes they have a garden apparently)

"Thank you!" I respond thankfully, following her and leaving Mia-san alone to her business.

-Short Time Skip-

Hostess Of Fertility Inner Garden

A beautiful garden, growing a few herbs and spices that are used occasionally in the pub itself. However, judging by the amount and size, it is not quite enough for constant use. A stone path splitting lines of greenery. We decide to make our talk there.

"Around a 46.54% chance they're growing magical drugs in this very garden." Merlin-sensei says dead seriously and analytically.

'I didn't ask?' I respond to him internally in frustration, not being able to respond outwardly thanks to our long eared guest. Rather we are the guests in this case, no? Moving on...

We sat down on the stone floor to talk properly.

"What did you want to ask of me Cranel-san?" Ryuu-san asks me calmly with a hint of curiosity painting her face.

'Umm, How do I say ask this so it wouldn't sound bad...' I think to myself carefully, how to point such a question in a way I wont hurt Ryuu-san's feelings or antagonize her unnecessarily.

"Don't think too hard, If it's a difficult question I'll be fine either way, ask away." Ryuu-san responded empathetically, noticing my contemplating look. Making me look at her in wonder.

'Ryuu-san! Alright let's go with this!' I think of her favorably.

"So... I know this could sound bad, but do you know where I can get a map of the pleasure quarter? preferably with shortcuts and secret pathways? In addition do you know how much a prostitute from the Ishtar familia costs? And maybe how I can buy one? If you don't know, can you maybe point me to someone who does know? I know it sounds bad, but I promise it's for something good!" I ask my questions in an extremely nervous and rapid motion.

Upon finishing my questions, I am met by silence, causing me to sweat. Then I feel a serious look and gaze from Ryuu-san, a hidden pressure pressed on my body as I meet her eyes.

'Heep!' I let out an internal squeal of fear.

*Sigh* with a sigh from Ryuu-san, the pressure disappears.

"Cranel-san, I trust you have a good reason to do ask for this. But, I will help you only if you tell me why you need this specific information." Ryuu-san responds to my questions with a piercing gaze.

"I'm sorry Ryuu-san, I don't want to involve more people into this if I can... Please tell me, I'll just go and ask someone else for this information in any case..." I deny her request of probably getting involved with an apologetic shake of my head. This is my problem. Mine and mine alone.

I meet her eyes with conviction and strength, somehow managing to match her intensity in gaze.

*Sigh* another sigh from Ryuu-san, as she gives me a sad smile and looks at me gently.

"Cranel-san, I have no idea why you need this information, But I trust you. I'm sorry, I can only help you with outdated information. the price of a prostitute 6 Years ago. Whether it is still relevant to you, it was around 1.5 million valis. And a map of the pleasure quarter is not something I have, especially with your specifications." Ryuu-san surrenders and answers my questions, providing me with... Not a lot of information, but still something. A sad and worried smile marring her face as she speaks with me.

"But whatever you're doing, I hope it's worth it, else do not do it. It is never wise to mess with the Ishtar Familia... From personal experience..." Ryuu-san gives me a serious warning and a glimpse? of her rather mysterious past. Worry etched on every rather perfect line of her face.

"Thank you for the worry and answering. But don't worry Ryuu-san, I'll be fine and it'll be well worth it. I promise!" I respond gratefully, flashing a thankful and confident smile at Ryuu-san.

Ryuu-san silently and sullenly nods agreement to my confident statement. As she gets up from the her sitting position beginning to make her way inside the pub.

"Cranel-san, if anything happens don't hesitate to speak with me okay? Promise me at least that" Ryuu-san asks one final question turning toward me, meeting my eyes with concern.

"I promise." I respond seriously with a nod of my head.

"Good." She responds with a rare, happy and genuine smile on her face. As she makes her way inside. A beautiful smile for sure.

Leaving me sitting on the stone path alone with Merlin-sensei who was uncharacteristically silent this entire ordeal.

I begin to stand up to make my way out.

While I think through the information I obtained and plan on my next move, I get interrupted by the aforementioned "Silent" Dragon.

"Well what do you know? She IS a calm and reasonable person!" Merlin-sensei comments finally at the distancing Ryuu-san.

'Although, she doesn't seem to be an underground informant as I initially suspected? I can't be wrong! She is definitely a little SUS!' Merlin-sensei thought to himself hard, in an attempt to defend his baseless and delusional accusations.

"Why were you silent all this time? You usually say something in between?" I genuinely ask Merlin-sensei for the reason behind his weird silence. Worry and confusion tinted in my tone.

"Didn't want to ruin the serious atmosphere!" Merlin-sensei responds casually.

I took an extremely long look at him, just to show the sheer disbelief I have in regards to his explanation.

"What? Even I have some tact! We can't make this 100% comedy now can we? That'd be ridiculous! My sheer presence lowers seriousness by a whopping 30%! And if I open my magnificent (Self proclaimed) mouth to state divine wisdom (Self proclaimed), then seriousness drops by a whopping 90%! Why? I don't know myself, but can't argue with facts! So when duty calls for seriousness, I keep me mouth shut! Sometimes! Occasionally!" Merlin-sensei lectures seriously and in frustration at the rather justifiable, doubt I hold against him. An accusing claw pointed at me.

"That was... Reasonable I guess?" I respond to his lengthy explanation with a bewildered agreement.

"Of course that was reasonable! I am the most reasonable Dragon you ever met!" Merlin-sensei proudly proclaims at my response, puffing out his scaly chest.

"You're the only Dragon I've ever met..." I respond to Merlin-sensei in a usual deadpan.

"Exactly!" Merlin-sensei responds with glee, giving me a pawed thumbs up. To my ever increasing suffering.

'For some unknown reason, I am considering acting with extreme violence. For no particular reason. No particular reason at all.' I think to myself in rage, internally gritting my teeth.

"So! What's your plan kid? This isn't enough information for the rescue plan now is it?" Merlin-sensei switches into serious mode and returns my line of thinking to our actual goal.

"I think it's good enough for now, the safest way to save Haruhime-san is to buy her right? 1.5 million valis 6 years ago, I don't know much about how the prices changed but it's safe to assume it didn't increase by more than 2 times? Let's say I get 3 million valis I'd be able to buy her right?" I tell Merlin-sensei my thought process and await his input.

"Hmm, That is correct, it is the safest way in theory. The price is also a question, it would be safe to assume it's 3 million valis now to buy a prostitute. However she is as exotic as they get in my understanding. So I'd increase her price by 50% at least. 4.5 million valis perhaps? Anyhow, I don't know how much you guys earn but assuming you go to the dungeon daily. How long would it take to raise those funds?" Merlin-sensei placed his own input, holding his scaly chin with his hand paw thing.

"If we are serious... Two weeks, Three if were going safe and not recklessly rushing forward." I answer Merlin-sensei's question with certainty.

"Well, that's not too much time now is it? However, you are not taking into account something crucial. Would you're familia be receptive to the idea of saving 4.5 million valis strictly to save an unfamiliar barring Mizoto, girl?" Merlin-sensei questions my trust with the familia in complete seriousness.

"Yes, they will understand I'm sure of it." I answer with conviction and certainty. Meeting Sensei's eyes with mine.

"Good, I was sure they would understand as well, you got a good bunch ya know? Better than average for sure. Anyhow! Last question. Would you be willing to delay saving her for probably a month, as you also need to find a way to negotiate the sale itself in addition to procuring the funds? Assuming you go the "Peaceful" kidnap plan, it would take at most a week to execute." Merlin-sensei says with a no nonsense tone, pointing out the cons of going forward with buying Haruhime-san. Instead of going in to save her.

I stop for a few seconds to process his analysis. And then arriving at an answer.

"Yes, that's fine, a month shouldn't be too bad would it?" I respond with uncertainty at the last part. But giving the buying plan the green light.

"In theory my student. In theory." Merlin-sensei answers sagely nodding his draconic head.

"What are you standing there like a scarecrow in my garden?! If you're done here then get out!" A shout sourcing from Mia-san appearing at the garden's entrance door was uttered. Giving me a spook.

"Kyaa! Yes Mia-san!" I respond with another girlish screech at the scare, bolting out of the garden and into the pub, continuing my bolting out of the pub. Not before comedically screaming out my thank you to them all.

"Thank you Syr-san! Mia-san! Ryuu-san! The food was good!" I scream out my gratitude as I sprint out of the pub.

3rd Person POV

Hostess Of Fertility Kitchen

"W-Where was my "thank you"..." A cry from May, the mysterious cook of the pub was heard.

"Quit crying, he already sent you his compliments with the food. Get back to work..." Mia quickly shut down the crybaby.

"BUT THERE ARE NO CUSTOMERS?!" May screams out in outrage

"NO LAZING AROUND IN MY PUB!" Mia return screams with the strength of a Level 6. Shutting up the sad cat girl.

"*Sigh* What a headache..." Mia sighs and says with a painful shake of her head.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Feel like this chapter was on the weaker side, Hopefully it's just a feeling!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day! I'll see you guys in a few days! Probably no promises! Truly no promises! But I try!

-Author Note End-