
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Froggy Gets Mauled By Dragon Caught In 4K 60 FPS

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-


First of all, sorry for the shorter chapter! But I don't see a reason to extend this specific chapter longer than necessary, Next chapter will most likely be longer! Thank you for your patience!

Hey guys, I've had a change of heart, after re-reading some of the new POV style chapters, I myself find them more readable, hence I shall be using this way of handling POV's until further notice (AKA your feedback). Now onto the chapter! A rare Merlin combat (massacre) scene! Don't expect many of these in the danmachi section. Just a heads up!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Ishtar Familia House-


-Secret Passage-


A fearful Phyrne, faced with an unbeatable monster. A monster, that with sadistic amusement threatens to end you. A monster... You can not comprehend. A monster, that FEELS like he could end you at a moments notice.

Faced with such circumstances... Is it any surprise that she chose this course of action, incorrect as it may be?

Which course of action you wonder?


Hyperventilating, Phyrne calculates her next move. Opting for the... pointless solution.

"GETTTT AWAY FROM MEEEEEE!" A panic and fear filled, ear tearing screech escaped Phyrne's throat, as it echoed out the entire narrow passage.

""URGH"" Both Haruhime and Bell cover their ears at the powerful shout in pain.

Her chubby and yet still Level 5 feet jump start into action.

*BAM* The ground cracks at the instant movement of Phyrne, her body flying at an impressive speed in the opposite direction of the Scaly Menace, debris and dust blocking clear view of her.

A decent distance away through the passage, Phyrne runs with her chubby legs.

She, despite having traveled a large distance away from the life ending threat, did not dare risk taking a look behind her.

*STEP* *RUMBLE* *STEP *RUMBLE* Heavy and quick steps cause the ground to crack, with no Dragon in sight, a ting of relief courses through Phyrne's body.


"No." A simple word, that should not be heard so clearly by Phyrne, was heard with the utmost clarity for her, to her despair the voice is dreadfully familiar. What followed that word was something utterly bizarre.

Phyrne "appeared" without a sound, in the exact same spot she was before she broke into action, evident by the crack on the ground she finds herself standing on. The very same one she created.

*Tsk* *Tsk* *Tsk* Merlin clicks his tongue, whilst waving a claw in front of Phyrne in a chastising and disappointed manner.

"Now look, it's not very polite to try and leave when I was having a gentlemanly conversation with you! it's extremely insulting! I'll have you know! I'm the most handsomest Dragon in the Multiverse... At least that's what my Mom says! So I can't be here taking these CLEAR insults straight in the face like that! Even if your objective opinion is wrong, there are better ways to convey the fact you find me unattractive!" Merlin lectures Phyrne as if she were a child, a mocking and scandalized tone that holds sprinkles of amusement, his face firmly locked in a shit eating grin, his amethyst eyes seem to be shining. The vulgar dragon, clearly in his element.

Phyrne, shocked at her abrupt return to her original spot. Combined with the Dragon's lack of regard to the serious and, to her, life threatening scenario, seemingly "playing with his food". She can't help but freeze up, hope of escape and survival burning away at lightning speed.

"C-Cranel-sama... What is happening?" Haruhime questions fearfully as she uncovers her ears, still laying on the ground with Bell, meeting her eyes with the boy who seems to have his eyes glued at the situation in front of them, noticeable anxiousness and worry shows in his body language as well as his stare.

"Were being saved Haruhime-san... I-I think..." Bell answers anxiously, his eyes still glued at the scenario, a fearful and worried glance directed at the paralyzed Phyrne.

'She's never looked so helpless before... Merlin is just playing with her right? He... wont kill her? Right?!' Bell thought to himself, attempting to justify in his mind the scenario in front of him. Worry skyrocketing and rage bubbling at Merlin's sadism. Hoping Merlin is just being silly again.

"Anywho! Froggy! Such an insult just can not be forgiven lightly! This calls for a suitable punishment... Your broken hand seems like it's a bit of trouble isn't it? Lacking functionality and symmetry in comparison to the rest of the arm, right? Now, me being quite the Artist (Self Proclaimed) myself, I in my endless benevolence shall rectify this imperfection... At once! Be grateful!" Merlin lectures in a chastising tone, that switches to a benevolent? one. His amethyst eyes penetrating Phyrne's entire soul. As her body begins to shake uncontrollably.

"Heh?" Phyrne let's out a bewildered grunt. Why? To her, something FEELS... missing.

*SPILL* A... fountain of blood, spills through Phyrne's missing arm as it flows freely onto the ground staining it in crimson red.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Another agonized shout leaves Phyrne's body, as she drops on her knees in sheer agony.

Merlin, can be seen with an impossibly wide smile, holding Phyrne's now torn off arm.

Bell and Haruhime's eyes widen in shock.

Haruhime holds her mouth with her hand, as tears begin to form in her eyes.

"N-No..." She whispers out in terror and worry, body shaking at the gruesome sight.

Bell is not much better off, his reaction being much the same as Haruhime. But worse than that is the rage and sense of betrayal flowing through his body at Merlin's pointless? brutality.

"Need a ha-" Merlin cheerfully said waving around Phyrne's chopped off arm mockingly. Only to get interrupted in the middle of his sentence.

"S-STOP IT MERLIN! WE ONLY NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! LEAVE HER ALONE!" A broken, voice cracked shout echoed through the halls, as it's source filled it with a wide array of raw emotions. Bell stood up resolutely and stared metaphorical daggers at the Dragon.

"SHUT UP! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING THE CLASSIC: "Chop off the arm and Need a hand" JOKE! SIT YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN BOY!" Merlin mirrored Bell's shout with a more... Deranged? shout back, disregarding atmosphere and circumstance, continuing to act his deranged way to Bell's fueling and rising rage.

At Merlin's shout, Bell's body completely froze as he was forcibly dropped to a sitting position, a familiar situation. He could not move, at all. Hell, he couldn't even speak.

'DAMN IT!' Bell thought to himself in rage and helplessness. Tears forming in his eyes as well.

"*Cough* Ahem! Anyway! Need a hand? Pfft... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Merlin, after freezing Bell without his consent, continued with his "Funny" joke, coughing attention back to him. Not that any attention left him in the first place... Finishing it off with a deranged laughter at his hilarious (Self Proclaimed) joke. The laughter does not do wonders for Haruhime's and especially Phyrne's psyche, the laughter seeming to be the calling of the grim reaper in Phyrne's case. Bell can't do anything but helplessly watch.

Phyrne, did not respond to Merlin's question, still in deep agony at her lost arm. Grinding her teeth and hyperventilating to prove the point, her froggy heartbeat drums and reverberates through the cavernous hall at the current silence.

"No answer? Shame... Can't you at least make this a little more entertaining for me, can't you? Where's all that spunk you had when you grabbed Bell me boy before? Hmm? What was that cliché villainy cackle you couldn't just stop uttering? "KEKEKEKEKE!" was it? Come on Froggy! Cackle for me!" Merlin commented in disappointment, as he floated down on to the ground and began to slowly walk towards the pain and fear paralyzed Phyrne. Asking for her signature cackle with a mocking tone, staring her dead in the eyes.

*STEP* *STEP* *STEP* *STEP* He walks towards her slowly, and stopping at arm's length away from her.

*GULP* Phyrne gulps in fear and opens her mouth to communicate?

"P-Please I b-beg of you don't k-kill me... Please" Phyrne lets out a coarse, shaky and rough voice, as she practically begs Merlin for mercy. Tears form and begin to drop on the ground.

'Shit, no cackle?' Merlin thought to himself in disappointment

Both Haruhime and Bell stare further gobsmacked at how helpless Phyrne seems. How she turned from an arrogant frog, to a frog crying helplessly to save it's life. At Phyrne's helplessness, their tears and emotions skyrocket in intensity, for different reasons. Haruhime bawls like a newborn child in empathy and worry for Phyrne. Bell, in addition to similar reasons as Haruhime, bawls at his helplessness, his rage and Merlin's betrayal?

Silence... Only the sound of crying, pained breaths and dripping blood echoes through the narrow passage as the grounded Dragon stares at the helpless bawling frog.

"*Sigh* This has just lost it's appeal. Really, I let loose once in a while and this happens? Perhaps I expected too much of Froggy! Your arrogance vanished into thin air once faced with a life threatening situation! Where's your pride? Your self respect? *Sigh* Guess I'll cut it short this time... Still, unfortunately for you Froggy, I still have a lesson to teach! So your life is still forfeit! in your next life, maybe don't kidnap people for less than savory reasons, especially when they're under age... On second thought! You deserve death whether I have a lesson to teach or not!" Merlin sighed as he commented in disappointment at Phyrne's reaction to himself, hoping for a more amusing and arrogant reaction. Creating slight hope he shall spare her, only to crush it without mercy as he continued his point.

'NO! HE'S PLANNING TO KILL HER!' Bell thought to himself as he tried everything and anything to force his body to move, despite Merlin's freeze. A valiant but nevertheless useless effort.

"Don't kill Phyrne-sama, Dragon-sama!" Haruhime, the only one who isn't frozen, collects herself and realizes the situation, getting up and running towards Phyrne and Merlin. Shouting out an attempt to stop the murder that is about to happen.

However, Haruhime freezes mid run, unable to move at all, much like Bell.

"Look, Foxy, You may be Number 5, And although I am grateful you managed to save this story from turning into a hentai, I will not accept ANY plot disruption attempts my good slutty lady! Not at all! So, stand there, frozen without any ability to talk nor express your personality, like the good fan service side character that you most likely are!" Merlin turned his gaze to meet Haruhime's apprehensive emerald eyes, as he brutally and tactlessly chastised and degraded her. Calling her a fan service? side character? How vulgar! And insensitive...

This chastising didn't do any favors to Haruhime's current mental state. Her ears would of lowered further were she able to move a muscle.

"Damn, what's with the interruptions today? A Man just can't do his job! Okay Froggy! Say your prayers!" Merlin grumbled like an old man, As his jaw unhinged like a snake, and a... Golden Light, began to slowly form and increase in size and intensity.

"W-WAI-" Phyrne began to coarsely shout out, attempting to move her body... Which seemed to be Frozen, and not just fear paralyzed. Her muscles not working, but her facial and speech related muscles worked just fine. But, unfortunately, her sentence will never be fully formed. As it got interrupted by the Vulgar and Evil? Dragon.

"Night Night!" He choked out out loud whilst his jaw was unhinged and the Golden Light ball? was half the size of his scaly mouth.

The frozen Bell and Haruhime could not do anything but helplessly and tearfully spectate the... pointless killing and abuse in front of them.

At Merlin's sentence, the Golden Light? Vanished... But nothing seemed out of the ordinary? Or was it?

*DROP* A head, drops on the ground... Phryne's head.

Not a sound, not a light beam, Nothing... The entire body of Phyrne seemingly... Erased from existence, no trace of it ever being there. Only her head that was dropped on the ground, being the clear evidence of her having existed. The erasure? So accurate that NOTHING but Phyrne's body was affected.

""BLEGH"" Bell And Haruhime, seemed to unfreeze at the same moment as the head dropped on the ground, at the sight of it and it's soulless gaze, they reacted accordingly. Dropping their gaze and head down, vomiting their breakfast on the ground.

Both their faces, complete messes, stained with tears, exhaustion, rage and traces of... vomit. (eww)

A choking silence permeates the narrow hall. Bell slowly raises his head to meet Merlin's gaze that he felt was directed at him. Haruhime, passed out in the culmination of all that has happened thus far.

Merlin's undecipherable gaze and amethyst eyes wordlessly met Bell's rage and betrayal filled ruby eyes. The wordless staring continued until Bell noticed Merlin's clawed paw holding... Phyrne's chopped off? Burnt off? Head.

"Y-YOU... WHY?! WHAT WAS THE PO-" Bell broke the silence with a question. A question filled with more rage than ever before in his life. The young hero's rage burning into an inferno at the brutal and pointless lose of life.

Only to get interrupted before completing the question

"Why did I do it? *STEP* *STEP* What was the point? *STEP* *STEP*" Merlin echoed out Bell's unspoken question coldly, slowly making his way towards Bell, until arriving mere inches away from him. Never cutting eye contact with him.

Upon arriving near Bell, he brought Phryne's head in front of Bell instead of his own position. Forcing Bell to see Phyrne's fearful and soulless expression before she lost her life to the cruel Dragon. Forcing him to meet his eyes with the formerly terrified Phyrne.

*GASP* The sight causing Bell to choke out a startled gasp.

"Why did I do it? Well, there are many reasons. For one, it's for my own amusement and sadism. And other factors that are not really important in the grand scheme of things... But, even I'm not so cruel as to carelessly kill for sadistic purpose most of the time. Bell... The point? The main reason? She's dead... Because of you." Merlin explained coldly, no amusement in his tone whatsoever. Still forcing Bell to stare at Phyrne's lifeless head.

At Merlin's sentence, Bell's eyes widened, he vocalized his denial immediately.

"Y-You could of j-just stopped her and got us out of here... YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HER!" Bell stuttered out his logic and denial, gaining confidence in it midway as he shouted out, turning his gaze from the dead Phyrne back to Merlin.

"Indeed, I could of just saved her, but with that very same logic, I could of just solved all your problems right? I could just make you Level 10 this instant! Hell! I could make this entire world a paradise in a snap of my fingers! No... Bell, You agreed to this. Remember? "Anything" You said, this is the price. The life of your kidnapper, the one who planned to do unspeakable things to you. A small price to pay for salvation, if I do say so myself!" Merlin answered with ever rising frustration, explaining his twisted and cruel logic. Pointing a claw at Bell's chest.

"E-EVEN SO-" Bell shouted out in frustration and anger, only to be rudely interrupted again by the annoyance.

"Grrr, Even so what?! Bell, I have mentioned this many a time, and it seems this has not drilled well into your head, but hopefully this exact scenario will drill this lesson permanently in your sorry little skull... I am not a Hero. I am the MENTOR of heroes, there is a difference, there exists a wide canyon sized gap between my morality and the average morality of a hero, a gap you must accept and learn to live with as long as I am here. I will not needlessly press and force you into my own morals and ideologies, but my own actions, however, FORCED upon by a boon or a beg for help, like the one you REQUESTED just now. Will be done, not your way, but MY way, whether it is more cruelly to my amusement, more silly, again, to my amusement or anything else really! Recall what I said in the past. My wholehearted support and actions in YOUR direct and obvious favor will be done only when I'm Mentoring, training and or advising you... But, when you force my hand with a boon or a BEG for help, that I may accept out of amusement, it will be done MY way, whether you like it or not. I may do it in a way to further my amusement, I may do it in a way to teach you a lesson, it could be both! But regardless the ultimate conclusion to all this is..." Merlin lectured in frustration, further elaborating and emphasizing what he has said in the past, on the very day he was summoned.

"Phyrne's death, was ALL your fault. Completely." Merlin commented cruelly, his tone and eyes losing all emotion, completely cold has he laid out the facts?

At Merlin's words, Bell's begins to shake his head in denial as his face pales, tears reforming in his eyes. Consequences of his? own actions rearing their ugly head.

"Your. *Crack* Fault. *Splatter*" Merlin shoved Phyrne's lifeless head in front of the palling Bell's face, as he increased his grip strength, beginning to crack the skull until... it exploded in front of Bell's face in a gory mess. Brain matter and tissue on his body and face, blood painting his face crimson on top of that.

All this, chaos and suffering, and despair. Proved too much for the young hero. Losing his consciousness amidst the storm of emotions and experiences in his head.

*DROP* Bell's bloody body drops on the ground softly? As the Draconic filth seems to have caught Bell and laid him down gently.

"*Sigh* What a mess! Maybe this was too cruel a lesson for the kid? Meh! I ain't no pussy that I'd resort to reversing time to fix this crap! He'll either man up and grow some balls finally! Or... he'll completely justifiably hate me for the rest of his life for traumatizing him, swear bloody revenge on me, leave the village to train with some snake freak and be chased by some blonde master manipulator that has the hots for his ass. Or maybe something else? I do love a good mystery reaction! Spices up these old nerves! HAHAHAHHAHAH!" Merlin commented with slight regret at his cruelty, an idea to reverse time flashing in his mind's eye for but a moment, an idea that was swiftly dismissed by his signature Sigma Male (Self proclaimed) standards. Laughing to himself in a classic deranged laughter.

"Welp, this is awkward! Hope this passage really is a secret one! Considering Froggy, may her froginess rest in peace, also knew about this passage despite it's... Secrecy, high ranking member or not." Merlin noted in amusement as he's starring at the unconscious and bloody bodies of Bell and Haruhime in wonder, analyzing the perceived secrecy of the passage.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey people! I had more time on my hands than expected, so I was able to pump out the final chapter in terms of the Merlin brutality, Truth be told, there isn't much of a fight I can write with him, any fight he enters, he can end in an instant after all, This one was more specific to his goals and twisted personality, as such it was more prolonged than usual. Hope it was not too bad! This hopefully gave you a more concrete glimpse towards how Merlin thinks and acts. My goal is to slowly but surely reveal all aspects of Merlin's character eventually, his motives, purposes, true morals and so on! So this is the big first step, sort of. I'm hoping to finish the Haruhime arc in another 2-3 chapters. 4 at max!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-