
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Captivity And A Foxy Rescue

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-

(Although I am trying to follow canon, this chapter was not easy to write, thanks to the situation Bell finds himself in, So I'm sorry if you're bothered by the content of this chapter. Content such as this will never appear again in the future, at least in terms of the Danmachi arc. So I'm powering through this chapter, whilst keeping the writing and characters as consistent as I'd portrayed them.)

Hey people, pals, buddies, friends? acquaintances? Whatever! Now, unfortunately, I have yet to receive any feedback in regards of whether you guys enjoy the new way POV and the writing is handled, for safety purposes I'll roll with it for the time being, I'd say up until chapter 19? This is a harder style to write as I am used to the previous one, but if it is the better and more preferred style, I'll of course continue this way. As this is critical I'd appreciate even 1 response in regards to this! Thanks!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Ishtar Familia House-

-Unknown Location-

-Dungeon Cell-

(I'm unsure if the warnings are completely necessary, as I don't find this that bad. but for the sake of others who are bothered here's a warning)


A dark, and dreadfully quiet cell. it's only source of light being a lonesome torch at the far reaches of the cell itself. In the cell a boy can be seen chained, slowly awakening from his forced slumber. Noticeable by the twitches of his body and the sounds of the chains on his arms as well as legs moving.

That boy is non other than our protagonist, Bell Cranel of course.

"H-Hmm" Bell releases a weary grumble as he slowly opens his eyes and attempts to move his body significantly more forcefully than his previous twitches.

*Chling* The chains release a more powerful melody in accordance to the force of movement displayed by the chained boy.

"W-Wha?!" He quickly realizes that he has not, in actuality, woken up in his bed. But rather, in an unknown place. Chained in an unknown place to be exact.

His mind flashes a thousand images at once, scanning and looking for an explanation to how he has ended up here.

One clear image struck him. The one where he was grabbed by Phyrne and then...

"I see... I was kidnapped wasn't I?" Bell mumbles aloud in hopelessness and exhaustion, lowering his head in growing despair.

'No... I need to get out of here... I need to know if the others are okay... I need to save Haruhime-san! This isn't the time to despair Bell Cranel!' Bell, when all seems lost, quickly composes himself rather maturely, regaining light and hope in his eyes, in order to fulfil his duty and quest.

"Have to do something about those..." He whispers as he inspects the chains around his arms and legs.

*Chling* He attempts to move his hands, but is stopped by the quite sturdy chains.

"Alright..." *FUUUUUUUH* Bell says with resolve, taking a deep breath in preparation to break the chains with his full strength.

"HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" *CHLINGGGGG* Bell screams loudly as he hardens his muscles and pulls the chains, in an attempt to break them, with all his Level 3 strength.

"Hah... No good..." Despite Bell's efforts and furious roar, the effort was for naught. The chains being extraordinarily sturdy. To a disturbing degree, he sighs and shakes his head in disappointment at his failure.

"Could they be made of Adamantite or maybe Mythril?" He hazards a guess as to why exactly, he could not break the chains. A look of confusion and frustration painting his face.

"No. They're made out of nanomachines son! They harden in response to physical trauma!" A passionate and confident response met Bell's educated guess, the responder? Non other than Merlin! Who has... Appeared out of nowhere above Bell.

"Merlin-sensei?! You're here! Thank Kami-sama!" Bell shouts in relief and joy, meeting the Dragon's amethyst eyes with his ruby ones as the dragon floats above him, transmitting the warm message. And, of course, ignoring the incomprehensible terms the Dragon throws out.

The Dragon raises a scaly eyebrow at the overreaction.

"What's this? Is it only in tough times, that you are happy and relieved to see me? Maybe I should let you get into more rough situations in the near future!" Merlin, although flattered from Bell's reaction to his appearance, analyzes and quickly responds with a hurt tone, that instantly switches to a gleeful and jolly one, at the future misery of Bell.

At that, Bell's eyes widen and his face turns pale as he gulps. Shaking his head rapidly in denial.

"I-I'll treat you better in the future?" Bell tried to respond, failing to compose himself, and telling a, well to put it lightly. A straight up lie. Noticed by Merlin who raises his scaly eyebrow once again.

'The kid really needs to get his lie game up to standards, he's just making it way too easy for me. Now... Back to fixing his stupidity.' Merlin thought to himself in disappointment and worry, whether the worry is directed at Bell or at himself remains to be seen. As he shakes his head to get back in the game.

*Ahem* "Listen well Bell! Although it's not something we went through in our, rather COMPACT curriculum but it's common sense so listen well!" Merlin coughs and says in a carefree tone, switching his mood at imperceptible speed to a more serious one.

"Hai! Sensei! *Chling* Oh... Sorry Sensei I can't salute with these chains!" Bell responds with a strong shout, like the good? soldier he is.

*Tsk* Merlin clicks his tongue

"Huh?" Bell releases a sound of confusion tilting his head at Merlin's click of the tongue.

'Did I do something wrong?' Bell couldn't help but wonder at just what he could of done

"YOU BET YOUR ASS YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG MAGGOT!" Merlin suddenly roars furiously, a shout that echoes loudly through the cell and beyond.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Bell screeches at the sudden and unwarranted? spook he just experienced, more than likely soiling his pants. But we wont tell him that.

"What kind of idiot screams like a banshee when he is held captive? You're just BEGGING for an early torture and interrogation session. Use your head here? They know you're Level 3, so if they left you without any guards, they are confident their chains will hold you. And most likely, we are located in the prostitution headquarters, the kinky fuckers love their hard and strong chains, AND we, to our misfortune, have no one who could come and help us at a shout of help. To top it all off, were in a dungeon cell bro, didn't you hear the echo when you were talking to yourself like an imbecile? Were somewhere large and underground, ain't no way someone's gonna hear you. Do better." Merlin continues his lecture, albeit with a calmer and more patient tone. But nevertheless brutally and of course vulgarly, reprimanding as well as degrading Bell's idiotic actions and lack of foresight/analysis. Ending the lecture with a disappointed shake of the head to seal the deal.

At the... gentle reprimanding, Bell could not respond with anything but contemplating silence. Seemingly processing Merlin's words, Bell's face flashes through multiple emotions visibly. Upon finishing the digestion of the lecture, Bell attempted to apologize, only to be cut off from his thoughts and attempt, as the migraine inducing Dragon decided to rub more salt on the wound.

"Oh! And before I forget! For the love of your titty goblin you call a Goddess. Please never scream like that again, that was a girlish screech of the most epic proportions. To give you the benefit of the doubt, it may increase the chances of someone coming to your rescue, mistaking you for a girl. But, it's not worth your pride and dignity as a man! Attempt screaming for help when you grow some body hair on your ass. Next time, I'm expecting a shout of pure unadulterated and unfiltered testosterone, one that unleashes all the monkey fight instincts that are ingrained in your bipedal subconscious. Though granted, it'll be a few years before that happens kid... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Merlin continues his merciless lecture, this time degrading Bell's sense of pride as a man, shattering his dignity, all with that shit eating grin on his face and a hearty laugh at Bell's misery. (Didn't have to do him that dirty to be honest...)

Bell, shocked by the merciless and brutal tearing down of his pride and dignity. Surprisingly, collects himself swiftly, opting to pacify the upset? or is it amused? Dragon. Might he be getting better at dealing with his nonsense?

"Umm... I-I'm sorry Sensei, I didn't think that far and I'll never scream like that aga -" Bell started with a downtrodden tone and face, apologizing sincerely only to be cut off by the rude and vulgar Dragon.

"You know, it's funny. You always find the ideal places to stutter. Quite the cunning rabbit you are, knowing well that I, can't just simply beat you half to death in these circumstances now can I? Oh but don't worry! As a result of your idiocy, froggy is on her way here to deliver, not so divine and probably to my dismay, extremely morally wrong retribution in my place!" Merlin comments in irritation, a jolly and dangerous tone of voice in his words. A shit eating grin right back to it's usual spot. Pointing ominously towards the... Only door in the room

"Phyrne-san is coming?!" Bell focuses, justifiably, on the most important piece of information. As he responds with dread and fear, face paling considerably.

"Yup, can't you hear the rather... Light and feathery sound of her footsteps? How her feet are gently kissing the ground she steps on?" Merlin answers with humor coloring his face and tone, giving a nod to confirm his words.

'I don't hear anything?' Bell questions himself, opting on focusing on his ears and the sounds around him, closing his eyes to increase the effectiveness of his hearing, all in order to truly hear if Phyrne was coming, the false hope of Merlin just fooling with him.

Reality was, however, unkind to Bell. As he could unfortunately finally hear the footsteps...


The sounds stop just outside the door...

*Gulp* Bell gulps loudly, face so pale you could mistake him for a vampire monster.

"Chill my student! Let's think optimistically! Who knows? Maybe despite her earlier behavior, Froggy is on her way here to discuss about her favorite type of boys with you. You know, those gap moe characters who are only cruel in public but pleasant in private! You anime people have a lot of those types! You'll probably be in a pleasant conversation involving Tea! Cookies! Heartbreak! And... Chains? Yeah no, scratch that I got nothing, your absolutely fucked." Merlin attempted to calm down Bell, by providing him some semblance of hope, only to backtrack on his line of thought and confirm the obvious, vulgarly of course. Saying the last sentence emotionlessly.

Yes, to put it in Merlin's words, Bell Cranel seems to be, absolutely fucked.

*CREAK* The door opens slowly, to reveal...

A drooling Phyrne-san, drool that is comparable to the one some breeds of dog release as they anticipate food, only on a... Extreme scale, drool that is most likely produced as a result of Phyrne anticipating... Something with Bell.

"Yup, exactly as advertised... Yuck!" Merlin commented upon sight of the toad-like amazon, physical repulsion and disgust on his draconic face.

Both Bell's and Phyrne's eyes meet, a predatorial, hungry and manic look in her eyes, in stark contrast to Bell's growing fear and panic filled eyes.

*Lick* She licks her lips and the drool begins to drop on the ground in great amounts.

"What in the fuck? This is really an exaggerated reaction. I mean what kind of saliva factory is operating in that creature's mouth?" Merlin further comments, his disgust being mixed with bewilderment at Phryne's weird biology. A hand paw thing holding his draconic face in contemplation, seemingly and dumbly attempting to decipher the Toad lady's biology.

Phryne wipes the drool off her face, as she begins to slowly walk towards Bell, keeping that predatorial look in her eyes locked firmly with Bell's.


"KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKKE" She madly and lustfully? Cackles as she makes her way slowly towards Bell, to his panic, that has reached max input, evident by his reaction.

*Chling* *Chling* "HELP ME! MERLIN SENSEI! SAVE ME! PLEASE! SHE'S COMING!" Bell, cries out in a panic, eyes completely wide in fear as they dart around the room searching for hope and a savior, locking themselves back on the only one who CAN help. Eyes filled with tears as he holds himself back from bursting out in tears, only to let a few tears drop, bravely, to Merlin's own unheard opinion.

The reaction? A grimace from the Dragon. And a contemplating look, as Phyrne slowly approaches Bell, getting ever so closer.

"KEKEKEKE! Where is your "Merlin-sensei"?! Little Rookie, only I know of this little Love Nest and no one will hear your screams... You will never escape... KEKEKEKEKE" Phyrne responds to Bell's desperation and panic mockingly, gleefully drinking in his misery and loss of hope. As she laughs her iconic and rather disgusting laughter.

*STEP* *RUMBLE* *STEP* *RUMBLE* She approaches ever closer, around 25 feet left.

"What's in it for me?" Merlin asks with the lowest tone possible, no discernable emotions in his tone nor face, meeting Bell's eyes with a dangerous look.

But to Bell, Nothing is more worthy of pure fear, than what he might experience in a few minutes. As such he does not hesitate, nor think through his own actions and responses. The response was instant, faster than light.

"ANYTHING! JUST SAVE ME!" Bell responds instantly, unthinkingly with desperation, metaphorically grasping at any straw to escape with his "Cranels" safe and intact.

'The idiot... Wrong answer... Although, it's my fault I've yet to teach him to control his emotions in times of crisis, it's still disappointing as that should be pretty obvious. Might I be expecting too much of the kid? Talent wise, compared to the last 17 heroes he is... Underwhelming? Need to reconfigure my standards for sure... Also considering his situation, would I have acted differently?' Merlin analyzed in disappointment Bell's wrong answer, a mental shake of his head at that. Only to try and give Bell the benefit of the doubt at his mistake?

'Considering all these, I guess I'll give him a lesson about the cruelty of reality! He'll probably hate me for a while! But, mistakes and words have consequences! Also, I've been wanting to do this since I laid my eyes on this thing!' Merlin resolved himself to punish? Bell, a mental nod of his head as well as excitement and... Blood lust? seeping into his expression unnoticably.

"Anything is it? Alright! I'll save you! But! It'll cost you a boon! Nothing else!" Merlin answered Bell's plea with a radiant? smile full of "good" will. A "kind" eye smile that, due to Bell's panic and lack of clarity in his chaotic and panicked mind, failed to notice containing a faint trace of Bloodlust.

Bell's expression, to Phryne's confusion, instantly brightens up and switches to a hopeful and relieved one. A absurd conclusion forming in her mind at the mood swing.

"I see... You are excited to be with me, did you finally recognize my beauty Little rookie?!" Phyrne asked in pride and unjustified arrogance, as she misunderstood Bell's reason for the change of expression.

*STEP* *RUMBLE* *STEP* *RUMBLE *STEP* She continues to move towards Bell, arriving but 5 feet away from him.

At the situation, Bell's hopeful expression sours quickly and returns to panic, sending a pleading and panicky look in Merlin's direction.

'This isn't the time for jokes!' Bell panics internally

"S-Sensei?! Get me out of here!" He shouts out scandalized, wondering why he isn't transported or flown out of here by his Sensei.

Bell is only met with a cruel smirk on Merlin's face, and Bell's face pales considerably. A hollow look forms on Bell's face, completely losing faith and allowing himself to succumb to the situation.

'H-He lied...' Bell could not think otherwise, in betrayal and hurt

*LICK* Phryne Licks Bell's right cheek creepily and disgustingly, a lick that sent shivers and disgust to Bell's spine. But he ignored it apathetically in preparation to power through whatever is going to happen.

"Strike 1 Froggy~!" The moment Phyrne licked my face, Merlin said something about... Strike 1? A sentence noticed by Bell, as he widens his eyes in realization and glimmers with hope. A jolly tone in Merlin's words, that sharply contrast the escalating Bloodlust he is beginning to emit. A suffocating aura that is held back and unfelt by Phyrne nor Bell. The Dragon seems to want to keep his intentions to himself... For now.

'He's... Going to help me? But why like this... Is he punishing me? What'd I do?!' Bell uncertainly concludes that perhaps, the Dragon wants to help him, and his current suffering is the consequence of a punishment for... something?

"Mhm! You're delicious Little Rookie! KEKEKEKE!" Phyrne cackles gleefully as she savors the taste of Bell's cheek? Weird stuff.

*Shiver* Bell shivers at Phryne's words and hungry expression.

"Let's see what's down here~!" Phyrne said in excitement, as she proceeded to move her large and chubby hand towards a dangerous location. Causing Bell to sweat heavily.

*GRAB* Something was grabbed

"HEEEEEP" Bell reacts as any specimen of the Male species would react at being grabbed at that place, especially by a frog lady gorilla Shrek thing.

"Strike 2 Froggy~! One more and you're out!" Merlin, laser focused in his... Strike counting has not reacted or moved an inch, focusing clearly on whatever he was planning. Probably related to Phyrne.

"Tsk, Just you wait! By the end of this you wont be able to get enough of me! A rabbit in heat is what you'll become! KEKEKEKEKEK!" Phyrne clicks her tongue in disappointment at Bell's "Cranel" Not being boosted by Liaris Freese, as she confidently and ominously states she'll make him a "Rabbit in heat", classic froggy cackle to top it all off.

*STEP* *RUMBLE* *STEP* *RUMBLE* Phryne makes her way to the door out and leaving Bell's personal space, to his relief.

*CREAK* Opening the door.

*SLAM* And slamming it shut.

Leaving our favorite duo alone in silence and still in their predicament without any noticeable changes. Only 1 being more traumatized than the other.

A few seconds pass by in collective silence as Bell collects himself and Merlin... Floats silently, not losing concentration in whatever he was doing.

"So, Merlin-sensei... Are you planning to save me? I don't care about the boon." Bell questions with no hint of humor nor emotion, barring desperation and slight hope. A slightly hopeful look on his face as he meets Merlin's fabulous (Self Proclaimed) amethyst eyes.

"Wait for Strike 3 and you'll be fine~!" Merlin answers joyfully and ominously, a empty smile that perfectly hides whatever intentions he has...

"Alright Sensei... Are you punishing me? You said boons are instant use, no?" Bell reluctantly complies with Merlin's order, proceeding the agreement with an accusing question.

"Yes, We'll talk about this later." Merlin replies nonchalantly and offhandedly, waving off Bell's concern and worries tactlessly, killing the conversation instantly.

'Yes to what question?!' Bell rages a little inside in frustration at the Dragon's ambiguous answer.

Bell decides it's better to comply for now as he merely nods and lowers his eyes in depression and silent fury at his confusing and irritating Sensei.

*STEP* *STEP* *STEP* Steps could be heard outside the door, but to Bell's surprise they sounded much lighter than Phryne's

'Maybe help came?!' Bell allowed himself to hope, despite Merlin's guaranteed save. Probably hoping to keep that boon to himself.

*CREAK* The door opens and out of it comes a hooded figure

Both guests of the cell are openly glaring at the hooded figure to decipher it's identity. An action that is quickly proven useless as the figure reveals herself laxly.

The hood lowers to reveal...

"Cranel-sama?" A familiar voice, one belonging to a familiar Renard. A fact that is proven true once the figure lowers it's hood to reveal... Haruhime.

It's seems Bell's prayers have been heard!

"Haruhime-san!?" Bell yells out in utter relief, both at the probable save and at the chance of not wasting 1 of the only 2 boons.

"Cranel-sama! Shh! Shh! We can't let Phyrne-sama hear us!" Haruhime smiled and shushed Bell with a finger on her lips, to signal his silence.

"Well I'll be damned, Plot armor saved the day once again! And who would of thought the savior would be non other than Number 5! HAH! Ironic! Anyways! It's a shame truly, I wanted to let loose a little... But that's life for ya!" Merlin commented in surprise and disappointment, as his mood and expression returned to it's usual shit eating grin and mischievous tone.

"Lucky you kid! No boon wasted!" Merlin continued gleefully, claw poking Bell's... Licked cheek.

"Ah shit, I got froggy fluids on me... The moment we return home! A bath!" Merlin commented in disgust and finality, confident in their guaranteed? return home.

At Merlin's words, Bell visibly brightens, but not as much as when Haruhime made her way with a key towards him, freeing his arms and legs.

*Cling* *BANG* The chains drop on the ground

Relief unlike he has ever felt circulated through his body, an emotion he had to release along the others. As he tackled Haruhime on to the ground.

"C-Cranel-sama?!" Haruhime reacted in confusion and a blush, Bell clinging to her with a hug.

"I-I WAS SO SCARED!" Bell whispers in hurt and relief. Tears flowing freely from his eyes as he bursts into tears at the traumatizing experience and timely save.

'*Sigh* Now I just feel bad for not saving him earlier...' Merlin grimaces once again with a sigh and a shake of his draconic head.

Haruhime's eyes widen at Bell's reaction and her blush vanishes accordingly. A kind, calming and sympathizing smile plastered on her face. She hugs and comforts Bell, patting him on the back.

A few peaceful seconds pass in the rather absurd scene of two people comforting each other in a Dungeon cell. Until Haruhime lifts both her and Bell up from the ground.

"Quickly Cranel-sama, we have to leave before Phryne-sama comes back." Haruhime's face changes to a more serious look, emerald eyes narrowed and focused as she told Bell what to do.

"Follow me Cranel-sama!" Haruhime commanded as she moved out of the door lifting her hood to hide her hair and ears... For some reason?

"Right!" Bell nodded tearfully, regaining a bright smile at his innocence being in tact for another day, following her out of the door whilst Merlin wordlessly appeared on Bell's right shoulder.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hope this chapter wasn't too bad or disturbing or uncomfortable to read, I'd like feedback in case it was, I'll rectify my mistake at once if it is. But there wont be a repeat for something like this so don't worry!

Sorry for the shorter chapter again guys!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-