

Suddenly one day at the night time a fairy come to the world and it land into the river which is flowing besides the city of the capital. As it's a night time so there have no persons in there. This fairy did some mistake so his world's king punished him and send him this world. But this fairy don't know where he is now...................

_ASTS_ · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Doctors are so caring and also responsible in every time. Moon is also a doctor and she is also responses. Today she is with a patients who is staying her house. She is nervous also feeling bad for him. Now she go kitchen for ice. She make a ice bag and put it to his forehead. She is also wiping his body. She is taking a good care of him.....

Suddenly he start talking into sleep. Moon is thinking he is dreaming and so he is talking. He suddenly start talking about his friend and family again. Also start crying again. Now moon is feeling very sad for him. She go close and give him a warm hug. And telling him everything will be alright and she will treat him well. Also she is thinking what wrong was him. Why he is talking about his family. Is he lost everyone or he lost his memory. But sometime he talk like a mad. What will moon do now....? She can't think anything. He calm down but his fever is not coming down.

Moon give him some medicine also. Now he is sleeping and moon is taking care of him...

In the morning moon wake-up and see sunny is holding her hands and sleeping. She carefully take her hand out from there and counting his temperature. His temperature is not so high but not also low. She is thinking what she will do now. She have a duty today and today is so much important to her. Today she have an operation of an old man. She is a heart specialist. And she is also a good doctor. For the old man she have to go but sunny is also weak. She is thinking what she will do now. She is making sup for sunny also making food for her. Now she go to sunny and call him to wake him up and give him sup for eat. Sunny is feeling dizziness and he is looking so weak. But as a cold or fever nobody look that much weak. She is feeling scared also thinking what's wrong with him...? Is he have another problem.....? She help him to drink sup and after finish it she give him some medicine. She also tell him to take more rest. She have to go to hospital for some important duty. She will come soon. She is telling sunny... "don't go anywhere and take rest. Also i made some food for you in the noon you should eat this. When i will come back i will give you medicine if you need....".....

Now she is prepare her self to go to hospital. She go out and going to the hospital. Also she is thinking about sunny. Sunny is sleeping again. He can't think anything. But again and again she is dreaming about his Family. Moon is in the car and thinking about sunny. Suddenly she recall that she have to call her brother. Preveous day she call her brother but he didn't recipe her call. Now again she call her brother. Today he recipe her call and they are talking about their life firstly. Then moon asked her brother why he didn't recipe her call that day. Also her brother asked why is there have any problem....? Moon is telling everything to him. She is telling..... " I find a boy who come to hospital the preveous day. Also i am thinking he have some mentally problem. So i call you so that you can come here and treat him well.....". Her brother is again asking her... " Is this boy is your patient. Where is this boy now...? " Moon is replying him... " i took him with me because i thoughts that you will come and take him with you. But you didn't come and he is in my home now....." Her brother is asking her again..... " are you in alright...? did you lost your brain.....? What are you talking...? " Moon is now explaining him. She start from the beginning... " it was night time and i had night duty. I go for a round to see the patients. I enter a ward room and come out after sometimes and see nurse find a boy who was senseless. There have not so many doctors as it was late night. So i go there and see he was drunk also he was wearing woman's dress. I immediately give him some medicine and treat him and give him a male dress. In the morning he wake-up but suddenly he was asking question like a mad person..." Her brother is telling her now then you call me right...? Moon tell him... " yes ". But you didn't answer it...." Sorry dear but you didn't finish. Then what happen....? Again moon Start telling..... " then i though you will call me back after some time but you didn't. If you call me that time then sunny didn't have to suffer... " Moon's brother is again asking why what's happen...? Is there have any problem again...? Tell me now...

Moon is telling him..." I took him with me and give him a room for live that night. His behaviour was normal that time. Then i give him my dress as he have no dress and told him take a shower. He also listen her order and go for a shower. But he was so weak. I don't know why he was weak. As he was weak but he take shower for a long time. Now he is suffering fever from the late night. Also i have a operation today so i am going to the hospital and he is in the home alone. But now tell me where are you now.....". Moon's brother is telling her...." i am not at home/hospital also. Suddenly they send me at the village hospitality and i have to stay here more then 3 month. After 3 month i can come back...". Oh...! is it really important to go there..? She is asking to him. He replied.... " yes my sister. It's a bad condition in the village. They really need a good doctor if i come back to city then they will suffer a lot. After 3 months another doctor will come here. Then i will go back to my city.....". Moon can understand so she didn't say any things. She also say ohh....! it's ok i can understand. Now her brother is again asking her what she will do. Where sunny will live now....? Moon replied him she will think about it and obviously she will inform him. Her brother also agree with her. Also he know how his sister is... Moon say bye to her brother. She arriving to the hospital and going to her room. She need to prepared for operation. At first she see the condition of the patients and discuss with her senior. They will do operation together.....

Moon go to her preparing room for prepare and she is preparing her self. Moon is thinking about today's operation because today's operation will be hard as the patients is an old person. Suddenly she lost her mind and she is thinking about sunny. She is thinking what he is doing now...? Did he eat his medicine....? Another doctor come this room and call her. It's time to go for operation. All the doctors come to the operation room and then they take the patients into this room. They make the patients senseless and start operation. Today moon is with all the senior doctors so she don't need to be tensed. She is helping them and they are doing well. After a long time they finish their operation. They take 8 hour for today's operation. They do it perfectly and they wish everything will be alright. They send the patients in to the ICU. They will observe the patients for some time. Doctors congratulated to each others. As for today they finish their duty. Now they need rest. So they are going to the changing room for change.....

While she start changing suddenly she think about sunny. Also she have no information about him. At that moment some of her colleagued asked her what she did with this person after she take him with her. She say them..." he is with fever. Also don't know what's wrong with him. He always talk about something when he sleep. You know my brother very well. But he is busy also. Now i really don't know what i will do.....!. Ok now i have to leave. I don't know how he is doing now....? ".....

Moon come out and go to her car and leaving this place. When she go to the road, she is thinking that het brother will come after a long time. At this moment what will she do with him..? Now she is thinking she will call her parents to her home. If she do it then sunny will be safe also moon can do duty perfectly. Suddenly moon's mother call her. Her mother asked her firstly what's wrong with her...? Why didn't she tell them about this unknot boy.....? Don't she have any fear...? Also she asked her what will she do now....? Moon asked her how did she know about him. Then she replied..... " your brother tell me everything. But why you hide it from us....? " Then moon tell her..." i want to tell you also but i had a duty so i couldn't..... SORRY mother ! ..... " Now she is telling her.... " will you come to my house for some month. Because sunny can't do work also i have to do work for whole day. If you come to my house then i will feel good. You can help him and me also.... " Then her mother tell her.... " ok i will come tomorrow morning. I believe you. So don't worry about it. Is this boy is alright...? Your brother told me that he had a fever... " Moon again forget about him. She tell her she is going back to home. And she have no idea how he is right now. Her mother tell her it's really bad to leave alone a weak persons. She need to be more careful. Now they stop conversation and moon is thinking about sunny...

After sometime she arrive her house. She is in a hurry to go to his home. She is so much worry for sunny. She go to her home and asking sunny where is he...? But sunny is no answering her. She go to sunny's room and she is become surprised. Sunny is on the floor. She is scared and go to sunny and still calling him. She take him up and see he is still facing the fever. She can't understand why his body temperature is doing this. She see that sunny didn't take his medicine what she give him before. She is really feeling bad for sunny. At this moment she call the hospital and take 3 day off for sunny. Also she have no important duty in this 3 day. Now moon take up sunny to the bed and then she go to the kitchen and make food for him and take ice bag for him. He need care now. She is helping him to eat and then she give him medicine. He want to stay with moon so he just take her hand and telling her he want to go home. He want to tell her everything but he can't and if he tell her everything she will think that he is really mentally sick. Moon tell him she will listen everything if he want to tell her anything. But firstly sunny need to be alright. Moon didn't change her dress after coming back. So she tell sunny she need to change her dress after that she will come back. Moon go for changing dress and also come back. Now she set behind the sunny and giving him ice bag. Sunny can't sleep he is gating more weak now moon take him up and asking is he is facing another problem...? But he is not telling anything. So moon think she will take him to the hospital. She told sunny she will call the ambulance and take him to the hospital. Sunny request her don't do it. Give me sometime i will be alright. Sunny is feeling so weak and she put his head on moon's arms and trying to calm him. Moon also can't think what will she do. Now he fall in sleep.........