
Is it God's Will?

"FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, DECLARES THE LORD, PLANS TO PROSPER YOU NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE" Jeremiah 29:11 Sometimes-no we always make decisions that are opposite to God's plan for us. We end up ruining good things He hath planned for us.

loftphargus · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Imperfect 1

Yoon family's illegitimate child was me. I was the outcast and pest in their family. Even though my stepmother treats me well, I can still feel her hatred towards me. I understand her, I was the one who ruined her perfect family. I was the stain in the almost pure white fabric.

My "grandmother" also hates me. She always finds flaws on every little thing I do. Sometimes I wish that I could just escape from this whole family thing and start a new life.

Given the fact that I am the only granddaughter they have, they always treat me so well in front of the public eye. If I will ever start a family, I would choose to find a good man from an average family with an average job and life that can support our child and give what our child needs.

Like love.

"Hey Yoon Da-Eun, you should prepare your things for school." My stepmother said.

"Yes sae eomeoni."

In this household I do nothing but obey. Obey their words or else I'm afraid that I'll have to stop studying because I talked backed.

"Eomma! Let Da-Eun be, she can do anything by herself, she's already old enough." It was my brother Yoon Ji-Suk.

Yoon Ji-Woo our eldest brother tapped my shoulders. He's the most kind creature in this household I must say.

"Hah? You should tell that to yourself Ji-Suk. You're already in first year college and yet eomma prepares everything for you."

Ji-Suk rolled his eyes.

"Hyung, don't you remember? I'm the youngest child in here."

I excused myself and prepared my things, I was already in second year in medical school. I met lots of people in there including my only friend Lee Hana. Jisuk has a big crush on her but Hana is not into bacon.

Years have passed and now it's graduation day. Finally, I'll be able to get out of this house and I'll be earning my own money.

"Congrats on your graduation, Da-Eun!" My father Yoon Jae-Hyuk said and gave me flowers.

"Thank you appa." Even though I'm aware that they are just doing this for publicity.

"Congrats on graduating, our dear Da-Eun." "Grandmother" said.

"Thank you grandmother." I said.

Deep inside, I rolled my eyes.

"Noona, congrats!" Ji-Suk hugged me, what a show off in front of Hana.

I just hugged him back and replied nothing.

"Congrats Da-Eun!" Ji-Woo said.

They all congratulated me. I recieved a text from my mom this morning. She told me to take care of my life, that from now on I'm all by myself, and reality starts now.

Well, aren't I all by myself since the very beginning?

"Grandmother" was holding my hand when we took some pictures, it seemed that they were really proud of me. The picture made it seem that I came from a very happy family.

But when we're in the car, they were back to being distant towards me. I hate it. I know that they can't ever love me the way they do to Ji-Suk and Ji-Woo, but can't they make it less obvious?

It's immature to think like that, I shouldn't feel melancholic on my graduation day.

"Do you have any hospital in mind?" Sae eomeoni asked me.

"Hm mm, I'm thinking of applying to Mi-rae hospital."

She smiled. But then it soon faded.

From: Kim Haru

To: Da-Eun

Congrats on graduating dear cousin! Good luck on your journey 🍀🍀🍀🍀

I smiled.

He was the only direct relative that I know from my real mother's side.

A week had passed and "grandmother" talked to me.

"Da-Eun-a, since you already finished your studies, you should try and get to know some good man that you'll soon marry."

And it all leads to this.

Shin Lee Seon and me in an exquisite and sophisticated restaurant.

"Do you have a boyfriend or partner?"

I shook my head.

"I'm finding a wife that can give me a child and will not interfere in my own business. I think you're also finding someone like that, Miss Yoon."

"Certainly. I want someone who will not interfere in my line of work and keep it all casual."

What am I saying? I want to marry someone I love and of course who will not treat my future child like the way my father treated me.


"Are you a Buddhist?"

He laughed.

"I am a Christian."

That made me feel relieved.

"Then, when would you like to get married? This week, next week or next month?"

I gulped.

"This week."

He smiled.

When I got home, my "grandmother" happily smiled at me and hugged me.

"Omo! Our dear Da-Eun and Shin Lee Seon will get married this week. I am so happy for you, dearest Da-Eun."

It's like telling me that this is only right and this is the price and payment of being an illegitimate child of Yoon 's family. She's really happy I'm going to marry a Shin.

Sae eomeoni happily smiled too, finally, the lint in her pure and perfect family will be out of this house.

"Nari will choose your hanbok." "Grandma" said with finality in her voice.

Sae eomeoni looked shocked but she just agreed.

Can't I choose my own hanbok?

Well if they say so, when I got married, they will not be able to control my life anymore.

The two families held a formal dinner. Shin Lee Seon and his family arrived a minute earlier than the call time.

"Good evening, Mr. Yoon and Madame. Park." He greeted. He also bowed to "grandmother".

The famous Shin siblings are also there, given the fact that Shin Lee Seon is their cousin.

My father extended his hands for a formal handshake. Chairman Shin shook his hands.

Shin Lee Seon is just like me but also unlike me. When his parents died, his aunt and uncle took him in and showered him with love.

"Oh my, our soon-to-be daughter-in-law is so pretty." His aunt said while scanning me from head to toe.

I smiled. I don't know how to respond to compliments.

Shin Lee Seon sat beside me and they talked about his business. It's boring.

His aunt gave me a plate full of fruits.

"You should eat up Da-Eun-a..."

I nodded.

"Thank you Madame." I smiled and started eating it.

"Oh my, don't call me Madame, just call me aunt or mom."

When the steak was served, she even told Shin Lee Seon to slice it for me but I can do it so I stopped him from doing so.

"Aigoo, Lee Seon you better give us lots of grandchildren. Make a big family." Sae eomeoni said.

My eyes turned wide and looked at sae eomeoni.


His aunt laughed and said:

"Hm mm, your bride has a good birthing hips. She can easily give birth to four kids in three years."


"If it's twins, then they'll most probably have six children. Omo!" "Grandmother" added.

They really want to have lots of grandchildren, huh? I looked at Shin Lee Seon and he turned pale.

I laughed awkwardly.

My siblings were laughing in the corner and I glared at them, they tried to hold it in. They tried.

I can also see that Shin siblings are also laughing.

Shin Lee Seon awkwardly held my hand and replied:

"We'll have kids when she's ready."

Ji-Woo oppa said:

"She was born ready."

Then Ji-Suk and Ji-Woo laughed while teasing me.

I lowered my head and prepared myself to smile.

"How about the prenuptial agreement?" Asked by Chairman Shin.

Even though my father's side have an unpleasant attitude, they were not greedy.

"Do we even need to do that? Da-Eun already has her own money, it's not like they will be divorced, right?" Father said.

I am really thankful that "grandmother" thought me one thing.

Yoons don't chase for money, money chases Yoons.

"And besides, Da-Eun does not overspend, she knows her limits."

Shin Lee Seon let go of my hand and said:

"She can buy whatever she wants, I can give her anything she needs and wants. When we get married, I'll give her all my cards."

Wow he sounds like a sugar daddy.

Auntie awkwardly laughed and said:

"Hmm, I know some famous designers, we can talk to them and choose Da-Eun's hanbok." She smiled.

"Now that you mention it, should we go now and look for some fabrics that would suit Da-Eun?" Sae eomeoni said.

Shin Lee Seon looked at me and mouthed:

"Do you want to?"

I just nodded.

We all got out of the restaurant and Auntie stole me from my "family".

We got in the Shin's car.

"Da-Eun-a, do you still remember auntie?"

I smiled.

"Yes of course Madame, you are the one who gives me candy everyday when I'm in preschool."

She laughed.

"Have you been well, child? You're so thin, aigoo, do they even feed you? Don't worry, once you got married to our Lee Seon, I'll give you lots of fruits and rice cakes everyday."

When we arrived to the fabric store, sae eomeoni, grandmother and auntie pulled me in the bright color section.

"Red would suit Da-Eun, since she has a paperwhite skin." Sae eomeoni said.

"That's right, we should pair it with light tan." Auntie said.

"Since we already chose Da-Eun's hanbok, we should let her choose her wedding gown." "Grandmother" said.

"But I don't know much about fashion and stuffs like that..." I replied.

Sae eomeoni smiled at me.

"We got your back." She said.

They pulled me to the bridal gown section and I saw lots of pretty designs.

One of them caught my attention, the one that has puff sleeve and not so extravagant design.

"I like that dress." I said.

Auntie talked to the saleslady and I tried to wear it on the fitting room. It fits me so well, it was simple yet elegant.

"Oh my, Da-Eun you are so pretty!"

On the other side, I saw Shin Lee Seon wearing a three-piece suit. On our first interaction, he's already wearing three-piece suit but this hits different.

It was a white coat and cool gray vest and pure white pants. It suits him well.

"Hey Da-Eun-a! What do you prefer, necktie or bowtie?" Ji-Woo asked me.

"Necktie." I answered simply.

I'm not really picky when it comes to clothes so we did not have any problem, the dress was delivered in Friday, and Saturday is our wedding day.

They already sent invitations to the respective guests.

I was the one who chose the one who will perform the ceremony. I was born and raised as a Christian so I chose the Pastor who acted as my father throughout the years.

Cameras are everywhere. Paparazzis are everywhere.

"Yoon Da-Eun-ssi, do you accept Shin Lee Seon-ssi as your husband?"

"I do."

"Shin Lee Seon-ssi, do you accept Yoon Da-Eun-ssi as your wife?"

"I do."

Reverend Jeong smiled.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Greetings were exchanged.

"Congrats cousin!" Kim Haru said.

"Thanks Haru." I replied.

Haru smiled at Shin Lee Seon, Shin Lee Seon smiled back at him.

They are taking pictures of everything. Shin Lee Seon's left hand stayed on my waist.

"Shin Lee Seon." I called out.

He raised his right brow.

"You know, you should call me by my first name or give me an endearment, we're already married Da-Eun-a." He smiled sweetly.

That's really weird.

"You're right, jagiya"

He looked shocked but he laughed it off.

When it's the turn of the family to take pictures with us, jagiya had the brightest smile.

He was holding my hand. I also smiled.

When we got home on the house he bought, I was amazed by the beauty of the exterior design.

The interior design is screaming wealth like it should.

"Uh, can I use the bathroom first?"

He nodded.

I must say, he was not really talkative.

Taking a bath made me feel fresh and cool. It relaxed every single nerve I have in my body.

I wore a pair of pyjamas.

"You done?" I nodded my head.

"If you feel sleepy, sleep." He added.

I climbed up the bed and closed my eyes.

After he finished taking a bath. He also lied down beside me.

"Good night, sweet dreams." He said.

"Likewise." I replied.

I prayed before sleeping.

I slept really quickly. It was the most relaxed state that I have ever experienced.

When I woke up, a white shirt was in front of me. I was hugging someone and that someone is hugging me too.

I looked up to see Shin Lee Seon's sleeping face.

I removed his hands from me and I opened my bible and read it. I prayed afterwards and gently tapped his shoulders.



"It's Sunday..."

Only then he woke up and realized it's Sunday.

He prayed and read his bible then brushed his teeth.

I went to the bathroom to take a bath. I wore a white button down shirt and black pants. I dried my hair and tied it into a ponytail.

I opened the refrigerator and fetch an egg. Thank goodness there was a kimchi. I cooked the rice and fried an egg.

After he was done, the food is already cooked. As we are eating, he looked shocked.

"We forgot to pray before eating."

I immediately bowed my head and prayed.

Thank You for this food, Lord. Thank You for the blessings. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

I ate fast.

After eating I asked him a question.

"What church do you normally go to?"

He continued to eat and drank water before answering me.

"The one who performed our wedding ceremony, y'know Reverend Jeong. I always go to his church. He was the one who brought me to my aunt when my parents...."

I was shocked.

"Ohh, you also know Reverend Jeong personally."

He nodded.

After he finished eating and brushed his teeth, we left and he drove towards the church.

The congregation was singing Holy, Holy, Holy. It's the first Sunday of the month anyway.

"Are we all okay today? Haha! Yesterday I performed a wedding ceremony. They suit each other very much.

I know both of them personally and I know that they'd be a happy family. And our passage today is about love.

In our lectionary, it's the Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 4 and it goes like

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awaken my love, until he please.

And as I was reading this early in the morning, it got in my mind. How many married couples are there who got married that forcedly awakened their love?

Me as a single reverend, wondered. Did you get married in God's perfect time?"

I don't know how it happened.

It all escalated so so fast.

It's dark now.

And we are kissing torridly in front of our house. He carried me to the bed and we end up doing 'it' .

Now Reverend Jeong's message a while ago kept ringing on my mind.

Did we get married in God's perfect time? Or did we rushed things too quickly?

I don't know anymore.